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The article provides information on the contemporary Polish sports terminology. It provides evidence for its dynamic quantitative development conditioned by various factors, mainly the extra-linguistic ones. Additionally, it points out fundamental qualitative changes, first of all ever progressing stylistic differentiation which finds reflection, among others, in the monographic and lexicographic descriptions of sports vocabulary.
The article provides information on the contemporary Polish sports terminology. It provides evidence for its dynamic quantitative development conditioned by various factors, mainly the extra-linguistic ones. Additionally, it points out fundamental qualitative changes, first of all ever progressing stylistic differentiation which finds reflection, among others, in the monographic and lexicographic descriptions of sports vocabulary.
Autor analizuje przykłady obecności elementów jednej odmiany stylowej (np. potocznej) w gatunkowo określonych tekstach innej odmiany (np. urzędowej) w XVI–XVII w. i rozważa, czy to przykłady świadomej stylizacji, czy relikty hipotetycznego pierwotnego „amorficznego continuum stylowego”, w którym nie było jeszcze ukształtowanych odmian stylowych.
The author analyses examples of occurrence of the elements of a particular stylistic variety (f.e. colloquial) in stylistically categorized 16th–18th century texts belonging to other variety (f.e. formal). The author examines whether these are the examples of a conscious stylization or the relics of primary hypothetical “amorphic stylistic continuum”, in which particular stylistic varieties had not yet been developed.
How does Brassens, one of the greatest French singers of all time and one of the most important French poets of the 20th Century speak about sexuality? The choice of the topic of this paper can be explained on the one hand by the reputation of Brassens as an author who was not afraid to call a spade a spade and recorded scandalous songs such as “Le gorille”, “Le mauvais sujet repenti” or “P… de toi”, and on the other, by the stylistic variability of his vocabulary that seems to range from vernacular and slang to formal style. The qualitative analysis described in this paper has confirmed the hypothesis of great stylistic variability among words of carnal love that can be found in the texts of Georges Brassens. However, slang and dirty words are seldom used by this modest libertine who often speaks of sexuality but who is hardly ever explicit.
La question que nous nous poserons dans cet article sera de savoir comment parle de l’amour physique un des plus grands chanteurs français de tous les temps, un des plus grands poètes francophones du XXe siècle, Georges Brassens. Le choix de ce thème s’explique d’une part par la réputation de Brassens en tant que chanteur libertin voire pornographe, auteur-interprète de chansons à scandale telles Le gorille, Le mauvais sujet repenti ou P… de toi, et qui n’avait pas peur d’appeler un chat un chat, d’autre part par la richesse et la variabilité stylistique de son œuvre qui semble se caractériser tout autant par un lexique populaire voire argotique que par le registre dit littéraire. L’analyse qualitative du vocabulaire de la sexualité chez Brassens confirme l’hypothèse d’une grande variabilité stylistique chez l’auteur ; en revanche, l’argot et les gros mots sont beaucoup plus rares qu’on aurait pu le croire. Brassens est un pornographe pudique qui parle souvent de la « chose » sans être très explicite.
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