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Investigation of the thermal properties of the black holes by the quantum statistical mechanics has implied that matter cannot be divided to infinity because the number of independent parameters completely describing a subject of a limited volume is finite.
W artykule badamy sprawność algorytmu wybierania zmiennych w analizie skupień opartego na entropii (por. Dash, Liu, 2000). Ocena oparta jest na eksperymencie, w którym zbiory generowane są w postaci mieszanin rozkładów normalnych. Wyniki wskazują na to. że metoda nie radzi sobie tak dobrze jak to sugerowali Autorzy.
In the article the emergence of notions: energy and entropy is studied. New physical discoveries were interesting for the domain of natural theology as well. The evolution of the notions in physics makes sometimes too simplistic expectations for philosophy of scientists. As an example Ostwald's energetism is given, where even ethics had its energetic imperative. On the other hand Fourier's type of philosophical elements in science is shown where fundamental role of mathematics is presupposed.
Oeconomia Copernicana
vol. 10
issue 1
Research background: The value of the property can be determined on an individual or mass basis. There are a number of situations in which uniform and relatively fast results obtained by means of mass valuation undoubtedly outweigh the advantages of the individual approach. In literature and practice there are a number of different types of models of mass valuation of real estate. For some of them it is postulated or required to group the valued properties into homogeneous subset due to various criteria. One such model is Szczecin Algorithm of Real Estate Mass Appraisal (SAREMA). When using this algorithm, the area to be valued should be divided into the so-called location attractiveness areas (LAZ). Such division can be made in many ways. Regardless of the method of clustering, its result should be assessed, depending on the degree of implementation of the adopted criterion of division quality. A better division of real estate will translate into more accurate valuation results. Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to present an application of hierarchical clustering with a spatial constraints algorithm for the creation of LAZ. This method requires the specification of spatial weight matrix to carry out the clustering process. Due to the fact that such a matrix can be specified in a number of ways, the impact of the proposed types of matrices on the clustering process will be described. A modified measure of information entropy will be used to assess the clustering results. Methods: The article utilises the algorithm of agglomerative clustering, which takes into account spatial constraints, which is particularly important in the context of real estate valuation. Homogeneity of clusters will be determined with the means of information entropy. Findings & Value added: The main achievements of the study will be to assess whether the type of the distance matrix has a significant impact on the clustering of properties under valuation.
A framework has been developed for determining the subsidy that, in the long run, serves to equalize the per capita income shares across income classes. The framework characterizes the income dynamics by the Markov process and uses the principle of maximum entropy for selecting among alternative subsidy schemes. The study provides a means to forecast the per capita income shares at any instant of time and serves as an objective tool to decide on the appropriate level of subsidy.
This paper analyzes the concept of entropy, as understood by both the weak sustainability and strong sustainability scholars. In seeking an answer to why such an apparently rigid concept cannot be used to falsify either paradigm, we make use of recent developments in Physics, in order to further substantiate the statistical nature of both the concept of entropy, and of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We conclude that the probabilistic nature of the concept of entropy forbids the theoretical falsification of either paradigm, and designate this situation as the ‘entropy paradox’.
Time is absolute in standard quantum theory and dynamical in general relativity. The combination of both theories into a theory of quantum gravity leads therefore to a “problem of time”. In my essay, I investigate those consequences for the concept of time that may be drawn without a detailed knowledge of quantum gravity. The only assumptions are the experimentally supported universality of the linear structure of quantum theory and the recovery of general relativity in the classical limit. Among the consequences are the fundamental timelessness of quantum gravity, the approximate nature of a semiclassical time, and the correlation of entropy with the size of the Universe.
The aim of the paper was to discuss the accuracy of the multiple indexes used for random sequences generation results calculation. In the first part of the paper the models explaining deviations from randomness were presented. The key role of the structural limitations interpretation was suggested. Secondly, the multiple indexes of the deviation from randomness used in random sequence generation task studies were presented. The authors concluded that too many indexes are used in the studies of deviation from randomness. In order to avoid such problems two indexes were proposed: entropy and correlation function. The last part of the paper presents the preliminary version of the mathematical of random sequences generation in which the limited capacity of the short-term memory assumption was introduce.
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Entropia w teorii wartości

Teoria informacji stanowi bogate źródło metod i narzędzi wykorzystywanych w różnych dziedzinach wiedzy. Przedstawione w niniejszym artykule przykłady zastosowania funkcji entropii w teorii wartości stanowią próbę wzbogacenia arsenału badawczego ekonomii o nowe narzędzia.
Modern concepts of education are increasingly focused on e-learning and distance learning. Expectations from them are at least the same efficiency, but also results higher than those obtained by the traditional education system. In distance learning systems the modules of assistants (tutors, helpers) are very important. They provide immediate feedback both to the student and the distance learning system. Tracking and recognizing emotions in distance learning systems is of great importance, especially in the adaptive capacity of automated education systems towards the student, but also in a corrective role in the distance learning process itself. Here we present a model for evaluating students based on automatic recognition of emotions during task solving.
Classification trees included in SQL Server 2008R2 Analysis Services package have been used to classify Polish households based on their incomes. The analysis has been performed by means of the three algorithms and their effectiveness has been measured. Using the best algorithm a groups of households with the lowest and the largest incomes have been distinguished. The most important attributes describing households with the lowest and the largest incomes were identified and discussed.
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Information and physics

This is an overview article that contains the discussion of the connection between information and physics at the elementary level. We present a derivation of Lindauer’s bound for heat emission during irreversible logical operation. In this computation the Szilard’s version of Maxwell’s demon paradox is used as a model to design thermodynamic implementation of a single bit of computer memory. Lindauer’s principle also motivates the discussion on the practical and emergent nature of the information. Apart from physics, the principle has implications in philosophy.
Znaczenia informacji w prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej nie potrzeba dziś uzasadniać. Jest jednym z kluczowych czynników sukcesu i podstawowym spoiwem organizacji, tworzy jej kulturę i określa sposoby postępowania. Jest bodźcem i tworzywem procesów decyzyjnych, określających kierunek działania przedsiębiorstwa. Bez informacji nie byłoby możliwe podejmowanie decyzji i realizowanie przez przedsiębiorców (menedżerów) celów przedsiębiorstwa. Studiując obfitą literaturę z zakresu teorii informacji, można zastanawiać się, czy termin informacja używany w praktyce w działalności gospodarczej znaczy to samo, co stosowany w teorii informacji.
There is no need to stress the importance of information in today’s business. It is one of the key factors of success and the basic glue of any company, it creates culture and determines behaviours within it. It is a stimulus and an essence of decision processes that define aim of the company’s existence. It would be impossible to make any decision or to achieve goals set by the entrepreneurs (managers) without relevant information. Studying literature on the information theory brings up a question whether the term ‘information’, which undoubtedly is an essential part of our lives, with its practical use in business, means the same as in the information theory.
This paper is an extended Polish version of the article Emergenz, Spezifizitӓt und Entropie im Lichte der anthropozentrischen Linguistik, originally written in German and submitted for publication in the Germanica Wratislaviensia 144. First, a preliminary model of generating (specialized) knowledge will be proposed, which was built across anthropocentric linguistics, the concept of emergence and selected research in the field of neurobiology. The model is aimed at offering a possible solution to the problem of interdependence between human language skills and knowledge generating. Second, a redefinition of the terms specificity and entropy in the light of the anthropocentric theory of human languages will be outlined. It has to be highlighted that the present considerations are merely a theoretical draft which requires a more solid linguistic, philosophical and neurobiological foundation.
This paper presents the phenomenon of anticipation which is one of the manifestations of linguistic maturity and language user rationality. Anticipation, taking place essentially in implicit structures and based on evolutionary old intuition, improves speech comprehension and increases the efficiency of cognitive processes. The phenomenon in question is presented on the example of foreign language communication, because it is there that the mechanisms governing the formulation of accurate hypotheses about form and content are particularly evident. The first part of the article discusses speech perception, and with it the categorization and selection of an appropriate cognitive schema conditioning accurate anticipation. The second part presents factors that facilitate and hinder the right hypothesis. Finally, conclusions and directions for future research on anticipation are formulated.
Images of decay, both psychological and physical, permeate much of J.G. Ballard’s fiction, creating in effect a unique aesthetic that has acquired the eponymous description “ballardian.” This imagery, stemming from the surrealist tradition, is more than aesthetic affectation; it is, as this article argues, the manifestation of an eschatological theme underlying much of New Wave science fiction. This article also addresses how scientific discourse, especially references to entropy, and surrealist aesthetics intersect in his novels (High-Rise and The Drowned World) to provide a metaphor for Ballard’s frequent use of decay imagery. Though the surrealist component of his imagination has been well documented, what still invites closer scrutiny are the ideological assumptions linking Ballard’s incorporation of surrealism with the work of other surrealists and the way Ballard develops this theme for his own purposes.
In works by Zygmunt Haupt, the motif of entropy was a unique moment associating the speculative character of modern scientism with modernist prose. The scientific explanation – physics – is used to interpret the world’s natural and social history. Haupt extends the connotations of the second law of thermodynamics, typically conceptualized in terms of humanities as a pessimistic perspective on the passing of energetic livelihood of life, the human world, civilization. At the beginning of his experience of America, it provided him with both hope and hopelessness. The paper analyzes similarities between Haupt’s and Faulkner’s prose, as well as formal similarities between their worldviews. Writing about the Delta, both authors are interested in the imbalance between nature and civilization, which leads to a crisis of both nature and human society. Entropy turns out to be a paradoxical trace of hope in the growing disorder which may be heralding a new system, and with it – a form of younger entropy. 
Motyw entropii w twórczości Zygmunta Haupta był unikatowym momentem kojarzącym spekulatywność nowoczesnego scjentyzmu z modernistyczną prozą. Wyjaśnienie naukowe – fizyka – posłużyło interpretacji historii naturalnej i społecznej świata. Drugie prawo dynamiki, na ogół rozumiane w humanistycznym ujęciu jako pesymistyczna perspektywa przemijania energetycznej żywotności życia, świata ludzkiego, cywilizacji, u Haupta rozszerzyło swoje konotacje. Ameryka u progu jej doświadczenia przez pisarza niosła przesłanie zarazem nadziei i beznadziei. W artykule sygnalizuję podobieństwa prozy Haupta i Faulknera. I nakładanie się na formalne podobieństwo pokrewieństwa światopoglądowego. Piszących o Delcie Missisipi nowoczesnych prozaików interesuje brak równowagi między naturą i cywilizacją, który prowadzi do kryzysu tak natury, jak i ludzkiego społeczeństwa. Entropia okazuje się tutaj paradoksalnym śladem nadziei we wzrastającym nieporządku, który może zwiastować „pączkowanie” nowego systemu, a wraz z nim formę młodszej entropii.
The paper explores trends in spelling variation as reflected in Early English correspondence (15th–17th c.) on the material of the Corpus of Early English Correspondence (CEEC). Overall change in spelling variation has so far been commented on only in relatively general terms and never on quantitative grounds. There is, of course, no doubt about the general direction of the change (towards greater standardization, though not in a straightforward manner) and its basic characteristics, such as its slower pace in private documents compared to the spelling of professional publications, but the data to support the assertions as well as precise definitions of spelling variation or regularisation have not yet been, to our knowledge, provided. This paper introduces a novel methodology for the quantification of spelling variation and regularity, which allows a more objective assessment of its change and which also makes use of the metadata provided by the CEEC: such as gender, letter authenticity or relationship/kinship between the author and the recipient. The paper explores interactions of such variables from the diachronic perspective using quantified levels of spelling regularity. The measure introduced for this purpose is based on weighted information (Shannon) entropy, as a measure of predictability of spellings of individual functionally defined types, and its calculation is partly based on the morphological tagging of the parsed version of the Corpus.
This paper presents the estimator of the conditional density function of surrogated scalar response variable given a functional random one. We construct a conditional density function by using the available (true) response data and the surrogate data. Then, we build up some asymptotic properties of the constructed estimator in terms of the almost complete convergences. As a result, we compare our estimator with the classical estimator through the Relatif Mean Square Errors (RMSE). Finally, we end this analysis by displaying the superiority of our estimator in terms of prediction when we are lacking complete data.
Opracowanie prezentuje wyniki zastosowania empirycznej miary entropii rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa w celu oceny zawartości informacyjnej danych pochodzących z testu koniunktury Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Miary entropii wyznaczane są dla realizacji i oczekiwań wyrażanych w teście koniunktury, dla wszystkich pytań kwestionariusza kierowanego do przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, w podziale na sektory własnościowe, klasy wielkości oraz sektor działalności wg klasyfikacji PKD. Z przeprowadzonej analizy empirycznej wynika, że zastosowanie miar entropii statystycznej pozwala zróżnicować odpowiedzi respondentów w przekroju badanych zmiennych ekonomicznych (pytań testu koniunktury) oraz wielkości i sektora działalności przedsiębiorstwa. Szczególnie wysoka niepewność związana jest z pytaniami o wielkość produkcji, portfel zamówień ogółem i zamówień eksportowych, a najmniejsza – z pytaniem o ceny. Przedsiębiorstwa małe cechuje szczególnie wysoka niepewność związana z prognozowaniem i oceną bieżącej sytuacji finansowej,a przedsiębiorstwa duże – wysoka zmienność entropii, odzwierciedlająca znaczące wahania rozkładu odpowiedzi z miesiąca na miesiąc.
This paper presents results of application of statistical entropy to evaluate information content of business tendency surveys administered by the Research Institute for Economic Development, Warsaw School of Economics. Measures of entropy, corresponding to changes observed and predicted by the survey respondents, are calculated for all questions included in the monthly industrial survey, taking into account ownership structure, size, and industrial sector in which an enterprise operates. Empirical results lead to conclusion that measures of statistical entropy allow to differentiate responses of industrial enterprises from the point of view of economic variables included in the questionnaire, size and industrial sector. Questions concerning size of production and number of domestic and export orders are associated with the highest uncertainty, and those pertaining to prices – with the lowest uncertainty. High uncertainty of forecasting and evaluating current financial situation is typical for small enterprises; variable entropy, reflecting significant changes in month-to-month distribution of survey answers, is typical for large firms.
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