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The purpose of this article is to describe a pilot project for the implementation of the gender mainstreaming strategy, so to include gender perspective in spatial issues, with particular emphasis on mobility, transport and social infrastructure on the example of Vienna‘s district Mariahilf. The aim of the author is to show the relevance, procedures and requirements to implement the strategy of gender mainstreaming using the method 5R + 1E, which is evaluation of the method 3R and 4R. This method disclosure of the differences in the position of women and men in the problem area, as well as the analysis of these differences in the context of the socio-cultural situation. The results are related to the situation of Polish spatial policy at local and regional level, in which there is a lack of integration of the gender perspective into local and regional development strategies. A key finding from the study is that urban and spatial planning will be balanced when they take into account the needs of men and women for determining the function of urban spaces, the location of individual objects of urban infrastructure and transport links between them.
The article discusses the literature and the findings concerning the relatively least explored questions concerning Adolf Hitler, namely those of his youth. As the author stresses, just over a dec­ade ago Polish readers interested in the Hitler phenomenon knew much less than they do now. Thanks to several books recently published in Poland they have had a chance to considerably expand their knowledge. The present author points to two figures, Brigitte Hamann and August Kubizek, focusing on the similarities and differences in their approach to this period of Hitler’s life.
Rilke był wprawdzie świadkiem Pierwszej Wojny Światowej, ale zupełnie nieobecnym. Unikał bezpośredniego zaangażowania w działania wojenne. Gdy nadarzyła się okazja zamknął się w murach Archiwum Wojennego w Wiedniu, by tam przetrwać ten burzliwy okres. Wielu artystów cierpiało z powodu niemocy twórczej w obliczu okropności wojny. Okres milczenia artystycznego Rilkego ledwie otarł się o czas wojenny, a powodowany był nie zewnętrznymi okolicznościami, lecz wewnętrzną niemocą wyrażenia istoty rzeczy. O wojnie pisał zwyczajnie, skupiał się na mikrotematach, własnych ograniczeniach.
Rainer Maria Rilke was a witness of the First World War, but he was deep in his thoughts. He avoided being directly engaged in a military action. When the opportunity appeared he hid himself in a War Archive in Vienna and spent there all those stormy days. Many artists suffered from a creative impotence in the face of war atrocities. The period of artistic silence Rilke’s had hardly something in common with war, and was caused not by external circumstances but internal disability of expression the essence of a matter. He wrote about a war in simply words, concentrated on microelements, boundaries of human mind.
Last two decades of the 19th century were also a peak period of the Czech immigration to Vienna. The study analyzes reasons why most of tens of thousands immigrants from Czech speaking parts of Bohemian lands were not recorded during population censuses 1880–1910 with the Czech language of common communication. For this reason it first brings forth a situation of the Czech minority and a social climate it had to face in Vienna and then it defines a category of the “language of common communication” used in pre-Cisleithan censuses. Later on it describes a course of the census of the language of the common communication in Vienna. It also takes into account interest positions of the Cisleithan state (a support of a natural migrant assimilation out of the reason of social cohesion sustenance), German nationalistic activists (an assimilation of Slavic immigrants in the German territory “at any rate”, that is also a violent one) and also of Czech nationalistic activists (the fight against assimilation and a denial of a natural assimilation existence).
The topic of military activities in the Przemysl Fortress during the Great War (First World War) still remains the subject of archival research. The article presents the current state of research on aviation activity of that time in the area of the Fortress. Theauthor presents his views on the basis of his research carried out in the Vienna Staatsarchiv-Kriegsarchiv, not exhausting the subject, however. This study is original and contributes a series of previously completely unknow facts to historical knowledge.
Radek Knapp (1964-) is a Polish-Austrian writer who addresses the issue of immigrants living in Vienna in his works. In his books, he tries to answer the question about the identity of the newcomers and the interaction they enter into with the local population. In the last novel from 2020, Knapp presents Vienna as seen through the eyes of a Polish immigrant. It is an environment that is not easy to enter. However, it is possible. The way to this leads through functioning in Viennese everyday life, primarily through professional activity and knowledge of the German language, including the Viennese dialect.
Radek Knapp (1964-) to polsko-austriacki pisarz, który w swych utworach podejmuje kwestię zamieszkujących w Wiedniu imigrantów. Próbuje w nich dać odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące tożsamości przybyszów i interakcji, w którą wchodzą z miejscową ludnością. W ostatniej powieści z 2020 r. Knapp prezentuje Wiedeń widziany oczyma polskiego imigranta. To środowisko, w które niełatwo wejść. Jest to jednak możliwe. Droga do tego wiedzie poprzez funkcjonowanie w wiedeńskiej codzienności, przede wszystkim przez aktywność zawodową oraz znajomość języka niemieckiego, w tym dialektu wiedeńskiego.
The article analyzes the image of Vienna in the life and works of a famous 20th century Austrian writer I. Bachmann on the basis of her story The Thirtieth Year (Das dreißigste Jahr). It underlines the ambivalent attitude of the author and the main character of the story towards the city of their youth and regards it as the dominant characteristic of the text. The past, which reminds of itself especially with the bothersome and all-knowing figure of Moll, does not allow the protagonist to establish communication with Vienna, which in turn affects the overall reception of the city.
This paper contains a treatise on the description of the founding of Vienna in The Book of Princes by Jans Enikel († approx. 1302). This description is presented in contemporary Middle High German verse literature as a solitary work. Enikel’s narrative about Vienna was adopted by the chroniclers Leopold of Vienna and Thomas Ebendorfer in the 14th and 15th centuries.
The motif of paradise in the culture and art of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries ranks among the most important ones, while in Vienna, apart from being so meaningful for writers (e.g. Hugo von Hofmannsthal) and artists from the Secession circle (Gustav Klimt, Josef Hoffmann, Josef Maria Olbrich and others), it was also important to Oskar Kokoschka. This can be well seen in the poetical lithograph-illustrated fairy tale Die Träumenden Knaben, designed by him as a Gesamthkunstwerk in 1907/8. In the text- and image-layer, the youthful work deeply rooted in the tradition, drew inspiration from e.g. the ideas of J. W. von Goethe and Adalbert Stifter.
The article recalls the role of Vienna as an art collecting centre in the 18th and 19th century and thus a place well known to both Princess Izabela Lubomirska - the Lubomirski family had a residence there, the so-called Lubomirski Schlösschen, since the 1790s - and to her outstanding son-in-law, Count Stanisław Kostka Potocki, husband of her daughter Aleksandra née Lubomirska. Their frequent visits to the capital of the Empire were connected with purchases of artworks for the Wilanów museum collection, and their contacts with a circle of artists and collectors in Italy are confirmed by many extant documents. The Habsburg collections, the reform of artistic education launched by Empress Maria Theresa, various models of collection-gathering, an interest in the ideas of Johann Joachim Winckelmann, and the art collection and library of Carl Gottard Firmian held in Milan, with which Princess Lubomirska and Count and Countess Potocki were familiar; all this provided them with unquestionable inspirations in creating the Wilanów museum.
The study reconstructs the youth of Klement Gottwald from his birth to the outbreak of the First World War. Gottwald was born on November 23, 1896 in Vyškov region in southern Moravia. His adolescence was fundamentally marked by the absence of material means and a low social origin. He spent the years 1896–1908 in the Vyškov region (Dědice, Vyškov, Heroltice), subsequently moved to Vienna and worked in a carpentry workshop. Gottwald subsisted in the environment of the social periphery, amongst artisans and peasants in Vyškov region and workers of the Czech minority in Vienna; he repeatedly had to cope with the status of an illegitimate child. In this period, there was no indication of his future great political career, although Gottwald already showed his marked intelligence and tenacity.
Urban environment management (UEM) and environmental social science (ESS) are two interconnected approaches that show significant potential for creating more sustainable and liveable cities. Their research has, however, been mainly disjointed, which may be because planning and policy have placed more emphasis on UEM than ESS at the same time. This research examined ESS in terms of the quality of life (QOL) criteria and sense of place (SOP) of citizens living by the river with the UEM intervention in the form of policies and programmes. The effects of fieldwork in the form of specialised and spatial interviews are presented in this research, which is usually ignored in the literature review of this type of analysis. The study aims to fill the current gap in this field in three European capitals by providing a reflective methodological account of fieldwork and the ‘elite interviewing’ approach. This paper produces a distinct form of the localisation of the research and sampling techniques and is as new, interactive and developing as possible. The results of the present study are underpinned by the conceptual model of research, which supports the main aim of this analysis and tries to examine the components of research in a new perspective. The findings high- lighted that maintaining and strengthening ESS for citizens living next to rivers require innovative UEM, which uses urban creativity in the field of goals, urban settlements, strategies and management solutions to provide the base for increasing the liveability of the city and improving the quality of urban life.
The authors have edited and prepared for publishing an unknown letter by the Przemyśl lawyer, politician and social activist Leonard Tarnawski of 19 November 1914. In the letter Tarnawski appeals to the authorities in Vienna in defense of his unjustly imprisoned brother Apolinary,owner of a clinic in Kosiv in Pokuttya. The letter was written during the First World War, a poorly researched period in the history of the Tarnawski family, and had remained an unknown historical source.
A National “Struggle for Survival”? – The Badeni Crisis of 1897 in Cisleithania’s German-language PressThis article observes the role of Cisleithania’s (i.e. the Austrian “half” of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy) Germanlanguage press in the so-called Badeni Crisis of 1897 which was triggered by the issuance of two language ordinances designed to make Czech, together with German, an equally valid language in the inner administration of the Crownlands of Bohemia and Moravia. By comparing the reporting style of two newspapers from different regions – the Viennese newspaper Neue Freie Presse and the Bohemian newspaper Prager Tagblatt – this essay explores how interpretations of this serious political crisis differed in the periphery and the centre of the Habsburg empire. The author shows that, even though the Badeni Crisis directly affected mainly German-speaking Bohemians, the reporting style of the Prager Tagblatt was less sensationalist and its choice of words less nationalistic and militaristic than the coverage of the same events by its Viennese counterpart, the Neue Freie Presse. In a second step, reasons for this surprising discrepancy are traced. Narodowa „walka o przetrwanie”? Kryzys Badeniego 1897 roku w niemieckojęzycznej prasie PrzedlitawiiArtykuł poświęcony jest roli niemieckojęzycznej prasy w Przedlitawii (czyli austriackiej „połówce” Monarchii Austro-Węgierskiej) podczas tzw. kryzysu Badeniego w 1897 roku, wywołanego przez wydanie dwujęzycznych ordynacji, co miało sprawić, że język czeski, obok niemieckiego, stanie się równorzędnym językiem wewnętrznej administracji Królestw Czech i Moraw. Poprzez porównanie sposobu przekazu informacji w ukazujących się w dwóch regionach gazetach – wiedeńskiej „Neue Freie Presse” i czeskiej „Prager Tagblatt” - autor docieka, w czym interpretacja tego poważnego kryzysu politycznego różniła się na peryferiach i w centrum imperium Habsburgów. Pokazuje, że choć kryzys Badeniego bezpośrednio dotknął przede wszystkim niemieckojęzycznych Czechów, to ton przekazu w „Prager Tagblatt” był mniej sensacyjny, mniej nacjonalistyczny i militarystyczny w doborze słownictwa, niż to miało miejsce w relacjach o tych samych wydarzeniach, które ukazywały się w wiedeńskim odpowiedniku gazety, „Neue Freie Presse”. Następnie autor prześledził powody tej zaskakującej rozbieżności.
This study examines the development of the Czech minority in Austria ( Vienna) in the second half of the 20th century (1948–1989). It describes the division of the community into two camps, defined by their differing relationships to communist Czechoslovakia. The authors primarily focus on the role of the minority press in this period. Based on content analysis of newspaper articles from that period, they demonstrate how the minority press was a key initiator of the schism, which affected life in the expatriate community on the Danube for more than 40 years, and whose effects Czechs in Vienna continue to reconcile with to this day.
W artykule przedstawiono źródła do dziejów Zgromadzenia Córek Bożej Miłości, znajdujące się w Generalnym Archiwum Zgromadzenia Córek Bożej Miłości w Wiedniu. Celem łatwiejszego zrozumienia poruszanych treści, we wstępie ukazano w krótkim zarysie charakter, organizację i działalność tej wspólnoty zakonnej. Powstałe w drugiej połowie XIX wieku Zgromadzenie stawiało sobie za cel pomoc dziewczętom migrującym ze wsi do miast w poszukiwaniu pracy oraz kształcenie dzieci i młodzieży w różnych typach szkół. Podejmowana przez siostry Córki Bożej Miłości działalność w zasadniczy sposób wpłynęła na charakter wytworzonej dokumentacji archiwalnej. Na rodzaj i rozmiar spuścizny aktowej generalnego zasobu archiwalnego wpływ miała również struktura Zgromadzenia. Do 1919 roku, czyli do momentu wyodrębnienia pierwszych czterech prowincji, zarządzane ono było centralnie przez przełożoną generalną i jej radę rezydującą w Domu Macierzystym w Wiedniu. W konsekwencji podziału na prowincje, większość dokumentacji pozostawała w kancelariach i archiwach prowincjalnych. Do archiwum generalnego trafiały jedynie akta bardziej selektywne. Zasób archiwum generalnego obejmuje dzisiaj zarówno akta całego Zgromadzenia, jak i akta poszczególnych prowincji. W artykule podano ogólny wykaz akt całego Zgromadzenia i dokonano krótkiej charakterystyki niektórych jednostek archiwalnych, wchodzących w skład poszczególnych grup i podgrup rzeczowych. Omówiono m.in. specyfikę takich archiwaliów, jak: kroniki generalne, Statuty, Reguły, Konstytucje oraz dokumentację związaną z ich opracowywaniem i zatwierdzaniem. Analizie poddano materiał dotyczący członkiń Zgromadzenia: księgi ewidencyjne sióstr i kandydatek, protokoły z posiedzeń Rady Prowincjalnej, spisy przełożonych i asystentek, akta personalne zmarłych sióstr, wspomnienia pośmiertne i nekrologi. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na materiały statystyczne i sprawozdawcze, które mogą posłużyć do opracowania tematyki związanej z działalnością Zgromadzenia, ponieważ ukazują m.in. liczebność poszczególnych grup osób, do których skierowana była działalność sióstr Córek Bożej Miłości. Rozwój Zgromadzenia można prześledzić również na podstawie jego korespondencji z urzędami kościelnymi i cywilnymi oraz źródeł dotyczących jego misji szkolno-wychowawczej, a także spuścizn członkiń. Zachowane akta stanowią wystarczającą bazę źródłową do opracowania dziejów Zgromadzenia.
The article presents the sources for the history of the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Love, located in the General Archives of the Congregation of Daughters of Divine Love in Vienna. In order to facilitate the understanding of the content, the introduction briefly outlines the nature, organization and activities of this religious community. Established in the second half of the 19th century, the Congregation aimed to help girls migrating from the countryside to cities in search of work and to educate children and youth in various types of schools. The activities undertaken by Daughters of Divine Love fundamentally influenced the nature of the archival documentation produced. The structure of the Congregation also influenced the type and size of the archival resources. Until 1919, that is until the establishment of the first four provinces, the Congregation was managed centrally by the superior general and her council residing at the Mother House in Vienna. As a result of division into provinces, most of the documentation remained in the provincial offices and archives. Only more selective files went to the general archive. The resources of the general archive now include both the files of the whole congregation and the files of individual provinces. The article gives a general list of files of the whole congregation and a brief description of some of the archival units included in particular groups and subgroups. Among others, the article specifies such archival materials as: general chronicles, Statutes, Rules, Constitutions and documentation related to their development and approval. It also analyses the material concerning the members of the Congregation: records of sisters and candidates, minutes from the meetings of the Provincial Council, lists of superiors and assistants, personal files of the dead sisters, posthumous memories and obituaries. Particular attention has been paid to statistical and reporting materials that can be used to develop topics related to the activities of the Congregation, as they show the number of particular groups to whom the Daughters of Divine Love directed their activities. The development of the Congregation can also be traced on the basis of its correspondence with church and civil offices as well as sources concerning its educational mission and the legacy of the Sisters. The preserved files constitute a sufficient source base for the development of the history of the Congregation.
Driven by his political ambition to obtain the imperial title following his brother Charles V as well as being under the Ottoman threat, Ferdinand I had advocated Vienna’s establishment as the residential capital since 1522. The architecture of his main residence, the Vienna Hofburg, acquired with his imperial guiding principle a corresponding iconic character.
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