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The rapid integration of technology in EFL learning and teaching requires competent EFL teachers to use Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in their classes. Hence, the role of CALL teacher education in preparing competent EFL teachers is significant. However, conducting CALL teacher education is not without challenges. Given the importance of examining these challenges, the purpose of the current study was to investigate Iranian EFL teacher educators’ voice about the challenges of conducting CALL teacher education programs. To that end, eight Iranian EFL teacher educators’ biographical narratives were analyzed to obtain challenges concerning CALL teacher education. The thematic analysis of the narratives, based on the principles of ethnography semantics, indicated that challenges such as inertia, ignorance of training CALL educators, insufficient time to address CALL compared to other topics, insufficient infrastructure, insufficient standards, and lack of established methodology to administrate CALL teacher education were among the main obstacles of conducting CALL teacher education in the Iranian context. Moreover, the findings revealed that lack of EFL teachers’ motivation to participate in such programs, insufficient CALL infrastructure in schools and institutes, and EFL teachers’ inertia were other challenges in CALL teacher education. The findings suggest that the stability of CALL can be reached by removing the challenges of CALL teacher education if policy-makers address issues such as the required budgets, CALL infrastructures, and teacher motivation in CALL teacher education.
This article deals with migrants’ experiences of precarious working conditions in the cleaning and construction industries in the Danish labour market as seen from their perspective. The experiences are retained through biographical narrative interviews with migrant workers from Central and Eastern Europe and are used to gain an understanding of the concrete strategies they apply when coping with their short-term contracts, demanding working hours, risk of unemployment and other insecurities. Migrants’ experiences of precarity and insecurity in their work is confirmed, to some degree, in numerous research studies. However, the resistance and strategies expressed by the migrant workers in their narratives show that they have also developed specific ways to cope with this precarity. The article contributes to a new understanding of migrants’ responses to precarity in which they engage their social and cultural resources to cope with the labour market conditions they face in Denmark.
The study presents results of research into the verbalization of threat to public space. The research was carried out in a part of Western Bohemia through informally transmitted and collectively shared oral texts, namely contemporary legends, rumours and biographical narratives which emphasize the phenomenon of ethnicity perceived by the narrators as a threat to public place. The study is divided into three thematic sections, closely bound to three major folk models of the threat to public space. Firstly, my paper deals with narratives based on the fabrication of the “lifethreatening” ethnic minorities living in the Czech Republic. Secondly, there are narratives linked to a certain type of ethnic fast food restaurants, whose staff is believed to serve contaminated food. And finally, the focus is on narratives concerning all different fears of public space as it is – demonization of certain areas due to the numerous presence of these culturally-fabricated ethnic groups.
Artykuł opisuje doświadczenie awansu społecznego kobiet w PRL-u w świetle specyfiki trajektorii zawodowych okresu Polski Ludowej. Podstawą analizy jest badanie biograficzne przeprowadzone wśród respondentów w wieku 72+ na przełomie 2014 i 2015 r. Analiza uwidacznia zarówno aspekty indywidualnego sprawstwa, jak i rolę czynników makrostrukturalnych w przemianach karier kobiet. W PRL-u detradycjonalizacji ról zawodowych towarzyszyło nadal bardzo tradycyjne pojmowanie roli kobiety w rodzinie. Narracje biograficznie wielokrotnie pokazują wybory życiowe respondentek, priorytetyzujące obowiązki domowe i rodzinne ponad rolą pracownicy czy osoby dokształcającej się. W narracjach obecny jest etos pracy skupiony na zespołowości i interesie zakładu pracy, a nie indywidualnej samorealizacji. Badanie biograficzne pokazało też pewne prawidłowości oraz schematy opowiadania, dotyczące poczucia sprawstwa i systemowej konieczności w narracjach biograficznych. Podkreślanie jednostkowej aktywności, indywidualnych aspiracji i zasług pojawia się częściej w relacjach dotyczących tych zdarzeń, które napawają rozmówczynie szczególną dumą, zwłaszcza w wypowiedziach na temat zdobywania wykształcenia związanego z awansem międzygeneracyjnym. Brak poczucia sprawstwa, akcentowanie uwarunkowań systemowych i przypadków losowych, jest charakterystyczny dla narracji o zdarzeniach uznawanych dziś przez rozmówczynie za kłopotliwe, takich jak np. wstąpienie do PZPR.
This article describes the experience of upward social mobility of women in the Polish People’s Republic, in the context of specificity of professional trajectories in communist Poland. The basis for analysis is biographical research, which was conducted among respondents aged 72+ in 2014 and 2015. The analysis presents aspects of individual agency as well as macro-structural factors in shaping and transforming women’s careers. In the Polish People’s Republic the de-traditionalisation of professional roles appeared together with the still traditional understanding of a woman’s role in the family. The biographical narratives expose multiple instances when the respondents’ life choices prioritised household and family duties over career or education. The narratives also present a work ethos focused on team spirit and not individual self-realisation. The biographical research also shows some regularities concerning feelings of agency and systemic necessity in the narratives about life. An emphasis on individual necessity, aspirations, and merits is present in the relations about event which the respondents are proud of (e.g. education). Lack of agency, emphasis on structural factors, and coincidences are more visible in narratives about events which may be evaluated as negative and problematic, e.g. membership in the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR).
This paper attempts to contribute to the discussion on the use of biographical narratives in investigating FL teacher careers and bring to light their potential in teacher education, especially in the process of developing teacher identity and reflexivity. Biographical narratives provide indepth insights into individual professional careers which are viewed holistically, in the context the narrator’s life. Focused on the subjective dimensions of professional careers, narratives involve identification and in-terpretation of key events and persons in particular life stories, which stimulate the narrator’s reflexivity and enable them to find connections between episodes and make them meaningful.
This paper attempts to contribute to the discussion on the use of biographical narratives in investigating FL teacher careers and bring to light their potential in teacher education, especially in the process of developing teacher identity and reflexivity. Biographical narratives provide indepth insights into individual professional careers which are viewed holistically, in the context the narrator’s life. Focused on the subjective dimensions of professional careers, narratives involve identification and interpretation of key events and persons in particular life stories, which stimulate the narrator’s reflexivity and enable them to find connections between episodes and make them meaningful.
Celem artykułu jest wielowymiarowa refleksja nad zjawiskiem przemocy. Omówiono w nim problematykę kształtowania zachowań agresywnych, w tym przemocy, wśród uczniów i wychowanków pieczy zastępczej. Punktem wyjścia jest założenie, że krzywda dziecka w środowisku rodzinnym jest predyktorem zachowań agresywnych w przyszłości. W tekście przywołano wnioski z badań oraz fragmenty wywiadów własnych, przeprowadzonych z osobami pochodzącymi z rodzin alkoholowych. Narracje biograficzne ujęte w artykule dotyczą doświadczania przemocy z obszarów środowiska szkolnego i wątków odrzucenia przez rówieśników. Rodzina, szkoła i grupa rówieśnicza stają się obszarami, w których kształtuje się tożsamość jednostki. Istotą kształtowania jest proces interakcji. I w związku z tym każde z nich przyczynia się do eksternalizacji zachowań nieakceptowanych u dziecka. Dlatego, podejmując problematykę zachowań agresywnych, skupiam uwagę na wychowankach pieczy zastępczej należących do tzw. grup ryzyka.
The aim of the article is a multidimensional reflection on the phenomenon of violence. The article discusses the issuses of shaping aggressive behavior, including violence among students and foster children. The starting point is the assumption that harm to a child in the family environment is a predictor of aggressive behavior in the future. The text referred to research conclusion and excerpts from own interviews conducted with people from alcoholic families. Biographical narratives included in the article concern the experience of violence in the areas of the school environment and threads of rejection by peers. Family, school and peer group become areas in which the identity of the individual is formed. The essence of shaping is the proces of interaction. Therefore, each of tchem contributes to the externalization of unacceptable behavior in a child. Therefore, when addressing the issue of aggressive behavior, I focus my attention on Foster care charges, belonging to the so-called risk groups.
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