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Kamil Kuracki, Satisfaction with the support received by parents of children with disabilities and the diversity of parental behaviour towards the child. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 191–215. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.09 Raising, caring and rehabilitation of children with disabilities and developmental disorders is a serious challenge for their parents, because everyday situations associated with fulfilling parental duties generate a lot of various stress factors. Hence, receiving various kinds of social support seems to be an important factor affecting the well-being of parents. Thanks to this form of aid, it is possible to deal with a difficult situation and to reduce the disorder in family life. Moreover, the received support can significantly affect the parent-child relationship. This is particularly important in the context of reducing unfavourable behaviour and to intensify constructive parenting behaviour. The main aim of the study was to recognise the type of aid provided to parents of disabled children and to determine the relationship between the support received by parents and the development of the parent-child relationship. The research group consisted of 66 parents of preschool children with disabilities and 40 parents of children without disabilities. The tools used in the research were: the Parent Behavior Inventory by M.C. Lovejoy, R. Weis, E. O’Hare & E.C. Rubin, the Parent Cognition Scale by J.D. Snarr, A.M.S. Slep & V.P. Grande and the Parents’ Questionnaire by Agnieszka Dłużniewska. The study was conducted according to the correlation model
Kamil Kuracki, Satisfaction with the support received by parents of children with disabilities and the diversity of parental behaviour towards the child. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 191–215. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.09 Raising, caring and rehabilitation of children with disabilities and developmental disorders is a serious challenge for their parents, because everyday situations associated with fulfilling parental duties generate a lot of various stress factors. Hence, receiving various kinds of social support seems to be an important factor affecting the well-being of parents. Thanks to this form of aid, it is possible to deal with a difficult situation and to reduce the disorder in family life. Moreover, the received support can significantly affect the parent-child relationship. This is particularly important in the context of reducing unfavourable behaviour and to intensify constructive parenting behaviour. The main aim of the study was to recognise the type of aid provided to parents of disabled children and to determine the relationship between the support received by parents and the development of the parent-child relationship. The research group consisted of 66 parents of preschool children with disabilities and 40 parents of children without disabilities. The tools used in the research were: the Parent Behavior Inventory by M.C. Lovejoy, R. Weis, E. O’Hare & E.C. Rubin, the Parent Cognition Scale by J.D. Snarr, A.M.S. Slep & V.P. Grande and the Parents’ Questionnaire by Agnieszka Dłużniewska. The study was conducted according to the correlation model.
Dominika Przybyszewska, Functioning of inclusion classrooms in the opinion of parents – organization, teacher training, individualized instruction and social relations. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 24, Poznań 2019. Pp. 83-108. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.24.05 Inclusive education is one of the available forms of education for students with disabilities in Poland. Inclusion classrooms have fewer student and an additional teacher assistant. The schools in which this type of education takes place should meet a number of requirements. They start with the infrastructure and available teaching aids, and end with the teacher training and the availability of specialists. However, these are only prerequisites. In addition to them, the attitude of teachers and their training, the atmosphere prevailing in the school and the relations between students are important. All these elements are components on which success depends. The article presents the opinions of parents whose children attend such classes. Their voice is consistent with the results obtained by other researchers and the reports of the Supreme Audit Office (NIK)- there are no teaching aids, it isnot always possible to talk to specialists (staff shortages), the individualization used in working with students is insufficient, and the relations in classes are only seemingly good.
The article draws attention to the legal situation (regarding legal capacity as well as determining the disability status of a child up to 16 years of age, and the degree of disability in children aged 16–18) as well as the social situation of children with disabilities. The most important international legal acts, from the perspective of the rights of children with disabilities, were overviewed. These acts recognize children with disabilities as a special risk group, persons who encounter many barriers in their functioning, who are marginalized and threatened with exclusion. The most important goal set out in the human rights and children's rights acts, regarding children with disabilities, is to involve them in social life/participation, and to care for their best interests and wellbeing in accordance with the principles of individualization, non-discrimination and equal opportunities. Children with disabilities should be treated as subjects of upbringing, care and educational activities, their rights should be recognized, their dignity and individuality should be respected, and they should have a possibility of using a responsible representative, who cares for their best interests, i.e. a parent or guardian. The Polish legislation on the rights of children with disabilities, including the right to education of these children, have been enumerated. Selected issues concerning the education of children with disabilities have been analysed. The article lists the actions that the Ombudsman for Children took in 2017 to protect the rights of children with disabilities, in particular their right to life and health protection, the right to being raised in a family, the right to decent social conditions, the right to education, and the right to protection against violence, cruelty, exploitation, demoralization, neglect and other ill-treatment. The tasks of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment and the Ombudsman concerning the protection of the rights of children with disabilities have been presented.
Not every household can afford, mainly due to limited financial resources, to meet their needs in a satisfactory manner. The aim of the article is to present selected findings of empirical research (qualitative study — FGI, IDI and quantitative study — CAPI and CAWI, requested by the respondent) carried out for the needs of the project Entrepreneurial and Consumer Behaviour of Families Caring for Children and Youth with Disabilities. The article presents the financial situation of households with achild/children with disabilities, the financial obligations and purposes of consumer credits and loans, the most acute shortages in the household, the allocation of additional income and the ways of coping with difficulties.
Zgodnie z definicją Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia za „dziecko z niepełnosprawnością” uważa się takie dziecko, które bez specjalnych ulg ani pomocy z zewnątrz jest całkowicie, długotrwała lub w znacznym stopniu niezdolne do uczestnictwa w grupie prawidłowo rozwiniętych i zdrowych rówieśników. Głównym celem badań było poznanie zachowań zdrowotnych w zakresie aktywności fizycznej wśród dzieci z niepełnosprawnością. Z przeprowadzonego badania wynika, że stopień niepełnosprawności wpływa na częstość podejmowania aktywności fizycznej przez dzieci; stopień niepełnosprawności nie ma wpływu na wyjazdy dzieci na turnusy rehabilitacyjne
Summary: In accordance with the World Health Organization’s definition of a „child with a disability” is regarded as a child that no special concessions or aid from outside is completely, long-term or substantially unable to participate in the group properly developed and healthy peers. The main objective of the research was to investigate the health behaviours of physical activity in children with disabilities. A study shows that the third level of disability affects the frequency of physical activity by children; The fourth level of disability does not affect the children on trips rehabilitation
The article covers the European experience of child security in the XVII – XXI centuries. The theoretical basis of the research is the work of scientists on the problems of child security and their rights in European countries. The work is based on the concept of social transformations, social support and social care of children. Historical-comparative, historical-genetic and historical-typological methods of research have been applied. Theoretical analysis of the problem has made it possible to draw analogies to the historical experience of the child welfare system, which is important for European countries in the context of developing their own social protection system.
Aim. In order to provide psychological counselling, it is necessary to properly diagnose and study the psycho-emotional states, psychological makers of parents raising children with special educational needs (SEN). Methods. In the diagnostic and practical work with parents of children with SEN, we used the text analysis method and the biographical method (including projective techniques lifeline, my autobiography), which combine diagnostic and psychotherapeutic scientific results. Family sociogram technique (Eidemiller, 2002) and its modified version (Tkachova, 2014) are used to study interpersonal family relationships and the nature of communication. The article analyses the scientific data and approaches to the study of problems faced by parents, arising from the condition of their child; emotional states of parents raising a child with SEN; stage of experience of the birth of their child. Results. Intervention is focused on the present and future. If the experience of the past comes up, it is used for the benefit of achieving certain goals. An important result of the study to be worked on is that parents of special children mention only their family and children, but forget about their own wellbeing. Children with SEN are surrounded by care and love, parents seek symbiotic relationships with children trying to satisfy all their needs, protect from difficulties, offer boundless love and sometimes over-protection. Conclusion. Knowledge of psychological stages identified within the theory of grief helps professionals understand when and how it is better to intervene in the situation taking into account the characteristics of a particular family and individual reactions.
Głównym celem artykułu jest pokazanie specyfiki sytuacji dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami w czasie pandemii COVID-19. Na podstawie przeglądu piśmiennictwa opisano problemy, na które napotyka ta grupa, w tym związane z edukacją zdalną oraz dostępem do usług wspierających rozwój i codzienne funkcjonowanie, a także wpływem pandemii na zdrowie psychiczne. W artykule odniesiono się również do tego, czy i w jakim zakresie rząd zauważył oraz zaadresował te problemy w swoich działaniach będących odpowiedzią na wywołany pandemią kryzys, i oceniono, że niezastosowanie podejścia intersekcjonalnego sprawiło, że były one niewystarczające.
The main aim of this article is to show the specificity of the situation of children with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a review of the literature, the problems encountered by this group have been described, including those related to remote education and access to development and day-to-day services, as well as the impact of the pandemic on mental health. The article also addresses whether and to what extent the government identified and addressed these issues in its response to the pandemic crisis, and assessed that failure to follow an intersectional approach made them insufficient.
Dostępna literatura nie dostarcza wielu pogłębionych informacji na temat rodzin zastępczych i adopcyjnych wychowujących dzieci z niepełnosprawnością. Pewne elementy funkcjonowania takiej rodziny są zupełnie odmienne od tych, których doświadcza rodzina biologiczna dziecka niepełnosprawnego. Do tych pierwszych należy poznawanie przeszłości dziecka i nadawanie jej znaczenia. W artykule przedstawione zostały rezultaty badań jakościowych, których celem było ukazanie znaczenia nadawanego przez rodziców adopcyjnych czy też zastępczych wiedzy o wcześniejszych przeżyciach dziecka, w tym – o aktach odrzucenia, których doświadczyło, warunkach jego życia, wiedzy o rodzinie biologicznej (rodzicach, rodzeństwie, dziadkach). Badaniom poddano rodziców z 20 rodzin adopcyjnych i zastępczych. Wiedza o dziecku pozwala lepiej je rozumieć, dlatego ważne jest poznanie sposobu odbierania jej przez przybranych rodziców.
The available literature does not provide a lot of detailed information regarding foster and adoptive families raising children with disabilities. Some elements of such families’ functioning are entirely different from what the biological families of children with disabilities experience. Foster and adoptive families need to find out about their children’s past and make it meaningful. The article presents the findings of a qualitative study which aimed to show the meaning that adoptive or foster parents give to the knowledge of their children’s previous experiences, such as rejection that they experienced, their living conditions and their biological families (parents, siblings and grandparents). The study covered parents from 20 adoptive and foster families. The knowledge of one’s children makes it possible to understand them better; that is why it is important to find out how foster and adoptive parents interpret it.
Krystyna Barłóg, The centex of special pedagogy: implementedinclusive education or simulated inclusive education? Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 125–142. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.06 In many contexts of contemporary special education, its main present and future challenges are the implementation of effective inclusive education, the preparation of the required conditions, space and relations of safe functioning of a child with disabilities or special education needs together with healthy, able-bodied peers. Are the long-standing dreams of parents and many special educators regarding the equal rights of all people with disabilities, and in particular the right to education closest to the child’s place of residence, genuinely achieved nowadays? The diagnosis of selected municipal schools shows the real situation of the implementation of inclusive education. Are these successes already being achieved today? Or is it still a educational reality?
Przedmiotem artykułu jest nowa koncepcja wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami. Dopiero w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu tradycyjny paradygmat wczesnego wspomagania, skoncentrowany na specjalistach, został zastąpiony nowym, skoncentrowanym na rodzinie. Istota zmiany polegała na odejściu od oddziaływań prowadzonych bezpośrednio z niepełnosprawnym dzieckiem na rzecz współpracy z rodziną i budowania partnerskich relacji z jej członkami. Autor przedstawia własny model wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka skoncentrowanego na interakcjach rodzice – dziecko. Opisuje cztery główne elementy modelu: (1) cechy interakcji wspomagających rozwój dziecka, (2) codzienne czynności rodziny, (3) ciekawość i zainteresowania dziecka oraz (4) strategie postępowania rodziców w toku interakcji z dzieckiem.
The subject of this article is a modern view on early support for children with disabilities. In the past twenty years the traditional paradigm of early support, which is professional-centered, had been replaced with a more advanced, family-centered one. The essential difference between those two is the idea of working with children with special needs. In the second paradigm, direct interactions between the child and professionals turned into cooperation with families, as well as building partner relations with their members, especially parents. The author presents his own model of early support of child’s development focused on interactions between parents and the child with its four main elements: (1) characteristics of interactions influencing child’s development, (2) daily activities of the family, (3) curiosity and interest of the child, and (4) strategies used by parents interacting with the child.
This article examines the current trends in the development and use of computer technology in special education, as well as provides the basic characteristics of the classification of TME. Technical meansoccupy a special positionin the system of education, as their use increases the effectiveness of education. The article states that teaching geography is impossible without the use of visual aids, as most of the objects and natural phenomena presented in the school course can not be observed in nature, and, in this sense, the study of geography requires students to have an advanced imagination and distraction techniques . The use of computer technologies in teaching geography to children with hearing impairment is difficult due to the lack of specially designed electronic aids, particularly taking into account the age and mental development of children in this category and guidelines for working with modern technical means of education. Using TME in a special (remedial) school is of great importance for the overall development of students with reduced motivation to learn. It should be noted that, over time, a number of technical means of educationin special remedial schools is becoming less relevantand is being replaced by modern technical devices, computer technology, for which the methods of operation are not well developedat the moment. The use of technical means opens up new opportunities for extra-curricular and leisure activities of environmental study nature with hearing-impaired students. The intensive nature of introducing computer technology in the educational process of remedial schools and the lack of special modern technical means of teaching geography to children with hearing impairmentare indicative of the need to establish the scientific concept of developing methodological support of technical means of education. The authors highlight the significant role of TME in the formation of knowledge on geographic objects and phenomena in students with hearing impairment.
The purpose of the article is to study the potential of Montessori pedagogy as the basis of new technologies and approaches depending on the specific needs of children with different educational opportunities. Methods: bibliographic search, system-structural, historical retrospective. Scientific method of M. Montessori pedagogy has completely different structure comparing with traditional pedagogy. Developed basic philosophy and empirical research are the basic components of this method. This method shows a surprising unity with relevant contemporary ideas and technologies that dominate in the neurobiology, neurophysiology and neuropsychology areas and in evolution of neuroscience realize powerful potential. The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of general and special psychological, educational, medical, scientific literature on the subject of study unique possibilities of using alternative educational system of M. Montessori as integrative pedagogy in the field of joint training and education of children with different educational opportunities; as the basis of modern concepts of holistic neuropsychological correction; a modern perspective of Montessori therapeutic technologies for medical, psychological and pedagogical children rehabilitation. It is proved, that the basic principles and elements that regulate this system were transformed, because of the use of a corrective action for the disappearance or weakening of violations of the child transformed. This transformation contributes powerful growth of modern neuroscience, so M. Montessori method of scientific pedagogy helps to realize its rich resource potential and have a central place in the global teaching practice XXI century. However, a set of basic principles and elements of the educational system M. Montessori always grouped around three “major factors” (E. Stendinh), which form the basis of the method, namely the identity of the child – prepared environment – teacher-mentor, which are equal pedagogical subjects of the process. Separation of the main factors of pedagogical M. Montessori system have the same subjective approach ideas. Unique subjects of pedagogical activity and educational interaction found the child and the teacher, but in this triad of attributes subjectivity acquire material objects that form the basis of specially designed Montessori educational environment.
The subject of this article is to present the importance of hortitherapy in working with children with moderate intellectual disability. Hortitherapy is a newsupportive method in Poland. The Polish name of hortitherapy is garden therapy, i.e. a method of treatment with the use of plant gardens. Its application is very wide because it concerns a wide variety of diseases, mental disorders and disabilities. The article also deals with the pedagogical and psychological characteristics of moderate intellectual disability. Disability criteria according to the DSM-5 classification are given. The third part of the article concerns the application of the theoretical assumptions of hortiotherapy to specific therapeutic work with children with moderate intellectual disabilities. The proposed method relates to the physical, social, emotional and cognitive spheres.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie znaczenia hortiterapii w pracy z dziećmi z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu umiarkowany. Hortiterapia jest w Polsce nową metodą mającą charakter wspomagający. Polska nazwa hortiterapii to ogrodoterapia czyli metoda leczenia z wykorzystaniem ogrodów roślinnych. Jej zastosowanie jest bardzo szerokie, ponieważ dotyczy szeregu różnych chorób, zaburzeń psychicznych i niepełnosprawności. W artykule został również podjęta pedagogiczna i psychologiczna charakterystyka niepełnosprawności intelektualnej w stopniu umiarkowanym. Podane są kryteria niepełnosprawności według klasyfikacji DSM-5. Trzecia część artykułu dotyczy aplikacji założeń teoretycznych hortiterapiido konkretnej pracy terapeutycznej z dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi intelektualne w stopniu umiarkowanym. Proponowana metoda odnosi się do sfery fizycznej, społecznej, emocjonalnej i poznawczej.
The article discusses the term social inclusion and the quality of life of children with disabilities. It presents the road to social inclusion in the context of quality of life, and also the main categories for assessing individual quality of life. This article also presents four ways to improve social inclusion for children with disabilities.
W artykule zostało omówione pojęcie integracji społecznej i jakości życia w odniesieniu do dzieci z niepełnosprawnością. Ukazano drogę do integracji społecznej w kontekście osiąganej jakości życia, jak też wskazano główne kategorie służące do oceny indywidualnej jakości życia. W artykule przedstawiono również cztery sposoby usprawniania społecznej integracji dzieci z niepełnosprawnością.
Jednym z priorytetów współczesnej edukacji jest włączanie uczniów z różnymi niepełnosprawnościami do szkolnictwa ogólnodostępnego. W Polsce realizowany jest częściowo integracyjny model edukacji, nadal bowiem kształcenie specjalne odbywa się w formach o charakterze segregacyjnym. Kluczową postacią w obowiązującym w Polsce modelu kształcenia integracyjnego jest nauczyciel wspomagający. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowane zostały wnioski z badań dotyczących realizacji edukacji integracyjnej w szkołach podstawowych na terenie Wielkopolski. Wyakcentowane zostały takie aspekty, jak warunki materialne oraz organizacyjne szkoły oraz obszary problemowe zarysowane przez dyrektorów szkół z oddziałami integracyjnymi (związane z organizacją tej formy edukacji, ze współpracą z rodzicami oraz z nauczycielami). W konkluzjach ukazano wielość czynników, które mają wpływ na właściwy przebieg kształcenia integracyjnego, uwzględniając perspektywę nauczycieli pracujących w tych szkołach.
One of the priorities of modern education is to include students with various disabilities in public education. In Poland, a partially integrative education model is implemented, as special education still takes place in segregated forms. A teaching assistant is a key figure in the integrative education model in force in Poland. This article presents the conclusions of the research on the implementation of integration education in primary schools in Greater Poland. Aspects such as material and organisational conditions of the school were highlighted, problem areas were outlined by school heads with integration departments (related to the organisation of this form of education, with cooperation with parents and teachers). The conclusions show a multitude of factors that affect the proper course of integration education, taking into account the perspective of teachers working in these schools.
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