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2009 | 11 | 1 | 3-17

Article title

The Ecology of Education: Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development and Sustainability

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Research in knowledge systems for sustainable development (KSSD) seeks to determine how science and technology can be put into effective action at a local level. Teachers in education for sustainability attempt to achieve the same goal. KSSD research has indicated that success is context driven, that panaceas are inappropriate and that knowledge systems at best provide solutions in evolution. In this paper, we describe a teaching framework that we are developing to support KSSD researchers and teachers in education for sustainability based in ecology of education. While a need for ecology in education may be apparent, there is concurrently an equally important need for ecology of education. We argue that one cannot teach ecology in education adequately without an appropriate ecology of education. This paper first explains why teachers need to know this and then describes how teachers of education for sustainability can implement and assess this approach in the classroom.










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  • Ecosphere Net, US Virgin Islands
  • Yale University & Southern Connecticut University, USA


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