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Działalność naukowa PMA

One of the responsibilities of the State Archaeological Museum (PMA) instituted by the Ordinance of the President of the Polish Republic (1928) was to be a “state institution for researches and studies”, its key objective being to “study prehistory, primarily that of the territory of the Polish State”. The focus placed on the research activity followed from the specific nature of an archaeological museum, which for its collections relies almost entirely from scientific research – ie, excavations. Moreover, its collections require a much more careful scientific treatment than for instance, those of art museums. Achievements of the PMA in the field of science and research are best illustrated by publications, first of all, articles published in the “Wiadomości Archeologiczne” journal, starting from volume X brought out by the Museum itself. As early in 1928 the PMA staff were engaged in investigating, more and less extensively, of 76 sites, the results of which were subsequently published in “Wiadomości Archeologiczne”. Even in the first volume of the journal published by the Museum attention is drawn by an extensive article by Zygmunt Szmit of the PMA, dealing with “the study of the Stone Age in Podlasie”, a recapitulation of many seasons of survey and excavation made by the author. Subsequent volumes of the journal brought further studies on the Stone Age and Bronze Age. Research activity of the PMA in the 1928––1939 period was recapitulated, somewhat by coincidence, in two publications: the “Krzemionki Opatowskie” by Stefan Krukowski, to this day a model publication of the research results from the Neolithic flint mine, and volume XVI of “Wiadomości Archeologiczne”, planned in honour of Józef Kostrzewski’s anniversary. The latter carried notable articles by PMA staff concerned with the cultural and settlement continuity between Lusatian Culture and early medieval Slavs. The issue later became one of the major subjects of archaeological debate after WW II, conducted also in PMA with contribution from its staff members. The first volume of “Wiadomości Archeologiczne” published after the war contained the results of follow up studies of pre-1945 excavations reporting also on new evidence recovered in the first years after the war. A noteworthy development was the marked increase in laboratory analyses of the excavated material. Another novelty was the publication of evidence from the territory included within the Polish State after 1945, first of all, former Ostpreussen –apart from carrying out excavations an urgent matter was to safeguard the region’s museum collections from damage and theft. Political change of the mid-1950s included, among its many effects, also a 20 years’ boom in publishing. In this period PMA launched the “Materiały Starożytne” yearly journal. Its first volume carried an article by Aleksander Kamiński on archaeology of the Balt Jatvings’ tribes in northeast Poland. Written by an author of known political leanings, the paper had the nature of a political manifesto charting out, at the same time, the course for future research; a natural consequence of this article was PMA participation in research activities of the Comprehensive Jatving Expedition – probably the most ambitious archaeology project during the Polish People’s Republic. Subsequent publications of the PMA prove that the Museum had also developed into a centre of research on the widely conceived Roman Period, the study of Przeworsk Culture in particular, and questions of chronology; it was also greatly successful in investigating Bronze Age in northeast Poland, extending the range of its Stone Age research from the Neman to the Dnestr. Two recently published volumes of “Wiadomości Archeologiczne” are a fine illustration of how PMA continues its main avenues of research activity: they include reports on research carried in Poland, but also from the neighbouring states of Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, testifying to the position of PMA as a research centre which, thanks to its lively activity and intellectual attractiveness has been animating research and scientific exchange to a degree contributing to the Central and East European archaeology. This position is confirmed by the success enjoyed by two publication series which would not have been possible without intellectual contribution from PMA staff members. The Series Studies on the prehistoric flint raw materials economy is a valuable contribution into the study of the Stone Age exceptionally, while the Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica records the archaeology of Roman Period cemeteries in Poland.
The aim of the article is to present the changes that have taken place over the years in the field of speech therapy in the field of diagnostics and therapy of a child at preschool age and early school. The article also describes synthetically the scientific activity of employees associated with the Department of Early School Pedagogy and Media Pedagogy operating in the field of speech therapy.
Eurointegration is an important direction for Ukraine, especially in present political situation. Social-economic condition is very important for entering into European organizations. In this article social-economic aspects of Lviv Region, which is a border region, in conditions of modern Eurointegration are studied. On the basis of the statistic report of social-economic condition of Lviv Region of Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Region an analysis was done, which allowed making conclusions of actual condition of the region. The task of the study is to determine basic directions of regional socialeconomic development. Main methodological approaches are systemic, chorological and chronological and also such approaches as synergetic and informational. Demographic situation of the region is being analyzed in the article, in particular indicators of natural and mechanic movement of the population, and gender-age structure of the population is also described. Peculiarities of economic development of the region are revealed, indicators of gross regional product and index of competitiveness are analyzed. The condition and tendencies of research and innovation activity of the region are presented, and also a situation in small and medium business is depicted. The studies have demonstrated, that Lviv Region, in comparison with other regions of Ukraine, is characterized by high enough social-economic development. Non-productive branch, the part of which is a scientific potential (research and project-design establishments, higher educational institutions), financial organizations, trade enterprises and food industry, which totally can satisfy the needs of the region, are relatively well developed. At the same time there are also unfavorable demographic tendencies in the region, in particular depopulation of the population is the result of negative natural growth. Perspectives of the development of the region are proposed in the article, in particular the direction of regional strategy and cross-border cooperation.
This article discloses scientific, organizational, didactic and literary activity of the most outstanding Belarusian scientist, a professor of the University of Warsaw and, for many years, the head of the Department of Belarusian Studies – Alexander Barshchewski. In the article his academic achievements were outlined, the most important directions of his researches were presented and a special attention has been drawn not only to multidimensionality and interdisciplinarity of issues and problems that he had been taking up in his monographs and scientific articles, but also to impressive didactic and organizational achievements that resulted in numerous awards and prizes. Also, his poetic work has been synthetically presented and the most significant themes and motives of his lyrics, that impresses with the subtlety of artistic expression, the power of emotions and the concentration on spiritual reality, has been determined.
Although women have contributed to the development of science from the earliest times, their participation has not always been noticed. The breakthrough in the career path of women was World War I, in the consequence of which women gained the possibility of studying at universities and pursuing the academic activity. The presented article is an attempt at bringing to light the memory of the women-pioneers and their scientific activity in the field of Polish pedagogy at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Kobiety wnosiły swój wkład do rozwoju nauki od najdawniejszych czasów, niemniej ich udział nie zawsze był dostrzegany. Momentem przełomowym na drodze kariery naukowej kobiet była pierwsza wojna światowa, w konsekwencji której zyskały one możliwość studiów uniwersyteckich oraz działalności akademickiej. Prezentowany artykuł jest próbą przywrócenia pamięci o prekursorkach i ich działalności naukowej w pedagogice polskiej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku.
The article presents the person and work of Rev. Idzi Benedykt Radziszewski in the history of the city of Lublin. In the first part, attention is paid to the socio-historical context and the concept of the Universityof Lublin as well as organizational work. Subsequently, issues related to the beginning of the university and the first inauguration of the academicyear, its identity and the involvement of Rev. Radziszewski in the wider context of the social life of the city of Lublin were addressed.
Artykuł podejmuje próbę przedstawienia osoby i dzieła ks. Idziego Benedykta Radziszewskiego w dziejach miasta Lublin. W pierwszej części zwraca się uwagę na kontekst społeczno-historyczny i koncepcję uczelni lubelskiej oraz prace organizacyjne. W dalszej kolejności podjęte zostały zagadnienia związane z początkiem uczelni i pierwszą inauguracją roku akademickiego, jej tożsamością oraz zaangażowaniem ks. Radziszewskiego w szerszy kontekst życia społecznego miasta Lublin. Współczesne formy upamiętnienia Założyciela Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego przedstawia ostatnia część artykułu.
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Finanční právo a finanční věda

The text is not a classic scholarly article, but is based on lectures delivered before the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law of Charles University and the Scientific Council of Charles University in a procedure for appointment as a professor. These lectures dealt with financial law and financial science, in accordance with the Higher Education Act, in four areas (1) the discipline of financial law and financial science, (2) the scientific activities in this field, (3) the teaching and teaching activities in this field, and (4) the third role in this field. The text draws the following conclusions in the areas mentioned: (1) The field of financial law and financial science, as an established branch of law which regulates particularly public finances, has an irreplaceable place among other branches of law. (2) There are a number of challenges ahead of financial law that need to be addressed, such as changing the content and the way budget and tax laws are adopted, while scientific activity in the field will always be influenced by external influences. (3) When teaching financial law, emphasis should be placed on providing students with a balanced mix of knowledge, skills and competences, primarily through interactive seminars. (4) The third role of the field needs to be developed, particularly in terms of financial literacy.
Článek není klasickým odborným článkem, ale vychází z přednášek přednesených před Vědeckou radou Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Vědeckou radou Univerzity Karlovy v řízení ke jmenování profesorem. Tyto přednášky se v souladu s vysokoškolským zákonem zabývaly finančním právem a finanční vědou, a to čtyřmi oblastmi: 1) samotným oborem finančního práva a finanční vědy, 2) vědeckou činností v tomto oboru, 3) výukou a pedagogickou činností v tomto oboru a 4) tzv. třetí rolí tohoto oboru. V uvedených oblastech docházím k těmto závěrům: 1) Obor finančního práva a finanční vědy jako etablovaný právní vědní obor, jehož předmětem je regulace zvláště veřejných financí, má mezi právními vědními obory své nezastupitelné místo. 2) Před finančním právem je řada úkolů, které je potřeba řešit, například změna obsahu a způsobu přijímání rozpočtových a daňových zákonů s tím, že vědecká činnost v oboru však bude vždy ovlivněna vnějšími vlivy. 3) Při výuce finančního práva je třeba klást důraz na to, aby studenti získali vyvážený soubor znalostí, dovedností a schopností, a to především formou interaktivních seminářů. 4) Je třeba rozvíjet tzv. třetí roli oboru, a to zejména pokud jde o finanční gramotnost.
In the article, the author presents his research on the selected Polish-Yugoslav organisations active in the interwar period. On the basis of archival materials kept in Slovenia, Bosna, Hercegovina, Croatia, Ukraine, and Poland, he discusses the two most important organisations of this type in the Second Polish Republic, the Polish-Yugoslav Society in Poznań and the Polish-Yugoslav League in Lviv. He depicts their cultural and publishing activities and presents the background of the members of both organisations. Moreover, he also touches upon the subject of the League of Polish-Yugoslav Societies, established in Warsaw in 1930, associating all Polish-Yugoslav organisations, including those from Poznań and Lviv.
W artykule autor prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących działalności wybranych organizacji polsko-jugosłowiańskich w okresie międzywojennym. W oparciu o dokumenty z kilku krajów (Słowenia, Bośnia i Hercegowina, Chorwacja, Ukraina i Polska) omawia funkcjonowanie dwóch najważniejszych organizacji tego typu w II RP, Stowarzyszenia Polsko-Jugosłowiańskiego w Poznaniu i Polsko-Jugosłowiańskiej Ligi we Lwowie; ich działalność kulturalną, wydawniczą, a także prezentuje środowiska, z jakich wywodzą się członkowie obydwu organizacji. Ponadto pojawia się też wątek Ligi Towarzystw Polsko-Jugosłowiańskich, która została zainicjowana w 1930 r. w Warszawie, zrzeszającej wszystkie organizacje polsko-jugosłowiańskie, w tym Poznań i Lwów.
Praca przedstawia zarys historii działalności Komisji Architektury i Urbanistyki od chwili jej utworzenia w 1974 roku do końca roku 2015. Zaprezentowano składy osobowe władz Komisji w poszczególnych kadencjach oraz podano główne zakresy tematyczne prac badawczych prowadzonych w omawianych okresach. Przedstawiono tematy najważniejszych konferencji, sympozjów, seminariów oraz warsztatów naukowych zorganizowanych przez Komisję oraz podano listę wykładowców wraz z tematami wykładów wygłoszonych przede wszystkim w ostatniej dekadzie.
Paper presents outline of history of scientific activity of the Committee for Architecture and Town Planning of the Wroclaw Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences since the time of its forming in 1974 until the end of 2015. There are presented the compositions of Committee’s authorities in particular terms and there are described the main ranges of research works carried out in the spoken periods. There are also given themes of the most important scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars and workshops organized by the Committee together with list of lectures given by lecturers particularly in the last decade.
Depending on their profile and collections, museums perform scientific activity in every field of knowledge. Scientific activity is essential for high level of development of collections, publications, scenarios of permanent and temporary exhibitions as well as protection and safe sharing of collections. Unlike universities, institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences or other typical scientific units, organizational structure of museum is not optimized in terms of performing scientific activity; in particular, no museum employees are assigned to conduct research. Conducted every four years by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, complex evaluation and categorization of scientific units allows for obtaining unbiased data regarding activity of scientific units. Units being categorized can apply for financial support granted to fund their statutory scientific activity. This article aims at presenting experiences and opinions of the authors regarding obtaining scientific category by museums.
Muzea prowadzą działalność naukową w każdej z dziedzin wiedzy, zależnie od profilu muzeum i jego kolekcji. Jest ona warunkiem wysokiego poziomu opracowania zbiorów, publikacji, scenariuszy ekspozycji stałych i wystaw czasowych oraz prawidłowej ochrony zbiorów i ich bezpiecznego udostępniania. W odróżnieniu do uniwersytetów, instytutów Polskiej Akademii Nauk, czy innych typowych jednostek naukowych struktura organizacyjna muzeum nie jest zoptymalizowana pod kątem prowadzenia działalności naukowej, w szczególności nie określa ona, którzy pracownicy prowadzą badania. Prowadzona przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, co cztery lata kompleksowa ocena i kategoryzacja jednostek naukowych pozwala na uzyskiwanie obiektywnych danych o działalności jednostek naukowych. Jednostki, które poddadzą się kategoryzacji mogą wystąpić o przyznanie środków budżetowych na naukę i finansować swoje działania statutowe w tym zakresie. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie doświadczeń i opinii autorów związanych z uzyskaniem kategorii naukowej przez instytucje muzealne.
The article presents the analysis of scientific and technological activities of higher education pedagogical institutions of Ukraine at the end of 2014 according to the staffing situation, the functioning of postgraduate and doctoral studies and the availability of the valid specialized academic councils on thesis defense, according to students’ research works aiming at young scientists’ training. The criteria of evaluation of scientific work results of the university faculty and the ways to encourage young teachers to do the research work through postgraduate and doctoral studies and the defense of the thesis as the final result. We raised a problem of training young scientists int higher education pedagogical institutions of Ukraine as a powerful intellectual force, which determines the scientific future of the country. The main directions of scientific and technical activities of the universities aimed at foreign cooperation within the country and the world were defined as well. Modern guidelines for forming the international image of universities in foreign experience (the USA and European countries) have been outlined.
The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of pedagogues in foreign countries. Special attention has been paid to the experience of Great Britain. It has been underlined that the teacher has to acquire thorough knowledge in profession as well as to master the methods of teaching. Nevertheless, this is not enough to reach success in a professional field. The educational system today needs a teacher-researcher. It has been proved that the process which provides scientific and educational unity by means of involving students into scientific work is stirring up in European pedagogical institutions. The problem of orientating the teachers to be on research work is considered to be the most important condition of their personal professional self-determination and professional culture. A new teacher-researcher training pattern in British higher educational system has been made. This pattern includes some interdependent components and is successful under certain pedagogic conditions: the possession of research position by a teacher-to-be; ensuring creative interaction and cooperation among students and teachers; introduction of special educative modules with research orientation; the use of project technologies; the arrangement of creative educational atmosphere; establishing friendly relationships among university teachers (lecturers), students and school teachers. The accent is made on the urgent necessity of implementation of British experience in Ukraine.
vol. 12
issue 14 (1)
The author analyzes the scientific and social activity of rev. Stefan Wyszyński in 1925-1929 while studying in Lublin. After the annual pastoral ministry in Włocławek, S. Wyszyński was sent to study in the University of Lublin (from 1928 – the Catholic University of Lublin). In 1929 he graduated canon law on the basis of doctoral dissertation entitled “The rights of the Church to the school”. At the same time he attended classes from the Social and Economic Section. Rev. Wyszyński also was a member of numerous associations and student organizations.
Autor analizuje działalność naukową i społeczną ks. Stefana Wyszyńskiego w latach 1925-1929 podczas studiów w Lublinie. Po rocznej posłudze duszpasterskiej we Włocławku, S. Wyszyński został wysłany na studia w Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (od 1928 r. – Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim). Studia z prawa kanonicznego ukończył w 1929 r. na podstawie rozprawy doktorskiej pt. „Prawa Kościoła do szkoły”. Jednocześnie uczęszczał na zajęcia z Sekcji Społeczno-Ekonomicznej. Ks. Wyszyński był również członkiem licznych stowarzyszeń i organizacji studenckich.
vol. 2(85)
Niniejszy artykuł jest krótkim opisem biografii naukowej jednego z najznakomitszych andragogów polskich, Prof. dra hab. Józefa Półturzyckiego. Okres jego życia zawodowego został podzielony na pięć etapów. Opis każdego z nich zawiera: przegląd podstawowych aktywności badawczych, ważne wydarzenia związane ze ścieżką zawodową, główne tematy podejmowane w publikacjach oraz działalność organizacyjną.
Summary: the article is a short description of the scientific biography of one of the most outstanding Polish specialists of Adult Education, prof. dr hab. Józef Półturzycki. His professional biography is divided into five intervals. The description of each includes an overview of the scientific activities, significant events related to the career path, main topics undertaken in publications, and organizational activity.
 Artykuł analizuje działalność naukową nauczycieli akademickich na przestrzeni ostatnich pięciu lat w kontekście trzech okresów: przed COVID-2019, w czasie COVID-2019 oraz w czasie wojny na Ukrainie. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 26 nauczycieli akademickich Państwowego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Berdiańsku, który jest czasowo przesiedlony w związku z okupacją miasta Berdiańsk. Z uzyskanych danych wynika, że najbardziej efektywnym okresem aktywności naukowej w ciągu ostatnich pięciu lat był rok 2021, a konkretnie drugi rok COVID-2019. Analizie poddano czynniki utrudniające ten proces w czasie pokoju, w tym nadmierne obciążenie pracą organizacyjną i metodyczną, a w czasie wojny wyczerpanie emocjonalne wywołane wojną. Wyniki wskazują, że najbardziej aktywni w zakresie działalności naukowej są młodzi nauczyciele akademiccy ze stażem poniżej 10 lat, która nie uległa zmianie, a nawet miała tendencję wzrostową, pomimo obiektywnych okoliczności, które dotknęły bardziej doświadczonych kolegów. Niepokojąca dynamika czynników utrudniających aktywność naukową nauczycieli akademickich zarówno w czasie pokoju, jak i wojny wskazuje na potrzebę przeglądu strategii dla nauczycieli akademickich na poziomie krajowym i uniwersyteckim.
The article analyzes the scientific activity of university faculty members over the past five years in the context of three periods: before COVID-2019, during COVID-2019, and during the war in Ukraine. The study was conducted among 26 university faculty members of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, which is temporarily relocated due to the occupation of the city of Berdyansk. The results shows that the most effective period of scientific activity over the past five years was the period of 2021, specifically the second year of COVID-2019. The factors that hindered this process during peacetime were analyzed, including excessive workload with organizational and methodological work, and during wartime, emotional exhaustion due to war. The results demonstrate that young university faculty members with less than 10 years of experience are the most active in the field of scientific activity, which did not change and even tended to increase, despite the objective circumstances that affected more experienced colleagues. The alarming dynamics of factors that hinder the scientific activity of university faculty members both in peacetime and in wartime indicate the need to review strategies for university faculty members at the national and university levels.
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