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In modern language teaching institutions and schools, the proficient language teachers apply different kinds of tasks to teach some skills and sub-skills. In the current study, the researcher investigated the effect of two different tasks, namely Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)-based tasks and written questions tasks on students’ English grammar learning. The researcher in the control group asked the participants to answer the written questions in their workbooks and the participants in the experimental group do their assignments using the computers. Based on the post-test results, both CALL-based and written question tasks had positive effects on the participants. The study supports the idea that motivating tasks can have positive results toward language learning.
The following article aims to familiarize the reader with the practical dimension of tasks for language mediation in foreign language classes, as well as the difficulties arising from the specifics of mediation. The first chapter introduces the concept of language mediation in the German-language area of glottodidactic research. The second chapter is devoted to the role of linguistic mediation in a multicultural and multilingual world, the comprehensiveness of mediation and the competencies needed for its „Bewältigung”. The third chapter presents specific examples from German language classes with non-philological students.
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Elementy środowiska w zadaniach szkolnych

The article shows what kinds of physics, chemistry, biology and geography exercises are created by the Science Lab in Educational Research Institute. In the article there are examples of elements of environment that are used in tasks which can serve as ideas for educational projects for students and teachers. These tasks are described as useful ideas for teachers because they include answer keys and ways of solving problems. The article also marks typical mistakes that can be made by students while they work out their tasks. This work can mainly be used by teachers as a teaching tool in the field of science education.
The legal forms of the public administration activity, which are in fact a product of the doctrine, ‘close up’ so to speak the whole construction of these activities in a democratic rule of law. What is more, they increase the predictability of the actions that may be taken by administrative bodies, and provide the citizens and other addressees of these activities with a better chance of their evaluation. Consequently public administration can be perceived as functioning properly, displaying stability and certainty. The current dilemmas arising from the need for a broader ‘catalogue’ of legal forms of administrative activity, extended to new ones such as, for example, the administrative agreement, have been presented. In the light of the above it becomes clear that Poland lags behind when confronted with the challenges arising from the evolution of the contemporary tasks of public administration. The tensions between the stabilisation and the postulate of a breakthrough arising in connection with the need for the modernisation of administration and reducing the load of the administrative judiciary is also discussed.
Prawne formy działania administracji będące w istocie wytworem doktryny „domykają” konstrukcję działań administracji w demokratycznym państwie prawnym, pozwalają zwiększyć przewidywalność i rozliczalność tych działań przez obywateli i innych adresatów aktywności podmiotów administrujących. Samej administracji dają niezbędną stabilizację i pewność właściwego sposobu funkcjonowania. W opracowaniu ukazano współczesne dylematy poszerzenia uznanego „katalogu” prawnych form działania administracji o formy konsensualne, zwłaszcza umowę administracyjną w sytuacji ewolucji współczesnych zadań administracji publicznej. Nasze opóźnienie w tym zakresie staje się widoczne i pozbawia administrujących nowych, elastycznych narzędzi. Zawarto także rozważania o napięciu między stabilizacją a postulatem przełomu w badanym zakresie w związku z potrzebą modernizacji administracji i koniecznością odciążenia sądownictwa administracyjnego.
The article says that Project Manager (PM) is considered as a profession even though it does not appear in the official profession list of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The characteristic of this profession was made on the basis of such elements as: general role of PM, particular tasks which lie in implemented project management methodology and project management competencies. The considerations are based on the literature studies, analysis of job offers and results from interviews conducted among 22 project managers in 2012.
Many studies have confirmed the importance of tasks on language learning. Nowadays, many teachers apply different kinds of tasks in their classrooms. The current study investigated the effect of mobile assisted language learning tasks (MALL) on participants’ English grammar learning. The researcher administered a pre-validated grammar test to 90 junior high school participants aged between 14 to 16 with the mean age 15. The researcher taught grammar to both groups inductively and asked the participants to do their assignments according to their group’s tasks. Based on the post-test results, it can be concluded that the experimental groups had better results than the control group. The study supports the hypothesis that sharing tasks in virtual networks can have positive results for language learning, specifically grammar learning.
Adults indicate their needs and interest in religious content in a variety of ways. They express a conviction that adult religious education should not be limited to catechesis and look for such forms that correspond to their needs and expectations. One of them is the Bible Correspondence Course (BCC). This form of adult religious education has been present in Poland for over 20 years, and in Austria even longer. The Course not only attracts growing interest amongst adults but also meets their expectations and brings (often unexpected) results. By analysing the motives for the participation in the BCC one can see that this form of adult education is a significant event for many people and has become a unique part of their biographies. Thus, its effects relate to many areas and dimensions of human existence.
The democratic transformation in Poland, the beginning of which dates back to the 1980s, brought political and economic freedom that additionally inspired the activity of civil movements taking the form of non-governmental organizations. Since the early 1990s, Polish society has become clearly divided, which was illustrated by the emergence of three distinct areas of public activity. The Law of March 8, 1990 on Territorial Self-Government began the rapid development of local governments, which were given the task of handling local public matters. The Law on Business Operations, which was in force at the time, ensured freedom of operations and the principle of quality of all participants of business life. Other laws, the Law on Foundations of April 6, 1984 and the Law on Associations of April 7, 1989 restored the possibility of civil self-organization, working for one’s own circle and fulfilling social needs. Throughout the whole period of political transformation, and in particular in the decade after Poland’s accession to the European Union, NGOs have become one of the most active actors of public life, and a capable partner to local and regional authorities in designing policies. One significant element of politics involves ensuring the security of citizens. Social security is of particular importance. NGOs initiate a number of projects aiming to fulfill the basic needs of residents, thereby ensuring their personal development and confidence. Cooperation with territorial self-government isof exceptional importance here.
The article presents the results and methodology of OECD PISA – the largest and most prestigious contemporary international study on pupils’ competence. The main methodological assumptions of sample surveys and their comparison with the analysis of data from the examination system are discussed. The article presents procedures for the creation of test items, with a particular focus on the tasks in the area of ​​science and the rules of interpretation of the test results, with particular emphasis on the principles of statistical inference. Also discussed is the importance of the effect of the incomplete sample and subsequent attempts to interpret the results.
The paper presents the comments relating to the role of tasks in theprocess of teaching and learning of mathematics in the context of educationof students studying to become teachers. In the considerations part, referencewas made to the fragments of undergraduate and postgraduate works, madeat seminars of didactics of mathematics.
The author characterizes structural and logical components of systems approach to intra-firm staff development. Two groups of components of this system have been selected. The first group consists of those items that can be called systems: the organization as a whole; separate organizational unit (department, laboratory, division); permanent or temporary employees engaged in certain activities; each individual employee. The second group is associated with organizational values, projections, goals, expected results, stages for their achievement and implementation, production processes and technologies, corporate culture. Some stages that create the system of education, are presented: definition of learning objectives, diagnostics of the level of personnel development, identifying the expectations of employees, preparation of individual training and development plans, selection of types and methods, coordination of individual plans, making the budget of training, adjusting of training plans.
Through its social dimension and its economic efficiency, the cooperative form of business is a particularly important link in the process of the development of the rural areas in Poland. Cooperatives use their technical and social infrastructure for the propagation of the economic, organizational, technical and social advancement. Similarly to the interwar period, the agricultural cooperative movement may contribute substantially to the development of the Polish rural areas. As cooperatives have to compete on contemporary market, their functioning had to change to match the requirements of a regular business process, with a suitably organized process of production and effective marketing. Conditions in which cooperatives work nowadays changed. That is why the functioning of cooperatives cannot be based mainly on ideological grounds, but it should be defined in terms of highly effective business operation. First of all, legal and economic conditions give grounds to the model of the entrepreneurial cooperative, based on economic and commercial practices. This article contains a presentation of the changes of basic conditionings and tasks of collective farms in Poland, with reference to the historical development of this form of cooperative movement.
The purpose of this article is to show the types of problems and difficulties of high school youth, with particular attention paid to their change and transformations that have taken place over the last few years. Thus, to draw attention to the work of the school educator and the effectiveness in overcoming the difficulties encountered in his or her professional work. To present the real and established aspects of professional training of a school educator that make reference to youth. The first part presents the basic concepts that define the school educator, and thus the youth. Another aspect is to specify the contemporary problems of young people as well as the emphasis on the need for changes in attitudes, role and responsibilities of the school educator resulting from the necessity of bringing current support to the young generation. Article will also be enriched by the conclusions of my own research on high school youth problems.
Vox Patrum
vol. 8
Auctor huius particulae de familia Christiana in doctrina sancti Ioannis Chrisostomi breviter vult scribere et imprimis responsum quaestioni dare, quomodo illa officia sua implere debeat.
The considerations contained in the article are focused on the search for an answer to the question whether it was justified to create, next to the National Council for Radio and Television, existing for almost 25 years, another body - the National Media Council. The Polish Constitution stipulates that the National Council is guarding the public interest in radio and television, and for the proper performance of its tasks should participate in the appointment and dismissal of public radio and television units, as the Constitutional Tribunal stated in its judgment of 13 December 2016. In the author’s opinion, the dispersion of competence in the field of radio and television, along with their attribution to entities created by the legislator, can not undermine the systemic position of the National Council of Radio and Television.
Rozważania zawarte w artykule dotyczą poszukiwania odpowiedzi na pytanie o to, czy zasadne było powołanie, oprócz istniejącej - od ponad dwudziestu pięciu lat - Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji, kolejnego organu związanego z funkcjonowaniem radiofonii i telewizji, jakim jest Rada Mediów Narodowych. Dokonując analizy statusu prawnego tytułowych organów, nie sposób pominąć omówienia dotąd niestety niewykonanego wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z dnia 13 grudnia 2016 roku, w którym stwierdzono, iż Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji stoi na straży interesu publicznego w radiofonii oraz telewizji, i aby prawidłowo wykonywać swoje zadania, powinna mieć udział w powoływaniu i odwoływaniu organów jednostek publicznej radiofonii i telewizji, które to uprawnienie zostało jej odebrane. W konkluzji autorka stwierdza, iż rozproszenie kompetencji w zakresie funkcjonowania radiofonii i telewizji, wraz z ich przypisywaniem innym podmiotom wykreowanym przez ustawodawcę, nie może podważać ustrojowej pozycji Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji.
Progressive demographic transformations and their consequences including the increasing risk of the lack of replacement of generations, family and institutional deficits in fulfilling of the caring and protective functions – create an urgent need to resume the social discourse on creating the social security of the 60+ generation. The pandemic time brought many additional changes, both in social behaviour and in the catalogue of individual needs. It revealed new challenges and axiological priorities, requiring a broader understanding of the nature of social policy towards the third generation.
Postępujące przekształcenia demograficzne i ich skutki, w tym narastające ryzyko braku zastępowalności pokoleń, rodzinne i instytucjonalne deficyty w wypełnianiu funkcji opiekuńczej i zabezpieczającej rodzą pilną potrzebę wznowienia społecznego dyskursu nad warunkami kształtowania bezpieczeństwa społecznego pokolenia 60+. Czas pandemii przyniósł wiele dodatkowych zmian, zarówno w zachowaniach społecznych, jak i w katalogu potrzeb jednostkowych. Ujawnił nowe wyzwania i aksjologiczne priorytety, wymagające szerszego rozumienia istoty polityki społecznej wobec trzeciego pokolenia.
В статті наданий практичний огляд використання технології STEM-навчання, яка спрямована на встановлення міжпредметних зв’язків, які сприяють формуванню у здобувачів освіти цілісного, системного світогляду, актуалізації особистісного ставлення до поставлених питань. Такі уроки чи заняття можуть проводитися шляхом об’єднання тематики кількох навчальних предметів або формуванням інтегрованих курсів чи окремих спецкурсів для здобувачів освіти в умовах дистанційної освіти. В умовах дистанційної освіти практичного значення набуває використання у професійній діяльності вчителя динамічних веб-сервісів за допомогою яких стає можливим відпрацювання із здобувачами освіти деяких матеріалів навчальної програми із залученням STEM-технологій. Власний досвід та досвід педагогів Запорізької області впровадження дослідження реальних природних процесів, які можна здійснювати в дистанційному режимі навчання, був проаналізований. Так вчителі познайомилися із деякими цікавими динамічними веб-ресурсами, які повністю або частково є у відкритому доступі та не вимагають додаткових фінансових витрат (на регістрацію чи підписка) при проведенні уроків на засадах STEM. Таким чином, наявні засоби навчання можна використовувати при класній (очній) роботі, коли вчитель завдяки проектору демонструє всьому класу діяльність на ресурсі, або при індивідуальній чи груповій роботі, залучаючи смартфони в якості засобів навчання. Досвід практичного використання сайтів було здійснено в КЗ «ЗОІППО» ЗОР при викладанні дисципліни інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, на яких вчителі знайомляться з веб-сторінками та тренуються складати завдання для учнів з метою використання їх у свої повсякденній педагогічній практиці. Завдяки таким завданням під час вивчення світової економіки та національного господарства у здобувачів освіти формується усвідомлення глобальної взаємозалежності й особистої відповідальності. Така діяльність одразу реалізує декілька наскрізних рівнів навчальної програми: цілісної наукової картини світу, адекватного розуміння особливостей розвитку сучасного світу; розуміння єдності та гармонії між природним середовищем, розвитком матеріального виробництва та рівня зростання соціальних стандартів населення в умовах сталого розвитку. Звісно залучення в дистанційний формат навчання неспроможне в повній мірі замінити очний формат. Але для підкріплення теоретичного матеріалу може бути гарною альтернативою для розуміння природничих явищ чи процесів при вивчення фізики, астрономії, географії, геології, біології та екології, хімії тощо.
The article provides a practical overview of the use of STEM-learning technology, which aims to establish interdisciplinary links that contribute to the formation of students’ holistic, systematic worldview, modern personal attitudes to the issues. Such lessons or classes can be conducted by combining the subjects of several subjects or the formation of integrated courses or separate special courses for students during distance education. In the conditions of distance education, the use of dynamic web-services in the professional activity of a teacher acquires practical significance, with the help of which it becomes possible to work with students some curriculum materials with the involvement of STEM-technologies. Own experience and experience of teachers of the Zaporizhzha region in the implementation of the study of real natural processes that can be carried out in distance learning, was analyzed. In this way, teachers found out and used several interesting dynamic web-resources that are fully or partially publicly available and do not require additional financial costs (registration or subscription) when conducting lessons on the basis of STEM. Thus, the available teaching aids can be used in classroom (face-to-face) work, when the teacher uses a projector to demonstrate to the whole class activities on the resource, or in individual or group work, using smartphones as teaching aids. The experience of practical use of sites was carried out in KZ “ZOIPPO” ZOR in teaching the discipline of information and communication technologies, where teachers read web pages and train to compose tasks for students to use them in their daily teaching practice. Due to such tasks, in the study of the world economy and the national economy, students develop an awareness of global interdependence and personal responsibility. Such activities immediately implement several cross-cutting levels of the curriculum: a holistic scientific view of the world, an adequate understanding of the peculiarities of the modern world; understanding of the unity and harmony between the natural environment, the development of material production and the level of growth of social standards of the population in conditions of sustainable development. Of course, involvement in distance learning format is not able to fully replace the face-to-face format. But to reinforce theoretical material, it can be a good alternative for understanding natural phenomena or processes in the study of physics, astronomy, geography, geology, biology and ecology, chemistry, etc.
The article deals with results of surveys carried out in October and November in 2006 among 124 counselors of WODR in Modliszewice in the Świętokrzyskie Province. The surveyed ODR staff were of positive opinions on the subject of development prospects for agriculture and rural areas, especially those bigger ones, after having been incorporated into the structures of the European Union. According to the respondents the most supportive programs for financing agriculture were PROW and SPO. The counselors were concerned about too little interest, on the part of farmers, in dealing with accountancy, however, they said it was impossible not to notice symptoms of growing enterprise in rural areas, which they strongly recommended. Cooperation with ARiMR and local authorities, in the areas in question, was fairly appreciated by the respondents. They associated their future career with employment in ODR structures, not being afraid to face competition from other counseling centers. However, the counselors were aware of the competition on the part of the private counseling sector. The opinions about likelihood of improving their financial situation in result of membership in the EU were divided. Trainings, the internet and courses were considered as the most advantageous ways of acquiring knowledge necessary for interacting with farmers. A very important element of the counselor’s job was support for applying for financial means from the European Union funds, usually realized one or two times a year for each client.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w październiku i listopadzie 2006 roku wśród 124 pracowników WODR w Modliszewicach w województwie świętokrzyskim. Badana kadra ODR pozytywnie oceniła perspektywy rozwoju wsi i rolnictwa oraz gospodarstw rolnych, zwłaszcza większych obszarowo, po włączeniu do struktur UE. Oceniono jako najbardziej pomocne dla finansowania rolnictwa programy PROW i SPO. Z niepokojem badani pracownicy odbierali małe zainteresowanie prowadzeniem rachunkowości przez rolników, dostrzegając zarazem symptomy rozwoju przedsiębiorczości na obszarach wiejskich, jednocześnie polecając w swoich poradach takie działania. Wysoko oceniano współpracę z ARiMR oraz samorządem lokalnym na terenie działania badanych doradców. Respondenci wiązali swoją przyszłość z dalszą pracą zawodową w strukturach ODR, nie obawiając się też odchodzenia rolników do konkurencji w postaci prywatnych instytucji doradczych. Równocześnie badani doradcy odczuwali jednak pewne zagrożenie pojawiającą się konkurencją prywatnego sektora doradztwa. Wśród respondentów były podzielone opinie na temat możliwości poprawy sytuacji finansowej tej grupy zawodowej w wyniku integracji z UE. Szkolenia, internet i kursy zostały uznane za korzystne sposoby uzupełniania wiedzy, niezbędnej w kontaktach z rolnikami. Ważnym elementem pracy doradczej było wsparcie w wypełnianiu wniosków o dofinansowanie ze środków UE, realizowane najczęściej raz lub dwa razy w roku dla każdego klienta.
Tasks performed by municipalities in the Republic of Poland and in the Brandenburg Land Implementation of public administration is the aim of local government activity, so the local government’s tasks are the quintessential of local government. Municipal is the base of local government. It regulates all local affairs on their own responsibility, within the limits prescribed by the laws. It also performs other delegated tasks. The aim of the following work is to explain the concept of municipal tasks and analyze comparability range of its concept in the Republic of Poland and in the Brandenburg Land. The second subject of this article is analyzing the types of tasks performing by municipalities in aforementioned legal systems.
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W pracy przedstawiono zasady funkcjonowania turystyki uzdrowiskowej w Polsce. Omówiono zadania lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego oraz profile lecznicze. Przedstawiono rolę kształcenia i szkolenia kadry pracującej w lecznictwie uzdrowiskowym oraz formy świadczonych w nim usług.
The paper has the functioning of health tourism in Poland. They discuss the role and tasks of the spa treatment and therapeutic profiles. The role of education and training for staff working in the spa treatment and the form of services in the health treatment.
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