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This paper explores young children’s and parents’ use of color words and animal names in two published studies. The aim is to compare the ranges and kinds of these words in parentchild interaction and to consider the implications of these findings for our understanding of early lexical development. Color term data were drawn from the Gleason corpus in CHILDES: 12 boys and 12 girls ranging in age from 25-62 months, and their parents. Results showed that parents used and emphasized only the same 10 most basic colors, with many teaching episodes. Parents’ most frequent terms, red, blue, and green were also children’s most frequent terms and are the ones acquired earliest according to MacArthur Bates lexical norms. In the second study CLAN programs were used to identify animal names in corpora from a variety of families in CHILDES, with 44 children ranging in age from 1;6-6;2. Children and parents produced a remarkable number and range of animal terms, with individual preschoolers naming as many as 96 different, often rare, animals, such as crocodile and pelican. Parents and children thus attend to the same limited set of basic color terms. By contrast, biophilia, our shared human love of the living world is reflected in children’s extensive animal lexicon.
The subject of the analysis is the category of the inclusion as a process that does not only apply to people with special developmental or life needs, but also to social sciences, which as a result of the positivist research paradigm have divided and separated from each other. Meanwhile, human upbringing requires the inclusion of biophilic orientation towards life in all social sciences, whose achievements should be considered and applied to improve educational processes. The Author borrows inspiration from the typology of human attitudes of Eric Fromm, because it makes readers aware of the negative effects of necrophilia in interpersonal relationships. The Author analyses Fromm’s approach against the background of selected ideas of Polish pedagogical views.
The experience of animality, common denominator of human and nonhuman animal life, is the core concern of Animal Studies. An interdisciplinary project whose methodological spectrum embraces both experiential and observational ways of knowing, Animal Studies poses both moral and scientific questions and pursues both academic and activist goals. By training multiperspectival attention upon the experience of animality, Animal Studies can and does cultivate what environmental philosopher Arne Naess first theorized as “deep ecology.” Sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson hypothesizes a biological capacity for deep ecological thinking, an aesthetic and affective responsiveness to nature that he calls “biophilia.” By allying biophilia with biology, Animal Studies can focus the power of both naturalism and natural science upon today’s looming environmental threats to animality in its many earthly forms, including our own.
Edward Osborne Wilson formulated the biophilia hypothesis according to which biophilia is a tendency to focus on life and life-like processes. The status of this hypothesis is controversial among the natural, social and environmental sciences as well as in environmental ethics. On the methodological level, among other things, the charge of non-falsifiability is made; ecological ethicists criticize the hypothesis for its anthropocentric implications. In this article, we propose a philosophical interpretation of biophilia as a form of biomorphism, according to which the concept of substantive being, values and norms of morality are based on the paradigm of living being.
Edward Osborne Wilson sformułował hipotezę biofilii, według której biofilia jest tendencją do skupiania się na życiu i procesach podobnych do życia. Status tej hipotezy jest kontrowersyjny zarówno w naukach przyrodniczych, społecznych i środowiskowych, jak i w etyce ekologicznej. Na płaszczyźnie metodologicznej stawiany jest m.in. zarzut niefalsyfikowalności; etycy ekologiczni krytykują hipotezę za jej antropocentryczne implikacje. W artykule proponujemy filozoficzną interpretację biofilii jako formy biomorfizmu, według którego pojęcie bytu substancjalnego, wartości i normy moralności jest oparte na paradygmacie bytu żywego. 
The article is a continuation of a series presenting the results of scientific and artistic research on the reading of spaces perceived in nature. The theoretical considerations expounded in the previous issues have been transferred to creative activities: interior design incorporating the principles of biophilia, which resulted from the application of three methods of intertextual interpretation of nature: imitation of the form (alluding to the external appearance), mimicking of the principle of operation, and negation (alluding to immanent features of the object of inspiration and undermining them at the same time). A design path encompassing various artistic means is presented. The spaces found in the landscape are installations that can become the basis for the design of residential and utility interior architecture.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację serii prezentującej efekty badań naukowo-artystycznych dotyczących odczytywania przestrzeni dostrzeżonych w naturze. Teoretyczne rozważania przedstawione w poprzednich numerach zostały przeniesione na działania twórcze – projekty architektury wnętrz wcielające zasady biofilii, które powstały w wyniku zastosowania trzech metod intertekstualnej interpretacji natury: naśladowania formy (nawiązania do wyglądu zewnętrznego), naśladowania zasady działania oraz zaprzeczenia (jednoczesnego nawiązania i podważenia cech immanentnych obiektowi inspiracji). Zaprezentowana została droga projektowa uwzględniająca różne środki artystyczne. Przestrzenie odnalezione w krajobrazie stanowią instalacje, które mogą stać się podstawą projektu architektury wnętrza mieszkalnego, jak również użytkowego.
The phenomenon of using psychoanalysis in the study of literature has its roots as far as the beginning of the 20th century, when actual results of studies on psychiatric patients were first used as the key to understand the meaning of literary works. In this manner, Erich Fromm, the German psychiatrist whose theories on necrophilia and biophilia are the basis for this article, employed the psychoanalytic method to analyze works of literature. Inspired by Fromm’s conclusions, the author of the article proves that 19th century Russian literature is an adequate source for presenting Fromm’s theories applied to a fictional world. Considering the notions of necrophilia and biophilia as a suitable basis for interpretation, the author comes to a conclusion that the main character of Vladimir Odoyevsky’s Fairy Tale of a Dead Body that Belonged to Nobody Knows Whom, may be a valid epitome of Fromm’s notion of necrophilia, as well as the main character in Aleksey Tolstoy’s The Family of the Vourdalak, may be an example of a person with an inclination towards biophilia or at least a mixed tendency. The psychoanalytic exegesis of these works is a notable extension to the studies of that particular period in Russian literature.
The COVID-19 virus, which took over the year 2020, introduced significant changes in people's behaviour, and thus has had and still has an impact on the shaping and reception of space. The ubiquitous plexiglass partitions, social distance determined by the range of infectious particles and the prohibition of meetings were the main factors of isolation leading sometimes to social phobia. On the other hand, enforced retreat had its advantages, such as slowing down life and strengthening ties among loved ones. It is difficult to talk about the post-COVID era today, when the virus continues to control the lives of millions and there is no end in sight. However, the impact of the pandemic on human space - especially the closest one - present and future (post-Covid) - is already visible. It is related to the dissonance that has arisen between the quality of space and the conflicting emotions and needs of isolated people, such as fear of people and the need for contact, digitization of relationships and the need for intimacy, the need for open space and privacy. This discrepancy prompts interior designers to revise their current approach to designing residential space (currently overused) and to search for new design paths. One of such paths will be described, including the original choice of space features, corresponding to the needs of a modern user. The article was written as part of the research task "Found in the landscape - inconspicuous / desired - imagined spaces".  
Artykuł napisany w ramach zadania badawczego „Odnalezione w krajobrazie – niepozorne / upragnione – przestrzenie wyobrażone” dotyczy przestrzeni mieszkalnej, na którą największy wpływ miała pandemia COVID-19. Scharakteryzowane w nim zostały negatywne skutki zamknięcia i izolacji, dla których rozwiązaniem może być projektowanie biofiliczne. Ukazane zostały podobieństwa pomiędzy wzorcami biofilii a nastawioną na kontakt z przyrodą estetyką japońską. Podane zostały przykłady architektury pozytywnie oddziałującej na użytkownika dzięki związkom z naturą. Problem ten został zbadany na podstawie publikacji naukowych oraz analizy projektów, w tym także studyjnych.
Forum Pedagogiczne
vol. 12
issue 2
Humanities and social sciences have long been insensitive to plants, failing to see their importance and value in our lives, which is sometimes referred to as plant blindness. Due to the fact that the subtle life of plants takes place beyond human perception, it usually remains invisible and therefore absent from our consciousness. Perceiving plants as devoid of movement places them on the lowest levels of being. They gain their visibility only when they appear in the human world as a source of food, medicine, building material or decoration. The aim of the article was to draw attention to cultural practices related to plants, but also to our relationship with them, allowing us to see our interspecies relationship. The article draws attention to the need to expand on plant studies. In order to meet this challenge, it tries to rehabilitate the long-term absence of plants in the humanistic discourse, freeing them from anthropocentric isolation. The article is a metatheoretical and metadisciplinary dissertation, drawing on the achievements of plant studies in the field of cultural studies, sociology and philosophy. The text introduces the issues of plant studies, trying to determine their scope and purpose. The author draws attention to the multidimensionality of the plant studies trend, which functions as an area of humanities research, but also as a social practice, redefining the understanding of what is human and non-human. The article postulates building relationships with plants in the ontology of weak thought, with full respect for the vagueness and ambiguity of plant life.
Humanistyka i nauki społeczne długo były niewrażliwe na rośliny, nie dostrzegając ich znaczenia i wartości w naszym życiu, co bywa określane mianem ślepoty na rośliny. W związku z tym, iż subtelne życie roślin rozgrywa się poza ludzką percepcją, zwykle pozostaje ono niedostrzegalne i tym samym nieobecne w naszej świadomości. Postrzeganie roślin jako pozbawionych ruchu lokuje je na najniższych poziomach bytów. Swoją widzialność zyskują one dopiero wtedy, gdy w świecie człowieka pojawiają się jako źródło pokarmu, lek, materiał budowlany, czy dekoracja. Celem artykułu było zwrócenie uwagi na praktyki kulturowe związane z roślinami, nasze relacjami z nimi, aby dostrzec międzygatunkową zależność oraz co nie mniej istotne, konieczność rozwijania studiów nad roślinami. Wychodząc naprzeciw temu wyzwaniu, tekst ten stara się zrehabilitować długoterminową nieobecność roślin w dyskursie humanistycznym, uwalniając je od antropocentrycznej izolacji. Artykuł stanowi rozprawę o charakterze metateoretycznym i metadyscyplinarnym, i czerpie z dorobku plant studies w obrębie kulturoznawstwa, socjologii oraz filozofii. Tekst wprowadza w problematykę plant studies, próbując ustalić ich zakres i cel, ale także zwraca uwagę na wielowymiarowość nurtu plant studies, który funkcjonuje jako obszar badań humanistycznych oraz praktyka społeczna, redefiniująca rozumienie tego, co ludzkie i pozaludzkie. Artykuł postuluje budowanie relacji z roślinami w ontologii myśli słabej, z pełnym poszanowaniem niewyraźności i niejednoznaczności roślinnego życia.
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