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issue 325
The Vilnius period in Iwo Jaworski’s life, from 1922 until 1939, was one of the most important periods in his life. It began when he became Chair of History of Law in Western Europe at the Stefan Batory University in 1922. It was also associated with the formation of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University. In 1927 Iwo Jaworski obtained his post-doctoral degree (habilitation) and in 1932 he was made professor. In his research he focused on political and legal questions connected with the French Revolution as well as legal questions concerning the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In addition to conducting research, he was also active in popularising science, and was an outstanding teacher, whose lectures and seminars were very popular among students. That he was trusted by those around him is evidenced by his participation in several collegiate bodies at the university and the fact that he supervised several student organisations. The Vilnius period was also extremely important in his private life. It was in Vilnius that he started a family and despite the fact that he moved several times, his home was a place of social gatherings of many of his friends (including people who, like himself, found themselves in Wrocław after the war). Interludes in his life in Vilnius were provided by military training courses which he was called to attend.
Die Vilniusser Zeit im Leben von Iwo Jaworski, also die Jahre 1922-1939, gehört zu den wichtigsten Perioden seines Lebens. Diese begann, als er im Jahre 1922 auf den Lehrstuhl für Geschichte des Rechts in Westeuropa an der Stefan-Batory-Universität berufen wurde. Sie war auch mit der Errichtung der Fakultät für Recht und Sozialwissenschaften an dieser Universität verbunden. In diesem Zeitraum, im Jahre 1927, habilitierte sich Iwo Jaworski und im Jahre 1932 erwarb er den Professorentitel. Den Schwerpunkt seines wissenschaftlichen Werkes bildeten die verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen bezogen auf die Französische Revolution und die rechtliche Problematik betreffend das Großfürstentum Litauen. Neben der Arbeit als Wissenschaftler beschäftigte sich Iwo Jaworski auch aktiv mit der Förderung der Wissenschaft. Er war dabei ein ausgezeichneter Didaktiker und seine Vorträge und Seminare erfreuten sich großer Beliebtheit bei den Studenten. Ein Zeichen des Vertrauens ihm gegenüber war seine Beteiligung an kollegialen Organen der Universität und sachliche Leitung einiger Studentenorganisationen. Die Zeit in Vilnius war auch für sein privates Leben wichtig. Dort hat Iwo Jaworski seine Familie gegründet und seine Wohnung, trotz einiger Umzüge, diente stets als ein Treffpunkt für viele mit ihm befreundete Personen (darunter diejenige, die, ähnlich wie er, nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg nach Wrocław kamen). Die Vilniusser Zeit unterbrachen gelegentliche militärische Schulungen, die er zu absolvieren hatte.
The paper presents the postwar fate of Professor Leszek Winowski, a pre-war research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Church Law at John Casimir University in Lviv, who after World War II took up employment with the Faculty of Law of the University of Wrocław. His His work for the Faculty in Wrocław was greatly affected by the negative attitude of the communist authorities already from the beginning. For ideological reasons, the authorities were ill-disposed toward the pre-war academic staff. In the case of L. Winowski, what also played a role was his field of research (Church law), which was not recognized by the communist authorities, his additional employment at the Catholic University of Lublin and his different affiliations with the Catholic Church. As a consequence, he had to be hired at the Chair of the History of Law in Western Europe (later the Department of General History of State and Law), trying to harmonize his former interests with the research done at the department in which he was employed. As a result, he focused his research interests on the relations between the Church in Silesia and the rest of the Polish Church, as well as on the Church policy of the Prussian authorities. Another research area in which he published broadly concerned the attitude of the Church and its teachings towards non-believers in the Middle Ages, and consequently also Islamic law, where he became an unquestionable authority in Poland. The postwar life of Professor L. Winowski in Wrocław reflects the State’s policy towards the Church in the period of Polish People’s Republic, also bearing testimony to the research policy pursued at the time.
Artykuł ukazuje powojenne losy profesora Leszka Winowskiego, przedwojennego asystenta w Katedrze Prawa Kościelnego Uniwersytetu Jana Kazimierza we Lwowie, który po II wojnie światowej podjął zatrudnienie na Wydziale Prawa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Jego zatrudnienie, a także późniejsza praca na Wydziale Prawa we Wrocławiu wiązała się prawie przez cały okres z negatywnym nastawieniem do jego osoby władz komunistycznych, które z powodów ideologicznych niechętnie odnosiły się do przedwojennej kadry akademickiej. W przypadku L. Winowskiego główną przyczyną niechęci władz do jego osoby było zajmowanie się przez niego nieuznawaną przez władze komunistyczne dyscypliną naukową, jaką było prawo kościelne oraz jego dodatkowe zatrudnienie na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim i różnorakie związki z Kościołem Katolickim. To spowodowało, że z konieczności został on zatrudniony w Katedrze Historii Prawa na Zachodzie Europy (później Zakładzie Powszechnej Historii Państwa i Prawa), starając się połączyć swoje dawne zainteresowania z zakresem tematycznym badań jednostki organizacyjnej, w której podjął zatrudnienie. Swoje zainteresowania naukowe oparte na wspomnianych uwarunkowaniach skupił na relacjach łączących Kościół na Śląsku z resztą Kościoła polskiego i polityce władz pruskich w stosunku do niego. Drugim nurtem badawczym, któremu poświęcił wiele prac, był stosunek Kościoła i głoszonej przez niego nauki do innowierców w okresie średniowiecza, a w związku z tym również prawo islamu, stając się w tej kwestii niekwestionowanym autorytetem w Polsce. Powojenne wrocławskie losy profesora L. Winowskiego odzwierciedlają politykę państwa w stosunku do Kościoła w okresie PRL, stanowiąc również świadectwo realizowanej wówczas polityki naukowej.
The author presents the views of the Lviv Archbishop of the Armenian rite, Józef Teodorowicz, about the Senate. He expressed his opinions during his work on the March Constitution (1921). The Archbishop supported the bicamerality of the Sejm, polemicising during the work on the constitution, mainly with left-wing deputies opposing the existence of the Senate. The existence of the Senate was supported by politicians and deputies of national democracy and other political parties, of which the Archbishop was one of the political leaders. Teodorowicz regarded the Senate and the clergy sitting in it as a part of the Polish national tradition. However, he presented a strongly conservative view in this aspect and he was against any formations that would replace the Senate. The issue of the Senate was one of the issues that provoked major disputes among MPs sitting in the legislative Sejm. In the end, the solution regarding the Senate, which was adopted in the constitution, was a political compromise, that took into account mosty the views of the national democracy movment, to which Archbishop Teodorowicz also belonged.
issue 324
The author of the article presents selected issues of testate succession (soundness of mind of the testator, formal requirements of a will and its witnesses, joint and privileged wills, revocation of a will and its invalidation) provided for in the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) and in force in the part of Poland annexed by Austria. The author’s analysis of the provisions applicable to the issues in question is further enhanced by references to the case-law of courts forming the Lviv judicial district, illustrating the complexity of the provisions. The case-law testifies to how big a role was played by testate succession in the part of Poland annexed by Austria. On the other hand, it shows how many people did not know the ABGB provisions and how differently the provisions were interpreted by the courts.
Der Verfasser stellt im Aufsatz ausgewählte Probleme betreffend die testamentarische Erbfol­ge vor (Geistesgegenwart des Erblassers, formelle Anforderungen an Testamente und die Zeugen, gemeinsame und bevorzugte Testamente, Widerruf des Testaments und dessen Aufhebung), die im österreichischen Zivilgesetzbuch (ABGB) vorgesehen waren und im ehemaligen österreichischen Teilgebiet galten. Die Analyse der die erwähnten Probleme betreffenden Vorschriften erweitert er um die Rechtsprechung der Gerichte des Lemberger Berufungsbezirkes aus der Zwischenkriegszeit und zeigt dabei ihre Kompliziertheit im alltäglichen Leben. Diese Beschlüsse zeugen davon, welch eine große Rolle die testamentarische Erbfolge im ehemaligen österreichischen Teilgebiet spielte. Andererseits sind sie ein Beweis, dass viele Personen die Vorschriften des ABGB nicht kannten und dass seine Vorschriften durch die Gerichte unterschiedlich ausgelegt waren.
There were not too many of them. Legal relations between Wroclaw and Lviv manifested themselves in pretty accidental trips of few Polish students and scientists between the two cities who maintained contacts with both universities. One of the students was Andrzej Szep­tycki (later Archbishop of Lviv), whilst among scientists there were Józefat Zielonacki, Ignacy Koschembahr Łyskowski and Zygmunt Cybichowski, who started their procedures for the award of the title of professor in Wroclaw but completed them in Lviv. These relations were of a symbolic nature, which after the Second World War took on a special meaning in the context of relationships between the Wroclaw and Lviv universities.
Opole Region occupied a most significant place in the studies conducted by Kazimierz Orzechowski, who took part in the action of securing archival acts of Opole Regency after the War. The Polish school system in Silesia was the subject of his doctoral dissertation. He paid a lot of attention to the legal situation of peasants in Opole Region in the 19th century. He was also one of the co-founders of Studia Śląskie. Seria nowa (The Silesian Studies. A New Series) and the Silesian Institute in Opole. For many years he cooperated with The Silesian Studies and Opole Quarterly. Apart from the research into the history of Opole Region, K. Orzechowski also made a great contribution to the development of Opole historical centre. He was the founder and the first Head of the Chair of History at Teacher’s Training College in Opole. He worked for almost twenty years there. He was a supervisor and reviewer of doctoral dissertations and works submitted to obtain professor’s degree by research workers at the College, as well as a member of the board in charge of conferring the professor’s degree.
issue 315/2
139 - 159
The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1928 provided three types of jurisdiction: material, topical and functional. In general, legal solutions adopted in the Code including provisions on material jurisdiction should be viewed positively. The regulations covered all the cases the Polish courts could hypothetically come across in practice, procedurally solving many issues connected with it. The most important cases included: the invalidity of judgments issued by the improper court, the jurisdiction of the magistrates courts, the determination of the topical jurisdiction of the courts, the aggregate consideration of cases, and resolving conflicts of jurisdiction between common and military courts. Few of their infirmities were cured either by amending the Code, or through judicial decisions (especially the Supreme Court). The functioning of the rules on jurisdiction contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, was closely linked with the provisions of the Criminal Code of 1932 and the Law on Courts of 1928. In total, they were one of the best parts of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1928, contributing to quite efficient — in the years 1918–1939 — course of proceedings and functioning of justice in criminal cases.
issue 327
The protection of officials is aimed at ensuring the functioning of the state which is a common good of all citizens. Protection based on criminal law regulations is a special kind of protection. In the lands of the former Russian partition after 1918, until the adoption of the Polish criminal code in 1932, it was granted on the basis of the provisions contained in Part Six of the Russian Criminal Code of 1903 (the so-called Tagantsev code). It was not straightforward because the Russian code was characterized by excessively detailed regulations which created problems with its application in practice. The application of this code required adapting its old content to new conditions. Providing protection to civil servants was, however, one of the main tasks of the revived Polish state.
issue 319
155 - 167
Legal contacts between the Jagiellonian University and University of Wrocław in 1811–1914 were not very frequent. They involved mainly people who graduated in law from the Jagiellonian University and came to Wrocław to pursue further studies. Most of them were future professors of the Jagiellonian University. This occurred primarily in the first half of the 19th century, during the popularity of the historical school in the German study of law and of Hegel’s views, which made the University of Wrocław rather attractive. An important role in these contacts was played by Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie’s patronage in Kraków and Carl August Dominik Unterholzner’s patronage in Wrocław. In the first half of the 19th century these were both personal and scholarly contacts, in the second — mainly scholarly contacts. Contacts that went in the opposite direction, from Wrocław to Kraków, were limited largely to Józefat Zielonacki, a professor at both universities.
The Division of World History of State and Law (formerly the Department) has functioned since the formation of the Faculty of Law of the University of Wrocław in 1945 as one of once three and now four departments of the Institute of History of State and Law. Its beginnings date back to 1950, when the Department of History of Western European Law, managed by Iwo Jaworski, was incorporated into the complex of History and Law Departments. In 1969 it was transformed into a division of the Institute of History of State and Law. The Division was managed by four heads, whose terms of office coincided with the milestones in the department history. From that perspective, the history of the Division can be divided into four periods: Iwo Jaworski’s pioneer period (1945–1959), Leszek Winowski’s development period (1959–1979), Edmund Klein’s transitional period (1979–2001), and Marian Ptak’s contemporary period (after 2001). The Division’s academic staff members have been involved in ever-evolving scientific activities, significantly exceeding the didactic curriculum of the unit, focused on the world history of state and law. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the Division, the research conducted there crosses the boundaries between the Polish history and the history of other countries; between history of state and history of law; and between ancient history and contemporary times.
Jan Baszkiewicz, the eminent political and legal thought historian, in the years 1959–1968 was associated with the University of Wrocław, working at the Faculty of Law and Administration. The nine-year Wrocław period was very important in Jan Baszkiewicz’s life. First employed at the Chair of General History of State and Law and, later, at the Chair of History of Political and Legal Doctrines, Jan Baszkiewicz can be deemed the father of the Wrocław history of political and legal doctrines. For didactic purposes, he developed academic course materials on the above subject, on which History of Political and Legal Doctrines, published together with Franciszek Ryszka in 1969, was based. It was the first Polish academic textbook fully discussing the history of political and legal thought from antiquity to contemporary times. During his stay in Wrocław, Jan Baszkiewicz published Sovereign State in the Feudal Political Doctrine until the Early 14th Century (Warsaw 1964), one of the most significant studies among all of his scientific achievements, which has later become a classic of the genre and strengthened Jan Baszkiewicz’s position among Polish state and law historians. He also performed important organisational functions. In 1960, Jan Baszkiewicz was appointed the Head of the Department of Political Doctrines, and, in 1963, of the Chair of Political and Le- gal Doctrines. From 1962 until 1964, he was Deputy Dean for Didactics of the Faculty of Law. In September 1965, Jan Baszkiewicz was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Youth of the University of Wrocław and fulfilled that role through to the March 1968 Polish political crisis. Due to the attitude he demonstrated towards that situation, he was forced to move from Wrocław to the University of Si- lesia in Katowice. In 2003, the University of Wrocław conferred an honorary doctorate upon him.
issue 328
231 - 241
The Department of Political Economy at the Faculty of Law, University of Wrocław, went through an extremely important and turbulent period in 1945–1956. It was a time of building the Department and of its scholarly development. The main role in the Department was played by Professor Wincenty Styś, almost from the very beginning persecuted by the communist authorities. A characteristic feature of the Department were frequent changes of auxiliary academic staff. In addition to lectures on political economy and economic history, the academics working at the Department also lectured on ideological subjects (Marxism), both at the Faculty of Law and other faculties at the University of Wrocław. That is why the Department was more politicised and the authorities interfered in its work more often than in the case of other departments. Most staff, in addition to working at the Department, were also employed at the School of Business and then School of Economics in Wrocław.
Die Jahre 1945–1956 stellten für den Lehrstuhl für Politische Ökonomie an der Fakultät für Recht der Universität Wrocław eine wichtige und bewegte Zeit dar. Das war die Zeit seiner Gestaltung und wissenschaftlichen Entwicklung. Die führende Rolle an dem Lehrstuhl spielte Professor Wincenty Styś, fast von Anfang an verfolgt durch die kommunistischen Behörden. Für den Lehrstuhl war charakteristisch, dass seine wissenschaftlichen Hilfsmitarbeiter oft wechselten. Neben den Vorlesungen zur politischen Ökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte lehrten die Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls auch ideologische Fächer sowohl an der Fakultät für Recht als auch an den anderen Fakultäten der Universität Wrocław. Aus diesen Gründen unterlag der Lehrstuhl größerer politischer Abhängigkeit und Einmischung der Behörden. Die Mehrheit der Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls war auch an der Handelsakademie [Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa] und später auch an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft [Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna] in Wrocław tätig.
During his short stay in Wrocław in the course of his studies, Jan Kasprowicz was also very active in politics. It was connected with his participation in the organisation called “Pa- cyfik” [“Pacific”], which was associated with German social democracy. For this reason, he was arrested and tried in one of the largest trials in Germany performed on the basis of anti-socialist laws. Due to the fact that he was a Pole, he received one of the most severe sentences in the trial in Wrocław in 1887. Jan Kasprowicz’s stay in Wrocław was one of the most difficult periods in his life. As a result of the Wrocław experience, he finally gave up political activity and took up exclusively literary activities.
Jan Kasprowicz übte beim kurzen Aufenthalt in Breslau während seines Studiums auch eine äußerst aktive politische Tätigkeit aus. Sie hing mit seiner Teilnahme an der Organisation Pacyfik zusammen, die mit der deutschen Sozialdemokratie verbunden war. Aus diesem Grund wurde er festgenommen und in einem der größten Verfahren in Deutschland, die auf der Grundlage antisozialistischer Gesetze durchgeführt wurden, vor Gericht gestellt. Da er ein Pole war, wurde er 1887 in Breslau zu einer der schwersten Strafen im Prozess verurteilt. Die Zeit, in der Jan Kasprowicz in Breslau weilte, war eine der schwierigsten in seinem Leben. Unter Einfluss der Erfahrungen aus Breslau gab er schließlich seine politische Tätigkeit auf und begann sich ausschließlich mit dem literarischen Schaffen zu befassen.
Jan Kasprowicz podczas krótkiego pobytu we Wrocławiu w trakcie studiów prowadził także niezwykle aktywną działalność polityczną. Związana była ona z jego uczestnictwem w organizacji „Pacyfik”, powiązanej z socjaldemokracją niemiecką. Z tego powodu został on aresztowany i był sądzony w ramach jednego z największych procesów w Niemczech przeprowadzonych w oparciu o ustawy antysocjalistyczne. Ze względu na to, że był Polakiem otrzymał jeden z najsurowszych wyroków procesie we Wrocławiu w 1887 r. Okres pobytu Jana Kasprowicza we Wrocławiu był jednym z najtrudniejszych w jego życiu. Pod wpływem doświadczeń wrocławskich ostatecznie zrezygnował z działalności politycznej i zajął się wyłącznie działalnością literacką.
issue 321
The author presents abrief overview of the importance of Freemasons in the political life of the Second Polish Republic. He then discusses the background and circumstances of the issuance by the President of Poland of adecree dissolving Masonic associations on 22 November 1938. Next he carries out adetailed legal analysis of the document, comparing it to the bill on fighting Freemasonry submitted in parliament by the MP Wacław Budzyński. He concludes with reflections on fighting political views, especially of opposition groups, by means of instruments under criminal law. That such instruments are used is evidence, according to the author, of the weakness of the political system in agiven country.
Der Autor stellt in dem Beitrag zuerst eine kurze Charakteristik der Bedeutung der Freimaurer im politischen Leben der Zweiten Polnischen Republik dar. Dann bespricht er den Hintergrund und die Umstände der Herausgabe durch den Präsidenten der Polnischen Republik am 22. November 1938 des Dekrets über die Auflösung der Freimaurerverbände. Danach kommt seine eingehende rechtliche Analyse, im Vergleich zu dem Projekt des Gesetzes über die Bekämpfung der Freimaurerei, das der Abgeordnete Wacław Budzyński dem Sejm vorgelegt hat. Die Überlegungen werden mit Reflexionen über die Bekämpfung politischer Ansichten, insbesondere der oppositionellen Gruppierungen, mit Hilfe strafrechtlicher Instrumente zusammengefasst. Werden diese Instrumente ergriffen, zeugt das nach Meinung des Autors von einer Schwäche des politischen Systems in dem gegebenen Staat.
Austriacki kodeks cywilny (ABGB) obowiązujący w okręgach sądów apelacji lwowskiej i krakowskiej w okresie międzywojennym przewidywał zasadę swobody testowania przez spadkodawcę. Swoboda ta mogła jednak niekiedy godzić w prawa spadkowe osób najbliższych spadkodawcy. Instytucją chroniącą prawa tych osób był zachowek, który należał się im jako dziedzicom koniecznym. Podstawą obliczenia wysokości zachowku była wielkość masy spadkowej. Przy obliczaniu zachowku brano jednak pod uwagę także darowizny, jakie otrzymali od spadkodawcy dziedzice konieczni (osoby uprawnione do zachowku) oraz spadkobiercy i legatariusze. ABGB przewidywał, że w przypadku gdy należny dziedzicom koniecznym zachowek był uszczuplony (w niepełnej wysokości), mogli oni domagać się jego uzupełnienia. Kwestie dotyczącego tego, jakie darowizny były brane pod uwagę, a jakie nie przy obliczaniu wysokości zachowku, wskutek różnych praktyk w tym zakresie były przedmiotem wielu orzeczeń sądów. Orzecznictwo sądów w tym zakresie było niejednolite. Przewidywało wyrównanie uszczuplonego zachowku zarówno w naturze (w postaci proporcjonalnej części darowizny), jak i w postaci świadczenia pieniężnego, z czasem coraz bardziej ewoluując w tym kierunku.
The Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), which was in force in the districts of the courts based in Lvov and Krakow in the Interwar period, stipulated the principle of freedom of testing by the testator. That freedom, however, could harm the inheritance rights of the persons who were the nearest to the testator. The institution protecting the rights of these persons was the legitimate share which they were entitled to as heirs-at-law. The basis to assess the height of the legitim was the size of inheritance. However, while estimating thelegitimate share, donations which the heirs-at-law (persons entitled to the legitim), heirs and legatees had received from testators were taken into consideration as well. The ABGB provided that in the case where the legitim which the heirs-at-law were entitled to was depleted (not at full height) they could demand completion of it. Questions concerning which donations were taken into account and which were not while estimating the height of the legitim due to different practices in this respect were the subject of many courts’ adjudgments. The jurisprudence in this sphere was not uniform. It stipulated compensation of the depleted legitimate share both in kind (in the form of proportional part of the donation) and as a financial benefit, with time evolving towards the latter to a greater and greater extent.
The author of the article presents the circumstances of the founding of the famous Protestant gymnasium (Gymnasium Illustre) by Prince George II in Brzeg in 1564, showing the role of that school in the implementation of other reforms launched by the Prince of Brzeg and the situation in Silesia at that time. The final caesura is 1792, when teaching law in the gymnasium in Brzeg, which is the main subject of the author’s considerations, was over. The author discusses in detail the teaching of law in that school, teaching of the scheme and the importance of law in the curriculum. Moreover, the author presents the figures of people who taught law in the gymnasium in Brzeg and their official careers. Special attention is paid to James Schickfuss. The author also shows the sporadic contacts of the gymnasium in Brzeg with some Polish grammar schools and the fate of some of its graduates.
In his contribution, the author presents the work on the codification (initially on the Act) of procedural criminal law in Poland in the years 1919–1928. Those works were initially led by the Criminal Department of the Codification Committee, and then by the Criminal Proceedings Section of the Codification Commission. The first period of the work on the criminal procedure law was characterized by some disputes between the members of the Department, i.e. supporters of the classical school (E. Krzymuski) vs. the sociological school (J. Makarewicz), the discussion aiming at defining the relationship of procedural criminal law and substantive criminal law. The work on the draft law was carried out faster after the appointment (on 16 July 1920) of the Criminal Proceedings Section, which in 1924 published the first version of the draft criminal law bill. E. Krzymuski, A. Mogilnicki, Z. Rymowicz and E.S. Rappaport had played the main role in the development of the project. After a very deep criticism in the columns of Gazeta Administracji i Policji Państwowej [The Gazette of State Administration and Police], Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny [The legal, economic and sociological movement] and Palestra [The bar], the project was rejected. Only the second version of the bill prepared in 1925-1926, re-worked by the committee composed of W. Makowski, A. Mogilnicki and S. Śliwiński (appointed by the Minister of Justice), became the basis for the President of the Republic of Poland to adopt the first Polish Code of Criminal Procedure of 19 March 1928.
In the explanatory part, the author presents legal and criminal measures aiming at protecting election and voting against electoral fraud and other crimes in the Polish criminal code of the 20th century. Because elections are regarded as one of the most significant events in the public life, their protection is of the utmost importance and is a guarantee of their undisturbed management. The prevention of electoral fraud was provided for in the Criminal Codes of 1932, 1969 and 1997. It was most widely discussed in the Criminal Code of 1932, which served as the basis for the Criminal Code of 1997 in force to date. It was given the least attention, only in one article, in the 1969 edition, which indicates the importance of elections in a socialist state. The most serious threat to the integrity of contemporary elections is electoral corruption, including electoral bribery and venality. Contemporarily, apart from criminal codes, criminal sanctions regarding elections and voting are provided for in the electoral regulations and the Electoral Code of 2011.
August Heylman jest jednym z zapomnianych prawników Królestwa Polskiego w XIX w. Praktykiem zajmującym wysokie stanowiska w administracji i sądownictwie Królestwa Polskiego, zajmującym się przy tym działalnością naukową. Był jednym z głównych propagatorów szkoły historycznej prawa w polskiej nauce prawa w XIX w. oraz współtwórców jednego z najbardziej znanych polskich czasopism naukowych „Themis Polska”.
August Heylman is one of the forgotten lawyers of the Kingdom of Poland in the 19th century. He was a practician, holding high positions in the then administration and judiciary of the Kingdom. At the same time he occupied himself with scholarly activity. He was one of the main advocates of the historical school of law in the Polish legal science in the 19th century as well as a co-creator of one of the best-known Polish scientific journals edited under the title Themis Polska.
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