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The described units concern the limits and the force using in different ways. The unit z całej siły 'all out' comments only on physical actions and it is not important whether they are intentional or not. The adverb ze wszystkich sił 'with all forces' however, is always connected with AIM and it is not important whether the limits were reached with the use of physical forces or not. For using the adverb ile sił (ile sił w_) 'all out', the animate agent must have used his maximal physical force which set in motion these parts of his body which were responsible for that kind of action. The adverbs na cały głos and na całe gardło 'at the top of one's voice' comment on emitting sounds, the second one cannot be related to speaking.
Strict alphabetical ordering of lemmata in a dictionary may be interrupted by the nesting of derivatives as run-ons at the end of the entry for the lemma. This practice can also be found in most monolingual dictionaries. The focus of this article is, therefore, on the presentation of word-formations, or more precisely on adverbs. For the purpose of our research, a database was compiled consisting of all the adverbs regardless of their status that can be found in OALD8 in random stretches from the letters C and S. One hundred and twenty-eight adverbs included in OALD8 were then checked in LDOCE5, MED2, CALD3 and COBUILD5 to see whether the same adverbs are also dealt with in these dictionaries and to establish the similarities and differences in the treatment of these adverbs in all five dictionaries. As is evident from the results, less than half the adverbs are included as entries, the others being undefined run-ons. The latter are hidden within the microstructure and consequently more difficult to spot, which means that the dictionary user must either be trained in dictionary use or retrieve this information from the front matter of the dictionary s/he is using.
The present article aims at summarizing the results of the corpus-based study of the semanto-syntactic behaviour of the emotionally-loaded Polish adverb niestety ‘unfortunately/regrettably’. It will be claimed that the different uses of niestety are governed by the processes of subjectification, both at the synchronic and diachronic level. Such a perspective also allows us to explain the intersubjective senses in which this highly grammaticalized adverb is sometimes used in Polish.
In this paper I propose a framework for a contrastive investigation of English, German and Dutch adverbial suffixes. According to the morphological literature, these three genetically related languages have an inventory of suffixes for the creation of adverbs. However, only English has a systematic process of adverb formation (namely, with the suffix -ly) whereas German and Dutch lack such regularity. Any attempt at investigating German and Dutch adverbs and adverb formation more closely has to deal with problematic formal class distinctions. In this paper I aim to show that a function-based approach sheds new light on the notion of adverbial morphology and that the traditional conception of “adverbial suffixes” as morphemes for adverb formation may need to be fine-tuned. As such, a contrastive study of English, German and Dutch adverbial morphology from a functional perspective can contribute to a greater understanding of the more general issue of the demarcation of a class of adverbs.
This article presents and verifies material embedded in the awareness of users of Polish spoken in the southern part of Eastern Borderlands of the country across generations. The close relation between Polish and Ukrainian languages is conducive to the emergence of numerous interferences. Inclusion of Ukrainian features into the Polish system took place in the course of many centuries of contacts with speakers of the Ukrainian language. Ukrainian subdialects have left their mark on the Polish language in the southern part of Eastern Borderlands also in formations which deviate from the literary language. In the Polish language under scrutiny – the language spoken on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, some formations follow Ukrainiansubdialects and the entire Eastern Slavic area. A majority of adverbs have a structure compliant with the general Polish language. However, there are also different formations, typical of borderland subdialects.
In this article I attempt to show that grammatical categories such as the adverbs dabei (with it/them) and doch (but, still) in German can be explained as prosodic, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic continuum based on their core meaning. Some classifications described and maintained in the traditional grammar of German, especially represented by the „valency grammar“, i.e. classifications as „sentential adverbs“ or „discourse markers“, therefore should be neutralized and newly considered. The grammatical categories in charge should be understood as crossing over the unit of sentence, and in this respect they are not „Satzglieder“ (sentence constituents), but „Äußerungsglieder“ (utterance constituents) as Darski (2010) claims. In the „adverbial“ area prosodic features and syntactic positions closely correspond to each other and on the other hand semantic contents and pragmatic effects do correspond too. The continuous scale of the elements dabei and doch can be seen as an ample example for demonstrating the „iconic“ relation between prosody/syntax and semantics/pragmatics, i.e. between forms and functions.
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 57, issue 3 (2009). This paper seeks to revise the description of the grammatical properties of the Latin lexeme prope, which are fundamental for its inclusion in specific classes of words (parts of speech). The change proposed here amounts to saying that behind the entry prope there are two parts of speech, and that they are not adverb and preposition but adverb and particle. The particle is prope, meaning almost, nearly—it occurs in the positive degree, does not govern case, and is syntactically related to various parts of speech. In the remaining cases, prope most generally means near (somebody / something); it is a gradable adverb that governs an obligatory point of reference (in the form of the accusative, the dative, or the prepositional phrase a [ab] with the ablative). This point of reference may, however, be subject to context-dependent ellipsis when the recipient has an opportunity to reliably reconstruct it.
vol. 39
The article is supposed to be a foundation for future analyses of adverbial phrases in the Spisz dialect. The work focuses on expressions describing spatial relations. Firstly, a collection of such phrases is introduced along with their definitions. Secondly, the phrases are divided into groups defining stillness and movement, simultaneously pointing at their preposition and case used to describe a given relation. The data was provided by the Spisz Dialect Corpus.
Artykuł jest przyczynkiem do badań nad wyrażeniami przysłówkowymi w gwarze spiskiej. Analizie poddane zostały ciągi określające relacje przestrzenne. W pierwszej części zaprezentowano zbiór zebranych haseł i objaśniono ich znaczenie. Następnie dokonano ich podziału ze względu na lokatywność i latywność, wskazując na przyimek i towarzyszący mu przypadek, warunkujący wyrażenie danej relacji. Analiza oparta jest na materiałach z Korpusu Spiskiego.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań ankietowych dotyczących dystrybucji przyimków i operatorów adnumeratywnych o kształtach około, od… do…, po oraz między na implikowanych przez czasowniki i przyimki pozycjach nominalnych. Wyniki te pokazują, że różny jest stopień akceptowalności operatorów adnumeratywnych OKOŁO (wysoce akceptowalne), OD… DO… (średnio akceptowalne) oraz MIĘDZY (akceptowalne tylko marginalnie), oraz potwierdzają akceptowalność dystrybutywnego operatora PO na pozycjach podmiotu i być może biernikowego dopełnienia bliższego. Ciekawa jest także dystrybucja przyimków OKOŁO, OD… DO… oraz PO, które w różnym stopniu akceptowalne są jedynie na przyczasownikowych pozycjach mianownikowych, biernikowych i dopełniaczowych.
The article presents the results of questionnaire studies on the nominal – ad-verbal and post-prepositional – distribution of Polish prepositions and adnumeral operators of the form około ‘ a b o u t ’, od... do... ‘from... to...’, po ‘each’, and między ‘between’. These results demonstrate that adnominal operators około, od... do... and między are acceptable to various degrees, from the highly acceptable około, to the at best marginally accept-able między. They also confirm the existence of the distributive operator po, albeit limited to the positions of the subject and, perhaps, accusative object. Also the prepositions około, od... do..., and po are acceptable to various degrees and only in ad-verbal nominative, accusative and genitive positions.
Issues of the present article are regarding East Slavonic adverbs in Polish local dialects. Presenting gathered material and verifying the step on his base are a purpose of the paper acquaintances of lexical individuals gathered together and their functioning in the awareness of language users of the village. A Dictionary of Polish local dialects and his file being in IJP are a material base you in Cracow. I compared data with contemporary, collected materials obtained in the field with method of the free conversation. I confined myself to East Slavonic expressions certified mainly on the entire eastern borderland of the country. And so they are these are adverbs authenticated above all in Mazovia and in Lesser Poland.
Problematyka niniejszego artykułu dotyczy wschodniosłowiańskich przysłówków w gwarach polskich. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zgromadzonego materiału oraz zweryfikowanie na jego podstawie stopnia znajomości zebranych jednostek leksykalnych i ich funkcjonowania w świadomości użytkowników języka wsi. Podstawą materiałową jest Słownik gwar polskich oraz jego kartoteka znajdująca się w IJP PAN w Krakowie. Dane zestawiłam z pozyskanymi w terenie materiałami współczesnymi, zebranymi metodą swobodnej rozmowy. Ograniczyłam się do wyrazów wschodniosłowiańskich poświadczonych głównie na całym wschodnim pograniczu kraju. Zatem są to przysłówki poświadczone przede wszystkim na Mazowszu oraz w Małopolsce.
In this article we analyze the context meaning of four adverbs: trochę, nieco, mało, niezbyt and their French equivalents un peu, un (tout) petit peu, peu, pas trop in contemporary press and political language. According to basic dictionary definitions, they are used to express weak intensity of a feature. The journalists, trying to avoid offending somebody, and politicians trying to make better impression while talking about themselves, use them, to talk about a negative feature in an euphemistic manner (trochę, nieco / un peu), or to “almost deny” the existence of a positive feature (mało, niezbyt / peu, pas trop). However, while telling less, the journalists or politicians often intend to make an impression that they said more. Litotes, which inevitably can be accurately understood only in the full context of use, is a veiled way to criticize someone or something, to point out a serious shortcoming. It is used to express a strong degree or even an excess of a negative feature.
W artykule tym analizowane jest znaczenie kontekstowe czterech przysłówków trochę, nieco, mało, niezbyt oraz ich francuskich odpowiedników un peu, un (tout) petit peu, peu, pas trop we współczesnym języku prasy i polityki. Według podstawowych definicji słownikowych służą one do wyrażania słabego natężenia cechy. Dziennikarze nie chcąc kogoś urazić,a politycy chcąc lepiej wypaść, mówiąc o sobie samych, używają tych przysłówków, aby w sposóbeufemistyczny powiedzieć o negatywnej cesze (trochę, nieco /unpeu) albo aby prawie zanegować istnienie cechy pozytywnej (mało, niezbyt /peu, pas trop). Często jednak mówiąc mniej, dziennikarze czy politycy dają odczuć, że powiedzieli więcej. Litota, którąmożna dokładnie odczytać tylko w kontekście użycia, jest zawoalowanym sposobem skrytykowania kogoś lub czegoś, wytknięcia poważnego niedociągnięcia. Używa się jej dla wyrażenia silnego stopnia natężenia lub nawet nadmiaru negatywnej cechy.
Il contributo analizza siccome nel passaggio dall’originario valore comparativo avverbiale, tuttora possibile, a quello di congiunzione che introduce una comparativa, documentato ab antiquo, a quello di congiunzione causale, ormai prevalente nell’uso corrente, specie nel parlato e nel trasmesso, ma non unanimemente considerato standard. Si propone quindi, sulla scia dei lavori di Mazzoleni (2007; 2012), un’analisi in diacronia del siccome, in cui, accanto alle indicazioni tratte da opere lessicografiche del passato (le edizioni del Vocabolario della Crusca, Tommaseo & Bellini, ma anche Tommaseo 1840; Ugolini 1848) e del presente (Battaglia 1961-2002, Sabatini & Coletti 1997, De Mauro 1999), nonché da grammatiche antiche (Soave 1771; Fornaciari 1881) e moderne (Battaglia & Pernicone 1968²; Serianni 1989), si analizzerà la documentazione tratta da corpora diacronici dell’italiano scritto, che potrà attestare i diversi valori di siccome nel corso del tempo. Studiando un caso di Grammaticalizzazione, si cercherà di offrire spunti di riflessione sull’evoluzione della norma grammaticale e sulle variazioni nell’uso, nel quadro complesso della storia dell’italiano.
The study considers siccome from an etymological point of view and observes the morphosyntactic and semantic value of this key word in written Italian through a diachronic perspective. It discusses the evolution of siccome from being a comparative adverb, to a comparative conjunction, to a causal conjunction, and how its actual meaning is not considered standard by everyone, although currently it is used in spoken and transmitted Italian. On the basis of Mazzoleni’s studies, the essay analyses siccome through the old lexicographies (the various editions of the Vocabolario della Crusca; Tommaseo and Bellini; Tommaseo, 1840; Ugolini, 1848) and the modern dictionaries (Battaglia, 1961–2002; Sabatini and Coletti, 1997; De Mauro, 1999); also, it takes into account older and more recent grammars (Soave, 1771; Fornaciari, 1881; Battaglia and Pernicone, 1968; Serianni, 1989) as well as several documents taken from various diachronic corpora of written Italian, in an attempt to show every single meaning of siccome over time. By studying this case of grammaticalisation, I offer some insights and cues about the history of Italian grammar, about its variations in use, and how this affected the linguistic norm throughout the complex history of the Italian language.
Epistemic modality represents one of the linguistic modality expressing the speaker’s certainty evaluation of the proposition’s validity. The French and Czech approaches are compared to show the common bases for this linguistic matter. One way of expressing the epistemic modality, among others, are the little words that the French system calls epistemic modal adverbs, while the Czech terminology defines them as particles. These two systems (French epistemic adverbs and Czech epistemic particles) are compared from the point of view of their semantico-syntactic characteristics and their existing classifications based on the level of certainty the adverbs/particles express. To gain a better insight into the functioning of epistemic adverbs/particles the analysis of two French adverbs (vraisemblablement, apparemment) and two Czech particles (pravděpodobně, patrně) has been conducted and confirmed the important influence of context and subjectivity on their semantic interpretation.
The article is devoted to Polish adverbs introducing the quantitative characterization of the participants of an event, that is, on the one hand, lexical units such as: pojedynczo, ‘one by one’, jednoosobowo ‘singly’, indywidualnie ‘individually’, samotnie ‘solitarily, alone’, solo, solowo ‘solo’ and on the other – licznie ‘in large numbers’, tłumnie ‘in crowds’, masowo ‘on a large scale’, gromadnie ‘in droves’, stadnie ‘in herds’, grupowo ‘in a grup, as a grup’, gremialnie, kolektywnie, zbiorowo ‘collectively’, kolegialnie ‘collegially’, zespołowo ‘as a team’, chóralnie ‘chorally’. The author distinguishes and briefly discusses the main oppositions that constitute and organize this subsystem of meanings. These oppositions are as follows: a) one individual – more than one; b) person – another organism – something; c) multiplicity conceptualized as a whole – multiplicity not being a whole; d) characterization of all the indicated participants – no information on completeness; e) quantitative component as a gradable – not-gradable trait; f) doing something – lack of action.
Artykuł poświęcony jest polskim przysłówkom wprowadzającym ilościową charakterystykę uczestników danego zdarzenia, to znaczy z jednej strony jednostkom takim jak: pojedynczo, jednoosobowo, indywidualnie, solo, solowo z drugiej zaś – licznie, tłumnie, masowo, gromadnie, stadnie, grupowo, gremialnie, kolektywnie, kolegialnie, zespołowo, zbiorowo, chóralnie. Autorka wyróżnia i krótko omawiapodstawowe opozycje, które organizują ten podsystem znaczeń. Opozycje te są następujące: a) jeden – więcej niż jeden; b) osoba – inny organizm – coś; c) wielość ujmowana jako całość – wielość niebędąca całością; d) objęcie charakterystyką wszystkich partycypantów – brak informacji o tego rodzaju kompletności; e) komponent ilościowy jako własność stopniowalna – jako własność niestopniowalna; f) działanie – brak działania.
The article concerns the issue of intensification in Polish and Slovak reviews of Pavol Rankov’s prose. The review, as a form accompanying the main text, is treated as paratext. The linguistic category of intensification can be expressed in the text by the variety of linguistic means: derivational, morphological, lexical, and stylistic. These structures, with the collateral “intensifiers”, were cited and analysed in this study. The main role of intensification is to attract the language users’ attention to the part of a phrase. it can be obtained by a variety of linguistic means. There should be a distinction between exponents of intensity (in context) and the function of intensifiers (in narrow view). That is why there is an important methodological new proposal to isolate intensifiers as the other part of speech in the contemporary Polish. intensifier is a modifier, which converts the meaning of another lexical unit by giving it more power, force, in contrast to the (wider) exponent of intensity, which can be a derivational, morphological, lexical, phraseological or syntactic and stylistic phenomenon. in the Slovak linguistics, the intensification of properties (for adjectives) is next to deminutiveness, one of the clearest and most diversified, according to expressiveness, onomasiological categories.
Príspevok sa zameriava na lingvistickú kategóriu intenzívností v recenziách prozy Pavla Rankova v Poľsku a na Slovensku. Recenzia, ako forma sprevádzajúci hlavný text, je považovaná za paratext. jazyková kategória intenzity môže byť vyjadrená v texte s rôznymi jazykovými prostriedkami: slovotvornými, morfologickými, lexikálnymi a štylistickými, ktoré boli citované a analyzované v štúdii. intenzifikácia obsahu je upútaním pozorností odoberateľa na určenú časť frázy, čo je možné získať pomocou rozličných prostriedkov. Sú medzi nimi prostriedky intenzifikácie (v širsšom zmysle) a fungovanie intenzifikátorov (v užšom zmysle). Pre uvedenú analýzu je metodologicky dôležité vyčleniť osobitný druh intenzifikátorov, ktorý je v poľskej klasifikácii považovaný za nový slovný druh. intenzifikátor (zosilňovač) je modifikátorom, ktorý mení význam lexikalnej jednotky tým, že jej pridáva moc, silu na rozdiel od prostriedkov intenzifikácie, ktorými sú slovotvorné, morfologické, lexikálne, frazeologické, syntaktické a štylistické javy. v slovenskej lingvistike sa intenzifikácia vlastností (prídavných mien) z hľadiska expresívnosti javi, popri deminutívnosti, ako jedná z najvýraznejších a najdiferencovanejších onomaziologických kategórií.
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