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The wide expansion of digital technologies has influenced research in all fields of science as well as educational activities. Scientific objective: The purpose of this article is to examine critical areas of academic library activity, in a significant or requiring far-reaching changes in all aspects, in the context of needs of the scientific community. Research methods: It was decided that the method that will allow to outline the situation in this area will be qualitative content analysis texts from leading journals. For this purpose, the main databases of Web of Science articles have been searched: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), using the instruction TS = (“academic library” OR “academic libraries” OR “university library” OR “university libraries”) AND TS = (scholars or scientists or faculty or researchers or academics). The query limited to the last five years yielded gave as results 170 articles, of which 51 were deemed relevant to the issues discussed. Results and conclusions: In the light of qualitative content analysis of those texts, it is possible to distinguish following areas as important: general approach of scholars and librarians to cooperation, practices of research support, access to information resources adapted to scholars’ needs, data curation support, publication strategies support. On this basis, conclusions have been drawn about the role and type of support that academic libraries may provide in the process of scholarly communication. Cognitive value: This study has contributed to the research into the evaluation of academic library’s support services in the process of scholarly communication.
Online impulse buying is a complex behavior that is determined by many factors, not only external but also internal. Some consumers are less prone to irrational behavior than others. The aim of this study was to explore the impulse buying tendencies of challenging e-consumers. Due to the specificity of the profession, characteristics of highly educated people, and the generational mentality, academics of Generation X were assumed to be representatives of these e-consumers, unwilling to impulse buying. The data collected with an online survey confirmed this assumption. Respondents had not only a negative opinion of studied behavior but also a low tendency to it. Furthermore, this study was to indicate a group of stimuli that would induce unplanned purchases among challenging e-consumers. The results suggest that academics are more prone to impulse buying if it can be rationalized with, e.g., product utility or monetary savings, than in the case of purely emotional or hedonic reasons.
The purpose of this article is to present the opportunities for the academics offered by the social media. In the first part of the paper there are presented such selected solutions as social networking sites for scientists, academic blogosphere, etc. The author also includes the results of the studies revealing that the students are active social media users, so academics cannot be indifferent to them. Finally, social media applications written for teachers who do not conduct activities in the field of ICT and have average skills in the field of new technologies were discussed.
“Ilustrowana Republika” was a daily published in Łódź in 1925–1939. Apart from the news, it published economic, social, cultural, educational, and sports information as well as materials on tertiary education. The issue of higher education was raised in over 440 articles and notes, which included information on the Łódź and other Polish universities. Journalists wrote about activities which aimed at making Łódź a university city and about more important events from the life of Polish universities. Fewer publications focused on academic issues; however, a great part of articles showed individual and atypical student conduct sometimes hard to accept such as suicidal attempts, conflicts with the law, organising anti-Semitic manifestations by right-wing students for almost the entire Interwar period. This work does not provide a complete picture of tertiary education or the academic community before WWII as it presents only facts and events described in the newspaper. However, it may be useful as a basic source for more comprehensive works concerning higher education in the past.
This paper explores the construction of a gendered neoliberal rationality in post-socialist academic settings. Drawing on interviews conducted with key stakeholders in four major Estonian universities, I trace how three key gender equality policy measures are conceptualised – quotas, workplace flexibility, and the involvement of men in efforts towards gender equality. The findings suggest that Estonian academic stakeholders fill these key gender equality policy ideas with meanings that distort the original purpose of these solutions, and thereby render these policy ideas counter-productive as mechanisms designed to bring about change in gender relations. Instead, these conceptualisations serve the interests of the neoliberal university, enabling and reinforcing the atomisation and exploitation of academic labourers, particularly women. Collectively, these articulations constitute, along with other practices, the ‘doing of neoliberalism’ in post-socialist university settings. Academic stakeholders do not (just) reflect an already established totalising neoliberal framework, but in fact discursively (and materially) create and reproduce what we have come to understand and refer to as ‘neoliberalism’ in academia. This has implications for devising and implementing gender equality policies in higher education in the post-socialist region, as the solutions applied elsewhere in Europe may not work in the same way in Central-Eastern Europe.
This article addresses the issue of the patterns of pursuing academic careers by people with working-class backgrounds, a topic that has not been explored by Polish researchers so far. The analysis was based on narrative biographical interviews with the academic staff of Polish universities born after 1980, who, despite coming from families with modest intellectual traditions and scarce social, cultural, and economic capital, managed to enter the academic world successfully. Based on the collected data, we try to identify the factors influencing their academic careers. The main point of this article is that the course of an academic career and the chances of achieving success in the world of science depend on diverse factors. They are both dependent on and independent of an individual, and range from: 1) individual talents, competencies, and psychosocial predispositions; 2) external conditions, e.g. legislative, technological, etc.; and 3) socio-demographic categories such as class background, generational changes, and gender.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyka problematyki wzorów prowadzenia karier akademickich przez osoby wywodzące się z klas ludowych, która to tematyka w polskiej przestrzeni badawczej nie była dotychczas eksplorowana. Podstawowym źródłem danych w niniejszym artykule są narracyjne wywiady biograficzne z pracownikami dydaktyczno-badawczymi polskich uczelni, urodzonymi po 1980 r., którzy, wywodząc się z rodzin o skromnych tradycjach intelektualnych oraz deficytowych kapitałach społecznych, kulturowych i ekonomicznych, zdołali z powodzeniem wejść w świat akademicki. Autorki, opierając się na zebranych danych, próbują uchwycić czynniki wpływające na kariery naukowe tych osób. Główną tezą niniejszego artykułu jest stwierdzenie, że przebieg kariery akademickiej i szanse osiągnięcia sukcesu w świecie nauki zależne są od zróżnicowanych czynników, związanych i niezwiązanych z jednostką: indywidualnych talentów, kompetencji i predyspozycji psychospołecznych, zewnętrznych uwarunkowań, np. legislacyjnych, technologicznych czy kategorii społeczno-demograficznych, takich jak pochodzenie klasowe, zmiany pokoleniowe, płeć.
The article illustrates the history of the Department of Polish Language at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. The author presents the scholars who, while working in the Department, greatly contributed to the development of Polish linguistics. Additionally, he summarizes their main research works.
Horyzonty Wychowania
vol. 16
issue 39
PURPOSE OF RESEARCH: The purpose of this article is to identify the causes of narcissistic attitudes observable among academics. The author draws attention to sourcesof the both types of the  narcissism : an endogenous and an exogenous.PROBLEM AND RESEARCH METHODS: Research issues presented in this article are exploratory. They come to attempt to answer the question: Which endogenous and exogenous factors play a dominant role in shaping the narcissistic attitudes of academic teachers? The research method is based on literature studies, nut also based on exploration, description, and also attempts to explain the analyzed phenomenon.REASONING PROCESS: The article consists of five main parts. The first of these presents the specificity symbolic violence typical for the didactics. Next presents the criteria for the diagnosis of narcissism and mechanisms of commodification of scientists. Attention was also drawn to the recognition treated as an indicator of the scientific position and the processes associated with the omnipotence of the master.SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS RESULTS: The author indicates that in the case of narcissism observable among scientists we have to deal with a number of factors both endo- and egogenous that determine its prevalence among scientists.CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Presented phenomenon is practically absent in the Polish scientific discourse concerning the sphere of science. Some attempts to unmask the work of academics can be found at Pierre Bourdieu's, but they are
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest wskazanie przyczyn postaw narcystycznych obserwowanych u pracowników nauki. Autorka zwraca uwagę na źródła narcyzmu zarówno o charakterze endogennym, jak i egzogennym. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problematyka badawcza zaprezentowana w niniejszym artykule ma charakter eksploracyjny i sprowadza się do próby udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie: które z czynników o charakterze endo- i egzogennym odgrywają dominującą rolę w procesie kształtowania się postaw narcystycznych wśród nauczycieli akademickich? Metodę badawczą oparto na studiach literaturowych, wykorzystując eksplorację, deskrypcję, ale i prezentując próby wyjaśnienia analizowanego zjawiska. PROCES WYWODU: Artykuł składa się z pięciu zasadniczych części. W pierwszej z nich omówiono, na czym polega specyfika właściwej dla dydaktyki przemocy symbolicznej, kolejno przedstawiono kryteria diagnozowania narcyzmu, mechanizmy utowarowienia pracowników nauki. Zwrócono również uwagę na rozpoznawalność traktowaną jako wskaźnik pozycji naukowej oraz procesy związane z omnipotencją mistrza. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Autorka wskazuje, że w przypadku narcyzmu obserwowalnego wśród pracowników nauki mamy do czynienia z szeregiem czynników o charakterze endo- i egogennym, które determinują jego występowanie u akademików. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Przedstawione zjawisko jest właściwie nieobecne w polskim dyskursie naukowym dotyczącym sfery nauki. Pewne próby demaskowania pracy akademików odnajdziemy u Pierre’a Bourdieu, jednakże utrzymane są one w kontekście przemocy symbolicznej, a nie narcyzmu, który w tej optyce stanowi novum.
Human resources, namely potential of employee’s knowledge, skills and engagement became the key factor in the contemporary economy. This is particularly true in the case of knowledge workers – those with high degrees of expertise, education or experience who are doing highly knowledge intensive jobs. In fact, academics are archetypes of such employees. The paper concerns with the problem of difficulties in detailed defining efforts’ standard in the case of academics. Academics have to invest in assets, which are specific to the relation with employer, also high informational asymmetry plagued their job. Thus, there are high transaction costs involved in the exchange under employment relation umbrella in the higher education. Therefore, some safeguards are needed like long‑term stable employment. There is also the problem of writing ex ante complete contracts as well as monitoring and accountability of researchers work. One of the solution of this problem could be relational contracting rooted in trust and cooperation between sides of the employment relations. Often, so called psychological contracts are embedded in those relations. However, we observe recently in Poland attempts (according to the reforms of higher education sector) of introducing some kind of piece‑rate incentive systems, where piece‑rate means “production” of scientific publications. This is form of departure from traditional model of the university. Such departure could be seen by many academicians as breaching of psychological contract involved in their employment relation, and as such could be counterproductive.
We współczesnych gospodarkach rośnie znaczenie zasobów ludzkich, rozumianych jako potencjał związany z wiedzą, umiejętnościami i zaangażowaniem pracowników, szczególnie w odniesieniu do tzw. pracowników wiedzy, cechujących się wysokim poziomem wykształcenia, doświadczenia i biegłości oraz wykonywaniem pracy związanej z wiedzą. Archetypem pracownika wiedzy jest akademik. Pracę kadry naukowo‑dydaktycznej cechują inwestycje w aktywa specjalistyczne dla transakcji z pracodawcą oraz znaczna asymetria informacji. Wskazują one na wysoki poziom kosztów transakcyjnych związanych z wymianą w ramach stosunków pracy w szkolnictwie wyższym. Świadczy to o potrzebie zabezpieczania tych stosunków (np. przez długoterminowe stabilne zatrudnienie) oraz o braku możliwości sformułowania ex ante kompletnych kontraktów, jak również o trudnościach w monitorowaniu i rozliczaniu pracy naukowców. Rozwiązaniem wyłaniającego się stąd problemu agencji może być kontraktowanie relacyjne, bazujące na budowie stosunków zaufania i współpracy stron umowy, czego wyrazem jest tzw. kontrakt psychologiczny. Tymczasem, paradoksalnie, w szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce obserwuje się regres związany z próbą radzenia sobie z problemami zarządzania kadrą naukowo‑dydaktyczną w fordowsko‑taylorowskim stylu, tj. przez swego rodzaju akord oparty na „punktozie”. Postępujące zmiany, w tym reforma związana z tzw. ustawą 2.0, oddalają polskie uniwersytety od tradycyjnego, humboldtowskiego ideału. Wielu naukowców może odbierać te zmiany jako złamanie kontraktu psychologicznego związanego z ich stosunkiem zatrudnienia.
Celem artykułu była ocena zależności pomiędzy wykorzystywanymi przez pracownika strategiami radzenia sobie ze stresem a poziomem odczuwanego stresu i wypalenia zawodowego. Analizę oparto na wynikach badań własnych zrealizowanych na próbie 340 pracowników naukowo-dydaktycznych w roku 2017. Do badań wykorzystano 3 kwestionariusze psychometryczne: Mini COPE do pomiaru strategii, Skalę Postrzeganego Stresu oraz polską adaptację kwestionariusza OLBI – do pomiaru wypalenia zawodowego. Zebrane wyniki pokazują, że w badanej grupie zawodowej najczęściej stosowanymi strategiami są aktywne radzenie sobie oraz planowanie. Należą one do strategii skoncentrowanych na problemie. Jednocześnie zarówno w grupie strategii skoncentrowanych na problemie, jak i wśród strategii skoncentrowanych na emocjach, są takie, które ujemne i dodatnio korelują ze stresem i wypaleniem zawodowym. We wnioskach końcowych wskazano na możliwość wykorzystania uzyskanych wyników w organizacyjnych działaniach profilaktycznych.
The objective of the article is to assess the interdependence among strategies for tackling stress and professional burnout by employees. The analysis is based on the results of proprietary research on a sample of 340 research–teaching workers in 2017. Three psychometric questionnaires were used: the Mini COPE to measure strategy, the Stress Perception Scale, and the Polish adaptation of the OLBI questionnaire for measuring professional burnout. The amassed results show that the strategies most often applied in the examined professional group are active coping and planning. Both these strategies are strategies that concentrate on the problem. At the same time, among both the group of strategies concentrating on the problem and those focused on emotions there are those that correlate both positively and negatively with stress and professional burnout. The final conclusions indicate possibilities for utilizing the received results in organizational preventive actions.
Znaczną część wynagrodzenia nauczycieli akademickich stanowi honorarium za przeniesienie na uczelnię autorskich praw majątkowych do utworów pracowniczych. W przepisach ustawy – Prawo autorskie wyraźnie wymieniono utwory; zajęcia dydaktyczne także mogą być utworami, gdy mają twórczy i indywidualny charakter. Za korzystanie lub zbycie autorskich praw majątkowych przysługuje honorarium. Jego wyodrębnienie w wynagrodzeniu nauczyciela akademickiego uzasadniają głównie przepisy o podatku dochodowym od osób fizycznych, bo dla takiego rodzaju przychodu przewidziano 50% koszty uzyskania. W opracowaniu przedstawiono różne podejścia uczelni do kwestii regulacji honorarium. Ukazano też różne modele (otwarty, zamknięty i pośredni) realizacji uprawnień uczelni w stosunku do utworów pracowniczych nauczycieli akademickich, w tym utworów naukowych.
A significant part of academic teachers remuneration is a honorarium for the transfer or other forms of exploitation by the university of copyrights to works-for-hire. While the scientific works are explicitly mentioned in the Copyright Act, the legal qualification of didactic activities is complex. These creations can also be works protected by copyrights when they are creative and have individual character. For the use or sale of copyrights author is entitled to a honorarium, but the need for its specification in academic teachers’ remuneration is mainly justified by the personal income tax provisions. For this kind of revenue the increased 50% rate of deductible income costs is applicable. The material present variety approaches of universities in regulating honorarium. It shows the different models of implementation (open, closed and indirect) in exercise of the powers of universities in relation to academic teachers’ works, including scientific works.
The article presents the results of own research, the aim of which was to get to know opinionson gender-based equal opportunities for academic employees of the oldest pedagogical universityin Poland among these employees and among the students. The results demonstrated the occurrence of gender discrimination at the university.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych, których celem było poznanie opinii na temat równości szans pracowników i pracowniczek akademickich najstarszej uczelni pedagogicznej w Polsce wśród tychże pracowników oraz wśród osób w niej studiujących. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że w badanej uczelni występuje zjawisko dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć.
Postal reviews are widely used in social sciences research because of their great popularity both with respondents and researchers. In Poland postal reviews are used less often than other methods of communication. A low or very low percentage of returned questionnaires is most often mentioned as the reason. This opinion results first of all from not knowing that condition the rate of their return, and particularly from not knowing the cultural peculiarity of Poland in this respect. The sources of this state should be looked for in underestimating the importance of the problem in academic handbooks that only popularise and deepen negative stereotypes about postal review, and in a small number of specialist publications on the variables that are significant for the rate of return in the case of Polish population. In order to fill the existing gap in the knowledge of peculiarity as far as the reaction of potential respondents in Poland is concerned to marketing research with the use of postal review it was decided that opinions and experiences connected with postal review should be collected and analysed. They came from people who occupy themselves in marketing research, first of all in its theoretical aspect, but also having practical knowledge in this field. 89 professors were chosen who specialise in the field of marketing. They were sent aquestionnaire, specially worked out for the study. The questions were concerned, among others, with the peculiar character of postal reviews done by those people. The rate of return after two contacts was 43.7%. The article contains a specification of the rate of return of questionnaires depending on the used factors of review personalisation, financial gratification, the number and form of contacts with respondents and factors connected with the specificity of sending and returning the research materials by respondents. The obtained results are compared and analysed against the background of results of research done in the West. These specifications and analyses may be a good source of hypotheses for future research of cultural conditioning and combination of factors that allow maximising the rate of return of postal review questionnaires in Poland.
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