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The author explores the historical development of Ukrainian linguistic terminology within the framework of national terminography, lexicography, encyclopediography. The article reviews and analyses the academic references encomprassing 1) nationally specific and borrowed terms as well as concepts in traditional and emerging linguistics branches (e.g., the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by Ye. Krotevych and N. Rodzevytch; Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by D. Hanych and I. Oliinyk; Dictionary of Modern Linguistics: Concepts and Terms; Modern Linguistic Dictionary by A. Zahnitko; Ukrainian. Concise Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by S. Yermolenko, S. Bybyk, and O. Todor; Modern Linguistics: Terminological Encyclopedia by O. Selivanova; The Ukrainian Language. Encyclopaedia; etc.), and 2) personalities of Ukrainian linguists (e.g., Ukrainian Grammar in Names by A. Zahnitko, M. Balko; Nizhyn Linguistics by N. Boiko, S. Zinchenko, A. Kaidash; etc.). The author systemizes and classifies encyclopedic works based on different criteria in the classical way (according to nature of information: domain, subject-specific, biographical, personal works; according to target audience: professional linguistics, student philologists, applicants, pupils; according regional focus of linguistic conceptions: the Nizhyn region, the Poltava region; according to article structure: alphabetical, alphabetical-and-clustered), as well as in the new way (syncretism of linguistic and encyclopedic genres: subject-specific linguistic-and-encyclopedic-and-biographic works, domain regional-and-biographic ones, subject-specific regional-and-biographic ones). The universal and specific principles of forming the definitional part of both linguistic-encyclopedic and encyclopedic articles include interpretation by an author, macro- and mini-discursive cross-references, hyperlinks, scholarly inter-texts, novelty, debatable issues personal and bibliographic remarks, and global linguistic experience.
Martyna Klejnowska-Borowska - Uniwersytet Warszawski. Analiza przedstawiona w niniejszym artykule została oparta na modelu analizy terminograficznej autorstwa M. Łukasika (2007, 2010), który badał polsko-angielskie i angielsko-polskie słowniki specjalistyczne wydane w latach 1990–2006. Autor przeanalizował około 600 słowników dwu- i wielojęzycznych, dzięki czemu powstała adnotowana bibliografia. Ponadto dzięki badaniom opracowana została typologia słowników specjalistycznych, a dzięki analizie kwantytatywnej wykryte zostały lakuny terminograficzne w zakresie języka polskiego i angielskiego na polskim rynku wydawniczym. Innym ważnym rezultatem badania okazało się opracowanie prototypu najbardziej popularnego dzieła terminograficznego w zakresie polsko-angielskiej i angielsko-polskiej terminografii.
The article presents the analysis of Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish terminological dictionaries published in Poland between 1990 and 2012. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part presents the analysis of macrostructure parameters which, inter alia, included: the way the lexicon is organized: alphabetically or thematically; language format; dictionary type (glossaries, dictionaries of acronyms, terminological dictionaries: explanatory terminological dictionaries, encyclopedic terminological dictionaries, hybrid terminological dictionaries and thesauruses); bibliography references; indexes; attachments; size of a dictionary and its thematic scope; field(s) of science included in dictionaries. The second part deals with microstructure parameters such as: grammatical information, the dictionary definitions, accent marks. Finally, some faults of the analyzed terminological dictionaries are revealed.
Настоящая статья посвящена анализу польско-русских и русско-польских терминологи- ческих словарей изданных в Польше в 1990–2012 гг. Статья состоит из трех частей. В первой части представлен анализ таких параметров макроструктуры словаря как: расположение словарных статей (алфавитный или тематический порядок); языковой формат; вид словаря (глоссарий, словарь акронимов, терминологический словарь: объяснительный терминологический словарь, энциклопедический терминологический словарь, гибридный терминологический словарь, тезаурус); библиография; индексы; приложения; объем словаря и его предмет; отрасли, которые охватывает словарь. Вторая часть посвящена анализу параметров микроструктуры, к которым относятся: грамматическая информация; дефиниция; ударение. Последняя часть представляет ошибки, выступающие в проанализированных терминологических словарях.
The issue of terminographic gaps in specialized discourses has always concerned the researchers and readers alike. However, due to the interlingual nature of such a technical issue, the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between translation and terminography seems to be in prospect. For such a reciprocation scheme to come into practical effect, the present study has aimed to conduct a translational-terminographic concerto by putting a specialized English text to the test of Persian translation. This has been done to answer the question if a translator is required to provide for any terminological gap once all attempts at finding the corresponding terminological items have failed. In this pursuit, certain workable criteria for terminographic proposition via translation have been discussed. As such, the practical phase of this study concerns itself with addressing the issue of Persian terminological gaps in a language-related metadiscoursal field and consequently detecting the problem zones of non-equivalence in a specialised text carefully selected for translation. Ultimately, a list of Persian terminological items constructed on the basis of the proposed translational-cum-terminographical scheme is compiled to address the identified terminological gaps in the target metadiscourse under study.
Quality of Multilingual Specialised Lexicography in PolandThe aim of this paper is to evaluate the state of multilingual specialised lexicography in Poland over a period of almost 70 years. Based on the analysis of macro- and microstructures of multilingual dictionaries published in Poland since 1945, the study offers a thorough insight into the key parameters of such works, including their general lexicographic structure, presentation of the content as well as potential usefulness for users. Compared with the achievements of theoretical lexicography, the terminographic analysis has enabled the author to draw meaningful conclusions and put forward applicative proposals for future dictionaries.
Current State of Terminology in Lithuania: Scientific Research, Management and Education The article discusses the current state of terminology in Lithuania, presents terminological research carried out in the last five years, analyses ways of Lithuanian terminology management, and briefly overviews terminological education and teaching in Lithuania.Lithuanian terminological research is mostly carried out at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language and at universities and other research institutes. The largest part of terminological research is carried out at the Centre of Terminology of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, which researches Lithuanian terminology and terminography, analyses the use of Lithuanian terminology in different fields.Three ways of terminology management are discussed: terminography, creation of term banks and databases and standardisation of terms.The number of term dictionaries published in Lithuania is rather considerable – over 600. The most productive period for publishing term dictionaries is from 1990 up to date. Between 1990–2013 more than 420 term dictionaries and special encyclopaedias were published.The main and most important terminology database in Lithuania is the Term Bank of the Republic of Lithuania (lt Lietuvos Respublikos terminų bankas, further – LTB), initiated in 2004. This bank is created as a common information system of state institutions administered by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (further – Language Commission). There are more than 237,000 term entries in LTB. The article discusses two more terminology databases containing Lithuanian terminology sources – IATE and EUROTERMBANK. The Lithuanian Standards Board, in addition to other work, prepares Lithuanian standards of terms and offers these terms to the Language Commission for evaluation. Since 2000, the Lithuanian Standards Board has been creating a database of standardised terms which currently contains about 64,000 terms.In Lithuania, terminology also exists as an academic discipline; at many universities, philologists are offered a course in terminology. At many universities, students of other non-philological disciplines are taught a course in language for specific purposes, which covers matters of terminology and terms. Aktualny stan terminologii na Litwie: badania naukowe, zarządzanie informacją i edukacja Artykuł omawia aktualny stan terminologii na Litwie, przedstawia badania naukowe nad zasobami terminologicznymi prowadzone w okresie minionych pięciu lat, analizuje sposoby zarządzania terminami w języku litewskim, a także zawiera zwięzły przegląd tematyki dotyczącej kształcenia i nauczania w zakresie terminologii na Litwie.Główną placówką zajmującą się badaniami nad terminologią w języku litewskim jest Instytut Języka Litewskiego. Ponadto badania takie prowadzone są także na uniwersytetach i w innych ośrodkach badawczych. Największy udział w badaniach terminologicznych ma Zakład Terminologii w Instytucie Języka Litewskiego, który prowadzi prace nad terminologią litewską i terminografią, a także analizuje użycie litewskiego słownictwa specjalistycznego w poszczególnych dziedzinach.W artykule omówiono trzy metody zarządzania zasobami terminologicznymi: terminografia, powoływanie banków terminów i baz danych oraz standaryzacja terminów i pojęć.Liczba słowników terminologicznych opublikowanych na Litwie jest dość znaczna, jest ich obecnie ponad 600. Najwięcej publikacji pochodzi z okresu po roku 1990. Począwszy od 1990 do 2013 r. ukazało się drukiem ponad 420 słowników i specjalistycznych encyklopedii terminologicznych.Główną i najważniejszą bazą terminów na Litwie jest Terminologiczna Baza Republiki Litewskiej (lt Lietuvos Respublikos terminų bankas, dalej: LTB), powstała w 2004 r. Została ona utworzona jako wspólny informatyczny system instytucji pań­stwowych pod patronatem Państwowej Komisji Języka Litewskiego (dalej: Komisja Języka). W LTB znajduje się ponad 237 000 haseł terminologicznych.Artykuł omawia dalej kolejne dwie bazy danych, które zawierają litewskie źródła terminologii, a mianowicie IATE i EUROTERMBANK. Litewska Rada Standaryzacji oprócz innych prac przygotowuje litewskie standardy terminów i przedstawia je Komisji Języka do oceny. Od roku 2000 Litewska Rada Standaryzacji tworzy bazę standaryzowanych terminów, która aktualnie obejmuje 64 000 haseł.Na Litwie terminologia istnieje także jako odrębna dyscyplina akademicka. Na wielu uniwersytetach w programie studiów prowadzone są przez filologów zajęcia z tego zakresu. Na licznych uczelniach studenci kierunków niefilologicznych mają wykłady w zakresie stosowania terminów specjalistycznych, obejmujące kwestie terminologiczne i dotyczące zasobu pojęć.
It is widely accepted that terminological minimum is a practical means used for the selection of specialist vocabulary to be taught at various proficiency levels in LSP courses. This popular understanding of the notion renders it similar to the concept of lexical minimum; from the didactic perspective, the two notions seem to largely overlap, being in fact vocabulary lists based mainly on the frequency parameter. However, this picture has largely obscured the true ontological status of the two concepts, and it was not until only recently that the notion of lexical minimum was defined in a more comprehensive way, bringing to light some of its most salient characteristics. Likewise, it seems necessary to re-define the notion of the terminological minimum, if only on account of the specific nature of the lexical unit included in them, i.e. the term. The current paper attempts to elucidate the notion in question and to provide a methodological framework for the compilation of a modern terminological minimum.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the constitutional and content-related features of illustrative parameters within the structure of a dictionary entry, drawing upon the material of explanatory dictionaries of linguistic terms. The problem is studied in four aspects: the degree of research of illustrative parameter in linguistics; factors affecting the volume and nature of images in dictionaries; ways to include images in the structure of a dictionary entry; types of images used in metaterminography. Images in lexicography in general and in terminography in particular are quite important, since they allow the user to: supplement the information contained in the definition conceptually; demonstrate the nature of the context in which a registered word can be used; distinguish one meaning from another; identify various grammatical models and determine the scope of typical combinations; outline the scope of use of a registered unit, etc.
Мэта артыкула − на матэрыяле тлумачальных слоўнікаў лінгвістычных тэрмінаў прааналізаваць канстытуцыйна-кантэнтныя асаблівасці ілюстрацыйнага параметра ў структуры слоўнікавага артыкула. Праблема вывучаецца ў чатырох аспектах: ступень даследаванасці ілюстрацыйнага параметра ў лінгвістыцы; фактары, якія ўплываюць на аб’eм і характар ілюстрацый у слоўніках; спосабы ўключэння ілюстрацый у структуру слоўнікавага артыкула; тыпы ілюстрацый, якія выкарыстоўваюцца ў метатэрмінаграфіі. Ілюстрацыі ў лексікаграфіі ў цэлым і ў тэрмінаграфіі ў прыватнасці дастаткова важныя, паколькі дазваляюць: канцэптуальна дапоўніць інфармацыю ў дэфініцыі; прадэманстраваць характар кантэксту, у якім можа выступаць рэестравае слова; адрозніць адно значэнне ад другога; ідэнтыфікаваць разнастайныя граматычныя мадэлі і вызначыць сферу тыповых спалучэнняў; акрэсліць сферу выкарыстання рэестравай адзінкі і інш.
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Z dorobku polskiej leksykografii dziedzinowej: botanika

Artykuł dokumentuje dorobek polskich leksykografów (terminologów, encyklopedystów, etnobotaników, zielnikoznawców i in.) w dziedzinie botaniki. Zamieszczono obszerny wykaz 831 opracowań leksykograficznych, wydanych w Polsce w latach 1472–2017. Do opracowań słownikarskich zaliczono teksty różnego gatunku, takie jak słowniki terminologiczne, encyklopedyczne, spisy, indeksy, glosariusze, atlasy botaniczne, ułożone alfabetycznie kompendia, przewodniki itd. Bibliografia ma charakter kompleksowy i adnotowany. Materiał do bibliografii wyekscerpowany został z rozproszonych katalogów bibliotecznych instytucji naukowych i ośrodków naukowo-dydaktycznych w Polsce, katalogów wydawniczych, a także z prac naukowych (monografii, artykułów) z zakresu fitonimiki i etnobotaniki.
The article documents the achievements of Polish lexicographers (terminologists, encyclopaedists, ethnobotanists, herbalists) in botany. It contains a comprehensive list of 831 lexicographic works published in Poland in the years 1472–2017, including terminology dictionaries, encyclopaedias, indexes, glossaries, botanical atlases, alphabetical compendia, guides, etc. The bibliography is comprehensive and annotated. The bibliographical material was extracted from library catalogues of various academic institutions and scientific centres in Poland, catalogues of publications, as well as from scientific works (monographs, articles) in the field of phytology and ethnobotany.
During the 20th and 21st centuries, the Belarusian linguistic terminography developed in close connection with other branches of terminography under the direct influence of specific social and political circumstances. During this period, local linguists compiled more than 70 different dictionaries of linguistic terms: stand-alone and incorporation dictionaries, general and aspectual dictionaries, selection dictionaries and usage dictionaries, translation dictionaries, explanatory and explanatory-translation dictionaries, alphabetical and alphanumeric dictionaries, etc. Certain issues of the development of Belarusian terminography are summarized in the studies of L. Antanyuk, G. Gvazdovich, M. Gulitski, A. Zhurauski, A. Padluzhny, M. Sudnik, T. Tamashevich, L. Shakun and others (mainly in the context of studies of the history of Belarusian linguistics and terminology). The publications of A. Adamovich and A. Kaurus, A. Krivitsky, P. Martinouski, R. Ageeva and others are devoted to the surveying of criticism of dictionaries of linguistic terms. The structure of the most authoritative dictionaries and their content were investigated in detail by V. Shcherbin who explored various aspects of the history of terminography. However, until our time, the whole field of the formation of linguistic termography in the Belarusian linguistics has not been systematized, nor are there any conceptual studies available on the methodology of terminographic practice. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of the modern Belarusian translation terminography (transterminography) and identify the main trends in the methodology of terminographic practice. Research objectives: to identify which types of dictionaries prevail in the Belarusian translation terminography; characterize the types of microstructure of the translation linguistic dictionaries; determine what challenges the modern Belarusian transterminography is facing. The research material was the Belarusian stand-alone dictionaries and incorporation dictionaries in which linguistic terms are translated from Russian into Belarusian, from Belarusian into Russian, and multilingual dictionaries of linguistic terms in which Russian and Belarusian are input or output languages. Research methods – a descriptive method of synchronous analysis with elements of diachronic method, a comparative method and some individual techniques of component analysis. The study confirms a number of conclusions. Bilingual dictionaries prevail in the modern linguistic transterminography. Among the stand-alone dictionaries, a major part falls within Russian-Belarusian editions. Among incorporation dictionaries, the Belarusian-Russian dictionaries of usage are most numerous (largely due to a significant number of mikrodictionaries found in Belarusian language school textbooks). The typology of multilingual linguistic dictionaries seems redundant because most publications are unique in their structural and substantive features. So, in different layouts, the Belarusian, Russian, Polish, and Chinese languages are available as stand-alone dictionaries, and the Belarusian, Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Polish and Chinese languages are corporation dictionaries. The microstructure of the major part of translation dictionaries is elementary and is formed by the nomination zone and the equivalent zone. In some cases, the area of grammatical information (a fragment of the inflection chain and an indication of the grammatical-semantic class of words) is also included in the dictionary entry. Further development of the Belarusian transterminography (first of all, the Belarusian-Russian and Russian-Belarusian) needs some adjustment on the part of the scientific community. The number of translation dictionaries has already reached that “critical volume” at which quantitative indicators must be balanced by qualitative ones. This means that based on compiled dictionaries a thorough metatheory of terminographic activity should be developed that would affect both the technical and linguistic aspects of creating special dictionaries. In our opinion, one of the possible implementations of such a theory and a process step towards overcoming the crisis in linguistic transterminography could be the creation of consolidated translation dictionaries of terms that would, within the framework of one scientific paradigm, summarize the experience accumulated over a century of systematization, codification and translation.
На працягу ХХ–ХХІ стст. беларуская лінгвістычная тэрмінаграфія развівалася ў цеснай сувязі з іншымі галінамі тэрмінаграфіі пад непасрэдным уплывам канкрэтных сацыяльна-палітычных абставін. За гэты перыяд айчыннымі мовазнаўцамі было створана больш за 70 разнастайных слоўнікаў лінгвістычных тэрмінаў: аўтаномных і інкарпараваных, агульных і аспектных, слоўнікаў-падборак і слоўнікаў-дадаткаў, перакладных, тлумачальных і тлумачальна-перакладных, алфавітных і алфавітна-гнездавых і інш. Асобныя пытанні развіцця беларускай тэрмінаграфіі абагульняюцца ў даследаваннях Л. Антанюк, Г. Гваздовіч, М. Гуліцкага, А. Жураўскага, А. Падлужнага, М. Судніка, Т. Тамашэвіча, Л. Шакуна і інш. (пераважна ў кантэксце вывучэння гісторыі беларускага мовазнаўства і тэрміназнаўства). Публікацыі А. Адамовіча і А. Каўруса, А. Крывіцкага, П. Марціноўскага, Р. Агеевай і інш. прысвечаны агляднай крытыцы слоўнікаў лінгвістычных тэрмінаў. Падрабязна і ў розных аспектах гісторыю тэрмінаграфіі, структуру найбольш аўтарытэтных слоўнікаў і іх змест даследаваў В. Шчэрбін. Аднак да нашага часу ў беларускай лінгвістыцы не сістэматызаваны ўвесь ход станаўлення мовазнаўчай тэрмінаграфіі, адсутнічаць таксама канцэптуальныя працы па метадалогіі тэрмінаграфічнай дзейнасці. Мэта гэтага даследавання – прааналізаваць стан сучаснай беларускай перакладной тэрмінаграфіі (транстэрмінаграфіі) і выявіць асноўныя трэнды ў метадалогіі тэрмінаграфічнай дзейнасці. Задачы даследавання: выявіць, якія тыпы слоўнікаў пераважаюць у беларускай перакладной тэрмінаграфіі; ахарактарызаваць тыпы мікраструктуры перакладных лінгвістычных слоўнікаў; вызначыць задачы, якія стаяць перад сучаснай беларускай транстэрмінаграфіяй. Матэрыялам для даследавання паслужылі беларускія аўтаномныя і інкарпараваныя слоўнікі, у якіх лінгвістычныя тэрміны перакладаюцца з рускай мовы на беларускую, з беларускай мовы на рускую, а таксама шматмоўныя слоўнікі лінгвістычных тэрмінаў, у якіх уваходнай або выходнымі мовамі з’яўляюцца руская і беларуская. Метады даследавання – апісальны метад сінхроннага аналізу з элементамі дыяхраніі, параўнальна-супастаўляльны метад і асобныя прыёмы кампанентнага аналізу. У працэсе даследавання абгрунтоўваецца шэраг высноў. У сучаснай лінгвістычнай транстэрмінаграфіі пераважаюць двухмоўныя слоўнікі. Сярод аўтаномных большая частка прыпадае на руска-беларускія выданні. З інкарпараваных слоўнікаў пераважаюць беларуска-рускія слоўнікі-дадаткі (у значнай ступені за кошт істотнай колькасці мікраслоўнікаў, змешчаных у школьных падручніках па беларускай мове). Тыпалогія шматмоўных лінгвістычных слоўнікаў уяўляецца збыткоўнай, паколькі многія выданні па сваіх структурна-зместавых асаблівасцях з’яўляюцца ўнікальнымі. Так, у рознай кампаноўцы ў аўтаномных слоўніках прадстаўлены беларуская, руская, польская, кітайская мовы, а ў інкарпараваных – беларуская, руская, англійская, нямецкая, французская, іспанская, польская і кітайская мовы. Мікраструктура пераважнай большасці перакладных слоўнікаў элементарная і фарміруецца зонай намінацыі і зонай эквівалентаў. У асобных выпадках у слоўнікавы артыкул уключаецца таксама зона граматычнай інфармацыі (фрагмент парадыгмы словазмянення і ўказанне на граматычна-семантычны клас слоў). Далейшае развіццё беларускай транстэрмінаграфіі (у першую чаргу, беларуска-рускай і руска-беларускай) мае патрэбу ў пэўнай карэкціроўцы з боку навуковай супольнасці. Колькасць перакладных слоўнікаў ужо дасягнула таго «крытычнага аб’ёму», пры якім колькасныя паказчыкі павінны балансавацца якаснымі. Гэта значыць, што на аснове створаных слоўнікаў павінна быць распрацавана грунтоўная метатэорыя тэрмінаграфічнай дзейнасці, якая б закранала як тэхнічныя, так і ўласна лінгвістычныя аспекты стварэння спецыяльных слоўнікаў. Адной з магчымых рэалізацый такой тэорыі і працэсуальным крокам на шляху да пераадолення крызісу ў лінгвістычнай транстэрмінаграфіі, на наш погляд, можа стаць стварэнне зводных перакладных слоўнікаў тэрмінаў, якія б у межах адной навуковай парадыгмы абагульнялі назапашаны за стагоддзе вопыт сістэматызацыі, кадыфікацыі і трансляцыі тэрмінаў.
The paper points out the role of terms in academic activity, particularly in onomastics. A survey of onomastic terms present in Polish dictionaries of linguistic terminology and onomastic encyclopaedias has been made. The need has been stressed to follow the rules of terminography in every dictionary of terms. Some normative terms, such as official name, dialectal name, minority name, have been suggested to be included as additional entries in glossaries of onomastic terms.
The article contains a list of 126 legal lexicographical items (each including the Russian language), published in Poland during the years 1803–2014. The bibliography is composed in chronological order. The purpose of the article is to present the richness of terminography written by Polish specialists. The material in question has been excerpted and catalogued on the basis of bibliographical sources, scientific publications, publishing and library catalogues available at the time. The fact that so much bibliographical material has been collected proves that for publishers Russian is still a prestigious language, which enjoys a high social and communicative status. The bibliography exemplifies editorial dynamics and welcoming attitude towards the Russian language on the part of national publishers agencies and scientific centers.
Настоящая статья представляет собой библиографический перечень 126 лексикографических изданий по правоведению и юридическим дисциплинам, изданных в Польше в 1803–2014 гг., языковым компонентом которых является русский. Главная цель работы экспонировать богатство терминографических работ, составленных польскими специалистами. Материал к библиографии собран и каталогизирован на основе библиографических источников, научных трудов, подписных каталогов и каталогов научных библиотек. Составление такого обширного библиографического перечня свидетельствует, несомненно, о том, что русский язык все время относится к группе престижных языков с высоким общественно-коммуникационным статусом, значимых в межкультурных контактах. Настоящая библиография отражает издательскую динамику в Польше и открытость на русский язык.
The article contains a list of 149 Polish terminological dictionaries in the field of economics, trade, management (each including the Russian language), published in Poland during the years 1887–2015. The bibliography is composed in chronological order. The purpose of the article is to present the richness of terminography written by Polish specialists. The material in question has been excerpted and catalogued on the basis of bibliographical sources, scientific publications, publishing and library catalogues available at the time. The fact that so much bibliographical material has been collected proves that for publishers, Russian is still a prestigious language, which enjoys a high social and communicative status. The bibliography exemplifies editorial dynamics and welcoming attitude towards the Russian language on the part of national publishing agencies and scientific centers.
Настоящая статья представляет собой библиографический перечень 149 лексикографических изданий по экономике, торговле и менеджменту, изданных в Польше в 1887–2015 гг., языковым компонентом которых является русский. Главная цель работы экспонировать богатство терминографических работ, составленных польскими специалистами. Материал к библиографии собран и каталогизирован на основе библиографических источников, научных трудов, подписных каталогов и каталогов научных библиотек. Составление такого обширного библиографического перечня свидетельствует, несомненно, о том, что русский язык все время относится к группе престижных языков с высоким общественно-коммуникационным статусом, значимых в межкультурных контактах. Настоящая библиография отражает издательскую динамику в Польше и открытость на русский язык.
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