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issue 3 (75)
In this article, we verify the hypothesis that the creation of new fields of studies at the institutions of higher education is caused by factors other than thorough analysis of the needs demonstrated by employers at the job market. The author analyzes the rules of creating new degrees and the goals of their creation presented by colleges, pointing out in particular to the consequences it bears for financing the institutions of higher education. We demonstrate, through examples, the creativity of colleges and universities in harnessing the legal changes introduced by the new bill, The Law on Higher Education. That transpires, particularly, in exploiting the opportunities created by erasure of the list of degrees, which used to be made by the minister and ceding the authority in this area to the universities. The analysis shows that the creation of new areas of study not necessarily leads to a meritorious improvement (modernization) of the course of studies. That is particularly visible in declared educational outcomes.
As a result of universities’ growing interest in online learning, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to adapt online learning methods to students’ professional preferences. The learning environment should accordingly be designed so as to ensure the highest possible engagement levels from the participants. This article discusses the value of collaboration in online learning along with its determinants. It highlights the need to include the crucial activities in the remote education of university students while taking into account their individualization and diverse motives. The analysis reveals that students cannot be treated as a homogeneous group; the preferences and abilities represented by them – which are associated with their field of study – determine their functioning in the remote learning environment. Based on their empirical study, the authors propose recommendations that may be helpful for educators in online collaborative learning.
As a result of universities’ growing interest in online learning, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to adapt online learning methods to students’ professional preferences. The learning environment should accordingly be designed so as to ensure the highest possible engagement levels from the participants. This article discusses the value of collaboration in online learning along with its determinants. It highlights the need to include the crucial activities in the remote education of university students while taking into account their individualization and diverse motives. The analysis reveals that students cannot be treated as a homogeneous group; the preferences and abilities represented by them – which are associated with their field of study – determine their functioning in the remote learning environment. Based on their empirical study, the authors propose recommendations that may be helpful for educators in online collaborative learning.
Oszacowano wpływ liczby studentów studiujących na poszczególnych kierunkach na poziom płac w Polsce. Ustalono, że każdy z kierunków ─ humanistyczny, ekonomiczny, techniczny czy nauk ścisłych ─ powoduje wzrost płac na poziomie makroekonomicznym, ale efekt ten jest najmniejszy dla studiów ekonomicznych, co może być skutkiem zbyt wysokiego zainteresowania edukacją tego typu. Wyniki uzyskane dla studiów technicznych mogą świadczyć o nadwyżce popytu na inżynierów na rynku pracy w stosunku do ich podaży z systemu edukacji wyższej.
The wage effects of student numbers on particular fields of study in Poland are analyzed. It is found that any of the fields of study, i.e. humanitarian, business and economics, technical or natural sciences, contributes to an increase in wages on the macroeconomic level, but the whole effect is smaller for studies in economics, which could be an outcome of too high interest in that kind of education. On the other side, our results for technical studies could be viewed as an argument in favor of an excess labor market demand for engineers compared to their supply by the educational system.
The paper focuses on political science as a field of study offered by Polish schools of higher education (public, non-public and sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church). When presenting the qualitative and quantitative aspects of education in political science, the author relies on materials from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland’s Central Board of Tertiary Education, National Accreditation Committee, University Accreditation Committee, Central Committee for Degrees and Titles and available publications. The paper also brings an overview of legał acts which regulate degree programmes in political science, as well as results of analysis of political science programmes available from various schools of higher education.
Artykuł poświęcony jest politologii jako kierunkowi kształcenia w ofercie polskich uczelni publicznych, kościelnych i niepublicznych. Przedstawiając ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty kształcenia w zakresie politologii, autor opiera się na materiałach Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Rady Głównej Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Państwowej Komisji Akredytacyjnej, Uniwersyteckiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej, Centralnej Komisji do spraw Stopni i Tytułów oraz dostępnych publikacjach. Opracowanie zawiera również przegląd aktów prawnych, które regulują prowadzenie studiów politologicznych, a także wyniki analizy oferty dydaktycznej poszczególnych typów uczelni w zakresie politologii.
W artykule uzasadniono możliwość oszacowania korzyści płacowych, jakie uzyskują absolwenci studiów wyższych, na podstawie danych administracyjnych z systemu monitorowania ekonomicznych losów absolwentów. Wykorzystano dane o wynagrodzeniach z roku poprzedzającego rekrutację na dany stopień studiów oraz z roku po uzyskaniu dyplomu. Dla studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia przeciętny przyrost wynagrodzeń w związku z każdym rokiem edukacji wyniósł od 20 do 40% w zależności od dziedzin nauki, do której przyporządkowano kierunek studiów. Dla studiów stacjonarnych II stopnia jest to 50–60%. W przypadku studiów niestacjonarnych wzrosty są znacząco mniejsze.
The paper justifies the possibility of estimating wage premiums that higher study education graduates may receive based on the administrative data from the Polish Graduate Tracking System. The data on wages in the year preceding the admission to a given study cycle were used, along with the data from the year after graduation. For the first-cycle full-time study programme, the average growth in wages in relation to every each subsequent year of education ranged from 20% to 40% depending on the area of study under which a given field of study was classified. For full-time second-cycle studies, the rate of return was 50%–60%. In the case of part-time studies, these growth rates were considerably lower.
This article aimed to discover the attitudes of Iranian male university students toward sport and exercise. This study is based on the same research as another published paper regarding the attitudes of Iranian female students toward sport and exercise. Participants (N = 821) were selected from different educational levels and fields of study from among 12 public universities. Data were collected by a modified and developed version of Kenyon's scale (1968), which measures the attitudes of people toward physical activity. For the analysis of the data, independent sample t-test and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were employed (p < 0.05). The results indicated that the attitudes of the respondents can be identified as fitness (3.96 ± 1.02), catharsis (3.84 ± 0.80), social (3.82 ± 1.10), aesthetic (3.03 ± 1.14), vertigo (2.15 ± 1.16), and ascetic (2.07 ± 0.79). Furthermore, it was found that various demographic and social characteristics affected participants' attitudes toward sport and exercise (p < 0.05). Based on the results, it was concluded that the sport programs should be organized around students' dominant attitudes toward regular activities. In addition, planning and organizing sport programs with regard to the wide attitudinal differences between male and female students could be a big step toward improving students' participation rate in sporting activities at Iranian universities.
The research presents an attempt to investigate the current state of international relations as a field of study in the context of higher education system in Canada. It contains a general overview of the field of study, focusing predominantly on the role and function of the given academic discipline. The scientific investigation covers the issue of short historiographic review of the development of international relations as a separate academic discipline and an independent field of study at the universities of Canada since it provides better understanding of the international relations evolution as a discipline in Canadian system of higher education. It gives information on the origins of international relations discipline in Canada and first higher education establishments, which provided professional training in the international relations field. The article reviews the official normative documents in the sphere of higher education in Canada, such as Major Field of Study Classification and Classification of Instructional Programs, being theoretical basis of our analysis. The research results can be used to outline the place of international relations major among the diversity of functioning academic majors in Canada. The research also turns to the profound analysis of the information about the offered instructional programs, dedicated to professional training of international relations specialists at the universities of Canada.
The authors describe potential qualifications to be displayed by graduates of higher education institutions in Warsaw and Mazovia based on their statistical descriptions. The paper also contains an overall analysis of qualifications and changes to be expected in the near futurę, afterthe implementation of the National Oualifications Framework and the new law on higher education. A considerable percentage of students in Mazovia receive their qualifications from public universities of Warsaw, the country’s largest academic centre. Women prevail among students and graduates of higher education institutions in Warsaw and Mazovia. Also, women are more likely to get a degree in engineering in Mazovia than in other parts of the country. Most graduates of Mazovian schools obtained their qualifications from public universities (the same holds true for Poland as a whole but this percentage is lower for Mazovia) and in extramural programmes (with Mazovia having a higher percentage ofsuch graduates: by nearly 7 points versus with the restofthe country). Most graduates of Mazovian higher education institutions obtained qualifications which are reflected in their licencjat (Bachelor) diploma and which correspond with outcomes of education in economic, administrative and social fields of study and groups of education (mostly education-related studies). The share of doctoral students in Mazovia among total doctoral students is considerable. Even if just a half of them end up in the science and higher education sector, they will still represent a reservoir of futurę academic staff for Warsaw, Mazovia and the country as a whole. In comparison with the rest of the country, schools of higher education in Warsaw and Mazovia also have more students in post-graduate courses as well as MBA courses and programmes.
Autorki przedstawiają charakterystykę potencjalnych kwalifikacji absolwentow uczelni Warszawy i Mazowsza na podstawie ich obrazu statystycznego. Przeprowadzają też ogolną analizę kwalifikacji oraz zmian, jakie w najbliższej przyszłości przyniesie pod tym względem wprowadzenie Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji i nowa ustawa o szkolnictwie wyższym. Znaczny odsetek studentow Mazowsza zdobywa kwalifikacje w uniwersytetach publicznych największego ośrodka akademickiego w kraju, Warszawy. Wśrod studentow i absolwentow uczelni Warszawy i Mazowsza dominują kobiety. Także częściej na Mazowszu niż w kraju absolwentką studiow inżynierskich jest kobieta. Większość absolwentow uczelni Mazowsza uzyskała swoje kwalifikacje w uczelni publicznej (podobnie jak w kraju, ale na Mazowszu odsetek tych absolwentow jest niższy) i na studiach niestacjonarnych (ale na Mazowszu odsetek tych absolwentow jest wyższy niż w kraju o blisko 7 punktow procentowych). Większość absolwentow uczelni Mazowsza nabyła kwalifikacje potwierdzone dyplomem licencjata i były one adekwatne do efektow kształcenia w obszarze kierunkow studiow: ekonomicznych, administracyjnych i społecznych oraz grupy kształcenie (głownie kierunkow pedagogicznych). Udział doktorantow studiujących na Mazowszu wśrod doktorantow ogołem, jest znaczący. Nawet wowczas, gdy tylko połowa z nich trafi do sektora nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, są to zasoby przyszłych kadr naukowych Warszawy, Mazowsza i kraju. Uczelnie Warszawy i Mazowsza mają także więcej niż inne ośrodki akademickie słuchaczy studiow podyplomowych, kursow, wykładow i programow MBA.
In this article we define the notion of craft, and briefly describe its historical development. Attention is also devoted to secondary vocational education, emphasizing the need for the labour market and the needs of society. Subsequently we present a research project which aim is to design, develop and validate a multimedia teaching aid (the video film), through which we expect students achieve higher performance in cognitive areas, higher motivation for learning, higher interest in professional focus and improve the learning process in selected areas of the blacksmith and timber orientation.
W artykule przedstawiamy pojęcie rzemiosła i jego historię. Poświęcamy także uwagę średniemu szkolnictwu zawodowemu, skupiając się głównie na potrzebach rynku pracy i społeczeństwa. Prezentujemy projekt naukowy, którego celem jest opracowanie i wprowadzenie do użytku multimedialnych pomocy naukowych (film video), które mają docelowo wpłynąć na osiąganie przez uczniów lepszych wyników w nauce przedmiotów kognitywnych, zwiększyć motywację do nauki oraz zainteresowanie rozwojem zawodowym, a także udoskonalić proces edukacji w wybranych dziedzinach, takich jak kowalstwo i drzewoznawstwo.
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