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The properties of business cycles in Poland and its major trading partners have been examined. The business cycle synchronization (BCS) between Poland and other countries was studied in order to assess the impact of international trade on BCS. The author applies a modification of the Fourier anal-ysis to the estimation of cycle amplitudes and frequencies. This allows more precise estimation of the cycle characteristics than the traditional approach. Cross-spectral analysis of the cyclical components of GDP for Poland and its major trading partners enables us to study the relationships between business cycles in these countries. Comparing the international structure of Polish trade with that of EU members with the cross-spectral characteristics of GDP series allows us to investigate the links between interna-tional trade and business cycle synchronization.
Studia Slavica
vol. 18
issue 1
The results of our analysis show the acoustic difference between the pairs of dialectal vowels e – ê, o – ô. On the basis of comparison with the values for vowels of standard Czech language we can say that dialectal vowels e, o are qualitatively distinct from those of standard Czech – they acoustically tend to approach the standard vowels i, u and they tend to centralize in the frequency space.Typical dialectal vowels ê, ô seem like standard vowels e, o, especially ô is shifted to standard a.
The article analyses the connections between the dry bulk freight market and the economic activity of certain countries. The objective was to confirm the existence of a similar cyclical nature for the Baltic Dry Index and main indicators of the business cycle of the G7 countries. The applied macroeconomic variables were: the real GDP and the industrial production index. In examination a spectral analysis was used. The discovered identical periodicities were analyzed in terms of time relations. It was demonstrated, that the cyclical part of the BDI (periodicity of 13.1 and 15.3 quarters) either leads or is coincident with the indicators of the business cycle. The global financial crisis in 2008-2009 showed that the behaviour of freight indices was similar to stock exchange indices and macroeconomic variables in advanced economies. It is worth to observe shipping market because higher values of freight indices could anticipate increasing demand for sea trade and economic growth.
Research background: Financial cycles are behind many deep financial crises and it closely connects them with the business cycles, showing long memory properties and effects. Being closely connected with the business cycles, we must first explore the true nature of the financial cycles to understand the nature of the business cycles. Financial cycles are real, they have long memory properties and long-lasting effects on the economy. Purpose of the article: This study investigates the use of (SSA) in tracking and monitoring financial cycles focusing on ten (10) transitional economies 2005?2018. Methods: Singular spectrum analysis isolate significant oscillatory patterns (cycles) on housing markets with an average 4-years length. We isolate credit cycles just for Bulgaria, implying long memory properties of the cycles since this study investigated medium term (2?5 years) oscillations. Findings & Value added: The results prove the importance and advantages of using (SSA) in the study of financial cycles attempting to reveal the true nature of financial cycles as the principal component behind business cycles. Financial cycles show longer oscillations in the credit and property price series, which can explain 37.7%?49.9% of the variance of the total financial cycle fluctuations. Study results are of practical importance, particularly to policy-makers and practitioners in former transitional economies being vulnerable to adverse shocks on the financial markets. The results should assist policy-makers and financial practitioners in building and maintaining a sound financial policy needed to avoid future financial ?bubbles?.
vol. 68
The aim of the present work was to investigate whether and how the timbre-related voice parameters change when classically trained vocalists sing vocal tasks with varying voice dynamics and pitch. This research question was motivated by a standpoint often expressed in literature that one of the goals of classical voice training is the evenness of the sound. In the empirical experiment we asked ten male vocalists (opera and oratorio soloists, and voice students) to sing one-octave ascending D-major scales (from D3 to D4) in three different ways: (1) with most habitual dynamics without intentional dynamic changes; (2) with sempre crescendo; and (3) with sempre diminuendo. We recorded the performances in a studio with low reverberation. Then we calculated the average power spectrums for each sung note with the help of software Sopran 1.0.10. We determined the levels of the fundamental component and the singer’s formant in relation to the level of the strongest peak of the spectrum. We also measured the levels of the sound pressure and the values of the closed quotients and quasi-contact quotients (which characterize the strength of the glottal adduction during phonation). The values of investigated parameters changed systematically during the vocal tasks in the case of all singers. Some of these changes had purely acoustical reasons, which cannot be controlled by the vocal technique of the singer. However, some singers used the strategies, the aim of which was probably the improvement of the perceived evenness of the voice. One of such strategies was the creation of difference between the piano and forte dynamics mainly by changing the timbre and not so much by altering the sound pressure level of the voice. The opposite strategy was the changing of the sound level while keeping the variability of the relative level of the singer’s formant small (which characterizes the brightness and carrying power of the voice). The perceived evenness of the voice may also depend on some other voice properties that we did not address in this work. The pattern of changes in the voice parameters may also depend on the used vowels and pitch range.
Od momentu, kiedy ekonomiści zdali sobie spawę, że cykle koniunkturalne są nieodłączną charakterystyką zmienności zagregowanej aktywności ekonomicznej, ich główne wysiłki skoncentrowały' się na znalezieniu wskaźników odzwierciedlających okresy rozkwitu i recesji gospodarki. Zmienne, których fluktuacje systematycznie wyprzedzają zmiany ogólnogospodarczej koniunktury, są nazywane zmiennymi wiodącymi (leading variables) lub wskaźnikami wiodącymi (leading indicators). Celem artykułu jest krótka prezentacja teoretycznych i praktycznych problemów dotyczących prognozowania cykli koniunkturalnych, opartego na analizie wskaźniów wiodących, jak również omówienie empirycznych wyników dotyczących jakości prognozowania z użyciem wskaźników wiodących na przykładzie cyklu koniunkturalnego Polski.
From the moment when economists realized that business cycles are important patterns of aggregate economic activity, their main efforts were concentrated on Unding of conjugate indicators of periods of boom and recession. Variables with fluctuations that systematically predate the movements in a general economic activity are called leading variables (LV) or leading indicators (LI). Combining a number of these leading variables into a single indicator provides a representation of cyclical fluctuations. The aims of this paper are to present and briefly discuss theoretical and practical problems of business cycle forecasting based on results of leading indicator analysis, as well as to review the empirical evidence on forecasting performance of leading indicators in Poland.
Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie hipotezy o związkach cykli koniunkturalnych gospodarki Stanów Zjednoczonych z cyklami koniunkturalnymi głównych gospodarek wschodzących (z wyjątkiem Chin). Z analizy danych, w tym w szczególności z analizy harmonicznej i analizy koherencji, wynika, że gdy uwzględni się odchylenia tempa PKB od trendu długookresowego, to już przed światowym kryzysem finansowym występowała umiarkowana synchronizacja cykli pomiędzy Stanami Zjednoczonymi i zdecydowaną większością dużych gospodarek wschodzących, a kryzys wyraźnie zwiększył tę synchronizację. Jeżeli zwiększenie synchronizacji rzeczywiście wystąpiło w ostatnich latach, to uzasadnione są obawy, że w najbliższych latach większość gospodarek wschodzących nie osiągnie stóp wzrostu na poziomie przedkryzysowym.
The purpose of the paper was to verify the hypothesis that a relationship exists between business cycles in the US and the main emerging economies (excluding China). If one compares the deviations of GDPs from their long-term trends on the basis of the conducted analysis, including harmonic and coherence analysis, it appears that prior to the global financial crisis there was already some degree of synchronisation of cycles between these economies and the US, which then increased substantially during the crisis itself. If this was a real phenomenon, one may justifiably have doubts as to the ability of the majority of emerging economies to reach pre-crisis GDP growth rates in the near future.
Analiza przyczynowości w sensie Grangera w dziedzinie czasu nie pozwala na udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przyczynowość jest wynikiem transmisji sygnałów o niskich czy o wysokich częstotliwościach. W niniejszym opracowaniu wykorzystano test Breitunga-Candelona do oceny przyczynowości w sensie Grangera w dziedzinie częstotliwości tygodniowych cen pszenicy paszowej w Polsce i Niemczech w latach 2005-2013. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły występowanie przyczynowości między cenami wskazując jednocześnie, że transmisja sygnałów cenowych z rynku niemieckiego do polskiego dotyczy głównie cykli o niskich częstotliwościach.
Granger causality analysis in the time domain does not allow answering the question whether causality is the result of the transmission of low or high frequency signals. In this study, the Breitung-Candelon test was applied to assess Granger causality in the frequency domain for weekly prices of feed wheat in Poland and Germany in the years 2005-2013. The study confirms the existence of Granger causality between prices indicating that the transmission of price signals from the German to Polish market refers to low frequency cycles.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie hipotezy rozłączenia się (decoupling), czyli pojawienia się względnej niezależności gospodarek rozwijających się od gospodarek rozwiniętych oraz empiryczna weryfikacja tej hipotezy w świetle zmian w gospodarce światowej w ostatniej dekadzie. Wbrew tezom M. Kose’a, Ch. Otroka, i E.S. Prasada (2008) zauważono, że nie ma podstaw do twierdzenia, że przed globalnym kryzysem wystąpiło rozłączenie się aktywności gospodarczej pomiędzy gospodarkami rozwiniętymi i wschodzącymi w krajach rozwiniętych, a okres kryzysu globalnego charakteryzował się nawet większą wzajemną zależnością obu grup krajów. Metody obliczeniowe polegały na usunięciu trendu (i ewentualnie usunięciu dryfu) w celu uzyskania stacjonarnych szeregów. Następnie niecykliczne zmiany w szeregach zostały usunięte za pomocą filtru Christiano-Fitzgeralda i wreszcie cykliczne części realnego PKB zostały zbadane z wykorzystaniem analizy spektralnej oraz kospektralnej.
The paper discusses the viability of the decoupling hypothesis, which states that the performance of emerging economies becomes relatively independent from the changes in developed economies, and empirically verifies this hypothesis in the light of global economic developments over the past decade. Despite a very influential paper by Kose, Otrok, and Prasad (2008), we argue that there is no evidence that decoupling between developed and emerging economies took place before the last global financial crisis. In fact, the case was quite the contrary ‒ ties between the two groups of countries strengthened during the crisis years. It seems that either decoupling never took place or the recent crisis began a new trend of re-coupling, which is the instance of emerging economies returning to a state of strong dependence on their more developed counterparts. At the same time it raises doubts as to whether the high rates of growth in emerging economies can be sustained in the face of slowing growth in developed economies. In terms of methodology, linear and quadratic de-trending were used to obtain stationary data, then non-cyclical movements were removed with the Christiano-Fitzgerald band-pass filter. The cyclical parts of real GDP time series were then subjected to spectral and co-spectral analysis.
The work is dealing with the problems of stress, its physiological manifestation within the organism and its influence upon the organisms of clients and teachers who are involved in the educational process at university. We are trying to point out a negative impact of stress in physically demanding professions. One of them is also the teachers’ profession where we should pay attention to the burn-out syndrome prevention. By comparison of used psychological diagnostic methods and analysis of heart rate variability it was found out that the stress diagnostics via spectral analysis is highly efficient, objective and money and time undemanding method. Its main positive is that it is not invasive and it does not bother a client at all. In the second part we are dealing with various possibilities of overcoming the stress and its negative influences.
Celem opracowania jest ukazanie znaczenia synchronizacji cyklu koniunkturalnego Polski z innymi krajami Europy. W badaniu wykorzystano filtry Hodricka-Prescotta oraz Christiano-Fitzgeralda. Posłużyły one do ekstrakcji komponentów cyklicznych kwartalnych szeregów czasowych realnego PKB dla 33 krajów europejskich w latach 2002—2016, na podstawie danych kwartalnych Eurostatu dotyczących nominalnego PKB oraz poziomu cen. Zastosowanie filtrów do danych wykazało, że w przypadku niektórych krajów (np. Grecji) kryzys gospodarczy doprowadził nie tylko do spadku PKB, lecz także do załamania trendu. Wyniki wskazują też, że większość krajów uporała się z kryzysem pod koniec 2015 r. Synchronizacja cyklu koniunkturalnego Polski z krajami strefy euro wzrasta w bardzo powolnym tempie.
The aim of this paper is to present the importance of business cycle synchronization between Poland and other European countries. The HodrickPrescott and Christiano-Fitzgerald filters were used in the research. They were applied to extract cyclical components from quarterly time series of real GDP of 33 European countries basing on the Eurostat’s quarterly data on nominal GDP and price level in the years 2002—2016. The application of filters proved that, in case of some countries (e.g. Greece), the economic crisis led not only to a drop of GDP but also to a break in the trend. Moreover, the results indicate that most European countries overcame the crisis at the end of 2015. The business cycle synchronization of Poland with euro area countries is slowly increasing.
W artykule zbadano właściwości cykli koniunkturalnych w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Głównym celem jest identyfikacja cykli koniunkturalnych w tych państwach i analiza powiązań pomiędzy nimi. Autor wykorzystuje modyfikację transformaty Fouriera do estymacji amplitud i częstotliwości cykli. Pozwala ona na precyzyjniejsze oszacowanie charakterystyk cykli niż w tradycyjnym podejściu. Analiza cross-spektralna komponentów cyklicznych PKB dla Czech, Węgier, Polski i Słowacji umożliwiła ocenę stopnia synchronizacji cykli koniunkturalnych w tych krajach.
This paper examines the business cycle properties of Visegrad group countries. The main objective is to identify business cycles in these countries and to study the relationships between them. The author applies a modification of the Fourier analysis to estimate cycle amplitudes and frequencies. This allows for a more precise estimation of cycle characteristics than the traditional approach. The cross-spectral analysis of GDP cyclical components for the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia makes it possible to assess the degree of business cycle synchronization between the countries.
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