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Margaret Oliphant (1828–1897) is best remembered today as one of the important prac­titioners the domestic fiction, with her “Chronicles of Carlingford” series considered to be her most enduring achievement. Oliphant’s other interesting group of works are ghost stories and other spiritual tales known as the “Stories of the Seen and Unseen”. A Beleaguered City, a novella first published in 1879, is generally considered to be Oliphant’s most successful supernatural tale. Set in Semur, France, and told by five different narrators, the story focuses on the inhabitants of Semur, who are evicted from their town by the spirits of the dead. This paper aims to demonstrate that Oliphant uses the supernatural not only to cope with her own experiences of bereavement, but that she also engages with contemporary themes: she comments on gender roles, reveals the shortcom­ings of society that places its faith in progress and material wealth, and exposes the limitations of the scientific or the mechanistic worldview which cannot provide an adequate explanation of “the true signification of life”.
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Zagadka Beroesa

The sketch concerns spiritualism and mediumship in the novel Faraon by Bolesław Prus. Object of analysis is especially Beroes, Chaldean magician and sage, who is one of the characters appearing in presented world. The main question in the aricle is, why Prus, positivist writer, decided to introduce to his novel such uncanny hero and such untypical problems.
Science popularization books, La Terre avant le déluge by Louis Figuier and L’Univers: les infiniment grands et les infiniment petits by Félix-Archimède Pouchet, represent the success of science popularization publishing of this period and the desire to spread naturalistic knowledge far and wide. With a spiritual approach to nature, they underline the important epistemological stakes of this period. The aim of this study is to question the literary, stylistic and formal strategies to assert or underline thoughts on nature in these books.
In this paper I will attempt to provide a fundamentally theoretical, political and ex-perimental way for understanding “running” and the idea or notions of death and rein-carnation, especially in terms of human development. More importantly, I will try to answer and explain how the physical exercise of running (or human movement) can play a key part in the transmigration of human souls. Furthermore, I will explain how running, death, and reincarnation are interconnected in some profound ways. It should be pointed out that humans have been running since walking up-right—for survival and transportation. Although the human, two-footed transit system is not the fastest or most efficient way of getting around, running ultimately allows us to get to where we want to go—even in life. As human beings, we also have souls and physically die, or cease living, which is inevitable, and should always be considered an integral part of our existence.
Sport activity of achievement-oriented (professional, Olympic, spectacular character) is first of all exposition of rivalry and striving for variously understood sports success (resulting from measurable or discretionary criteria). It refers to winning a competition or taking another expected place as well as to other forms of satisfaction, such as financial gratification or social (political, ethnic, professional) recognition. Spirituality is here neither an aim, nor an expected value - it constitutes rather an additional or redundant quality. A competitor focuses his/her attention first of all on the main aim assumed in planned or current rivalry. Emotional sensations which are experienced by athletes before, during or after competitions testify to mental and emotional stress which accompanies sports combat.It is also difficult to associate spirituality or spiritualism with sport for all - like, for example, that of health-oriented character - sport of the disabled, physical education, sport of playful character or physical recreation. That difficulty results from the fact that neither spiritualism, nor spirituality inspires for physical activity in the abovementioned fields; neither spiritualism, nor spirituality is the outcome of activity in the realm of sport for all.Exceptions are constituted by ancient Olympic Games as well as by some experiences connected with recreational forms of tourism mediated through achievement-oriented sport (also by pre-Columbian Native American societies and Maoris aboriginal population of New Zealand).For example Hellenic Olympic Games were a highly spiritualized form of sports rivalry - including also rivalry in the field of art, and especially in the field of theatre. They were one of numerous forms of religious cult - of worshipping chosen gods from the Olympic pantheon. On the other hand, during mountain hiking and mountain climbing there can appear manifestations of deepened spirituality characteristic for the object of spiritualization of non-religious, quasi-religious or strictly religious qualities.I would like to explain - at the end of this short abstract - that spiritualism (which should not be confused with spiritism) is - generally speaking - first of all a philosophical term assuming, in ontological and axiological sense, that spiritual reality, self-knowledge, consciousness or mental experiences are components of the human being - components of a higher order having priority over matter. They constitute, in the anthropological context, beings of a higher order than the body.Spiritualism according to its popular interpretation means spirituality. Qualities which are ascribed to that notion in particular societies can be determined on the basis of empirically oriented sociological research. They make it possible to determine various ways of interpreting and understanding that notion as well as views or attitudes connected with it.
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Josef Váchal: zapis żałoby

The article presents the experiences of loss, grief, and mourning endured by Josef Váchal and described by him in his book In memoriam Marie Váchalové (1923). Josef Váchal, who was one of the leading artists of the Czech art in the twentieth century, was a pioneer of printmaking in Czechia, famous for his woodcuts. He was also an interesting painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. While reading, the reader turns from the verbal description to the visual one and back again, since the book combines words and images. It contains 45 colour and 25 black-and-white woodcuts. This is a very personal and intimate confession of pain after the death of the artist’s wife, but also the record of his remorse and guilt for the romance he had in the last years of her life. However, the book also raises important metaphysical questions. Standing watch over the coffin and catafalque, Váchal photographed the dead woman for two days. The photographs became the basis for his woodcuts included in the book. The aim of this activity was not so much to commemorate his wife as to tell the story of the posthumous fate of the soul, which fascinated the artist as a mystic, interested also in the esoteric knowledge and spiritualism. The article deals with questions about the relationship between demonism and holiness, as shown and experienced by Váchal, and about his understanding of death and God.
W Indiach religia oznacza doświadczenie wewnętrzne, które odkrywa przed umysłem człowieka prawdziwe znaczenie i cel życia. W niniejszym artykule wskazano centralne cechy kultury indyjskiej od jej początków, aż po współczesność.
Western thinkers have defined philosophy as the science of all phenomena of the universe with reference to their ultimate causes. The Indians seers, on the other hand, viewed philosophy as the search and accomplishment of the whole truth of life and being. According to them it is not only a mental or intellectual inquiry but also encompassed a conscious investigation of life. The purpose of Philosophy is to guide and fulfil life. However, the fulfillment of life is not attained merely contemplating on truth and being. The Vedic lore is replete with assertions that the philosophical urge ultimately culminates in the realization of Truth. It may appear somewhat strange that India as a nation should be secular one while our culture is deeply rooted in spiritual values. In India religion signifies the inner experience which reveals to the mind the real meaning and purpose of life, it is the very soul of our culture. This paper indicates the central characteristics of Indian culture as it has grown from its beginning to its present positions.
Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku w Ameryce Środkowej tworzą się grupy antypozytywistów, skupione wokół sieci intelektualnych i lóż masońskich. Ich twórczości poświęciłem kilka lat badań, czego rezultatem jest seria artykułów. Niniejszy tekst poświęcony został trzem filozofom i myślicielom: José Leonardowi y Bertholetowi, Feliksowi Rubenowi Darío i Augusto Cesarowi Sandino. Łączącą ich transcendentalność odnajdziemy nie tylko w wolnomularskiej przynależności, ale przede wszystkim w tekstach ich autorstwa publikowanych w dziennikach, listach oraz innych dokumentach. Ich analiza posłuży do interpretacji wpływu myśli owych intelektualistów na budowę środkowoamerykańskiej tożsamości narodowej.
At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century, in Central America an anti-positivist group was formed, centered around intellectual networks and Masonic lodges. For several years I have been exploring these intellectual circles and a series of texts are the effect of this work, one of which I present below. The article is devoted to three philosophers and thinkers: José Leonard y Bertholet, Felix Ruben Darío and Augusto Cesar Sandino. The transcendentality that connects them, we can find not only in the Freemasonry, but above all in their texts published as articles, letters and other documents. Analysis of these documents will serve to interpret the influence of intellectuals' thoughts on the construction of Central American national identity.
Polonia Journal
issue 8
W. Lutosławski jest w polskiej filozofii postacią trochę zapomnianą. Tymczasem jest oryginalnym badaczem Platona i twórcą oryginalnych filozoficznych idei. Znawcy twórczości W. Lutosławskiego podkreślają, że był on ostatnim w XX wieku polskim myślicielem, który swoje koncepcje filozoficzne opierał na założeniach romantyczno-mesjanistycznych i jego mesjanizm nie był już zbiorem romantycznych koncepcji, ale przyjął jedną wielką ideę. W artykule będzie poczyniona próba przybliżenia jego koncepcji odnośnie kwestii mesjanistycznych.
W. Lutosławski is a bit forgotten in Polish philosophy. Meanwhile, he is the original researcher of Plato and the creator of original philosophical ideas. Experts of the work of W. Lutosławski emphasize that he was the last Polish thinker in the 20th century, who based his philosophical concepts on the Romantic-messianic assumptions and his messianism was no longer a collection of romantic concepts, but adopted a great idea. The article will attempt to approximate its concept regarding the issue Messianic.
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The Unlearned Lesson of Nomonhan

1939年5月11日から9月15日にかけて、関東軍と赤軍との衝突の中でも最も大規模な、いわゆるノモンハン事件/戦争がハルハ河周辺で発生した。戦場は日本-満州国の主張する境界線と、ソヴィエト−モンゴルの主張する満州国をモンゴル人民共和国から隔てることになる境界線との間の、国境不明確な千平方キロメートルの一帯であった。紛争は、両者数十の騎兵隊員による小規模な戦闘から、いくつかの師団/軍隊による大規模な軍事行動にまで拡大した。 甚大な被害があったにも関わらず、ソヴィエトは日本軍を紛争地域から追い出し優勢を勝ち得、問題の境界線は停戦協定によって確定された。実際、これは1873年の創成以来、大日本帝国陸軍が味わった最初の重大な挫折であり、関東軍によって犯された戦中の罪業リストはかなりの長さに及ぶ。これは、軍の基本方針を見直す機会になりえたのだが、実際はある師団の編成を修正することと赤軍を危険性のある敵とみなすよう慎重になったこと以外は、ほとんど変化が見られず、精神主義がなおも軍の基本方針の拠り所とされた。 その結果、南に拡大の進路を向け数々の著しい成功を収めたのち、大日本帝国陸軍と大日本帝国海軍は、まさにハルハ河での戦闘時と同様の失敗によって、敗北に次ぐ敗北を喫することになり、最終的な敗戦と占領に至ったのである。
Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 4
issue 4.2
Contrary to the common view that Wonderland was sheltered from major world events, Carroll projects global trends onto his intrepid child explorer, allowing her to experience the expanding and shrinking effects of global dynamics. Emigration to the Antipodes stretches her body and the reader’s imagination beyond terrestrial limits into mysterious realms. Unbelievable animals became a reality in the context of world exploration, challenging the Victorians to extend their mental as well as their geographical horizons. The threat to the biblical divine order of animals unknown to Noah was augmented by the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in 1859. Carroll, as a devout Christian, revived traditional views of animals as allegories of virtues and vices and as mediators between the world of spirits and the material world. Alice and Wonderland animals play roles as divine beings in a coded confrontation between contemporary scientific paradigms and magical belief-systems.
Nasuprot uvriježenomu mišljenju o tome da je Čudozemsku izolirao od važnih svjetskih događaja, Carroll je smjerove globalnoga razvoja projicirao upravo u svoju odvažnu istraživačicu, dopuštajući joj da na vlastitu tijelu iskušava posljedice proširivanja i sužavanja horizonta globalnih zbivanja. Odlazak k Antipodima izdužuje njezino tijelo, a čitateljeva se moć uobrazilje širi preko svake zemaljske granice, sve do tajnovitih predjela. Otkrivanjem su svijeta, naime, životinje koje do tada nisu bile ni zamislive postale stvarnošću. To je ljudima iz viktorijanskoga doba nametnulo potrebu za proširenjem ne samo njihovih prostornih, već i duhovnih predodžbi. Biblijski božji poredak u još većoj mjeri ugrozile su Noi nepoznate životinje, a na njihovo postojanje upućivalo je Darwinovo djelo O podrijetlu vrsta (1859). Kao uvjereni kršćanin Carroll je obnovio tradicionalno mišljenje o životinjama kao alegorijskim prikazima vrlina i poroka, ali i ono po kojemu su životinje posrednici između svijeta duhova i materijalnoga svijeta. Carroll Alici i životinjama iz Čudozemske stoga dodjeljuje ulogu božanskih bića u kodiranome suprotstavljanju suvremene znanstvene paradigme i magičnih sustava vjerovanja.
Im Gegensatz zu der üblichen Ansicht, dass das Wunderland von wichtigen Weltereignissen abgeschirmt bleibt, projizierte Carroll globale Entwicklungen auf seine kühne Explorandin, sodass sie die erweiternden und schrumpfenden Horizonte des globalen Geschehens am eigenen Leib verspüren kann. Die Auswanderung nach Australien dehnt ihren Körper und gleichzeitig die Vorstellungskraft des Lesers über die irdischen Grenzen hinaus in geheimnisvolle Gefilde hinein. Im Zuge der Entdeckung der Welt wurden Tiere, die bisher nur imaginär existierten, Realität. Dadurch ergab sich für die Viktorianer die Herausforderung, nicht nur ihre geografischen, sondern auch ihre geistigen Vorstellungen zu erweitern. Die Gefährdung der biblischen Ordnung Gottes aufgrund der für Noah unbekannten Tiere wurde noch durch die Veröffentlichung von Darwins Über den Ursprung der Arten 1859 vergrößert. Als überzeugter Christ belebte Carroll die althergebrachten Ansichten von Tieren als Allegorien für Tugenden und Laster sowie als Vermittler zwischen der Sphäre der Geister und der materiellen Welt neu. Alice und die Wunderland-Tiere spielen Rollen als göttliche Wesen im Rahmen einer kodierten Konfrontation zwischen zeitgenössischen wissenschaftlichen Paradigmen und magischen Glaubenssystemen.
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