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This article discusses the importance of hosting the LvivMozArt Festival in Lviv (Ukraine). It is shown how within the short period of its existence (three years) the festival has tended to develop rapidly and received meaningful sponsorship. Attention is focused on its art director and founder, conductor Oksana Lyniv, who has set herself the goal of organizing a classic festival with non-standard formats, but with a high-quality performance of classical music. It is noted that a distinctive feature of the LvivMozArt festival is the combination of different formats: live art performance, academic symposium, chamber and symphony concerts, and opera. This article analyzes the literary bias of the academic symposium entitled “Literary Impressions in Music”, which was attended by prominent scholars from Ukraine, Austria, Germany and Poland. It is argued that the biggest event of the festival was its opening. The concert was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Austrian writer Joseph Roth and the memory of the Holocaust victims.
The article discusses the autobiographical work of Artur Rubinstein entitled My Many Years. The author of the article is interested in how the virtuoso pianist writes about music and his inspiring performances. On the one hand, Rubinstein defends the right to a certain freedom in realizing the score, the other hand, he is ashamed to admit ignoring the role of practising the piano. The author of the article treats the pianist’s declarations as a kind of autocreation literary game.
The Author addresses the problem of reviewing classical music in daily press (based on the example of “Gazeta Wyborcza”), paying attention to such problems as the editor’s requirements, the character of the reviews, as well as the various problems and limitations with which a journalist can be faced.
The paper presents a variety of synesthetic metaphors used by musical critics. The metaphors were retrieved from musical critical texts written in Russian, which described classical music events. The basis of division are human senses: hearing, touch, sight and taste. Metaphors are divided into two main groups: intermodal and singlemodal ones. The most representative type turned out to be synesthetic metaphors referring to the sense of touch.
The paper is an attempt to present the ways of verbalization of emotions in Russian critical texts. The material shows examples of verbalization in two aspects of analysis: in first part the material has been divided into five groups and focused on the grammatical characteristics of the examples, in second part the author of the article attempts to compare the descriptions of emotions written in music score with examples of verbalization used in critical texts on music. The studied material shows a variety of ways of verbalization of emotions in analyzed texts
The author analyses commentaries on classical music in the Polish media. She indicates that this kind of journalism appears rarely in the broad-range press, on the radio and on television, but that it plays an important role in culture and music press. As far as the broadcast media are concerned, it appears mainly in the public media. The author analy-ses selected press titles, their genres and content. She observes that the functions of press are more and more often adopted by the Internet (the Internet fora or musical blogs). The restricted number of commentary genres is transparent in press articles, while reviews and interviews are most frequent. The authors of these texts are often inexperienced and lack appropriate education. One of the reasons of the limitations of the music commen-tary is that the articles and programmes seem interesting only to a small group of receiv-ers, and the senders are subject to conditions of the free market and conform to the most common tastes. Therefore, when analysing this issue, the receiver’s perspective seems very important. Media interest in music commentary depends on the receivers’ cultural activity, and this activity depends on the level of general education and music culture in the country. Polish music tradition is much weaker than in many other countries, such as Germany. The abandonment of musical commentary would be unfavourable, because such journalism plays many important functions, such as culture- and opinion-making functions.
In the article the features of psycho-emotional state while listening to music. Art of Music is a specific generator is a specific value attitude to the environment that enhances the knowledge of the artistic picture of the world through the transfer of various moods, activates the scope of their own feelings and psychic states of man and can be used as an effective means of self-regulation. During the course of the research was implementation the methodology of Luscher color test. To characterize the impact on the livelihoods of adolescents during the music listening and their emotional sphere was developed a special questioners. Found that in adolescence teens are prefer pop music (43,48 %), the second highest of priority - rock (15,22 %), in third - rap (10,87 %), fourth place is occupied completely opposite in style - classical and electronic music (by 8,7 % of respondents). During the sound of modern music in 84,78 % of cases there is improvement in mood, a sense of excitement, offensive tendencies, high activity, the need to act and achieve success. Listen to classical music evokes a feeling of confidence, perseverance, high efficiency, quietude (58,71 %) and musical «chills» (23,91 %). Music helps to overcome and reduce the discomfort provided negative emotional states for 60,87 % of the surveyed teenagers. Wherein the priority given to classical music (21,74 %), rock music (19,57 %), pop music (17,39 %), rarely used chanson (4,35 %), disco (4,35 %) and country (2,17 %). In contrast to the conventional relaxing influence of music therapy on human organism (with using separate music of classic style), adolescents responded that they reach a state of relaxation by listening to rock music - style (73,91 %) and pop-music (8,7 %). Thus, listening music can be used for correcting the emotional states and emotional response to certain music and aesthetic education of pupils, adaptation of organism to specific, sometimes unusual conditions day to day operations, ensuring adequate physiological formation of the organism. Prospects for further scientific studies should be study the formation of musical tastes as a teenager with the level of anxiety, such as temperament training for several years.
The first part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the 19th-century Polish music theory whose main focus was to study the relationship between text and music in vocal composition, especially from the perspective of the music features of the language and poetic works. Among analysed authors the central place is occupied by two discourses of Józef Elsner, and also the writings of Karol Kurpiński, Jan Jarmusiewicz, Franciszek Mirecki, Józef Sikorski and Władysław Wiślicki. Their goals are threefold: to define the musical characteristics of Polish language, to demonstrate the metrical possibilities of Polish poetry and to establish rules for proper linking text with music. The most im-portant criteria for the proper construction of the vocal work compiled on this basis are included in the second part of the article. They are then used to the analysis of 10 songs of Mieczysław Karłowicz (based on the poetry of Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer). This allows to see some regularity, both in the application of the rules and derogations from them, proving the suitability of this research method and shedding new light on creative process of Karłowicz and Tetmajer.
The article is devoted to participatory musical works created in collaboration with the pub-lic. Listeners act as a composer’s creative partners – co-authors and performers. Comparative analysis of different interpretations of the concepts of “musical participation” and “partici-patory music” allows us to highlight the key characteristics of this phenomenon. In addition, the author believes that it is important to substantiate the legitimacy of using the term “partici-patory art” outside of any specific genre, stylistic, or time frames.The study of participatory works leads to understanding of the various tasks that are achie-ved in the process of collective creation. The interaction between the composer and the audien-ce strengthens interpersonal relationships. Listeners are meant to receive a role through which they could show their individuality most clearly; and this condition stimulates the search for new expressive means. As a result, peculiar genre forms emerge. At the same time, listeners comprehend the inner logic of musical art themselves.It is noted that composers retain the traditional genre classification, not deeming it ne-cessary to emphasize audience participation. However, compositions with the participation of the public are becoming a noticeable phenomenon of modern musical life. This generates a pressing challenge – to establish the correspondence of the techniques used in working with the audience to the artistic concept, and to propose a typology of participatory works. Some compositions emerge as an artistic experiment. Others are part of educational projects. Some works are aimed at studying the benefits of cooperation between the composer and the public. Along with the practices considered in the article, there are a number of prospective opportuni-ties that can ensure the fruitful involvement of the public in the creative process. All this allows us to hope that participatory musical art will enjoy further successful development
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Czy umiemy słuchać – typologia odbiorców muzyki

Nowadays, it is quite easy to hear music without listening to it. Listening to music is often treated merely as a method of consolation, or an escape from the realities of life. My paper contains an analysis of listeners’ reactions to classical music. I further make an attempt to describe some distinctive features of different groups of listeners i.e. laymen, music lovers and professional musicians. Is it possible to improve our comprehension of musical material? Regardless of whether we listen to the music by Chopin or free-jazz, we can deepen our understanding by becoming more conscious of the listening process and its component parts. In the article I also make some references to such authors as Adorno, Behne, Copland, Wallis who have discussed listeners’ approaches to music and perceptual abilities of music enthusiasts.
vol. 105
In the global classical music industry, Japanese musicians experience inequalities implied by ethnicity and race, based on the belief that the ability to practice ‘authentic’ classical music is, in a way, genetically determined. In the racialized discourse of ‘authenticity’ in classical music correct interpretation of classical compositions is associated with an essentialized concept of Western heritage, where it is rooted. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how this discourse along with the ethnic and racial inequalities, which structure classical music sector, shape transnational career paths among Japanese musicians. Heretofore, international mobility in artistic profession has been understudied in the literature on transnationality and migration. The existing research analyzes mobility among classical musicians either in terms of the cosmopolitan careers of established artists or as a precarious journey of freelancers moving between international music milieus in search of work. Based on the extensive empirical material collected in three locations: Paris, Warsaw and Tokyo, this article analyzes the experiences of professional mobility among Japanese classical musicians operating between native and European musical environments. The analysis homes in on the elements that drive and limit transnational mobility. Furthermore, I will show how Japanese classical musicians strive to continue their transnational artistic endeavors by developing ‘cosmopolitan sociability’ in order to overcome barriers related to the labor market as well as restrictive migration policies.
W globalnym podziale pracy twórczej muzycy japońscy doświadczają nierówności implikowanych przez przynależność etniczno-rasową, wynikającą z przekonania, że zdolność uprawiania autentycznej muzyki klasycznej jest poniekąd genetycznie uwarunkowana. Zgodnie z urasowionym dyskursem zakorzenione w „kulturze zachodniej” klasyczne kompozycje mogą być poprawnie zinterpretowane jedynie przez wykonawców urodzonych i wychowanych w Europie. W literaturze dotyczącej transnarodowości i migracji brakuje studiów analizujących uwarunkowania międzynarodowej mobilności w zawodach artystycznych. Temat mobilności artystycznej napędzanej strukturami nierówności etniczno-rasowych strukturyzujących sektor muzyki klasycznej nie został także podjęty przez badaczy przemysłów kreatywnych/kulturalnych. Celem tego artykułu jest wypełnienie tej luki.  Opierając się na bogatym materiale empirycznym zebranym w trzech lokalizacjach: w Paryżu, Warszawie i Tokio, artykuł ten analizuje doświadczenia zawodowej mobilności wśród japońskich muzyków klasycznych funkcjonujących pomiędzy rodzimymi i europejskimi środowiskami muzycznymi. Analiza koncentruje się z jednej strony na elementach, które napędzają transnarodową mobilność i jednocześnie ją ograniczają. Z drugiej strony pokażę, w jaki sposób japońscy muzycy klasyczni, budując kosmopolityczne więzi koleżeńskie, pokonują bariery związane z rynkiem pracy i restrykcyjnymi politykami migracyjnymi, aby móc kontynuować swoje transnarodowe przedsięwzięcia artystyczne.
W kulturze zdominowanej przez muzykę popularną – lekką, rozrywkową – muzyka poważna musi walczyć o zasłużone miejsce w świadomości społecznej. Do tego celu jej twórcy i propagatorzy wykorzystują przede wszystkim media audiowizualne – radio, telewizję, Internet. Z ich pomocą muzyka poważna przenika do naszego codziennego życia, staje się muzyką „na co dzień”, bardziej dostępna dla szerokiej publiczności. W społeczeństwie istnieje opinia, że główną różnicą między tymi dwiema dziedzinami jest pełniona przez nie funkcja, mianowicie: użytkowy, rozrywkowy charakter i prostota formy muzyki popularnej oraz profesjonalność i skomplikowana forma muzyki poważnej. To przekonanie mija się jednak z prawdą, ponieważ żadna z powyższych cech nie może charakteryzować wyłącznie jednego rodzaju muzyki. Jednocześnie widoczne są powiązania między tymi dwoma rodzajami muzyki – strukturalne i funkcjonalne, a także rosnące zainteresowanie samej kultury popularnej muzyką poważną, które przejawia się m.in. w takich formach, jak talent show.
In culture dominated by pop music – light and entertaining, classical music must fight for a position it rightly deserves in social awareness. For this purpose, its creators and supporters take advantage of audiovisual media, i.e. radio, television or the Internet. With their aid, classical music gets into our everyday life as an „everyday music”, becoming more available for the broad public. The popular opinion is that the main difference between these two forms of artistic creation lies in the function they fulfill, namely: usage, entertainment and simplicity of pop music versus professionalism and complexity of classical music. This opinion however does not seem true, as none of the features mentioned above characterizes only one type of music. At the same time, some structural and functional relationships are visible between these two types as well as a growing interest on the part of culture itself in classical music, which is reflected in, inter alia, such forms as talent shows.
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje typy epitetów charakterystycznych dla recenzji muzycznych, obfitujących w środki wyrazu artystycznego. Z rosyjskojęzycznych tekstów krytyki muzycznej wyodrębnione zostały epitety z semantyką oceny, epitety z semantyką uczuć, epitety odnoszące się do dźwięku i jego właściwości, epitety utworzone od nazwisk kompozytorów i dyrygentów, a także epitety będące nazwami utworów muzycznych. Z przedstawionych przykładów wynika, że gatunek recenzji muzycznej cechuje użycie epitetów autorskich, indywidualnych, nierzadko odwołujących się do metafory, a także o różnorodnym pochodzeniu w zakresie części mowy.
The article presents the types of epithets characteristic of music reviews, which are rich in means of artistic expression. Epithets with the meaning of evaluation, epithets which denote feelings, epithets referring to sound and its properties, epithets derived from the names of composers and conductors, as well as epithets that are the names of musical works have been retrieved from Russian-language texts of music criticism.
The primary goal of this essay is to describe the connections between intercultural pedagogical theory and its practical applications in music education. The author stresses the significance of this particular field of education and its impact on young people. When anchored in a variety of cultures, musical phenomena provide a unique opportunity to initiate students into a world in which the beauty and aesthetic values of the other are experienced and reflected upon. At the same time, they encourage students to engage in a dialogue with the other through non-verbal channels of communication. Intercultural music education usually follows two conceptual models: one centered on activities, such as singing, dance, and playing musical instruments, and the other, focusing on the listening experience to world music. Praktyczne zastosowania teorii pedagogiki... 29 Intercultural music education is typically pursued using folk music as the most primeval form of human activity. Folk music is also used as an inspiration for musical stylization. It must be emphasized that composers often used this source of inspiration to create outstanding musical works. Sacred music provides a unique means to engage with the spiritual sphere inherent in other cultures. This particular form helps to discover aesthetic qualities in music and explore the depths of religious experience in other people, as well as the space of their religion-driven existential pursuits that are exemplified in music.
Článek se zabývá zhudebněním poezie českého básníka Bohuslava Reynka (31.5.1892 Petrkov – 28.9.1971 Petrkov) v průběhu minulých asi třiceti let. Zhudebnění se ujala celá řada českých hudebních skupin a interpretů z různých žánrových oblastí populární hudby, ale Reynkovy básně byly zhudebněny také skladateli vážné hudby. V oblasti populární hudby to byly skupiny a interpreti české folkové, folkově-křesťanské, folkově-alternativní, rockové, rockově-alternativní, punkové, undergroundové, jazzové, jazzově-alternativní hudby. Reynkova poezie sice vychází z inspirace expresionismem, neboť Reynek sám překládal expresionistické básníky (zejména Georga Trakla), přesto je výrazně hudební a podle názoru četných hudebníků ke zhudebnění přímo vybízí svým výrazným rytmem, skrytou melodičností, avšak je zajímavá také tematicky (mj. četné biblické a křesťanské inspirace) nebo svou lyrickou atmosférou často ovlivněnou podzimním a zimním obdobím kalendářního roku. Bohuslav Reynek patří k velmi často zhudebňovaným českým básníkům, přesto, že po roce 1948 byl v totalitním režimu jako spisovatel umlčován a musel být koncem 60., ale zejména začátkem 90. let minulého století znovu objeven. Zhudebnění se dočkaly také básně Reynkovy francouzské manželky, básnířky a překladatelky české poezie do francouzštiny Suzanne Renaud (1889 Lyon, Francie – 1964 Havlíčkův Brod) v českém překladu. Přínos našeho článku spočívá nejen v komplexnosti zpracování zhudebnění Reynkova díla některým skladatelem, ale také ve zjištění, co obrátilo pozornost jednotlivých skladatelů právě k Reynkově poezii.
The article deals with the musical poetry of the Czech poet Bohuslav Reynek (31 May 1892, Petrkov – 28 September 1971, Petrkov) and its reception by musicians over the last the last three or nearly four decades. Not only numerous Czech musicians from various areas of popular music but also classical composers have turned Reynek’s poetry into music. As far as pop musicians are concerned, they come from the Czech folk, Christian-folk, alternative-folk, rock, indie-rock, punk, underground, jazz and alternative-jazz scenes. Although Reynek’s poetry draws inspiration from expressionism – Reynek himself used to translate expressionist poets (mainly Georg Trakl) – it is also very musical, and many musicians claim that it directly asks to be turned into music via its prominent rhythms and hidden melodies, its interesting themes (i.e. frequent biblical and Christian inspirations), or its lyrical atmosphere, often influenced by the autumn and winter seasons. Bohuslav Reynek is one of the Czech poets who are often set to music even though he was silenced as a writer after 1948 and had to be rediscovered in the late 1960s and – mainly – the early 1990s. The translations of the poems by Reynek’s wife Suzanne Renaud (1889 Lyon, France – 1964 Havlíčkův Brod), a poet and translator of Czech poetry into French, have also been set to music. This article’s main merit lies not only in highlighting the complexity of the musical
Artykuł dotyczy muzycznej poezji czeskiego poety Bohuslava Reyneka (31.05.1892, Petrkov – 28.09.1971, Petrkov) i jej recepcji przez muzyków w ciągu ostatnich trzech lub nawet blisko czterech dekad. Nie tylko liczni muzycy czescy z różnych obszarów muzyki popularnej, ale także kompozytorzy muzyki poważnej przekładali poezję Reyneka na muzykę. Jeśli chodzi o wykonawców muzyki popularnej, to pochodzą oni z takich dziedzin jak czeska muzyka ludowa, chrześcijańska muzyka folkowa, alternatywny folk, rock, indie-rock [rock niezależny], punk, underground, jazz i jazz alternatywny. Chociaż poezja Reyneka inspirowana jest ekspresjonizmem – sam Reynek tłumaczył poezję ekspresjonistyczną (głównie Georga Trakla) – ma ona wiele cech wspólnych z muzyką i wielu muzyków uważa, że po prostu sama prosi się o przełożenie jej na muzykę, ze względu na wyraźne rytmy i ukryte melodie, interesujące tematy (np. częste inspiracje biblijne i chrześcijańskie), lub ze względu na jej liryczną atmosferę, często tworzoną w poezji przez wpływ takich pór roku jak jesień lub zima. Bohuslav Reynek jest jednym z czeskich poetów, których wiersze są często zamieniane na słowa do muzyki, chociaż jako poeta nie był słyszany po 1948 roku i musiał być odkryty na nowo w późnych latach sześćdziesiątych, a głównie na początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych. Tłumaczenia poezji Reyneka przez jego żonę Suzanne Renard (ur. 1889 Lyon, Francja – zm. 1964 Havlíčkův Brod), poetkę i tłumaczkę czeskiej poezji na francuski, zostały także przystosowane do [potrzeb] muzyki. Główna wartość tego artykułu wiąże się nie tylko z ukazaniem złożoności interpretacji muzycznej utworów Reyneka przez poszczególnych kompozytorów, ale także w odnalezieniu i nazwaniu tego, dzięki czemu poezja Reyneka przykuła uwagę tych kompozytorów.
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