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Rozwiązanie legislatywy w systemie parlamentarnym

It is noticeable that, while the parliament has a lot of constitutional checks against the government, the latter does not, at least directly, have such a weapon. It must avail itself of good will of the head of state and his willingness to cooperate. Two constitutional checks are in play: the dissolution of the legislature and the vetoing of the statute passed by it. The fi rst is considered a counterbalance to the procedure for exercising parliamentary responsibility by way of a motion of no confi dence. It has inhibiting effect on the legislature reducing their desire to apply this measure. Obviously, as a rule, its application leads to the immediate termination of the legislature’s mandate and necessitates the holding of a new election. It is, therefore, a measure to exert pressure on the parliament, used as a form of psychological blackmail. No MP will willingly resign from seat, especially in the face of an expensive, costly and cumbersome election campaign whose outcome is uncertain. In theory, the threat of dissolution of the legislature alone had to ensure a balance between it and the executive branch. Normally, use of this threat is enough to prevent the government from falling, because its parliamentary faction then closes ranks and ceases a revolt against its leadership. And when the threat does not work, it usually is put into effect. This measure is intended to be used as a means of resolving a fundamental confl ict between the supreme state authorities, the confl ict which has damaged their ability to cooperate. The examined instrument is sui generis a counterpoint to the vote of no confi dence, or a “deterrence.” Thus, it signifi cantly affects the functioning of the entire state system.
The topic of this comparative study is the republican character of the system of governance in Kosovo. In the public discourse and political communication, as well as in academic discourse Kosovo is considered a Parliamentary Republic, based on the principle “of the separation of powers and checks and balances between them.” Although the constitutional definition of the relationship between the executive and legislative favors parliamentary republicanism, the constitutional powers of the president, the government and especially the constitutional and political power of the prime minister, significantly weaken the parliamentary character, in favor of a semi-presidential system. However, neither the current theories of government, nor constitutional provisions can rank Kosovo among semi-presidential systems, or pure parliamentary systems. Comparisons of competence powers relations in Kosovo, with similar relations and competences of the countries of the region and beyond, testify to the specific nature of parliamentary democracy in Kosovo. It is precisely the comparison of the Kosovo constitutional-legal system of governance with similar systems and theoretical analysis of parliamentary models facing Kosovo model which will be the basis of support of the hypothesis that Kosovo is not a typical parliamentary republic.
The paper deals with different variants of the presidential model, with a particular emphasis on the possibility of including the post of prime minister. The author argues that presidentialism should be defined by taking into account abstracted general constructions that can be duplicated and easily identified outside the United States of America. Such a research perspective allows for the analysis of structures that exist in countries that adopt the most important assumptions of the presidential system but modify it in various ways. One of such potential modification is the existence of the post of prime minister, as well as some other elements of parliamentarianism. The author examines the features of presidentialism on the example of six selected countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus, Kenya, South Korea and the Ivory Coast). Three of them have the posts of prime ministers, while the other three are closer in this respect to the model known from the United States of America.
A portal and publications on Prime Ministers Ewa Kopacz and Beata Szydło served as an example of what the image of Polish politicians created by Czech media and what are their media images are. The image of a politician will be understood here as how they are perceived and what influences this perception – information, views, opinions or ideas about them. This will also be about how a person is perceived by the public. The paper analyses the images of Ewa Kopacz and Beata Szydło based on a study of texts appearing in the Czech portal iDnes.cz
Artykuł podejmuje problematykę rządu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, rozumianego jako jeden z podmiotów władzy wykonawczej, powoływany przez organ przedstawicielski, na przykładzie trzech państw, tj. Polski, Czech i Słowacji. Państwa te łączy wspólna, niełatwa historia, przyjęty po 1989 r. system rządów, wzajemne sąsiedztwo, zbieżne interesy. Funkcjonujący w tych państwach model egzekutywy statuuje Polskę, Czechy i Słowację w gronie państw o parlamentarno-gabinetowym systemie rządów. Obok prezydenta wybieranego w wyborach bezpośrednich, istnieje kolegialne ciało-rząd, na którego czele stoi premier. Rząd z premierem na czele jest de facto podmiotem o największym zasobie władzy i zasadniczym wpływie na politykę kraju, tak w wymiarze krajowym, jak i zagranicznym.
The article deals with the issue of government in Central and Eastern Europe, understood as one of the executive branch entities, appointed by the representative body, on the example of three countries, the Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. These countries are joined by a common, difficult history, a system of government adopted after 1989, mutual neighborhood, convergent interests. The executive model functioning in these countries sets Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the group of states with a parliamentary- cabinet system of government. In addition to the president elected in direct elections, there is a collegial body-government headed by the prime minister. The government with the prime minister is de facto the subject with the greatest resource of power and a fundamental influence on the country’s policy, both in the national and foreign dimensions.
The article concerns weighty issues of entitlements of the Council of Ministers in the field of the national security. It has contributory character, prompting broader delib-erations on the given issue. In the beginning a reconstruction of the position of the Council of Ministers in the system of state agencies of the Republic of Poland was attempted. Next, the general management of the Council of Ministers in the field of the country's defence was analysed on the basis of art. of 146 sec. 4 pt 11 of Polish Consti-tution. Later, the function and competence of three subjects forming the government: the prime minister, the National Defence minister and the Minister of Internal Affairs were transposed based upon the title issues. Based on made arrangements there were expressed conclusions de lege ferenda.
The article focuses on an analysis of the basic persuasion strategies employed in Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s second policy statement delivered on 12 October 2012. They include using positive images, creating a bond between the speaker and the addressees, emphasising the significance of the issues discussed as well as lending credence to the statement. The text contains almost no negative vocabulary, with the dominant values present in it being security, trust and hope. The style of the speech is devoid of pathos; instead, it is full of colloquial terms and metaphorical descriptions intended to bring the complex political problems closer to people thanks to references to everyday life. Devices meant to lend credence to the speech are dominated by two opposing techniques: making the message subjective and categorical. The addressees’ trust can also be increased by verbal identification with the so-called ordinary people as well as emphasis on their problems and concerns. Stressing the significance of the issues raised is to indirectly boost the speaker’s self-esteem and to translate into a belief that power is in the hands of the right individuals. The prime minister’s second policy statement can be viewed as an attempt to hold on to power at a time when society’s trust in the government was on the wane.
Objectives: The subject of the analysis carried out in the paper is the characteristics of supervisory authorities. What is extremely important is that both constitutional authorities and quasi-authorities have the power to conduct supervisory activities, but only in terms of legality. The object of supervision is not only normative acts adopted by commune-level local government bodies, but also other activities carried out by entities that operate at this level of government. Material and methods: The article was prepared on the basis of applicable legal acts of the doctrine views. Results: Because of its brief size, the present paper is not an attempt at a comprehensive presentation of the problem identified in the title. The discussion is limited to a few elements. The paper contains an analysis of selected issues related to the problem of supervision over the activities of commune-level local government. The problem was described by comparing the most important constitutional and non-constitutional authorities appointed for this purpose. Conclusions: The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe the supervision over commune-level local government by both supervisory authorities in the strict meaning of this term and institutions that are considered quasi-supervisory authorities. On the one hand, these are constitutional bodies that operate, among others, in the political sphere (this remark refers to the prime minister and province governors) and, on the other hand, these are supervisory authorities bodies (which in our case supervise the activities of local government units) that exercise their powers by following the criterion of legality (this group also includes regional chambers of accounts).
Problemem podjętym w niniejszym artykule jest upodabnianie się elekcji parlamentarnych do prezydenckich. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie stopnia upodobnienia się polskich wyborów do Sejmu z 2015 r. Do próby zaliczono osiem komitetów, które zarejestrowały listy we wszystkich 41 okręgach wyborczych (PiS, PO, Kukiz ’15, Nowoczesna Ryszarda Petru, Zjednoczona Lewica, PSL, KORWiN oraz Partia Razem). Z uwagi na fakt, że realne szanse na zostanie w 2015 r. premierem mieli kandydaci dwóch największych partii, największa uwaga została skoncentrowana na kampanii PiS i PO. Badanie obejmuje okres czterech ostatnich tygodni kampanii wyborczej. Analizę oparto na sześciu płaszczyznach: (1) cele wyborów (2) nominacje kandydatów, (3) główny produkt kampanii, (4) strategia wyborcza, (5) relacjonowanie kampanii przez środki społecznego przekazu oraz (6) figura przeciwnika.
The aim of this article is to examine to what extent the Polish parliamentary election of 2015 adopted features typical of the presidential ones. The author takes into consideration 8 committees that registered their lists in all the 41 voting constituencies (Law and Justice, Civic Platform, Kukiz ’15, Modern of Ryszard Petru, United Left, Polish People’s Party, KORWiN and Razem Party). Due to the fact that only the leading candidates of the Civic Platform (PO) and the Law and Justice (PiS) had a real chance to become the Prime Minister, the study will focus on these two major political parties. The analysis will concentrate on the last four weeks of the campaign and is conducted at six levels: (1) the aim of the election, (2) the nomination of candidates, (3) the main product of the campaign, (4) the campaign strategy, (5) the reports of the mass media and (6) the figure of the opponent.
Япония - одна из стран с наибольшей нестабильностью глав правительств в мире. Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение как структурных, так и личностных причин такого положения дел на примере короткого срока правления премьер-министра Ёсихидэ Суги (2020-2021 гг.). В то время, как сильная ведомственная секционность в правительстве, фракционность в Либерально-демократической партии (ЛДП), высокая частота выборов в парламент и на должность лидера правящей партии, а также политическая культура консенсуса, затрудняли премьер-министром оставаться у власти в течение более длительного периода, избирательная и административная реформы 1990-х годов облегчили главам правительств стабилизацию социальной и партийной базы поддержки правительства. Однако полное использование новых институциональных инструментов для удержания власти зависело от способности премьер-министра создать положительный образ себя среди избирателей. В статье анализируется, почему премьер-министр Суга, несмотря на то, что возглавлял стабильную правящую коалицию в обеих палатах парламента и имел большой опыт в процессе принятия решений, не смог сохранить изначально высокую популярность правительства и ушел в отставку лишь через год после формирования своего кабинета.
Japan is one of the countries with the most frequently changing heads of government in the world. The aim of this article is to examine both the structural and individual causes of this situation by using the example of the short term in office of Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide from 2020 to 2021. While such factors as strong ministerial sectionalism in the government, factionalism in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), high frequency of parliamentary and ruling party presidential elections, as well as consensual political culture made it difficult for prime ministers to remain in office for a longer period of time, the electoral and administrative reforms of the 1990s facilitated the heads of government to stabilize the government’s social and party base of support. Nevertheless, the usage of the new institutional instruments to remain in power depended on the prime minister’s ability to create his/her positive image among voters. This article analyzes why Prime Minister Suga, despite leading a stable ruling coalition in both houses of the parliament and having extensive experience in decision-making process, was unable to maintain the government’s initially high popularity and resigned only one year after having formed his cabinet.
Artykuł zawiera porównawczą analizę aktualnie obowiązujących przepisów dotyczących wotum zaufania w Republice Federalnej Niemiec i Polsce. Cel stanowi ocena poziomu zaawansowania racjonalizacji systemu parlamentarnego w obu tych państwach w zakresie obejmującym analizowaną instytucję prawną. Racjonalizacja parlamentaryzmu rozumiana jest przez autora artykułu jako dążenie za pomocą odpowiednio ukształtowanych środków prawnych do stabilności i efektywności ustroju poprzez wzmacnianie rządu kosztem legislatywy. Wielofunkcyjny charakter niemieckiego wotum zaufania, a zwłaszcza brak obowiązku dymisji kanclerza w razie porażki w głosowaniu nad wnioskiem o wotum zaufania, sprawiają, że niemiecka wersja tej instytucji pełniej niż jej polski odpowiednik realizuje koncepcję parlamentaryzmu zracjonalizowanego.
The article contains a comparative analysis of the provisions concerning the vote of confidence currently in force in Germany and Poland. The aim of the article is to evaluate the level of the parliamentary system’s rationalization in both countries, as far as the aforementioned legal institution is concerned. The concept of the rationalization of parliamentarism is construed by the author as aiming at political stability and effectiveness by means of properly formed legal tools, through strengthening of the government at the expense of the legislative power. The multifunctional character of the German vote of confidence and, especially, the lack of the chancellor’s obligation to dismiss in case of defeat at the voting on the motion in the parliament, justify the conclusion that the German version of the analyzed institution fulfills the concept of the rationalized parliamentarism more accurately than its Polish counterpart.
System polityczny Białorusi można określić jako republikę prezydencką z dwuizbowym parlamentem. Prezydent Republiki jest głową państwa. A. Łukaszenka, który obecnie pozostaje u władzy (od 1994 roku), ukształtował system łączący cechy autorytaryzmu i dyktatury. Rada Ministrów jest organem władzy wykonawczej, powoływanym przez Prezydenta Republiki. Szefem rządu jest premier (przewodniczący Rady Ministrów), który określa politykę rządu i sprawuje ogólne kierownictwo nad ministrami.
The politics of Belarus takes place in a framework of a presidential republic with a bicameral parliament. The President of Belarus is the head of state. Lukashenko, who is still in power, has caused increased focus on his country due to his leadership manner, which has been considered authoritarian by some and a dictatorship by others. Lukashenko, who is still in power, has caused increased focus on his country due to his leadership manner, which has been considered authoritarian by some and a dictatorship by others. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus is the executive branch of state power in Belarus, and it is appointed by the President of Belarus. The head of the Government is the Prime Minister of Belarus, who manages the main agenda of the Government and direct the ministers.
Algirdas Brazauskas belonged to a generation that grew up in Soviet Lithuania. As a young man, he joined the communist party and climbed the ranks to become a top official. In later years, however, he avowed that he had always felt more a Lithuanian and less a communist. During the perestroika, he was perceived as a party reformer and, supported by the Sąjūdis, became the first secretary of the Communist Party of Lithuania, eventually breaking away from the CPSU. In 1990, he was one of the signatories of the act of Lithuanian independence and also became a deputy prime minister. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, he re-emerged as a leading figure in Lithuanian politics. From 1993 to 1998, he was the republic’s president and, from 2001 to 2006, the head of Lithuanian government. He died in 2010.
Algirdas Brazauskas należał do pokolenia, które dorastało w sowieckiej Litwie. Jako młody człowiek został członkiem partii komunistycznej, a następnie wysokim funkcjonariuszem partyjnym. W następnych latach podkreślał, że zawsze czuł się jednak bardziej Litwinem niż komunistą. W latach pieriestrojki Brazauskas zyskał opinię partyjnego reformatora i z poparciem Sajudisu został pierwszym sekretarzem Litewskiej Partii Komunistycznej. Doprowadził do zerwania łączności partii z KPZR. W 1990 r. był jednym z sygnatariuszy niepodległości Litwy, został także wicepremierem. Po rozpadzie ZSRR odzyskał znaczenie w litewskiej polityce. W latach 1993-1998 sprawował urząd prezydenta, a w latach 2001-2006 był premierem litewskiego rządu. Zmarł w 2010 r.
This paper examines public images of Ewa Kopacz, Beata Szydło and Donald Tusk in terms of quantitative and qualitative study of texts published in the Czech portal iDnes.cz. On the example of publications about Polish Prime Ministers, it was analyzed what kind of Polish politicians image was created by chosen Czech medium, what are their media images. The image of politician is understood as his/her perception and what it is influenced by – information, views, assessments or imaginations on his/her subject. Taking into account the general context, the text refers also to the conditions of functioning of the Czech media. This also applies to the images of E. Kopacz, B. Szydło, and D. Tusk in the iDnes portal compared to other leaders of the Visegrad Group countries and Germany.
W artykule analizie poddano wizerunki Ewy Kopacz, Beaty Szydło i Donalda Tuska, w oparciu o ilościowe i jakościowe badanie tekstów ukazujących się w czeskim portalu iDnes.cz. Na przykładzie publikacji dotyczących premierów Polski sprawdzono, jaki obraz polskich polityków tworzy wybrane czeskie medium oraz jakie są ich wizerunki medialne. Wizerunek polityka jest tu rozumiany jako jego/jej postrzeganie i to, co wpływa na jego kształtowanie – informacje, poglądy, oceny czy wyobrażenia na jej/jego temat. Biorąc pod uwagę kontekst, artykuł odnosi się do warunków funkcjonowania czeskich mediów. Dotyczy również tego, jak wyglądają wizerunki E. Kopacz, B. Szydło i D. Tuska w portalu iDnes na tle innych przywódców państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i Niemiec.
Artykuł zawiera analizę możliwości i celowości wprowadzenia do Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 1997 r. regulacji w zakresie władzy wykonawczej znanych Ustawie Zasadniczej Republiki Federalnej Niemiec z 1949 r. Nowelizacja polskiej Konstytucji jest niezbędna, na co wskazuje 13-letnia praktyka jej stosowania, często prowadząca do powstawania konfliktów pomiędzy prezydentem a premierem lub ministrami. W obszarze władzy wykonawczej główne problemy to: istnienie weta ustawodawczego prezydenta przy jednoczesnym umocowaniu rządu do prowadzenia polityki wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej państwa, nieprecyzyjnie określony w Konstytucji podział kompetencji między organy dwuczłonowej egzekutywy, istnienie selektywnego wotum nieufności, brak mechanizmów ustrojowych gwarantujących sprawne rządzenie przez gabinet mniejszościowy. Na tle chaotycznej konstrukcji polskiej egzekutywy jako pozytywny wzór do naśladowania jawi się system kanclerski znany z RFN, z wyraźnie dominującą pozycją szefa rządu i ograniczoną głównie do funkcji reprezentacyjnych głową państwa. Nie wszystkie instytucje prawa konstytucyjnego RFN mogą znaleźć zastosowanie na gruncie polskiego państwa, jednak w zakresie władzy wykonawczej recepcja większości regulacji niemieckich usprawniłaby proces rządzenia w Polsce.
The article provides an analysis of the possibilities and purposefulness of the reception of regulations pertaining to the executive, as known from the 1949 Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany into the Polish Constitution of 1997. A revision of the Polish Constitution is necessary, as the 13-year-long practice of its applying has led many times to conflicts between the President and the prime minister or ministers. Main problems concerning the executive are: the presidential right of suspensory veto, coexisting with the governmental competence to conduct the internal and external policy of the state; the imprecisely defined constitutional division of competences; the selective vote of non-confidence and, last but not least, the lack of instruments guaranteeing effective ruling by a minority cabinet. The German chancellor system with a clearly dominating position of the chief of government and with the role of the head of the state limited mainly to representative functions contrasts sharply with the Polish chaotic construction of the executive. Obviously, not all the institutions of the FRG constitutional law can be transferred into a foreign legal system. However, the reception of many of those concerning the executive branch could make the process of governing in Poland much more effective.
Der Artikel liefert eine Analyse der Zweckmäßigkeit der Einsetzung in die polnische Verfassung aus 1997 der Regulationen im Bereich der Exekutive aus dem Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus dem Jahre 1949. Eine Novellisierung der polnischen Verfassung ist nötig, weil deren Verwendung in den letzten 13 Jahren mehrmals Konflikte zwischen dem Staatspräsidenten und dem Ministerpräsidenten oder den jeweiligen Ministern hervorgerufen hat. Die Deffizite sind im Bereich der polnischen Exekutive zu verorten und liegen speziell in der Verwendungspraxis des präsidentiellen aufschiebenden Vetos, im von der Regierung erhobenen Anspruch, eine Führungsrolle in Innen- und Außenpolitik des Staates zu übernehmen, in einer unpräzisen Verteilung der Kompetenzen zwischen den Organen der zweiköpfigen polnischen Exekutive, ferner im Gebrauch des selektiven Misstrauensvotums, und in dem Mangel von Institutionen, die ein stabiles Regieren eines Minderheitskabinetts garantieren würden. Im Vergleich zu der chaotisch konstruierten Exekutive in Polen, erscheint das deutsche Modell, das als bekannte Kanzlersystem gilt und das sich einerseits durch eine dominierende Position des Regierungschefs und andererseits lediglich repräsentative Rolle des nominellen Staatsoberhauptes auszeichnet, als empfehlenswert, um in die polnische Verfassung transferiert zu werden . Zwar nicht alle Regulationen aus dem deutschen Verfassungsrecht können von anderen Staaten übernommen werden, Doch ein Transfer des Löwenanteils der Regulationen im Bereich der Exekutive in die polnische Verfassung würde eine Verbesserung des Regierungssystems in Polen heraufbeschwören.
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