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Developing of social skills is a challenge for higher education. It becomes even more important in case of teaching represents of Y generation, who find it easier to comment on internet forum than in the classroom. Modern technologies become more and more important in higher education what encourage us to ask a question if it is possible to use them for developing student's interpersonal skills. The purpose of this article is to present examples of how e-technology may support such development. Presented experience of using e-learning platform Moodle shows that it may support communication between students and teacher. It may also provide basis for interpersonal skills development as teamwork, presenting skills, communication and influence, decision making, creative and critical thinking, as well as analysis and evaluation of own and other's work. Discussed tools enable course monitoring and information exchange what provides a space for a reflection on teamwork and mutual influence of team members. Using e-learning platform Moodle as a support for traditional courses brings us closer to the real requirements and conditions of the labor market, what reflects the newest trends in higher education.
In this paper we discuss the implementation of the LAMS Tool Contract to include Moodle learning activities within the highly visual context of the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS). We aim to show how learning tools, from different Learning Management Systems, (LMS) can be included in a visual learning design environment such LAMS using a common interface (LAMS Tool Contract). In addition, we present an example of tool interoperability where learning activities can be used in complex and sophisticated learning designs using LAMS.
As open-source educational systems both LAMS and Moodle provide a range of tools that can be used to support the development of pre-service students’ learning design capabilities. Sixty-eight teacher education students were surveyed to gauge their perceptions of each of these systems as frameworks for designing learning experiences. Responses indicated that the majority of students appreciated that different tools were suitable for different purposes. An unexpected outcome of the research was the different levels of learning design understanding that the survey questions revealed, ranging from highly developed to misconstrued.
issue 2 (59)
At present, there is a very wide range of tools that support the process of education using the Internet in higher education. Moodle is one of a well-known free software systems. In this paper, one of its modules - Workshop, is presented. It focuses on its functionality and also advantages and disadvantages of its usage in blended learning.
Artykuł opisuje doświadczenia oraz wnioski wyniesione z prowadzenia kursów w zakresie przedmiotów informatycznych realizowanych w Instytucie Politechnicznym Państwowej WyŜszej Szkoły Zawodowej w Krośnie z pomocą systemu portalowego na bazie platformy Moodle. Prezentowany artykuł opisuje analizę kursu, który powstał w celu przedstawienia moŜliwości systemu wirtualnej edukacji Moodle1, na którym jest budowana platforma E-student naleŜąca do Państwowej WyŜszej Szkoły Zawodowej w Krośnie. Przedstawiono wykorzystanie systemu e-learningu dla przedmiotu „Informatyka w turystyce” na kierunku: Turystyka i rekreacja w PWSZ Krosno. Na podstawie badań – wyników z testów/ćwiczeń praktycznych pośród studentów kierunku: Turystyka i rekreacja oraz egzaminu końcowego z przedmiotu „Informatyka w turystyce” w postaci pracy w systemach Voyager Travel, Hotel, Euroticket On-Line stwierdzono wyraźny związek pomiędzy zastosowaniem narzędzi wspomagających proces edukacji dostępnych w platformie e-learningowej w portalu E-student PWSZ Krosno.
The article describes the observations and conclusions drawn from the computer science courses run with a portal system based on Moodle platform in State Higher Vocational School Institute of Technology. The article includes the analysis of the course, whose aim was to present the potentialities of the system of virtual education Moodle, which is the basis for constructing E-student platform owned by State Higher Vocational School in Krosno. The article presents the use of e-learning in the course „Computer science in tourism” at the department of Tourism and recreation in Krosno State Higher Vocational School. The analysis of tests/practical tasks results conducted among the students of Tourism and recreation department and final exam in „Computer science in tourism”, which involved working with Voyager Travel, Hotel, Euroticket On-Line, has clearly shown a strong correlation between the acquired computer science knowledge (good and very good grades) and results in end-of-semester exam in „Computer science in tourism” course run through e-learning.
The paper focuses on the role of Virtual Learning Environments in the scope of different types of assessment in foreign language learning and teaching promoting learner autonomy and developing such key competences as learning to learn. Effective language education calls for a more learner-oriented approach to assessment and Learning Management Systems such as Moodle seem to respond to such needs in the computer assisted teaching/learning process.
This study examines the effect of Moodle-enhanced instruction on Jordanian EFL students’ reading comprehension and grammar performance. The study uses a quasi-experimental, pre-/post-test design. A purposeful sample of 32 students, enrolled in a language requirement course at a Jordanian state university, was randomly divided into an experimental group (n=17) and a control group (n=15). The former used blended learning in which Moodle supplemented in-class instruction whereas the latter used in-class instruction only. Using means, standard deviations, ANCOVA and MANCOVA, the analysis revealed that the experimental group outperformed the control group (at α = 0.05) in both reading comprehension and grammar.
how to design Moodle activities to supplement a selected coursebook
This paper is based on piloting of blended learning as a transformative learning process in order to keep pace with technological innovation. Our redesign of the course was the intention of the use of blended learning as a tool for high-quality, meaningful and longer lasting knowledge, improvements in learning outcomes and greater engagement of students in learning. We chose Moodle platform as a highly sophisticated learning management system with many modules and its possibilities of application in the learning context to develop the online component as a supplement to classroom lessons. After conducting an analysis of the course and a questionnaire, we concluded that students use all the segments of the online component and they become more engaged, their assignments end on time and at the end they would express their satisfaction with the course redesign. Using the T-test for large independent samples there is statistically significantly better performance in the final test (p<0.01) for students who have used Moodle compared to students from the previous generation attending traditional classes, while in the theoretical part of the exam there are higher grades instead of middle, but without statistical significance (p>0.05), which leads us to the view that blended learning helps, above all, average students to upgrade and advance their knowledge. Considering that many of our student are athletes, blended learning is a good choice for them as they are professionally engaged in sports and they can follow the course and complete their assignments in addition to sports commitments. This piloting will serve as a parameter for future use of blended learning to be more adapted to the needs and objectives of students and eliminate any disadvantages.
Konieczność stosowania nowych technologii w edukacji, również akademickiej, przyjmowana jest dziś bez większych zastrzeżeń. Aspekty e-kształcenia, które mogą i powinny podlegać dyskusji, to zakres takich działań oraz modele uniwersyteckiej edukacji zdalnej. Liczby mnogiej używam tu celowo: w kontekście wyższej uczelni rozważanie jednego tylko modelu kształcenia na odległość byłoby zaprzeczeniem samej idei akademii: otwartej, poszukującej, dialogującej. W rzeczywistości jednak e-learning akademicki w Polsce nie jest zbyt zróżnicowany. Ma formę wiodącą – kursy prowadzone za pośrednictwem platform e-learningowych, z których najpopularniejszy jest Moodle. Z nielicznymi wyjątkami, udostępniane za jego pośrednictwem kursy mają charakter podawczy (udostępnianie treści, zazwyczaj w formie plików tekstowych) i kontrolujący (testowanie studentów, przeważnie w formie quizów samosprawdzających się, więc zawierających z konieczności pytania zamknięte). Istotnym problemem takiego status quo nie jest dydaktyka podawcza jako taka (bo ta ma swoje atuty), ale prymat opisanego modelu, zwłaszcza wobec wymagań współczesności, w której problemy – zazwyczaj skomplikowane i wieloaspektowe – rozwiązuje się we współpracy z innymi, na drodze krytycznego poszukiwania rozwiązań. Potwierdza to NMC Raport Horizon 2014, omawiany obszerniej w pierwszej części artykułu i analizowany w odniesieniu do głównego modelu polskiej edukacji zdalnej w części drugiej. Ponieważ warunkiem sine qua non dobrze rozumianej nowoczesności w akademickim kształceniu w ogóle, a w szczególności na odległość, jest dywersyfikacja dydaktyki, w swoim artykule stawiam tezę, że w kształceniu tym, obok platform e-learningowych, siłą rzeczy muszą pojawić się narzędzia dające możliwość wymiany myśli: wspólnego stawiania pytań i dochodzenia do odpowiedzi. W swoim artykule przedstawiam dwa takie rozwiązania: seminarium magisterskie prowadzone metodą tutorską, realizowane w chmurze (ang. cloud computing) oraz fragment kursu uniwersyteckiego prowadzony w formie międzykulturowej wymiany online. W obu przypadkach opisy form pracy zostaną uzupełnione o prezentację wyników badań w działaniu (ang. action research) przeprowadzonych na ich podstawie.
There seems to be common agreement on that adopting new technologies in contemporary education, also at the academic level, is a necessity. The aspects of e-learning that may and should become the subject of a debate include the scope of this kind of activities and university distance learning models. I use the plural form on purpose: in the context of university education, considering just one model of distance learning would be in contradiction with the very idea of open and dialogue-promoting academy. But e-learning methods employed at Polish universities are not versatile at all. Prevailing are courses taught with the use of e-learning platforms, Moodle being the most popular of them. Yet the courses offered by this tool are of pretty prescriptive (providing access to contents, usually in the form of text files) and control-focused (testing students via self-assessment quizzes including, by definition, closed questions). An important problem related to this state of affairs is not the prescriptive method of teaching as such (it has advantages as well), but the primacy of the described model, especially in view of big challenges posed by the contemporary world (with its complexity) that are best solved in cooperation with others, through critical common search for solutions. The same idea has been expressed in the NMC Horizon Report 2014 discussed in detail in the first part of this article and analysed, in the second part, with reference to the model prevailing in the Polish education system. Since, in this context, the main sine qua non condition for the proper understanding of modernity in academic education in general, and in distance learning in particular, is that of the diversification of didactics, in this article I suggest that in the discussed type of education, e-learning platforms should be accompanied by tools allowing for the exchange of thought, including phrasing questions and seeking answers together. To this aim, I propose two solutions: M.A. seminar based on cloud computing and the tutorial method, and part of a course designed as a series of online intercultural exchanges. In both cases the description of the chosen tools and techniques will be followed by presentations of action researches to be carried out.
W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane nowoczesne rozwiązania, które mogą zostać wykorzy-stane przez nauczycieli akademickich nie tylko w czasach izolacji. Wielu z nich wykorzystuje nowoczesne technologie jedynie w podstawowym zakresie, takim jak obsługa poczty elektro-nicznej, czy przygotowanie prezentacji. Coraz częściej poszukują nowej wiedzy w zasobach elektronicznych, np. bazach naukowych dostępnych z ich kont bibliotecznych. W naukach społecznych wykorzystanie sieci internet do prowadzenia badań naukowych nie jest jednak popularne. Podobnie jest z wykorzystaniem Internetu do prowadzenia zajęć. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zarówno platform edukacyjnych, które każdy naukowiec może wykorzystać w pracy ze studentami, jak również platform, za pomocą których mogą oni prowadzić badania naukowe.
The article presents selected modern solutions that can be used by academic teachers not only in times of isolation. Many of them use modern technologies only to a basic extent such as e-mail handling or preparing presentations. Increasingly, they look for new knowledge in electronic re-sources such as scientific databases available from their library accounts. In social sciences, how-ever, the use of the Internet for scientific research is not popular. The same situation is with the use of the Internet for teaching. The aim of the article is to present both the educational platforms that every scientist can use in their work with students as well as the platforms through which they can do research.
Příspěvek se zabývá analýzou dat zaznamenaných LMS Moodle. Zaměřuje se zejména na data o aktivitách a práci studentů v rámci e-learningového kurzu. Data umožňují získat představu o práci studentů v rámci kurzu, o přístupu studentů ke studiu, zodpovědnosti, preciznosti, časovém rozvržení práce, o formách studia a práce studentů, obvyklém čase apod. Možnosti analýzy jsou prezentovány na kurzu Vzdělávací technologie – nástroje. Smyslem příspěvku je podnítit zájem čtenáře o podobnou analýzu práce studentů v dalších kurzech.
This article deals with analysis of data recorded by LMS Moodle. It focuses mainly on data about activities and work of students in the framework of the course. These data allow us to get idea about how students work in the framework of the course, about students’ approach to study, responsibility, scheduling of work, form of study and working of students, about its usual time, etc. The possibilities of analysis are presented on the course Educational Technology – Instruments. The aim of this article is stimulate the reader’s interest for a similar analysis of work of students in other courses.
Стаття присвячена проблемі організації освітнього процесу для здобувачів освіти з непідконтрольних територій Донбасу з метою сприяння процесу підвищення якості результатів їх робіт, створенню та використанню відкритих електронних систем для підтримки наукової і освітньої теоретико-методологічної та практичної баз. Окреслено, що дистанційні технології сьогодні є ефективною системою підготовки і онлайн підтримки, задля досягнення найбільш високих оцінок рівня фахівців освітніх сфер та галузей. Висвітлено вітчизняний досвід щодо впровадження навчальних програм у дистанційну систему Moodle для розвитку інформаційно-дослідницької компетентності педагогічних працівників. Переважна кількість вчених та педагогів говорять про переваги дистанційного навчання, яке потребує значно менше часу та енергії для засвоєння знань, умінь та навичок, також є значно мобільнішим та комфортнішим ніж інші існуючі форми навчання та виховання. Використання дистанційної освіти в Україні дає змогу сьогодні навчати не відриваючись від основного виду діяльності, навчати осіб із особливими освітніми потребами, мати доступ до сучасних освітніх ресурсів світу через використання мобільних засобів електронних комунікацій, надавати освітні послуги у віддалених куточках нашої країни. Окреслена робота освітнього центру «Донбас-Україна» на території Донеччини, де в закладах вищої освіти використовується декілька ефективних методів реалізації навчання з використанням комп’ютерних і телекомунікаційних технологій. Показаний механізм удосконалення проблем дистанційної школи з метою надання можливості здобувачам освіти з непідконтрольних окупованих територій отримувати якісні знання відповідно до українських чинних загальнодержавних навчальних програм. При розробці моделі самоосвітньої діяльності в процесі дистанційного навчання визначені принципи, які в освітньому процесі відображають основні моменти об’єктивних закономірностей, в яких виражені потреби їх функціонування. Виявлено етапи самоосвітньої діяльності, пов’язані з засвоєнням навчальної інформації в умовах дистанційного навчання. Відомо, що самоосвітня діяльність здобувачів освіти включає технологічний і особистісний компоненти, які обумовлені дидактичними і психологічними аспектами цієї діяльності. Освітлено розвиток і поширення напрацьованого позитивного досвіду дистанційного навчання учнів з тимчасово окупованих районів та система вступу у заклади вищої освіти. Розкриті основні функції та об’єкти дистанційної системи Moodle, які можуть бути використані педагогічними працівниками опорних шкіл.
The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the educational process for the learners from the non-controlled territories of Donbas with the purpose to facilitate the process of their work results quality improvement and the creation and application of open electronic systems to support scientific and educational theoretical, methodological and practical bases. It is emphasized that remote technologies today are an effective system of training and online support in order to achieve the highest marks of the level of specialists in educational fields and industries. The vast majority of scientists and educators talk about the benefits of distance learning, which requires much less time and energy to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, is also much more mobile and comfortable than other existing forms of learning and education. The use of distance education in Ukraine today allows to teach without interruption from the main activity, to teach people with special educational needs, to have access to modern educational resources of the world through the use of mobile electronic communications, to provide educational services in remote corners of our country. The work of the Donbas-Ukraine educational center in the Donetsk region is outlined, where several effective methods of teaching with the use of computer and telecommunication technologies are used in higher education institutions. In developing a model of self-educational activities in the process of distance learning, the principles are identified, which in the educational process reflect the main points of objective laws, which express the needs of their functioning. The stages of self-educational activity related to the assimilation of educational information in the conditions of distance learning are revealed. It is known that the self-educational activities of students include technological and personal components, which are due to didactic and psychological aspects of this activity. The national experience in the introduction of the academic plans into the Moodle distance learning program for the development of information and research competence of teaching staff is highlighted. There has been demonstrated the mechanism of eliminating the problems of distance school with the purpose to enable the students from the occupied territories to receive high- -quality knowledge according to the current national educational programs. The development and dissemination of the positive experience in teaching the pupils from temporarily occupied territories distantly and the system of admission to universities are covered. The Moodle distance system key functions and subjects which can be put to use by pedagogical staff of the core schools are revealed.
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E-learning in Higher Education

The vast use of the Internet and the increasingly widespread access to the latest technologies have become the main reason for the development of remote teaching services. In an effort to modernize the educational offer, higher education institutions placed, in their programs of studies, different possibilities of teaching using „distance learning”. This trend is already very common in the world’s largest universities. The Polish higher education system, keeping the pace with current trends, has created a legal foundation for the use of modern forms of teaching. The current approach to teaching is also a response to the offer of leading universities of the world and thus the search for competitive advantage in the international educational market. The aim of the article is to present main objectives of the teaching method of e­‑learning, and at the same time, to present the legal status and the rules for the use of e­‑learning in Polish higher education. The article is based on the experience of such teaching introduced at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow.
The article reveals the problem of the simultaneous development of methods of the use of information and communication technologies application in the teaching process of an educational institution. In the current conditions of education, in the conditions of war, the educational model can exist only in combination with the use of modern technologies for teaching English. The education system needs to modernize teaching methods by means of innovative tools of information and communication technologies and to carry out such training of teachers at the state level, as well as to rely on the self-education of active teachers-practitioners. Instead of simply restricting students to linear displays, such as reading text from a book, media products create this process by involving various elements to make it more dynamic and interesting. The authors analyzed the advantages and peculiarities of the technology which are actively used in the presentation of information. When introducing and updating lexical or grammatical material, it is effective to use presentations that contain not only certain information, grammatical material, but also slides with illustrations, pictures, and small text tasks. The authors also gave information about some wide spread digital platforms for teaching and learning that are convenient as for teachers so for students. Moodle is an integration platform for teaching a foreign language: it is quite stable, scalable, and modularity and support for open integration protocols have been a priority for developers from the very beginning. Puzzle English is an online platform (website and mobile applications) for self-study of a foreign language. Kahoot is a free educational platform that can be used to conduct interactive classes and test students’/pupils’ knowledge through online testing. It is suitable for studying any academic discipline in any education institution. Canva was created as a graphic resource, but now it is actively used by teachers.
For e-learning courses to be effective, their designers and tutors should introduce a wide variety of support structures into every stage of learning design, taking into account the affordances of the course management system and the tools they are going to use. Support should come from the four elements of the educational process, that is, the tutor, course participants, technology and resources/activities. A cohort-based course run in a learner-centred constructivist e-learning environment helps students acquire different skills, analytical, critical-thinking, reflective and interactive, and become active participants in the educational process, who develop knowledge by constructing new meanings during co-operative and collaborative tasks. Various flexible support structures should guide, encourage, motivate, and keep students engaged in learning. Constant monitoring, quick identification of problem areas, fast remedial action and positive feedback result in the enhancement of the learning process, and in an increase in student confidence, motivation and satisfaction. Without strong support, online courses prove not to be very effective for the majority of participants, who are unable to self-direct their learning.
The issue of regulation of a learning management system (LMS) at the state level of Ukraine is considered in the article. Types and interpretations of electronic educational resources that can be used in distance education are pointed out. The Moodle environment, as an example of one of successful learning management systems, is considered. In particular, the article contains a list of roles that can be shared by users of a learning management system. The general structure of an e-learning course, which can be used by educational institutions, is also proposed.
The arrival of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has brought about intense methodological restructuring in the participating countries. These changes, along with the development of ICT, are reshaping the Higher Education system. The emergence of advanced technological tools like the Moodle platform has altered the teaching-learning process at every educational cycle. This paper springs from the work undertaken as part of the ongoing project for Educational Excellence in collaboration with three Andalusia universities: Seville, Cadiz and Huelva. The study was entitled Tele-education Platforms for Virtual Instruction. Since work at the University of Huelva has taken into consideration the students at some point, and the University of Córdoba lacks research on this area, we decided to examine the role of the student at the University of Cordoba as side-work to the original project. To this purpose, we designed an instrument to determine the students’ rate of use, level of satisfaction and level of knowledge of the Moodle platform. Thus, with this paper we would like to emphasize the relevance of students as key elements in the education system, as recipients of the teaching process.
Cel/Teza: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie e-learningu jako narzędzia, które w dobie wszechobecnej informatyzacji stanowi jeden z największych systemów wsparcia dydaktycznego, zarówno dla uczniów, jak i dla nauczycieli. Metoda badawcza: Autor przeprowadził analizę porównawczą, chcąc wykazać różnice pomiędzy omawianymi platformami e-learningowymi, z równoczesnym wskazaniem mocnych oraz słabych stron tego narzędzia, stosowanego jako wsparcie dydaktyczne dla tradycyjnych form nauczania. Wnioski/Wyniki: Organizacja pracy z systemem e-learingowym w dużej mierze uzależniona jest od jego architektury, konfiguracji czy od zadań dydaktycznych, jakie taki system winien spełniać. Szczególną uwagę należy zwrócić na fakt różnic mogących wynikać z systemów opartych na tzw. licencjach wolnych oraz komercyjnych, gdzie zarówno jedne, jak i drugie mają swoje wady i zalety.
Aim: The aim of the article is to present e-learning as a tool that in the era of ubiquitous computerization is one of the largest teaching support systems, both for students and for teachers. Research method: The author carried out a comparative analysis, wanting to show the differences between the discussed e-learning platforms, at the same time indicating the strengths and weaknesses of this tool, used as didactic support for traditional forms of teaching. Conclusions: The organization of work with the e-learning system depends to a large extent on its architecture, configuration or didactic tasks that such a system should meet. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the differences may arise from systems based on the so-called free and commercial licenses, where both have their advantages and disadvantages.
These/Ziel: Der Beitrag schildert E-Learning als Werkzeug, das angesichts der allgegenwärtigen Informatisierung als eines der größten Unterstützungssysteme der Bildung sowohl für die Schüler als auch für die Lehrer gilt. Forschungsmethode: Der Autor entschied sich für eine Vergleichsanalyse, wollte auf die Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen E-Learning-Plattformen sowie auf die Vor- und Nachteile dieses Werkzeugs, das die tradierten Unterrichtsformen unterstützt, hinweisen. Ergebnisse/Schlussfolgerungen: Die Arbeitsorganisation mithilfe des E-Learning-Systems hängt größtenteils von seiner Architektur, Konfiguration oder didaktischen Aufgaben ab, welche das System erfüllen sollte. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit lenkt sich auf die Unterschiede, die sich aus dem System freier und kommerzieller Lizenzen ergeben, wo sowohl die einen als auch die anderen ihre Vor- und Nachteile haben.
Projekt Kega č. 011UKF-4/2017 Vzdialené laboratóriá v dištančných formách vzdelávania má jeden z cieľov vypracovať e-learningový kurz, kde študenti nájdu teoretické a praktické informácie na zapájanie elektropneumatických systémov pomocou pomôcky od firmy Lucas-Nule. Súčasťou kurzu sú aj vedomostné testy, ktoré overujú získané vedomosti používateľov. Príspevok preto prezentuje výsledky z vedomostných testov e-learningového kurzu. Výsledky sú spracované prostredníctvom popisnej štatistiky a vyhodnotené po jednotlivých položkách testu vo forme grafov. V závere príspevku autori formulujú závery zo získaných výsledkov.
Project Kega no. 011UKF-4/2017 Distance laboratories in distance learning forms have one of the goals of developing an e-learning course where students will find theoretical and practical information to engage electro-pneumatic systems with the help of Lucas-Nule. This course also includes knowledge tests that test the user's knowledge. Therefore, the paper presents results from e-learning course knowledge tests. The results are processed using descriptive statistics and evaluated by individual test items in the form of graphs. At the end of the paper, the authors formulate conclusions from the obtained results
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