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Цель данной статьи состоит в анализе романа Ольги Брейнингер как поля конструирования идентичности автора. В качестве методологического фундамента была принята категория автофикции, понимаемая как орудие самопознания и самостановления. Анализ литературного материала помещен в контекст внелитературной деятельности автора, которая воспринимается не как твердая биографическая информация, но как очередная, рядом с творчеством, платформа самостановления. Интерпретация романа концентрируется на главной героине, испытывающей кризис идентичности, вызванный хроническим перфекционизмом и чувством искоренения. Рассуждениям подвергнуты, между прочим, совершаемые героиней операции памяти, играющие ключевую роль в понимании экзистенциального хаоса. В качестве существенного приема отмечено конструирование повествования как голоса поколения, что направлено на преодоление чувства одиночества.
The aim of the article is to analyze Olga Breininger’s novel as a field for constructing the author’s identity. The category of autofiction, regarded as a tool of self-understanding and self-creation, has been chosen as the methodological foundation. The analysis of the literary text is embedded in the context of the author's non-literary activity, understood here not as biographical information, but as another (next to the fiction works) platform of self-creation. The interpretation of the novel focuses on the protagonist who experiences an identity crisis caused by chronic perfectionism and a sense of uprooting. Attention is given, among others, to the main character’s memory operations, which play a key role in understanding her existential chaos. Creating the story as a generation's voice is considered as an important device, aimed at overcoming the feeling of loneliness.
Celem artykułu jest analiza powieści Olgi Breininger jako pola konstruowania tożsamości autorki.  Metodologiczny fundament dociekań stanowi kategoria autofikcji, rozumiana jako narzędzie samopoznania i autokreacji. Analizę materiału literackiego osadzono w kontekście pozaliterackiej działalności autorki, która pojmowana jest nie jako pewna informacja biograficzna, lecz kolejna, obok twórczości, platforma konstruowania siebie. Interpretacja powieści koncentruje się na protagonistce, doświadczającej kryzysu tożsamości, spowodowanego chronicznym perfekcjonizmem i poczuciem wykorzenienia. Rozważania dotyczą, między innymi, dokonywanych przez bohaterkę operacji pamięci, które odgrywają kluczową rolę w zrozumieniu odczuwanego chaosu egzystencji. Za istotny zabieg literacki uznano konstruowanie narracji jako głosu pokolenia, co wolno rozumieć jako próbę przezwyciężenia poczucia samotności.
The article discusses Vladimir Sorokin’s novel Manaraga as a metafictional statement concerning the problem of the literary canon. The proposed interpretation places the novel in the post-ironic thinking, within which the value of high culture is still in force.
The article examines the category of feast in Vladimir Sorokin’s novel Теллурия. The proposed interpretation of selected parts of the novel leads to the conclusion that in postmodern conditions, the phenomenon of small feast might take on the role of a medium of cultural identity.
Anna Stryjakowska Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland PRZ.RUS@op.pl   РОССИЯ АНДЖЕЯ СТАСЮКА. НА ПУТИ К ПОКОРЕНИЮ МЕНЬАЛТНЫХ АНТИЦЕННОСТЕЙ Резюме В настоящей статье представлена эволюция образа России в художественном твор-честве и публицистических высказываниях Анджея Стасюка. В эссе Dziennik okrętowy (Судовой журнал) и Dojczland (Дойчланд) наблюдается тенденция к ориентализации России, в то время как Dziennik pisany później (Дневник, написанный позднее) сиг-нализирует попытку преодолеть постколониальные стереотипы и заново включить русскую культуру в ментальное пространство Центральной Европы. Однако в самых последних работах и интервью польского писателя интригующие констатации в духе деконструкции по-прежнему сосуществуют с довольно примитивными предубеждени-ями. Стасюк применяет стратегию разоблачения стереотипов при помощи автоиронии, одновременно отдавая себе отчет в невозможности их покорения из-за глубокой связи с собственной культурой. Качественного скачка в процессе преодоления комплекса неполноценности можно все-таки ожидать в будущих произведениях.   ANDRZEJ STASIUK’S RUSSIA. TOWARDS TAMING THE MENTAL ANTIVALUES Summary The aim of this paper is to portray the image of Russia in the literary and non-literary works of Andrzej Stasiuk. In the essays Dziennik okrętowy (The Ship Diary) and Dojczland there is a strong tendency to orientalize Russia, while Dziennik pisany później (Diary Kept Afterwards) appears to foreshadow a possible attempt to overcome the post-colonial bias and reintegrate the Russian culture into the concept of Central Europe. However, in the latest texts and interviews of the Polish writer some intriguing deconstructive statements still coexist with commonplace prejudices. The author develops a strategy of unmasking the bias by self-irony, at the same time realizing that overcoming the prejudices could be impossible due to being deeply rooted in his own culture. Still, a qualitative jump towards getting over the inferiority complex could be expected in the future works. 
The article describes Victor Erofeyev’s essay Love for stupidity, in which the Russianpostmodernist comes up with an uncompromising objection to the mass culture. The defence of high literature as an existential signpost leading to timeless values  is placed by the author in the socio-political context of modernization challenges faced by contemporaryRussia. Alongside highlighting this less familiar theme of Erofeyev’s works the analysis aims at drawing attention to the aporias in the writer’s considerations as well as confronting the essay with another sketches devoted to the changes of literary life in the conditions of the consumer society.
The article describes Victor Erofeyev’s essay Love for stupidity, in which the Russianpostmodernist comes up with an uncompromising objection to the mass culture. The defence of high literature as an existential signpost leading to timeless values  is placed by the author in the socio-political context of modernization challenges faced by contemporaryRussia. Alongside highlighting this less familiar theme of Erofeyev’s works the analysis aims at drawing attention to the aporias in the writer’s considerations as well as confronting the essay with another sketches devoted to the changes of literary life in the conditions of the consumer society.
Russian-Serbian political relations in the context of Serbia’s EU integration
Rosyjsko‑serbskie stosunki polityczne w kontekście integracji Serbii z Unią Europejską 
The analysis focuses on the novel’s protagonist – a young woman who gets involved in an experiment that is aimed at creating the contemporary Übermensch. It is claimed that the novel can be interpreted from the perspective of posthumanism, as it questions the anthropocentric standpoint, which refers mainly to the intellectual dimension of the human being and its economic efficiency.
The article is an attempt to interpret Nikolay Stavrogin, the main character  of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Possessed, in the key of the analytical psychology. It is argued that Stavrogin may be undergoing the process of individuation by dealing with the collective unconscious. The attention is drawn particularly to the character of Matryosha, who can be perceived as the protagonist’s anima, showing him the way out of the tragic impasse.
The article is an attempt to interpret Nikolay Stavrogin, the main character  of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Possessed, in the key of the analytical psychology. It is argued that Stavrogin may be undergoing the process of individuation by dealing with the collective unconscious. The attention is drawn particularly to the character of Matryosha, who can be perceived as the protagonist’s anima, showing him the way out of the tragic impasse.
The article is an attempt to analyse the novels The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann in the context of the category of illness. The author undertakes a comparison of the characters suffering from turberculosis: Hans Castorp and Ippolit Terentyev. It is claimed that in both of the works illness acquires the status of a value and opens before the characters a path to self-knowledge. However, while Castorp’s illness develops in comfortable conditions and he finally decides to cease his fascination with death, for the terminally ill Terentyev it is far too late to fight for his life. For this reason, the sacralisation of death is alien to Dostoyevsky’s character. In his case, death can be perceived as the Lacanian Real that interrupts the self-narrative. The noted phenomenon can be attributed to Dostoevsky’s maximalism that urges the Russian novelist to bring the disease to the limits, and take it out of control. Mann, in turn, portrays the disease as a kind of safety valve, keeping the fascination with the dark sides of life in a healthy framework.
This article investigates the issue of postmodern identity in Victor Erofeev’s Encyclopaedia of the Russian Soul with reference to Zygmunt Bauman’s thoughts on liquid modernity. The narrator of the novel can be seen as a tourist in search of a home as his attempts to define his individual identity are deeply connected with the need to find the Russian Idea.
The article deals with the concept of Central Europe in the essays by Yuri Andrukhovych and Andrzej Stasiuk collected in the book My Europe. Both authors try to deconstruct the spatial categories deeply rooted in the collective consciousness, at the same time proving to be reproducers of the regressive mental schemes generated inside the European discourse.
Стаття присвячена концепції Центральної Європи в есе Юрія Андруховича і Анджея Стасюка, уміщених в книзі Моя Європа. Обидва автори намага-ються деконструювати глибоко закорінені у колективній свідомості категорії простору, репродукуючи в той же час регресивні ментальні схеми, генеровані всередині європейського дискурсу.
Стаття присвячена концепції Центральної Європи в есе Юрія Андруховича і Анджея Стасюка, уміщених в книзі Моя Європа. Обидва автори намагаються деконструювати глибоко закорінені у колективній свідомості категорії простору, репродукуючи в той же час регресивні ментальні схеми, генеровані всередині європейського дискурсу.
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