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The authoress analyses the social dimension of learning present in selected adult education theories. The said dimension is evolving from imitation and mechanical perception of others, passing through the stages of experience in a social world, modelling and transmissions, to eventually reach the point of activity and participation of individuals in societies or constructing social reality. The prerequisite to social learning is always direct or indirect presence of others. The authoress puts forward the argument that social learning should be considered in the perspective of change and quality of contemporary social relations (including the pedagogical ones), contexts of learning and pan-pedagogical orientation in andragogical analyses as well as in the perspective of principal transformations of today’s forms of social integration. In the final conclusions, the authoress presents a theoretical proposal of analyzing the social dimension of learning based on forms of social integration and the type of learning (adaptational one, emancipatory one), and points out the links between the analysed issue and other theoretical approache
Human culture is uniquely characterized by the accumulation of knowledge and products that could not be reinvented by each succeeding generation. This process, namely cumulative cultural evolution leads to the emergence of complex adaptations (RICHERSON, BOYD, 2005; TOMASELLO, 1999). The aim of this study is to outline the conditions necessary for human cultural evolution. Memeticists of Dawkins described this phenomenon in terms of biological evolution, but they fell short of explanations when facing serious critiques. Knowledge contents carried by minds and artifacts are not self replicating discrete entities. Not replicators, but rather cognitive interpretive and inferential mechanisms, like schemas and modules stabilize cultural content, making Darwinian theory applicable as an explanatory framework (SPERBER, HIRSCHFELD, 2006; BOYD, RICHERSON, 2005). Population dynamic models applied to cultural evolution lead to the conclusion that in order to increase the fitness of the population, imitation has to increase the fitness of individual learners (ROGERS, 1989). If individuals can effectively choose between imitation and individual learning, making cost and effort estimations their overall fitness increases. Adaptive pressure was on cognitive mechanisms supporting imitative learning. Such mechanisms are theory of mind (RICHERSON, BOYD, 2005), intersubjectivity (TOMASELLO, KRUGER, RATNER, 1993), and human pedagogy (GERGELY, CSIBRA, 2005). A growing body of results by mathematical models, field studies, and laboratory experiments – such as transmission chains, replacement method, and closed group – contribute to our understanding of the emergence and guiding principles of human cultural phenomena.
vol. 45
issue 3
The formal educational system is facing different problems regarding adaptation towards the needs of a modern knowledge society. In the article, two important and comprehensive challenges to today's formal educational system are discussed and commented upon. The first problem is the incoherence between the needs of the labor market and formal education system outcomes in terms of graduated students. Another problem is the distancing between the prevailing traditional pedagogical methods within formal educational institutions and the ways in which students acquire information and knowledge outside of the schools as they are becoming less and less interested in traditional lectures. It is argued that specific information and communication system technologies (ICT) supported mechanisms, such as social learning and virtual communities may address these challenges. Theories of communities and social learning that may be useful for implementation in the education system are explained and practical implementation is proposed.
Project based learning approaches are being employed in the college as a creative and innovative means to engage and motivate learners through a transformative curriculum model for both further and higher education students. This article will examine how these pedagogical approaches have made a positive impact on our Childhood Studies’ students with regards to retention, achievement and success set within the context of widening participation and social engagement with and for those in society who are the hardest to reach including those children from the travelling community who have been integral partners in our Erasmus project. It will highlight the benefits of social learning, not only as a means of developing vocational skills for our students, but it will also examine the wider impacts of developing softer skills for our students, particularly with regards to employability skills, whilst considering the wider impacts this approach has had on society and building community cohesion.
This paper presents the pre-and-post-reflections of English language instructors concerning the incorporation of a new pedagogy in English as foreign language (EFL) writing classes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This approach is to integrate and blend wiki-mediated writing into a different course plan, with tasks that fit with the normal syllabi used for teaching writing skills. The methodology took a qualitative approach, specifically by conducting semi-structured pre-and-post-interviews. The qualitative analysis focused on the most frequent themes which occur in both cohorts. The participants, who were faculty members in the chosen institution, gave their reflections after they were shown the processes, thoughts and outcomes produced by the participants who actually applied the course and relevant tasks. It is important to identify instructors’ perspectives as this practice can be applied to enhance (novice) non-native learners of writing in English for academic purposes (EAP). Accordingly, this paper intends to shed light on three vital elements: merits, demerits and some principles for implementation.
W artykule odwołano się do koncepcji uczenia się dorosłych Petera Jarvisa, który lokuje je w kontekście społecznym. Autorka analizuje rozumienie pojęcia i procesu uczenia się według P. Jarvisa, który stale powraca do tego obszaru badań, modyfikując swoje podejście. W tekście został przedstawiony model procesu uczenia się, który został stworzony na bazie krytyki cyklu uczenia się Davida Kolba oraz zweryfikowany w badaniach z grupami uczących się dorosłych. W końcowej części artykułu autorka koncentruje się na inspiracjach i kontrowersjach tej koncepcji.
The article refers to adult learning concept of Peter Jarvis who locates it in the social context. The author analyses understanding of the term and the learning process according to P. Jarvis who continuously returns to this research area and modifies his approach. The text presents learning process model created on the basis of David Kolb learning cycle criticism, verified via research on groups of adults undertaking educational activities. In the final part of the article the author concentrates on inspirations and controversies of this concept.
The paper discusses a new model of social learning that makes use of open educational resources and flexible forms of learning. It presents the evolution of the process of learning from the Cartesian model, through constructivist, cognitivist and connectivist theories. Open education, being developed in many countries of the world, including South Korea and Poland, is becoming a civilisation requirement, a response to the requirements of dynamically evolving labour market.
Around the world, there is a growing interest among policy scholars and practitioners in the role of knowledge in relation to public policy. These debates are accompanied by some confusion about what is meant by knowledge or evidence, as well as controversies around the role of scientists and suspicions of increasingly technocratic decision making. Our aim is to provide a useful overview of the major debates in this paper, and to trace six dominant discourses in current research that address the role of scientific knowledge or expertise in the policy process. We distinguish evidence-based policy making, knowledge utilisation, policy learning, knowledge transfer, social construction of knowledge and boundaries, and knowing in practice as separate discourses. We show how they differ in their understanding of knowledge, of the problem to solve in terms of the role of knowledge in policy, of practical implications, as well as in their understanding of public policy and in their ontologies and epistemologies. A condensed and structured representation serves as a basis for conducting comparisons across discourses as well as to open ways for analysis of strategic associations between the discourses. We hope to contribute to extending the discussion of knowledge in policy into the realm of epistemic politics and we suggest several avenues for future research that can draw on a range of concepts from across all of the discourses.
Horyzonty Wychowania
vol. 13
issue 26
The article addresses the problem of shaping entrepreneurial postures and attitudes within entrepreneurship education. Over the last decades entrepreneurship education has become a vital area of research, classroom practice and policy regulations and is widely considered as one of the key instruments to increase entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of potential entrepreneurs. However, there is no clear consensus as to the factors that directly influence individual decisions to start new ventures. Therefore, there still exists a need to further clarify which elements in entrepreneurship education play a role in influencing new venture creation. This paper attempts to contribute to filling this gap by providing insight into the role of inspiration in entrepreneurship education. The results of a pilot survey questionnaire conducted over a period of three years among undergraduate students reveal that inspiration may be among the most relevant factors explaining entrepreneurial drive. The paper attempts to explain the inspiration phenomenon and draw conclusions in the form of suggested approaches to applied pedagogy to contribute to modern day entrepreneurship education.
Niniejszy artykuł jest głosem w dyskusji nad kształtowaniem postaw przedsiębiorczych w edukacji dla przedsiębiorczości. W ostatnich dekadach edukacja dla przedsiębiorczości stała się ważnym obszarem badań, praktyki edukacyjnej i polityki edukacyjnej państwa. Postrzegana jest jako ważny element zarówno kształtowania kultury przedsiębiorczości w kraju, jak i generowania przyszłych przedsiębiorców. Nie ma jednak jasności co dokładnie, w ramach tej edukacji, przyczynia się do kształtowania postaw i zachowań przedsiębiorczych. Niniejsze opracowanie zwraca uwagę na rolę inspiracji w kształtowaniu przedsiębiorczych decyzji uczniów i studentów kursów przedsiębiorczości. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród studentów na przestrzeni trzech lat, które sugerują, że inspiracja odgrywa istotną rolę w kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorczych. Opracowanie zakończone jest sugestiami podejść pedagogicznych, które mogą się przyczynić do rozwijania czynnika inspiracji wśród studentów. 
Community of practice and the individualization of the educational process are the central concepts of the author’s reflections. In the article, selected conceptualizations of the community of practice have been presented. They have been found to be a starting point for the individualization of the educational approach to children at preschool and school age. The importance of the involvement of the whole local community in creating the educational environment has been shown on a basis of two ready for use models of community of practice proposed by P. Moss and R. Myers. The concept of individualization has been considered in the second part of the text. In this respect, self-esteem, as the major factor of the personalization of the educational dialogue between an adult (teacher) and a child, has been underlined. Its potential strength in determining the effects of the personalized interactions between an adult and a child has been highlighted.
Humans are remarkably adaptable, and therefore a successful species. There are many speculative answers to the question of why this is so. One of them represents the cultural intelligence hypothesis, which considers cultural learning skills as the key to human success. This work aims to present the hypothesis of cultural intelligence as a viable alternative to more conventional approaches within the debate about the origin of human intelligence, such as the hypothesis of general and improvisational intelligence. Their mutual comparison shows that cultural intelligence hypothesis must necessarily work with flexible social learning strategies to describe cultural transmission, thus losing part of its explanatory power. As the theory of metacognitive strategies of social learning by cognitive psychologist Cecilia Heyes shows, there is a way to combine the flexibility of human reasoning with the “stupid” process of cultural selection.
Člověk je mimořádně přizpůsobivým, a proto úspěšným živočišným druhem. Existuje mnoho spekulativních odpovědí na otázku, proč tomu tak je. Jednu z nich představuje hypotéza kulturní inteligence, která uvažuje o schopnosti kulturního učení jako o klíči k lidskému úspěchu. Cílem této práce je představit hypotézu kulturní inteligence jako podnětnou alternativu k etablovanějším přístupům v otázkách po původu lidské inteligence v čele s hypotézou obecné a improvizační inteligence. Jejich vzájemná komparace ukazuje, že hypotéza kulturní inteligence musí při popisu kulturní transmise nutně pracovat s flexibilními strategiemi sociálního učení, čímž ztrácí část své explanační síly. Nicméně to nemusí být ještě důvod k odmítnutí jejího zdravého jádra, protože existuje možnost, jak zkombinovat flexibilitu lidského uvažování s „hloupým“ procesem kulturní selekce, kterou nabízí koncepce metakognitivních strategií sociálního učení kognitivní psycholožky Cecilie Heyesové.
The theory of social learning authored by Bandura takes a recognized place on psychological grounds. In accordance with fundamental assumptions, one of the mechanisms of acquiring behaviours is learning through observation and imitation. The person who serves as a model must be characterized by certain traits perceived by the recipient, such as high social status or competencies. In various periods of life and development, people are more or less prone to patterning. Children are especially the group whose new behaviours appear naturally as a result of learning through observation. Children have a narrow area of experiences and that is why in their verbal and non-verbal behaviours they tend to imitate people from their closest environment, especially parents, teachers, peers, characters in the books, TV programs and people popular on the internet. Some of the acquired reactions have positive nature, but others may be socially and individually unfavourable. Tendencies towards modelling grow when the model receives positive consequences of particular behaviour. The assumptions of social learning theory may be applied in psychological and pedagogical practice. It allows explaining certain observed child’s behaviour. On the basis of correct diagnosis, adequate supportive and remedial actions may be designer
Teoria społecznego uczenia się autorstwa Bandury zajmuje uznane już miejsce na gruncie psychologicznym. Zgodnie z podstawowymi założeniami, jednym z mechanizmów nabywania zachowań jest uczenie się poprzez obserwację i naśladownictwo. Osoba pełniąca funkcję modela musi odznaczać się pewnymi właściwościami w percepcji odbiorcy, jak wysoki status czy kompetencje. W różnych okresach życia i rozwoju ludzie są mniej lub bardziej podatni na modelowanie. Szczególnie dzieci stanowią grupę, u której w sposób wręcz naturalny pojawiają się nowe zachowania jako efekt obserwacyjnego uczenia się. Dzieci mają wąski zakres doświadczeń, stąd w sposobie zachowania werbalnego i niewerbalnego mogą naśladować osoby z najbliższego otoczenia- w szczególności rodziców, ale także nauczycieli, rówieśników, bohaterów bajek, programów telewizyjnych czy osób popularnych w Internecie. Niektóre z tych nabywanych reakcji mają charakter pozytywny, inne zaś są niekorzystne z punktu widzenia jednostkowego i społecznego. Tendencja do modelowania wzrasta w sytuacji obserwacji pozytywnych konsekwencji określonego zachowania dla modela. Założenia teorii społecznego uczenia się można wykorzystać w praktyce psychologiczno-pedagogicznej. Pozwala ona wyjaśniać mechanizmy niektórych zachowań obserwowanych u dziecka. Na podstawie właściwej diagnozy można z kolei zaprojektować odpowiednie działania wspierające albo zaradcze
The paper introduces the topic of the Musical Assertiveness Training (MAT), developed in 2014, based on the application of music therapy and mixed arts therapies. The method is based on the latest worldwide achievements in the field of assertiveness training and adopts them for training based on the use of primarily music and art. The MAT-programme is divided into the cycle of twelve music-therapeutic sessions and leads step by step to the basic skills of assertive behaviour. It is designed as a workshop and has been used so far in in the process of educating future pedagogues both as an educational and therapeutic method, supporting the development of emotional, communication and social competences. The article describes the basic concepts of assertiveness and refers to the wider theory from which it originates and to which the innovative training refers such as: the cognitive theory of social learning by Bandura (modelling), the theory of multiple intelligences by H. Gardner and the concept of self-efficacy, self-presentation and self-esteem.
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