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This article is devoted to the characteristics of the Polish model of the institution of key witnesses and the actual experience of its use since its introduction into the Polish legislation in 1998. In addition to organizational measures such as the establishment of the Central Bureau of Investigation of the National Police Headquarters, this has become one of the main instruments of criminal law used to combat the most serious crime, particularly organized crime. The introduction of a formula of absolute discharge for people involved in the offence in exchange for cooperation with law enforcement and justice and the disclosure of other offenders has become a necessity in the face of an explosion of crime after the collapse of communism in 1989 and as a result of the partial ineffectiveness of the existing methods of law enforcement. After a few years, the development of these social ills began to threaten the stability and internal security of the state. But it should be stressed emphatically that under Polish law and the rules of criminal law key witness is no “magic formula” which overturns the regulations, or is it a form of evidence which merits special weight. Polish law does not provide for a legal theory of evidence. The fact that someone is a “Crown” witness has a real, formal importance onlyto his personal situation and the substantive process, and his life (the suspension of criminal proceedings against him and ultimately a release for him from criminal responsibility, as well as the material support of the state and protection from retaliation from other criminals). The key witness is an ordinary witness within the meaning of the term as defined by the importance of his account, while the actual substantive significance of his evidence to the establishment of the truth may only result from the credibility of his evidence combined with the professional approach of all participants in the criminal proceedings and the use of all necessary tools of a fair criminal trial resulting in proper judgment on the merits of the case.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 24
issue 3
The purpose of this study is to show the martyrdom of rev. Stanisław Streich, murdered on February 27, 1938 in the church of st. Jana Bosko in Luboń in the context of the trial of the murderer – Wawrzyniec Nowak. The fact of a crime committed by a communist against a Catholic priest was widely echoed throughout the pre-war Polish Republic. The press of that time, broadly commenting on the murder, but above all on the stages of individual court hearings, became an extremely valuable source of information. Press articles supported by the memories of eyewitnesses of the murder of the priest, from the very beginning gave a clear message about the martyrdom of the parish priest from Luboń, which, despite many difficulties related to the positioning of post-war Poland in the communist bloc, was in a straight line to start the cause of beatification. The research process in the article was carried out using the analytical-synthetic method, which made it possible to compile and summarize the studied material as a whole and to research the sources in terms of the selected issue included in the topic of the work, draw conclusions and answer the questions posed.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 22
issue 3
In the article submitted, the author presents the trial of Jesus before Pilate in the interpretation of Giorgio Agamben. This Italian philosopher, analyzing this event, justifies, in fact, it is difficult to call it a process in the strict sense. Admittedly, Agamben refers to the Gospel texts and the apocryphal-literary tradition, but he does so in his own way, interpreting the particular passages freely. In his deliberations, the distance towards the traditional Catholic exegesis is clearly visible. Therefore, in the second part of the article, the author confronts the vision of the trial of Jesus before Pilate, which is presented by Agamben, with the view present in the latest exegetical and theological literature. The entire analysis is closed with conclusions.
This paper explores the doctrine of forum non conveniens as it serves those resident in Israel with Palestinian nationality and Israeli identity cards. These Palestinians are situated under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian court, regardless of whether the plaintiff ’s nationality is Palestinian or foreign. It is important to note that the doctrine is less useful for a foreign plaintiff;1 however, this notation also applies to a lesser degree to Palestinian plaintiffs, as they enjoy the merits of the doctrine when instituting litigation in Palestinian courts, despite the impossibility of executing Palestinian decisions in the Israeli legal system. Thus, a “Palestinian” person, in this paper, faces the dilemma of having a Palestinian passport and nationality, but an Israeli identity.
The scientific article is devoted to the definition of directions of improvement of the jury trial in civil proceedings of Ukraine. It unveils the historical origins of formation of the jury trial as one of the important democratic institutions, which provides the possibility of direct participation of people in the administration of justice and is a civilized means of protecting civil society from judicial arbitrariness and corruption in the judiciary. Two models of jury trial are described: the Anglo-Saxon and the continental. The existing scientific controversy on the expediency of the functioning of the jury in civil proceedings and the effectiveness of some, including complex, civil cases with the participation of the jury are described. It is argued that the reasons for the inefficiency of the jury trial in Ukraine are the non-transparent system of forming the jury lists, the lack of state funding for the jury trial, public misunderstanding of the benefits of the jury trial, and thus the non-acceptance of the jury by the vast majority of citizens and their evasion of the duties of jurors. It is concluded that it is inexpedient to preserve the jury trial in civil proceedings in its current form, as this will only harm the tasks of civil proceedings. The authors propose the ways to improve the model of the jury trial in civil proceedings in Ukraine, in particular, by building a transparent system for forming a list of jurors as a result of outreach work among the population and decent pay for jurors.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the relationship between the awareness of the acting of everyday performances by participants in court trials and the subsequent verdicts. The author discusses this issue on the example of the criminal trial of 1932. The author discusses this issue based on the example of the 1932 criminal trial of Zachariasz Drożyński in the case of the murder of the dancer Iga Korczyńska. She provides an analysis with a particular focus on the way in which lawyers and the defendant prepare and then act their social and professional roles; she also interprets the functions of the audience in the courtroom using performative, feminist and social interactionist theories. In the process, she also reveals the necessary moral contexts of the interwar period which significantly contributed to the outcome of the said cultural performance in the form of a mitigated sentence for the offender.
Z chwilą wniesienia odwołania od decyzji organu podatkowego I instancji rozpoczyna się postępowanie odwoławcze, które powinno trwać nie dłużej niż trzy miesiące. Postępowanie podatkowe prowadzone przed organem podatkowym II instancji może być przyspieszone dzięki zastosowaniu instytucji rozprawy podatkowej. Organ odwoławczy przeprowadzi rozprawę (ex cathedra), jeśli zachodzi potrzeba wyjaśnienia istotnych okoliczności stanu faktycznego sprawy (przy udziale świadków lub biegłych) lub sprecyzowania argumentacji prawnej prezentowanej przez stronę w toku postępowania. Celem rozprawy jest usprawnienie (przyspieszenie) toczącego się postępowania oraz umożliwienie czynności udziału strony na etapie postępowania odwoławczego, w taki sposób aby podatnik miał prawo przekonać prowadzącego rozprawę do zarzutów kierowanych wobec decyzji podatkowej. Rozprawa administracyjna, która była pierwowzorem rozprawy podatkowej, została w sposób wnikliwy zbadana przez badaczy prawa administracyjnego oraz doczekała się wielu orzeczeń w orzecznictwie administracyjnym. W stosunku do rozprawy podatkowej można stwierdzić brak norm prawnych odnoszących się szczegółowo do kwestii formalnych, co czyni niezrozumiałą tę instytucję dla stron i dla organu. Pomocne dla podatnika będzie wystąpienie w jego imieniu na rozprawie profesjonalnego pełnomocnika biegłego w prawie podatkowym. Nie zostało w piśmiennictwie zbadane, czy prawnik z innego kraju członkowskiego może wystąpić w takiej roli. Należy zatem poddać analizie przesłanki, które musi spełniać prawnik zagraniczny aby zostać dopuszczonym (jako pełnomocnik podatnika) do rozprawy podatkowej.
As soon as appeal against the decisions of the tax authority of the first instance is lodged, the appeal proceedings are launched which should last no longer than three months. Th e tax procedure before the tax authority of the second instance may be accelerated owing to the application of the tax trial institution. The appeal body will conduct the trial (ex cathedra), if there is the need to explain important circumstances of the facts of the case (with participation of witnesses or experts) or to precise the legal argumentation presented by the party in the course of proceedings. The aim of the trial is to improve (accelerate) the ongoing procedure and to make it possible to carry out actions by the party at the stage of appeal proceedings in such a way that the taxpayer is eligible to convince the trial judge to allegations against the tax-offi ce decision. The administrative trial, which was the archetype of the tax trial, has been thoroughly examined by administrative law researchers and has yielded many verdicts in administrative jurisdiction. As regards the tax trial, one can state the lack of legal norms related in details to formal issues, what makes this institution obscure for the parties and the body. Helpful for the taxpayer will be appearance for the taxpayer at the trial of a professional attorney being an expert in the taxation law. It has yet not examined in the literature whether a lawyer from another member state can appear in such a role. Therefore, there is the need to analyse the premises to be met by the foreign lawyer to be admitted (as the taxpayer’s attorney) to the tax trial.
The principle of legalism places upon the public prosecutor the obligation o pressing charges to a court of law and then to support this claim in the course of the lawsuit. It seems obvious that in order to execute this duty in an appropriate manner, the public prosecutor should attend the trial and actively participate in it. However, in regulation Art. 46 §2 k.p.k., which was introduced by way of an amendment issued on 11 March 2016, the legislator stipulated a regulation which permits the public prosecutor not to appear during the trial, if the preliminary legal proceedings concluded in the form of investigation. Obviously, the task of this regulation is to accelerate the proceedings in cases of lesser calibre, which are cases in which an investigation is conducted. However, it is necessary to consider the aforementioned regulation in the context of the basic principles of a criminal lawsuit and the analysis of the consequences of such regulations. Therefore, in the first instance one made reference to the most important regulations contained in the basis acts of international law, i.e. the European Convention of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which emphasise above all the significance of independence and impartiality, as well as the principle of a quick and efficient operation of the procedure. It was also necessary to refer the substantive regulation to the principle of the contradictoriness of the criminal lawsuit, which stipulates inter alia the separation of lawsuit-related roles and the passivity of the court in reference to the initiative of the parties who argue their cases.
Prohibition of using evidence obtained contrary to the law is defined in the views of legal scholars and commentators and in the literature as the doctrine of the fruits of the poisonous tree. The aim of the paper is to discuss the subject matter of limiting the freedom of proof both on the ground of criminal procedure, especially through the lens of Article 168a CCrP (Act of 6 June 1997 The Code of Criminal Procedure, consolidated text, Dz. U. (Journal of Laws) of 2018 item 1987 as amended) and administrative procedure. The author stays convinced that the above-mentioned theory should be applied in both these types of procedures, primarily due to the constitutional right afforded to everyone to a public, fair and lawful examination of a given case by public and investigative authorities.
The aim of present paper is a closer analyze of some textual construction which are imitating a legal action at court. The scene of imagined court were popular in medieval dramaturgy, they are often used as a plot for scenic action. A particular case was created by Master Vincentius (12th Cent.): a passage from chronicle which presents a possible staging of court action.
Prawo do rzetelnego procesu jest fundamentalnym prawem człowieka. Ma ono tym większe znaczenie, gdy coraz częściej w różnych regionach świata dochodzi do naruszenia prawa do rzetelnego procesu. Wobec tego poddano analizie wybrane orzeczenia ECH.
The right to a fair trial is a fundamental human right. It is all the more important when the right to a fair trial is infringed more and more frequently in various regions of the world. Therefore, selected ECHR judgments were analysed.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zjawiska intertekstualności jako stałego elementu rozprawy sądowej. Intertekstualność zostanie ukazana jako zjawisko współtworzące zarówno wzorzec normatywny, jak i uzualny rozprawy sądowej postrzeganej jako złożone zdarzenie komunikacyjne. Analiza intertekstualności zostanie dokonana na podstawie normatywnych źródeł wzorca gatunkowego rozprawy sądowej, jak również materiału badawczego pozyskanego w drodze obserwacji uczestniczącej. Przywołane w artykule przykłady będą odgrywały rolę ilustrującą te działania i zdarzenia komunikacyjne związane z intertekstualnością, które stanowią przejaw: (1) realizacji wzorca normatywnego rozprawy sądowej; (2) działań kształtowanych w drodze praktyki postępowania; (2) przekroczenia wzorca normatywnego. Szczególna uwaga zostanie zwrócona na aspekt strukturalny i funkcjonalny tych przejawów intertekstualności, które kształtowane są w drodze praktyki postępowania.
The aim of this article is to present a permanent part a of trial which is a phenomenon of intertextuality. The phenomenon co-creates the model of trial (seen as a complex communication event). The analysis of intertextuality is conducted on the basis of normative sources of the model of trial and the material recorded during field research in the courtroom. The examples of communication acts and events used in the article are: (1) components of the normative model of trial; (2) created due to communication practice; (3) examples of the normative model of trial contravening. The specific aim of this article is to describe structural and functional aspects of these communication acts and events, which are created due to communication practice.
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Nauka Gracjana o świadkach

The research subject of this paper focuses on Gratian’s Decretum in respect of witnesses institution in both criminal and civil cases. The aim of the conducted analyses of Gratian’s legal texts and his dicta was to confirm the hypothesis on the institution of witnesses. The Decretum includes both texts of canon law and Roman Law since canon law has used complementarily principles of Roman Law in several aspects of procedural law, including the rules on witnesses. In the process of analysis of the legal texts several research methods were used: historical and legal, along with a dogmatic and legal method. As the result the hypothesis was confirmed that the institution of witnesses in both canon law and in the norms of Roman Law present in Gratian’s Decretum generally sets the same requirements for witnesses in both systems, except for the elements that differentiate canon law procedure. In addition, canon law proceedings never allowed the evidence to be introduced by trial by ordeal: neither ordeal by hot water nor by hot iron. Gratian in the Decretum has included the achievements of Roman and canonical jurisprudence up to the 12th century. His teachings on witnesses reflect the concern of the Roman and church judiciary to observe a lawful trial procedure, find the truth about the incident and issue a fair verdict. His views on witnesses, apart from obvious outdated standards, are still valid today.
Przedmiotem badań przedstawionych w artykule jest Dekret Gracjana w aspekcie instytucji świadka w procesach zarówno cywilnych, jak i karnych. Celem przeprowadzonych analiz tekstów prawnych oraz dicta Gracjana było uzyskanie potwierdzenia dla przyjętej hipotezy badawczej dotyczącej instytucji świadka. W Dekrecie obecne są teksty prawne zarówno prawa kanonicznego, jak i rzymskiego. Prawo kanoniczne posiłkowało się prawem rzymskim w zakresie wielu instytucji procesowych, również instytucji świadka. Metody badawcze, którymi posłużono się w analizie tekstów prawnych, to metoda historycznoprawna oraz dogmatycznoprawna. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań potwierdzono przyjętą hipotezę badawczą, że instytucja świadka zarówno w prawie kanonicznym, jak i w normach prawa rzymskiego obecnych w Dekrecie cechuje się zasadniczo takimi samymi wymogami stawianymi świadkom, z zachowaniem elementów różnicujących, specyficznych dla procesu kanonicznego. W procesach kanonicznych nigdy nie wolno było dołączać do przysięgi próby wrzątku lub rozpalonego żelaza. Gracjan zawarł w Dekrecie dorobek jurysprudencji rzymskiej i kanonicznej do XII w. W jego nauce o świadkach odzwierciedla się troska sądownictwa rzymskiego i kościelnego o zachowanie zgodnej z prawem procedury procesowej, dotarcie do prawdy o zdarzeniu i wydanie sprawiedliwego wyroku. Jego nauka o świadkach, poza oczywistymi przestarzałymi normami, pozostaje aktualna do dziś.
Prawo do rzetelnego procesu jest fundamentalnym prawem człowieka. Ma ono tym większe znaczenie, gdy coraz częściej w różnych regionach świata dochodzi do naruszenia prawa do rzetelnego procesu. Wobec tego poddano analizie wybrane orzeczenia ECH.
The right to a fair trial is a fundamental human right. It is all the more important when the right to a fair trial is infringed more and more frequently in various regions of the world. Therefore, selected ECHR judgments were analysed.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 6
issue 3
The article analyzes the imagery of God as a “swift witness” (Mal 3:5b) against the backdrop of the Jewish biblical, intertestamental, and rabbinic traditions. By adopting the reference to the deuteronomistic institution of the witness which provided surety for the observance of the Sinaitic covenant, the prophet implicitly expresses the advent of a religious crisis signaled by the lack of proper religious identity and by the weakening of the temple institutions created to safeguard and cultivate this identity. The image of God as a “swift witness” who comes to his temple to execute judgment on those who break the Covenant, and to inaugurate the ultimate era of justice, constitutes the prophet’s answer to all those who harbor doubt about God’s justice.
This publication is regarding changes proposed by the Ministry of Justice which they are supposed to streamline and to precipitate the civil procedure. The draft is anticipating amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure, the act on the land register and the mortgage, the act on court fees in civil cases, for act law on the system of courts of general jurisdiction, the act on bailiffs and the execution, the act on pursuing claims group. Substantial changes concern the civil procedure. The draft is introducing new institutions and new entitlements for sides as well as is restoring separate economic proceedings. Moreover also making sides is assuming changes jointly responsible behind the outcome of the process. The draft is on the consultation phase and it isn't known what result of legislative works will be.
Niniejsza publikacja dotyczy proponowanych przez Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości zmian, które mają usprawnić i przyśpieszyć postępowanie cywilne. Projekt przewiduje zmiany w kodeksie postępowania cywilnego, ustawie o księgach wieczystych i hipotece, ustawie o kosztach sądowych w sprawach cywilnych, ustawie prawo o ustroju sądów powszechnych, ustawie o komornikach sądowych i egzekucji, ustawie o dochodzeniu roszczeń grupowych. Najistotniejsze zmiany dotyczą postępowania cywilnego. Projekt wprowadza nowe instytucje i nowe uprawnienia dla stron oraz przywraca odrębne postępowanie gospodarcze. Ponadto założeniem zmian jest także uczynienie stron współodpowiedzialnymi za wynik procesu. Projekt jest na etapie konsultacji i nie wiadomo jaki będzie rezultat prac legislacyjnych.
An unusual witch trial took place in Przemyśl in 1741. One Bazyli Maksymowicz – a village diviner, herbalist and healer – was accused of consorting with witches and deceiving people for his own profit. The local people would ask him, for example, to send evil spirits, find stolen belongings or illnesses. The one who helped him out in that was Maryna Kuliczka, a witch from a village called Załuże. Original, so-far unpublished court records of that trial have been kept in the National Archive in Przemyśl.
In the article the author describes the notion of the litigant in secular and canonical proceedings. In secular law this term is described by the author in civil, penal and administrative law. She makes a division for a plaintiff and a defendant taking into special account canonical proceedings. The author describes a capacity to be a party in a case and capacity to sue. She stresses more the notion of parties and their rights in the canonical case on nullity of marriage. Generally it might be said that litigants are there persons who have a dispute, persons taking part in the proceedings, in case of canonical proceedings − before the church tribunal.
The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate how each man could rise from a suffering circumstance, discovering in it an opportunity for inner conquest. This is the strong human potential as Homo Patiens. In this way it is possible to assert the opposite thesis concerning a deterministic view of human being. The main solution the paper offers in any given set of pain experience is Christian faith as the only way to discover the hidden meaning of suffering. The essay develops a Christian analysis about human pain and it takes in consideration, most of all, the reflections of Edith Stein and the Holy Pope st. John Paul II in view of deepening the saving philosophy proposed by the Mystery of the Cross.
Na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie dnia 24 kwietnia br., obyła się V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Prawa Procesowego. Jej celem była analiza norm prawnych dotyczących dowodzenia w postępowaniach sądowych i administracyjnych w systemie prawa polskiego i kanonicznego oraz współpracy sądowej w tej materii. Liczni prelegenci, jak też wielopłaszczyznowość podejmowanych zagadnień, potwierdzili jak ważna i potrzebna jest naukowa dyskusja i refleksja nie tylko teoretyków prawa, ale także jego praktyków. Wiele podjętych zagadnień powinno stać się przyczynkiem do dalszych zmagań naukowych na kolejnych konferencjach
At the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn on April 24, 2018, the 5th National Conference on Process Law was held. Its purpose was to analyze legal norms regarding the command in court and administrative proceedings in the system of Polish and canon law as well as judicial cooperation in this matter. Numerous speakers and multidimensionality of the issues confirmed how important and needed is a scientific discussion and reflection not only of theoreticians of the law but also of its practitioners. Many of the issues raised should become a contribution to further scientific struggles at subsequent conferences.
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