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vol. 25
issue 2
The primary aim of the article is to present the scope and character of tourism in Łódź, between 2000 and 2014. The author will show both the overall changes in numbers of registered tourists during those 15 years, its distribution within the city in the last year, and the number and specificity of foreign arrivals (non-residents). Based on surveys in 2009-12, the author will discuss the structure of tourism in Łódź, taking into consideration one-day visitors and tourists, tourism consumption and distribution within the city space.  
vol. 22
issue 1
Today travelling is a global phenomenon. Many journeys involve cross-cultural contacts, often between cultures which are very remote from each other. Some questions arise: does the contemporary traveller expect cross-cultural contacts and how does he/she imagine such interactions? These seemingly simple questions enable us to reflect on the intentionality and complexity of cross-cultural interactions, the main issue discussed in the article. The author draws the reader's attention to the social roles assumed by the modern traveller, as well as the theoretical scenarios of cross-cultural contact, analyzing its symmetric and asymmetric forms.
The author describes the standard tourist itinerary across the city of Wrocław, especially the sites that concern the Italian presence in Wrocław or the merits of the Italian people regarding the region and its capital (artists, architects, exponents of the Church, soldiers, immigrants, etc.). He expresses the opinion that knowledge about elements of history associated with those of the same origins as the tourist group may help guides to interest and involve the group more and to improve the quality of their work. He briefly describes the preparation of the guides for their work and their sources of information, and presents the necessity of choice and selection of the material, depending on the current target audience.
The aim of this publication is to briefly characterise and to emphasize the importance of health tourism, as well as to present selected, most important health resorts in Poland and show them as attractive tourist destinations. This publication consists of four parts. The first is a preface which constitutes an introduction to the main content. The second part, entitled 'The organisation, functions and the purposes of health resorts', encompasses the most important information concerning the legal and organisational status of health resorts, its purpose and performed functions. The third part, entitled 'The presentation of selected health resorts', constitutes a description of main Polish health resorts and their significance for tourism. The fourth part is an afterword which includes a summary of the publication, as well as comments and conclusions that emerged while working on the subject of health tourism.
The author describes the standard tourist itinerary across the city of Wrocław, especially the sites that concern the Italian presence in Wrocław or the merits of the Italian people regarding the region and its capital (artists, architects, exponents of the Church, soldiers, immigrants, etc.). He expresses the opinion that knowledge about elements of history associated with those of the same origins as the tourist group may help guides to interest and involve the group more and to improve the quality of their work. He briefly describes the preparation of the guides for their work and their sources of information, and presents the necessity of choice and selection of the material, depending on the current target audience.
vol. 22
issue 1
Today travelling is a global phenomenon. Many journeys involve cross-cultural contacts, often between cultures which are very remote from each other. Some questions arise: does the contemporary traveller expect cross-cultural contacts and how does he/she imagine such interactions? These seemingly simple questions enable us to reflect on the intentionality and complexity of cross-cultural interactions, the main issue discussed in the article. The author draws the reader's attention to the social roles assumed by the modern traveller, as well as the theoretical scenarios of cross-cultural contact, analyzing its symmetric and asymmetric forms.
The notions of the road and home, as well as home-coming, home-leaving, homelessness, and homeliness, have taken its essential place in philosophical research. Based on the mythological stories about Ulysses, Theseus, or Heracles, this metaphor is used to name the process of constant movement as a form of human existence. Zygmunt Bauman, whose life was also a continuous movement, both physical and mental, uses the metaphor of movement while describing the moral situation of today’s society. This text aims to analyse the models of human existence proposed by Bauman, to discuss the differences and similarities between them, and to put them into a broader context while discussing Otherness, contemporary ethics, and exile. The article also explores the possibilities of existence and applicability of the figures proposed by Zygmunt Bauman in the contemporary world.
On the background of multifunctional rural development paper presents biotechnology of vermiculture (breeding earthworms on organic waste), its strengths and the chance to help building a sustainable organic waste management system in rural areas. Paper also summarizes the conditions for the positive effects of the introduction of vermiculture to rural tourism. Studies were conducted by analyzing reference materials and summarizing own research materials from many years.
In 1954 a young country woman from New South Wales, Shirley Dunk, ex- ercised her agency and travelled to London. This was a journey to the home of her fore- fathers and copied the activities of other country women who made similar journeys. Some of the earliest of these journeys were undertaken by the wives and daughters of the 19th-century rural gentry. This research project will use a qualitative approach in an examination of Shirley’s journey archive complemented with supplementary interviews and stories of other travellers. Shirley nostalgically recalled the sense of adventure that she experienced as she left Sydney for London by ship and travelled through the United Kingdom and Europe. The article will address questions posed by the journey for Shirley and her travelling companion, Beth, and how they dealt with these forces as tourists and travellers. Shirley’s letters home were reported in the country press and reminiscent of soldier’s wartime letters home that described their tales as tourists in foreign lands. The narrative will show that Shirley, as an Australian country girl, was exposed to the cosmo- politan nature of the metropole, as were other women. The paper will explore how Shirley was subject to the forces of modernity and consumerism at a time when rural women were often limited to domesticity.
Jedną z form innowacji społecznych jest konsumpcja kolaboratywna. Koncepcja ta wkomponowuje się w idee przedsiębiorczości społecznej, która odnosi się „do działalności, głównie gospodarczej, podejmowanej w perspektywie i dla korzyści społecznej, zakładającej dominację efektów społecznych nad dążeniem do maksymalizacji zysku” [22], a istotnym jej celem jest „aktywne poszukiwanie i wykorzystywanie szans na rozwiązywanie problemów społecznych” [6]. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie roli konsumpcji kolaboratywnej w podnoszeniu jakości życia na podstawie rynku turystycznego. Autorki stawiają tezę, że konsumpcja kolaboratywna w turystyce wpływa na jakość życia nie tylko osób korzystających (m.in. wysoki stopień zaspokojenia potrzeb związanych z poczuciem indywidualności, autentyczności i wpólnotowości), ale również świadczących usługi (m.in. optymalizacja wykorzystania posiadanego majątku, niezależność od wpływów zewnętrznych, uzyskiwanie przez miejscową ludność bezpośrednich korzyści finansowych, utożsamianie się z własną kulturą, spójność społeczności lokalnej, zwiększenie zdolności człowieka do działania służące przeciwdziałaniu problemowi wykluczenia społecznego i zwiększeniu kreatywności jednostki). W części teoretycznej artykułu przedstawione zostały zależności pomiędzy zjawiskiem konsumpcji kolaboratywnej, innowacjami społecznymi, do których można ją zaklasyfikować, oraz jakością życia. Efektem analiz tych zagadnień jest przedstawienie korzyści społeczności lokalnych w sferze ekonomicznej, psychologicznej, społecznej i politycznej w ujęciu D.J. Timmothy’ego [24], czyli tzw. emancypacji ludności lokalnej. Dla empirycznego zilustrowania analizowanego zjawiska zostaną przedstawione wyniki badań autorskich na podstawie danych zastanych w portalu Airbnb. Przeanalizowano 65 historii gospodarzy, uczestników konsumcji kolaboratywnej po stronie podaży. Autorki przy pomocy badania typu desk reserach dokonały analizy korzyści, jakie konsumpcja kolaboratywna przynosi gospodarzom w sferach społecznej, ekonomicznej i psychologicznej, wskazały ponadto, że ten typ konsumpcji realizuje wiele celów rozwoju zrównoważonego, takich jak harmonia, sprawiedliwość, równowaga, integralność kulturowa i konserwacja przyrody. Na podstawie rozważań zauważono, że w turystyce zależność pomiędzy konsumpcją kolaboratywną a jakością życia ma charakter dwustronny. Po pierwsze, konsumpcja kolaboratywna wpływa na kształt i jakość produktu turystycznego oferowanego turystom. Nie dotyczy to tylko pobytu w konkretnym miejscu, ale również tworzenia ogólnie rozumianej „atmosfery miejsca”. Z drugiej strony, konsumpcja kolaboratywna przyczynia się do zadowolenia mieszkańców poprzez efekty ekonomiczne, społeczne (w sensie nawiązania głębokich relacji międzyludzkich i zyskania przyjaciół, oraz dotyczące związku z miejscem zamieszkania) oraz indywidualne, związane m.in. z rozwojem kreatywności i zyskaniem nowych umiejętności.
One form of social innovation is collaborative consumption. This concept match the idea of social entrepreneurship, which refers to “activity, mainly economic, undertaken in perspective and for social advantages, assuming the dominance of social effects over the aim at profit maximization” [22], and its important goal is “active searching and using opportunities for solving social issues” [6]. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the role of collaborative consumption in improving the quality of life by presenting the example of the tourist market. Furthermore, the article is an attempt to show that collaborative consumption in tourism influence the quality of life people using (high degree of satisfaction of the needs related to the sense of individuality, authenticity and co-existence), and providing services (optimizing the use of property, independence from external influences, getting the financial benefits by the local population, identification with their own culture, coherence of the local community, increasing human ability to act to solve the problem of social exclusion and increase the creativity of the individual person). In the theoretical framework of the article were presented the dependencies between the collaborative consumption, social innovations (it can be classified to) and the quality of life. The effect of the analysis of these issues is presentation of the economic, psychological, social and political advantages for local communities in the perspective of D.J. Timmothy [24], i.e. emancipation of the local population. For the empirical illustration of the analysis, will be presented the results of the own Author’s research, which was based on the data available in the Airbnb website. Authors have analyzed 65 histories, participants of collaborative consumption on the supply side. Using a scientific method called “desk reserach” authors have analyzed the benefits that collaborative consumption brings to the hosts in the social, economic and psychological spheres, achive many goals of sustainable development such as harmony, justice, balance, cultural integrity and conservation of wildlife. It was noted that in tourism the relationship between colaborative consumption and quality of life has bilateral character. Firstly, collaborative consumption has influence on the shape and quality of the product which is offered to tourists. This doesn’t include only staying in a specific place, but also creating a general definition of “atmosphere of a place”. Secondly, due to collaborative consumption, we can see increase of satisfaction degree of residents through economic and social effects (in the sense of establishing deep relationships, making friends and regarding the relationship with the place of residence) and individual effects which are related with the development of creativity and getting new skills.
Background. The number of foreign patients in pharmacies is relatively on the increase, which contributes to the development of medical tourism, especially of one of its categories – pharmaceutical tourism. This requires an estimation of the foreign patients segment, determination of the sociodemographic profile of the ‘pharmaceutical tourist’, identification of the tourist’s purchase-related behaviour, and indication of the prospects for the pharmaceutical tourism development. Materials and methods. The research concerned a randomtarget group of 167 pharmacies operating in the region of Southern Poland. An own survey was applied. Results. In the years 2012–2014, the number of foreign patients using the services of the pharmacies rose by over 13 500. These were mainly male patients, aged 31–40 (30.4%), coming from Great Britain (18.8%), Germany (16.3%), Russia (10.5%), and the Czech Republic (10.3%). Most of them arrived in winter. Over-the-counter drugs are a popular purchase (68%) and a patient’s average expense does not exceed PLN 250.00 (46%). Using hard arguments, 49.1% of the surveyed pharmacies representatives express no optimism about the development of medical tourism. Conclusions. The results of the research indicate that there is an urgent need to make diverse interventions on the market of medical tourism, including pharmaceutical tourism.
The sense of tourism lies in disinterested move from place to place for purposes relating to entertainment and exploration. In 1841 Thomas Cook organised a train excursion for 570 people in England and thus began the era of collective tourism. In the 20th century mass tourism became passive tourism. Such tourism does not require a lot of physical effort and the only thing tourists expect is appropriate transport, access to interesting sights and infrastructure that will satisfy their basic needs. Another characteristic of this type of tourism is the fact that participants do not have to organise their journeys themselves. It should be stressed, however, that in the 20th century tourism became a substantial social movement of great economic significance. Its essence can be defined in a concise formula: “maximum satisfaction with minimum personal effort”. As a result of economic changes in the interwar period, tourism became increasingly democratic, popular and accessible to the masses. The development of passive tourism, which as time goes by transforms itself into largescale mass tourism, can best be followed in the case of tourism in the Tatras. The Tatras, which were “discovered” quite late, became a tourist destination for an increasing number of people already at the turn of the 20th century. The number of tourists grew rapidly in the second half of the 19th century. However, the first visitors to the Podhale region and Zakopane were not very well prepared for excursions in the mountains. Such visitors were referred by the term “ceper” or lowlander, from the beginning having negative and, if not contemptuous then certainly disrespectful connotations. Its etymology is not known. The ignorance of non-highlanders, i.e. their naivety and inexperience, was quite irritating for the simple and intellectually uncomplicated, but “sharp” and cunning local inhabitants of the Podhale region. That is why lowlanders were often laughed at and ridiculed by them. Throughout the 20th century interesting sociological and cultural changes happened consistently and systematically in tourism. Initially tourists were representatives of the wealthier classes, but owing to the development of collective tourism tourists began to come from many other groups in society. As a result there emerged the problem of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment, which in turn increased the signifi cance of the problem of nature protection.
In this article, I present my reflections about research with street children. I show how I, as a researcher, tried to go into child`s word to understand it. During the research project I had a feeling that I was as the tourist in the unknown space full of secrets and mysteries. I took an inspiration to that comparition from Z. Bauman (1993). That the article is meant to contribute to a discourse about research with children as participants who like tourist guides bring us into their world. I conducted my research with street children as participators using participant observation (Angrosino 2010), focus interviews (Barbour 2011) and photo reports (Sztompka 2005; Banks 2009). Children were my guides in the street world. In this article I present my experiences of doing research with children and also how I, as a researcher, matured to qualitative research. My journey has enriched my practice of doing research and I wouldlike to share it. I introduce street children as involved participants of research who are very helpfull in understanding street life.
W artykule prezentuję refleksje na temat badań z dziećmi ulicy. Pokazuję, w jaki sposób jako badacz próbowałam dotrzeć do świata dziecka ulicy i zrozumieć go. W czasie projektu badawczego miałam wrażenie, że jestem turystą (Bauman, 1993) w nieznanej przestrzeni pełnej sekretów i tajemnic. Artykuł jest głosem w dyskusji na temat badań z dziećmi jako uczestnikami badań, którzy wprowadzają badacza jak turystę w nieznany dla niego świat. Przeprowadziłam badania za pomocą następujących metod: obserwacja uczestnicząca (Angrosino 2010), wywiady fokusowe (Barbour 2011) i reportaże zdjęciowe (Sztompka 2005; Banks 2009). Dzieci były moimi przewodnikami w świecie ulicy. W artykule prezentuję doświadczenia prowadzenia badań z dziećmi oraz proces swojego dojrzewania jako badacz świata dziecka. Moja podróż wzbogaciła mnie jako badacza i chciałabym się tym podzielić. Przedstawiam dzieci ulicyjako zaangażowanych uczestników badań, którzy mogą być bardzo pomocni w zrozumieniu ulicznego życia.
Among a lot of studies on tourism, determining the quality of historic buildings in the eyes of visitors is an extremely important factor showing their interest in these places. A study was carried out, the main purpose of which was to determine which of the proposed monuments of defense architecture of the Malopolska county were most often visited in the pandemic era, and what they think about the tourist infrastructure of the facility. Among many historic buildings in Malopolska county the visitors chose places located in the following places: Wawel in Cracow, Pieskowa Skałą, Korzkiew, Oświęcim, Zator, Wysoka, Sucha Beskidzka, Szymbark, Niedzica, Wytrzyszczka, Nowy Wiśnicz, Wieruszyce, Jeżów, Dębno, Niepołomice, Bydlin, Rabsztyn, Ojców, Tenczyn w Rudnie, Babice, Lanckorona, Nowy Sącz, Muszyna, Rytro, Czorsztyn, Czchów, Dobrzyce, Melsztyn i Wieliczka. Out of 76% of the respondents, during the year, visited at least one of the above-mentioned- sites. Tourists were most interested in such places as The Royal Castle in Wawel, the castle in Ojców, the castle in Pieskowa Skała and the one in Nidzica. The best opinions, however, had places situated in Cracow (Wawel), Ojców, Rabsztyn and Sucha Beskidzka. The visitors paid special attention to the facilities for the disabled, parking places, toilets and small infrastructure including benches and information boards. To get to those places, tourists mainly used their own means of transport but they got there by trains as well. Therefore, it can be said that despite the pandemic, places with historical meaning (of military architecture) in the Malopolska county were willingly a chosen destination for the interviewees.
Wśród wielu badań, dotyczących ruchu turystycznego, ustalenie jakości obiektów zabytkowych w oczach odwiedzających jest niezmiernie ważnym czynnikiem, ukazującym ich zainteresowanie wizytacją w tychże miejscach. Przeprowadzono badanie, którego celem głównym było ustalenie, które z zaproponowanych obiektów zabytkowych architektury obronnej województwa małopolskiego były najchętniej odwiedzane przez ankietowanych w dobie pandemii, a także co sądzą o infrastrukturze turystycznej obiektu. Wśród wielu obiektów zabytkowych w województwie małopolskim wybrano obiekty architektury militarnej zlokalizowane w następujących miejscowościach: Wawel w Krakowie, Pieskowa Skała, Korzkiew, Oświęcim, Zator, Wysoka, Sucha Beskidzka, Szymbark, Niedzica, Wytrzyszczka, Nowy Wiśnicz, Wieruszyce, Jeżów, Dębno, Niepołomice, Bydlin, Rabsztyn, Ojców, Tenczyn w Rudnie, Babice, Lanckorona, Nowy Sącz, Muszyna, Rytro, Czorsztyn, Czchów, Dobczyce, Melsztyn i Wieliczka. Spośród ankietowanych 76% odwiedziło w ciągu ostatniego roku przynajmniej jeden obiekt z podanych. Największym zainteresowaniem cieszyły się takie obiekty jak: Zamek Królewski na Wawelu w Krakowie, Zamek w Ojcowie, Zamek w Pieskowej Skale oraz w Niedzicy. Jednakże najlepsze opinie miały obiektu usytuowane Krakowie (Wawel), Ojcowie, Rabsztynie i Suchej Beskidzkiej. Odwiedzający zwracali przy tym szczególną uwagę na ułatwienia dla niepełnosprawnych, dostęp do parkingu i toalet oraz małą infrastrukturę, na którą składają się m.in. ławki i tablice informacyjne. Aby dostać się do wybranych miejsc, ankietowani używali głównie własnych samochodów osobowych, przy czym wybierano, także podróż pociągiem. Zatem można przyjąć, że pomimo czasu pandemii, miejsca z zabytkami historycznymi (architektury militarnej) w województwie małopolskim były chętnie wybieranym celem podróży ankietowanych.
Zoon Politikon
issue 6
Celem artykułu jest omówienie związków między miejscem jednostki w hierarchii społecznej a jej stosunkiem do idei narodowej. Podstawę teoretyczną stanowi teza Zygmunta Baumana o podziale współczesnego świata na turystów i włóczęgów. Śledzimy losy tych dwóch grup od czasów przednowoczesnych do dziś. Przyglądamy się ich ideologicznym konkurentom: obywatelom i nacjonalistom. Wnioskami płynącymi z tych rozważań jest konieczność wprowadzenia dodatkowej kategorii – wycieczkowiczów, a także niestabilność dominującego w kulturze konsumpcyjnej podziału (turysta – włóczęga – wycieczkowicz) i możliwość powrotu starych tożsamości (nacjonalista – obywatel).
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationships between the place of the individual in the social hierarchy and their relationship to the national idea. Theoretical basis is Zygmunt Bauman's thesis on the division of the modern world for “tourists” and “vagabonds”. We follow these two groups since pre-modern history till today. We look at their ideological competitors: citizens and nationalists. The conclusion is the necessity to introduce an additional category – “tripper”, and also instability of the main division in modern culture of consumption (tourist – vagabond – tripper) as well as the possibility of return of the old identities (nationalist – citizen).
Geschichte der Wieliczkaer Saline is a unique source for every researcher who is learning about the history, geology and mining technique of the Wieliczka salt mine. The authors, professionally connected and obviously fascinated by the Wieliczka mine, created its full picture, taking into consideration all the aspects of everyday life of a salt business. The versatility of the 1842 publication is strongly evidenced by the last part of the monograph − Beschreibung der Werkwürdigkeiten des Wieliczkaer Steinsaltzwerkes als Leitfaden bei der gewühnlichen Gasttour− prepared by Ludwig Emanuel as an appendix presenting the tourist route of that time. The entire work of the Hrdina brothers, which consists of texts, lithographs and maps, brings us closer to the multilayered picture of the history of the Wieliczka salt mine until the first half of the 19th century. The text of this appendix, its lithographs and maps form a  specific guide which contains not only a description of the then route, but, above all, guidelines for “strangers” planning to visit the Wieliczka salt mine. This collection could function, independently from the 1842 study, as an individual book dedicated to masses of tourists coming to Wieliczka. This illustrated material allowed visitors not only to consolidate and organise their memories, but it also enabled all those who had never reached the Wieliczka mine to familiarise themselves with the underground picturesque world, with its peculiarity and mysteries. It is therefore not surprising that until 1892, when Awit Szubert took the first black and white photographs of the Wieliczka mine interiors, the drawings prepared by the Hrdina brothers and their detailed description of the tourist route were the most frequently used information and illustrative materials for numerous national and foreign publications about Wieliczka. Before 1892, the management board would answer each query concerning the mine’s interior images with recommendations to use the lithographs by Ludwig Emanuel Hrdina and John of Nepomuk. The authors of the 1842 monograph not only managed to capture the exceptional picture of the Wieliczka salt mine, but they also succeeded in recording a rare phenomenon of the 19th century − an underground tourism. What is more, the uniqueness of the Wieliczka salt mine lies in the fact that it is one of the oldest tourist attractions in Poland, as well as one of the first fully organised tourist destinations. It is important to remember that in the 19th century partitioned Poland, over 100 museums were established. Most of them were founded in the second half of the 19th century, when the Wieliczka mine had already introduced a well-organised and well-functioning system of first fees for visitors. In January 1868 the salt mine authorities announced the first tariff in the history of Wieliczka tourism. They used attractions originally prepared for special, crowned guests. Purchased tickets involved lighting of the underground route and aforementioned additional attractions. It is worth adding that in the second half of the 19th century Austrian salt mine administration established, apart from the underground tourist route, Museum of the Mining School − an educational centre with scientific support and a  small exposition of souvenirs in the building of the Rudolf’s shaft top, commemorating personalities visiting the mine. At the very end of the 19th century these meticulously gathered elements were located in the Salt Mine Museum in the so-called Sztygarówka building. Finally, it should be noted that the tourist route, once accepted by the Austrian authorities, to a certain extent has been operating to this day. Naturally, over these 200 years its reach and character have changed significantly. Today’s underground route includes more than 40 chambers. This is twice the number of the route from the first half of the 19th century. Another important aspect is that over the past few years decorations of individual mine workings have changed. This can be most easily seen in the Drozdowice Chamber, where a wooden pillar and cribs were built during the years 1900- 1901. It is worth noting that the then route did not include the most famous underground chapel in the world, the Chapel of St. Kinga. Its first foundations were laid around 1895. Nonetheless, the modern tourist route occupies the same area as the one from the first half of the 19th century, i.e. the mine workings concentrated around the Daniłowicz Shaft. As a result, part of those intended for visitors in the first half of the 19th century is also available for tourists coming to Wieliczka today. These include the Daniłowicz Shaft, the Antonia Shaft, chambers of Urszula, Michałowice, Drozdowice, Józef Piłsudski (formerly the Rosetti/Majer chambers), Pieskowa Skała, Sielec, Spalona and St Anthony’s Chapel. Certainly, their interiors are quite different today. What is important, however, both today and in the Austrian times tourists visited the same part of the mine, which by its hosts was considered the most elegant and representative of the history of the Wieliczka salt mine. For nearly 250 years, since the Austrians introduced the first tourist route, significant and irreversible changes in the mine’s layout and design have taken place. All the descriptions and accounts that have been preserved from the old times give us a picture of the mine workings and the scope of services provided. In this context, the 1842 publication and its illustrations should be regarded as invaluable.
Celem rozważań jest ukazanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań promocyjnych miasta Poznania jako szansy jego rozwoju. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczny. Dokonano w nim przeglądu literatury. Wykorzystano także metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z użyciem techniki wywiadu nieskategoryzowanego. Przedstawiono również innowacyjne metody promocji miasta Poznania w celu pozyskania jak największej liczby turystów i odwiedzających, a tym samym rozwoju regionu. Opracowano przykładowy model tych rozwiązań, pokazujący przysłowiowe„domino” zachowań turystycznych, przyczyniających się do rozwoju miasta. Wszelkie działania promocyjne Poznania oparto na potrzebach turystów uwzględniając wiek i zainteresowania, aby każdy mógł znaleźć coś dla siebie. Ze względu na ograniczoną aktywność fizyczną społeczeństwa polskiego, zaleca się opracowanie wycieczek wzorem słynnych „przechadzek”, ale z wykorzystaniem jazdy na rowerze. Uatrakcyjniłoby to pobyt turystów w Poznaniu, jak i pokazałoby możliwość aktywnego spędzania czasu wolnego.
An aim of considerations is to present the innovative promotional solutions for the city of Poznan as a chance of its development. The article is of the theoretical nature. The authors carried out a review of literature. They also made use of the method of diagnostic survey with the use of non-categorised interview technique. There were also presented innovative methods of promotion of the city of Poznan in order to obtain as high figures as possible related to tourists and guests and, thus, the region development. The authors worked out an exemplary model of those solutions showing the proverbial “domino” of tourist behaviours contributing do city development. All the promotional measures aimed at Poznan were based on the needs of tourists taking into account the age and interests that everybody could find something for oneself. Having in mind the limited physical activity of the Polish society, it is recommended to develop excursions on the model of famous perambulations, though with the use of cycling. It would make the tourists’ stay in Poznan more attractive as well as it would have shown the possibility of an active leisure spending.
Цель рассуждений – указать инновационные решения по продвижении города Познани как шанс его развития. Статья имеет теоретический характер. В ней провели обзор литературы. Использовали также метод диагностического зондажа с применением техники некатегоризированного интервью. Представили также инновационные методы продвижения города Познани для привлечения как можно большего количества туристов и гостей и, тем самым, развития региона. Разработали образцовую модель таких решений, указывающую своеобразное «домино» туристского поведения, способствующего развитию города. Все действия по продвижению Познани основали на нуждах туристов, учитывая их возраст и заинтересованность, чтобы каждый мог найти что-нибудь для себя. Из-за ограниченной физической активности польского общества рекомендуется разработка экскурсий по образу знаменитых в прошлом прогулок, но с использованием велосипедного катания. Это повысило бы привлекательность пребывания туристов в Познани, а также показало бы возможность активного проведения досуга.
Nowadays agritourism is a viable alternative to other methods of leisure time activities. It carries certain socio-economic values, such as the development of farms, labor market activation, modernization of infrastructure and additional income for farm families. In order to stand out in the crowded tourism market the farms’ owners try to ensure their guests not only a higher standard of accommodation, but also a broad range of services with additional attractions, including those of cultural provenance. They organize various competitions, workshops, demonstrations of old farm work and endangered professions, play amateur folk gatherings, they found mini open-air museums and zoos, prepare regional dishes and so on. Studies conducted by the author showed that such initiatives can be considered as an excellent idea for business activity, since the reference to the folk culture, which is a priceless collection of heritage values, allows for positive discernible against the background of other competing firms. But the thing is that some of them are in conflict with the values of traditional culture, leading to the eclecticism and misstatements in the sphere of regional tradition and culture. Although their real character is culturally alien they are undertaken under the banner of cultural education. One example is eclecticism of some regional restaurants’ folk interior design. Another: Easter eggs made of ostrich eggs or demonstration farms, where apart from typical livestock can be seen ostriches, kangaroos, llamas, alpacas and camels, generally speaking animals that are not congruent to the declared folk-profile regional farm. These and similar actions are no longer even a manifestation of ambivalently assessed in science folklorism, but bear the traits of mystification. Under the banner of education creates in fact a reality that really has little in common with traditional folk culture. The subtle boundary between the desire to preserve and promote regional heritage and this is what comes purely from commercial motives is lost in this way. This type of dysfunction should be prevented, for example by organizing training for willing farm owners or by providing opportunities to consult mentioned types of activities with experts, such as ethnographers, folklorists, museum specialists who have the knowledge and a good understanding of the details of the regional culture. It is important because education agritourism is popular among children, the youth and their parents. There is even a new trend of combining family celebration rituals with departures for recreation and cognitive to the selected working farms.
Agroturystyka stanowi obecnie interesującą alternatywę dla innych sposobów zagospodarowania czasu wolnego. Niesie za sobą określone wartości społeczno-gospodarcze, takie jak: rozwój gospodarstw rolnych, aktywizację rynku pracy, modernizację infrastruktury, dodatkowe dochody dla rodzin rolniczych. Właściciele gospodarstw, chcąc wyróżnić się na zatłoczonym rynku turystycznym, starają się zapewnić swoim gościom nie tylko wysoki standard zakwaterowania, ale poszerzają też własną ofertę usługową o dodatkowe atrakcje, także te o proweniencji kulturowej. Organizują różne konkursy, warsztaty, pokazy dawnych prac gospodarskich i ginących zawodów, uprawiają amatorskie zbieractwo rzeczy ludowych, urządzają w starych chałupach muzealne ekspozycje rustykalnych przedmiotów, przygotowują regionalne potrawy i in. Badania prowadzone przez autorkę wykazały, iż tego typu inicjatywy są przykładem trafnego pomysłu na prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej, gdyż odwołanie do kultury ludowej, stanowiącej bezcenny zbiór wartości dziedzictwa, pozwala na pozytywne wyróżnienie obiektu na tle innych, konkurencyjnych firm. Rzecz jednak w tym, iż niektóre z nich pozostają w sprzeczności z wartościami i wzorami kultury ludowej, prowadząc do eklektyzmu i zafałszowań w sferze tradycji i kultury regionalnej. Mają charakter kulturowo obcy, choć podejmowane są pod hasłem edukacji kulturowej. Przykładem jest eklektyzm stylizowanych na ludowo wnętrz niektórych regionalnych restauracji, nieprofesjonalne zbieractwo rzeczy ludowych, pseudoludowe stroje, pisanki na strusich jajach, pokazowe hodowle, w których obok typowych zwierząt gospodarskich oglądać można strusie, kangury, lamy, alpaki czy wielbłądy, niezbyt przystające do deklarowanego ludowo-regionalnego profilu gospodarstwa. Takie i podobne działania nie są już nawet przejawem, skądinąd ambiwalentnie ocenianego w nauce, folkloryzmu, lecz noszą znamiona mistyfikacji. Kreuje się bowiem rzeczywistość, która nie do końca zgodna jest z tradycją. Zatraca się w ten sposób subtelna granica między pragnieniem zachowania i promocji regionalnego dziedzictwa, a tym, co wynika z pobudek wyłącznie komercyjnych. Tego typu dysfunkcjom należy zapobiegać, np. poprzez organizowanie szkoleń dla chętnych właścicieli gospodarstw czy stwarzanie możliwości konsultowania się z ekspertami, tj. etnografami, folklorystami, muzealnikami, którzy mają wiedzę i dobre rozeznanie w szczegółach regionalnej kultury. Jest to ważne, ponieważ edukacyjna agroturystyka cieszy się dziś popularnością nie tylko wśród dorosłych, ale również wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Pojawiła się nawet nowa tendencja łączenia uroczystości obrzędowości rodzinnej z wyjazdami o charakterze rekreacyjno-poznawczym do wybranego gospodarstwa agroturystycznego.
Niniejszy tekst jest recenzją książki pt. Turystyka sportowa autorstwa Ewy Mal­chrowicz-Mośko. Tekst ten ma być analizą zaproponowanych przez autorkę tematów, prób ich zdefiniowania oraz prezentowanych przykładów. Recenzja skupia się na zaproponowanym w książce podziale tematycznym na historię i rozwój turystyki, kwestii eventu sportowego, samym fenomenie turystyki sportowej oraz współczesnych przejawach turystyki sportowej. Tekst ten koncentruje się na zaletach, ale stara się także podejść krytycznie do całej publikacji i zaznaczyć jej słabsze elementy. Przede wszystkim jednak jest to próba konstruktywnego podejścia do tematu turystyki sportowej i zachęcenia do sięgnięcia po recenzowaną książkę.
This text is a review of the book Sport Tourism by Ewa Malchrowicz-Mośko. The review analyses the topics proposed by the author, attempts to define them, and presents examples. The review focuses on the thematic division proposed in the book: into the history and development of tourism, the issue of sports events, the very phenomenon of sports tourism, and contemporary manifestations of sports tourism. The text focuses on the valuable advantages, but also tries to be critical of the publication and to highlight its weaker elements. Above all, however, it is an attempt to take a constructive approach to the subject of sports tourism and to encourage the use of a peer-reviewed book.
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