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Ferdinand de Saussure (1857 – 1931)

Jazykovedný Casopis
vol. 64
issue 2
The paper reminds some facts of the Ferdinand de Saussure‘s life, which could have influenced his posthumously published work Course in General Linguistics (1916). The attention is also paid to his other work Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes (1879) which has played a role in the development of structural linguistics as well. The author shows that it is useful to go back (also critically) to all thoughts and premises of Ferdinand de Saussure even after 100 years. We still can, as it is also proved by F. Čermák, find there new stimuli and inspirations and, moreover, reveal a loopholes or unclear points that need another and more adequate interpretation
Ferdinand de Saussure died 100 years ago (22. 2. 1913) leaving a memorable legacy of primary importance for modern linguistics. This brief review outlines his life, family, studies and cultural background in his native Geneva that were formative for his career and then offers a short account of his major thoughts that have largely shaped the course of modern linguistics. The notes are related thematically to the nature of language and linguistics in the human community, moving to the language system (langue) and text (parole). Some of his important observations are included at the end together with an extensive list of quotes illustrating Ferdinand de Saussure’s well‑known, lesser‑known and unknown views, all of which are of special importance and still provide intellectual stimulation for linguists today.
The text is a review study of Tomáš Koblížek’s book. After an introductory summary of the book, we discuss three main issues: 1) the simplistic conception of Edmund Husserl’s “phenomenology of speech”, 2) the insufficient analysis of basic concepts, especially language as “expression”, 3) the adoption and emphasis of the disjunctive conception of two ways of seeing speech — original and scientific — in the wake of H. Pos. We argue that it is the third issue in particular that undermines the final section of the book, which introduces the conceptual dimension of speech. In Koblížek’s conception, the theorization of ethics becomes possible only by returning to an “originary” consciousness of language and is incompatible with a scientific stance. We suggest that, in our view, the contradiction is not so strong and a merger of the two is — even in the spirit of the “Saussurean postulates” — possible.
The paper describes Witold Mańczak’s contribution to the development of general and theoretical linguistics in the last fifty years. Against the background of his monistic notion of language as a material entity, this author presents Mańczak’s critical evaluation of the methodological apparatus of paradigms which came after the inductive historical-comparative linguistics. The analysis focuses primarily on Mańczak’s criticism of Ferdinand de Saussure’s notion of language.
While “de Saussure” is in fact THE name that has always been automatically brought up at any mention of “linguistics” and “semiotics”, that scholar might be nevertheless the most enigmatic and tantalizing persona in the history of linguistics. In retrospective, whenever there was a question of criticizing de Saussure, he was referred to as a Neogrammarian, and whenever the aim was to praise him – as a structuralist [Jankowsky 1972: 185]. Following e.g. Percival [1981], Jakobson [1973] or Koerner [e.g. 1989], this paper challenges the usually taken for granted view that it was de Saussure who founded modern linguistics and takes an alternative look on de Saussure’s oeuvre from the point of view of the Neogrammarian school. Through a personal hermeneutic reading of the only book that de Saussure published and approved for publication (Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes, 1879), I will argue that de Saussure’s monograph, within the ambit of epistemological premises, is a mutiny on many levels against the phonological world of his times. In this way, the discussion contributes to a larger project pointing to misapprehensions in Neogrammarian achievements, which are assumed to ensue from the contemporary emphasis on the revolutionary aspects of linguistic paradigms over their evolutionary development [cf. also Pociechina 2009; Kiklewicz 2007, 2014].
Polazište za razradbu problema prijevoda predstavljenu u članku koncepcija je anagrama Ferdinanda de Saussurea. Anagrami su pojedini glasovi ili skupine glasova što se ponavljaju u književnom djelu, a od kojih se sastoji riječ ili riječi (ideje; teme) prisutne, no razmještene po tkivu teksta. Na taj se način konstruira implicitan, skriveni smisao književnog djela. Čitanje i interpretacija anagrama iz perspektive psihoanalize pruža mogućnost njihova razumijevanja kao izraza autorova nesvjesnog (Julija Kristeva). U članku se analiziraju prijevodi pjesama (npr. la folie de saussure K. Bagića) s obzirom na mogućnosti i ograničenja prijenosa skrivenog i dodanog smisla, što su rezultati prisutnosti anagrama u tekstu te zvučne organizacije književnog djela (npr. u slučaju pjesništva ruskih futurista i ideje zauma).
The starting point for the presented elaboration on translation is the concept of Ferdinand de Saussure’s anagrams. Anagrams consist of certain phoneme or group of phonemes repeated in the literary work. They form a certain word or words (idea, theme) which are scattered (disseminated) in the text. By reconstructing these words we are able to discover or (re)construct the implicit, hidden sense of the text. Reading and interpreting anagrams from the perspective of psychoanalysis enables one to consider them as an expression of the author’s unconsciousness (Julia Kristeva). In this paper the translation of the poems (la folie de saussure by K. Bagić) is analyzed taking into consideration the possibilities and limitations of the transfer of hidden and added senses that appears as a result of the anagram’s presence or the tonal organization of the literary text (e.g. in the case of the poetry of the Russian Futurists and the idea of zaum).
The subject of this article is the interpretation of de Saussure's terms "langue" and "parole". Ferdinand de Saussure's "Course in General Linguistics", as well as some relevant fragments of the General Linguistics history compendia, lead the author of the paper to conclude that, while referring Saussure's "langue" to the language system does not raise serious objections, it is impossible to relate Saussure's identification of "parole" to the modern concept of "text". In the opinion of the author, the most appropriate translation of the term "parole" would be "use of language" and then from this term it is possible to derive the term of "text".
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První debata o arbitrárnosti jazykového znaku

The article examines the debate on the arbitrariness of linguistic sign, which took place between 1939–1949, mostly in Acta linguistica in Copenhagen, and was provoked by Émile Benveniste’s article “The nature of the linguistic sign” (1939). I deal with Benveniste’s three main statements: (1) that the thesis of the arbitrariness of linguistic sign is in contradiction with the formality of language, (2) that the relationship between signifiant and signifié is in fact necessary, and (3) the consequences of the latter for the radical relativity of linguistic values. These three positions are contextualized and examined in the frame of the Copenhagen School’s conception of linguistics and its place among other sciences. I then observe how the problem was formulated by Benveniste’s predecessors E. Pichon and J. Damourette and examine the debate occurring after the publication of Benveniste’s article, which, in addition to the editors of the Course in General Linguistics, included E. Lerch, A. Gardiner. E. Buyssens, N. Ege and A. Martinet. Their positions and criticisms are summarized and evaluated in the scope of the contemporary state of research based on the manuscript sources for the Course.
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Za vědu o vývoji: Jan Mukařovský a Antoine Meillet

This article examines the possible influence of Antoine Meillet’s thinking on the Prague Linguistic Circle, especially on Jan Mukařovský. Based on a comparison of Jan Mukařovský’s studies from the 1930s and selected works by Antoine Meillet, we find three intersecting topics: the rhetoric of the new science, the sociological conception of linguistics and in particular the concept of general linguistics as a science of the laws of development. We show that Meillet’s and Mukařovský’s sociological conception of language and artwork leads in the final instance to a reference to a certain material basis for the norms under examination.
Die gegenwärtige Manie, stets neue Zweige der Sprachwissenschaft zu erdenken, hinter der am öftesten lauter vergebliche Hoffnungen stecken, eine Forschungsstelle gegründet zu erhalten, verhindert die Sprachwissenschaftler am Anerkennen, dass ihre Wissenschaft seit zweihundert Jahren (d. h. seit Wilhelm von Humboldt, aber nicht früher) einen klar abgegrenzten Gegenstand, und seit einhundert Jahren (d. h. seit Ferdinand de Saussure) éine adäquat anzuwendende Methode hat, worauf die Linguistik als eine und untrennbare gebaut werden soll. Die einzige empirische Gegebenheit der Sprachforschung, die mit dem Forschungsobjekt nie verwechselt werden darf, sind die Sprechhandlungen, die immer als konkrete sozial genormte und kulturell-historisch verankerte Ereignisse sprachlicher Kommunikation betrachtet werden müssen. Der eigentliche Gegenstand der Linguistik, also die Sprache selbst, ist dann die Potentialität solcher Sprechhandlungen, welche Potentialität zweierlei, wechselseitig komplementär aufzufassen ist: als abstraktes System und als gesellschaftliche Institution. Das System sowie die Institution „Sprache“ sind letzten Endes komplexe Strukturen von sozialen Normen. Die grundsätzliche Einheit, mit der die Sprache wissenschaftlich beschrieben und dargelegt werden soll, ist das Saussure’sche Zeichen, dessen Tragweite und adäquate Anwendung neu durchdacht werden müssen. Als Plattform dazu dienen nun auch die Prager Thesen 2016.
The nowadays trendy hunt for increasingly new, more and more unexpected domains of linguistic research is a run from acknowledging that linguistics has one unique object: language communication, conceived of as a particular cultural- historical event that is subject to social norms; and one fascinating goal: to explain how language communication works in an impersonal way, so that members of a given cultural- historical community are able to understand one another. Linguistics is surprisingly young a science, and still more surprisingly, it can disappear as science from one day to the next, so that academic life will not even notice: there will be departments of linguistics, but no linguistics any more. Linguistics was inconceivable until, two hundred years ago, Wilhelm von Humboldt consummated the Kantian philosophical revolution by stating that thought does not exist except within a language, and through language communication. Linguistics is highly endangered now by a kind of non-reflected Aristotelianism that is, ingenuously enough, still accepted in sciences as common sense and theory-free thinking. Since Humboldt, linguistics has been endowed with a tool appropriate to its tasks: with the bifacial language sign, which is usually ascribed to Ferdinand de Saussure; since Saussure, linguistics has been set to proceed in a consciously semiological way. The Prague Linguistic Circle, which has been working on those issues for more than ninety years, proposes itself as a platform for discussing the current subjects and procedures of contemporary linguistic research aiming at the future.
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O roli i znaczeniu przypadku

The article introduces the search based on the theme of the tennis scene presented using text, film and technology, while at the same time outlining the reality approximated by various media. The context of the research refers to examples taken from works of art from the 1960s and 1970s, that is, from the film “Blow-up” (1966) directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, in which the author goes back to the motifs taken from the poetic work of Julio Cortázar’s “Blow-up” (Las babas del diablo, 1959) and the tennis match as presented by Robert Rauschenberg in the implementation of “Open Score” (1966). These works of art are connected by a unique world. What’s interesting to me is the medium-action-mechanism relationship of the action being played, especially with regard to technology and new opportunities. The purpose of these studies and analyses – resulting from the initial originally empirical observation – is to consolidate and describe the identity (nature) of what is observed (the subject) and who is the observer, as well as the interaction between the subject and the observer. How to show that “to play playing” is part of the game? The reason for the search was my own artistic work related to the balloon – an industrial object transferred to the area of creative activity. The first part of the theoretical work deals with the question of the role and meaning of coincidence, the second part is about the balloon in art.
Artykuł przybliża poszukiwania oparte na tematyce sceny tenisowej przedstawionej za pomocą tekstu, filmu i technologii, równocześnie nakreślając rzeczywistość przybliżoną za pomocą różnych mediów. Kontekst badań odnosi się do przykładów zaczerpniętych z dzieł sztuki z lat 60. i 70. XX wieku, to jest z filmu Blow-Up w reżyserii Michelangelo Antonioniego (1966), opartym na poetyckim dziele Julio Cortázara Las babas del diablo (1959) i meczu tenisowym, jak go przedstawia Robert Rauschenberg w dziele Open Score (1966). Te dzieła sztuki łączy wyjątkowy świat. Interesująca jest dla mnie relacja medium–działanie–mechanizm rozgrywanej akcji, szczególnie w odniesieniu do technologii i nowych możliwości. Celem tych badań i analizy – wynikających z początkowej, pierwotnie empirycznej obserwacji – jest utrwalenie i opisanie tożsamości (charakteru) tego, co jest obserwowane (przedmiotu), oraz obserwatora, jak również interakcja między tym, co obserwowane, a obserwatorem. Jak pokazać, że „grać granie” to część gry? Przyczynkiem do poszukiwania była własna praca artystyczna związana z przemysłowym przedmiotem, jakim jest balon, który został przeniesiony w obszar działania twórczego. Pierwsza część pracy teoretycznej dotyczy zagadnienia roli i znaczenia przypadku, druga balonu w sztuce.
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