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Bezrobocie długotrwałe jest uznawane za jeden z najpoważniejszych problemów na współczesnym rynku pracy. Ekonomiści widzą w nim źródło poważnej deprecjacji zasobów ludzkich na rynku pracy oraz pauperyzacji dotkniętych nim rodzin. W związku z kryzysem finansowym i gospodarczym w latach 2008-2009 stopa bezrobocia w Unii wzrosła do nienotowanego wcześniej poziomu. Obecnie zmniejsza się, ale długotrwałe bezrobocie jest nadal bardzo wysokie. Celem artykułu jest analiza porównawcza skali i struktury bezrobocia długotrwałego w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem danych pozyskanych z bazy Eurostatu. Rozważania rozpoczęto od przybliżenia istoty i cech bezrobocia długoterminowego. Ponadto zweryfikowano hipotezę o wzrastającym wraz z wiekiem bezrobotnego zagrożeniu bezrobociem długotrwałym. W artykule, odwołując się do zaleceń Rady UE, zarysowano strategię działania ukierunkowaną na ograniczenie bezrobocia długotrwałego w krajach członkowskich.
Increasing labor force participation of the elderly is one of the main goals of labor market policy in Poland. In view of the growing share of older people in the total population, raising the efficiency of exploiting their potential career becomes even more significant. This is all the more important, in view of the decision to gradually raise the retirement age, which means the lengthening of professional activity. The purpose of this article is to identify the degree of utilization of the professional potential of the elderly people in Poland. The identification was made on the basis of the analysis of the actual changes in the economic activity of the elderly that were taken in the past. In addition, attempts to assess the current activities for the activation of the older labor force were undertaken.
Proces starzenia się ludności niesie ze sobą istotne konsekwencje dla rynku pracy w postaci deficytu zasobów pracy i zmianę ich struktury wiekowej. Podniesienie stopnia wykorzystania potencjału zawodowego osób ze starszych roczników wieku niemobilnego stało się jednym z priorytetów aktywnej polityki rynku pracy w krajach europejskich. Celem artykułu jest określenie luki w zatrudnieniu ze względu na płeć w subpopulacji 50+ w Polsce oraz identyfikacja głównych źródeł tego zjawiska. Pierwsza część artykułu zawiera krótką charakterystykę współczesnego rynku pracy, w części drugiej przeprowadzono analizę poziomu aktywności zawodowej osób w wieku 50-64 lat. W artykule wykorzystano analizę danych zastanych.
Bezrobocie długotrwałe jest uznawane za jeden z najpoważniejszych problemów na współczesnym rynku pracy. Ekonomiści widzą w nim źródło poważnej deprecjacji zasobów ludzkich na rynku pracy oraz pauperyzacji dotkniętych nim rodzin. Zmiana struktury wieku zasobów pracy i prognozowany dla Polski proces ich zmniejszania się, zaowocowały zwiększonym zainteresowaniem aktywnością zawodową osób starszych. Analiza danych z ostatnich lat wskazuje na rosnący poziom zaangażowania zawodowego tej grupy, równocześnie jednak potwierdza, że osoby starsze często doświadczają bezrobocia długotrwałego. Celem artykułu jest określenie skali i struktury bezrobocia długotrwałego osób starszych na lubuskim rynku pracy oraz identyfikacja czynników zwiększających ryzyko tego rodzaju bezrobocia. Analizie poddano również rozwiązania ukierunkowane na wsparcie zatrudnienia tej grupy społecznej.
Long-term unemployment is considered one of the most serious problems of the contemporary labor market. Economists see it as a source of serious depreciation of human resources in the labor market and the pauperization of the affected families. Changing the age structure of labor resources and the projected reduction of their size in Poland, have resulted in increased interest in working activity of older people. The analysis of data from recent years points to an increasing level of professional involvement of this group, but also reveals that older people are more likely to experience long-term unemployment. The article aims to describe the size and structure of long-term unemployment of older people in Lubuskie labor market and identify the factors determining the risk of this type of unemployment. Also analyzed are solutions directed at supporting the employment of this social group.
The demographic changes taking place in the Polish society are also reflected on the labour market. Since the labour force is aging, the issue of stimulating the professional activity of the elderly becomes particularly important. The article assumes the thesis that the factor fostering professional activation of older people influences their educational mobility, which in turn can trigger entrepreneurial attitudes in this group. The aim of the article is to present the attitude of the elderly to educational activity and the impact of education and training on improving their situation on the labor market, and on the other hand to show the current level of entrepreneurship in this group. Investigations were based on the results of the own study on the situation of people aged 50+ in the labour market and their participation in lifelong learning, including the analysis of existing public data.
For several decades heated discussion in Europe have continued on the causes, course and consequences of demographic changes. The dynamics of changes varies across the continent, but the direction is consistent. The analysis of transformations already recorded in the age structure of European societies and the available population projections, clearly indicates that many countries in the region are experiencing or will experience the increased dynamics of ageing of the population. This process from the economic perspective is seen mainly in terms of problems for economic growth and public finances. On the one hand, what raises fears are the increasing costs of maintaining a growing number of “non-productive” sectors of the population and aggravating social transfers through the system of public finance. On the other hand, low birth rates accompanied with the increasing duration of life, contribute to the emergence of labor shortages and the ageing. In search of answers to the question on how to sustain economic growth in the new demographic realities more and more attention is directed to the so-called silver economy, underlying positive approach to ageing population. Treating this process as an opportunity and not just a challenge stems from the belief that ageing societies will create new opportunities for economic development through the creation of demand for new products and services or their adaptation to the needs of the elderly, as well as increased activity of this group. The aim of this study is to present the essence of silver economy, which is a relatively new vision for Europe. The main premise of interest in this concept is growing awareness of inevitability of demographic changes among policy makers and researchers. In order to determine their scale and regional disparities were used actual data available and forecasting, prepared by the UN Population Department. The intention was to show the challenges and opportunities arising from changes in the age structure of the Old Continent. To achieve this objective the comparative analysis method and desk research were used. The first European experience with silver economy implementation suggests that an increase in the number of people as elderly in the population can become the beginning of a new path of development for businesses. In this paper the concept is acknowledged that development strategy taking into account the needs of an ageing population is conducive to improving the quality of life not only of the elderly, but also of other members of the population. The analysis draws on, among others, the Japanese experience as the confirmation. We must, however, remember that turning threats into opportunities requires an understanding of the essence of the relationship between the economics and the demography. For this reason part of the study was devoted to highlighting this very issue. In conclusion it can be stated that growth opportunities stemming from the ageing of the population will not be achieved automatically − the robustness in promoting the idea that older people constitute a valuable part of every society and the economy, is among critical factors. It seems that the silver economy is a good example of the economic system that allows the management of older labor. On the other hand it creates an innovative approach to meet not only the needs of the elderly, but also other social groups.
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