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issue 1
Celem artykułu jest oszacowanie wpływu niedopasowań o charakterze poziomym (poziom wykształcenia formalnie ten sam co wymagany na danym stanowisku, lecz inny co do kierunku) oraz pionowym (różnica w poziomie wykształcenia posiadanego w stosunku do wymaganego dla danego rodzaju pracy) na wynagrodzenia absolwentów szkół w Polsce. Źródłem danych jest duży zbiór danych ankietowych zgromadzony w 2014 r. w ramach projektu prowadzonego w Instytucie Badań Edukacyjnych. W badaniu empirycznym wykorzystano model wynagrodzeń oparty na równaniu płac Mincera z korektą Heckmana ze względu na nielosową próbę osób pracujących. Wyniki badania wskazują, że istnieje ujemna premia płacowa z tytułu niedopasowań o charakterze poziomym – tym większa, im większa jest skala tego niedopasowania. Natomiast w przypadku niedopasowań o charakterze pionowym istnieje dodatnia premia płacowa związana z faktem posiaania wykształcenia niższego niż wymagane w aktualnie wykonywanej pracy (undereducation) oraz ujemna premia związana z faktem wykonywania pracy, która wymaga wykształcenia o poziomie niższym niż aktualnie posiadane (overeducation).
The aim of the article was to assess the impact of horizontal and vertical educational mismatches on wages of various school graduates in Poland. (Horizontal mismatch is understood as formally the same educational level as required for the given job while vertical mismatch denotes another educational level than required for the given job, meaning undereducation or overeducation). The data source was a large set of survey data collected in 2014 under a research project „Social and economic determinants of choices made by persons at the age between 19 and 30 years concerning studying”, conducted in the Institute of Education Research. In the empirical research, a remuneration model was used based on Mincer’s equation, with Heckman’s correction because of non-random sample of employed. The results indicate that there exists a negative wage premium due to horizontal mismatch, which is the larger, the larger the mismatch is. In the case of vertical mismatch, there is a positive wage premium due to undereducation and a negative wage premium due to overeducation.
В статье проводится оценка влияния несоответствий горизонтального характера (уровень образования формально отвечает требованиям данной должности, но другой по направлению) и вертикального характера (разница в уровне имеющегося образования по отношению к требуемому для данного вида работы) на вознаграждение выпускников школ в Польше. Источником информации является большой ресурс анкетных данных, собранных в 2014 г. в рамках проекта, проводимого в Институте исследований образования. В эмпирическом исследовании была использована модель вознаграждения, рассчитанная с помощью уравнения заработной платы Минцера с корректировкой Хекмана из-за неслучайной выборки работающих лиц. Результаты исследования указывают на наличие отрицательной премии в зарплате из-за несоответствий горизонтального характера, которая находится в линейной зависимости от величины несоответствия. В случае несоответствий вертикального характера существует положительная премия в зарплате, связанная с более низким, чем того требует данная должность, уровнем образования (undereducation), а также отрицательная премия, связанная с выполнением работы, которая требует более низкого уровня образования, чем то, которое имеет работник (overeducation).
This paper presents outcome of research on core competences of university graduates. The objective of this article is to compare different views of respondents on core competencies of graduates. For purposes of comparison we examined the opinions of university students and representatives of employers. We analyse the situation of graduates on current labour market. We lead our recommendations to the field of university career counselling.
In the academic year 2012-2013, the first graduates completed bachelor study of psychology at Faculty of Arts in University of Ostrava. In 2013 we implemented pilot research on Facebook whose aim was to find out how many of our graduates continue on Master's study of psychology and on which universities, or what is their subsequent employment. Information about later career/study and additional information about previous study in University of Ostrava (OU) were obtained from 20 ex-students who graduated in 2013 (100% of graduates). Because these students were the first bachelor's degree graduates in psychology at OU, we completed also additional analyzes (due to the small number of graduates) that can be helpful for the further development of the course. Employments and further Master's studies of our graduates in the field of psychology and other humanities was correlated with the exams' results during the study, with the results of final bachelor exam, and results of the admission tests. As we expected, the results of admission tests or continuous exams' during study didn't show to be successful indicator of admission to follow-up Master's studies of psychology. These information however can be useful for further improving of bachelor psychology course in OU. Given that the results of this pilot research are approximate and research continues, the Master's admission results of further classes will be more relevant indicator of the success rate of our bachelor course of psychology. Because University of Ostrava don't have follow-up Master's study of psychology, we perceive as a success of our Department of psychology that 12 of 20 graduates of psychology were taken to the follow-up Master's study, and 9 of them studies follow-up Master's study of psychology at four universities in the Czech and Slovak Republic.
The subject matter of the present paper pertains to issues associated with the significance of university social responsibility. The paper outlines theoretical concepts and results of own studies connected with activities undertaken by a socially responsible university. Actions which take stakeholders’ expectations into consideration are regarded as responsible. Consequently, vocational training of university graduates constitutes the focus of the paper. Results of own studies indicated several discrepancies between the expected and acquired competences of university graduates.
The article presents graduates of the Royal University of Warsaw, which existed between 1816 and 1831, (closed as a result of the November Uprising downfall) and alumni of the Main School in Warsaw, functioning in 1862–1869, that is till the failed January Uprising, after which the school was transformed into the Russian Imperial University of Warsaw. The total number of graduates of the above-mentioned schools amounted to 57. What is more, there were 29 graduates of the Royal University of Warsaw and they began to work in schools in the period between the uprisings, whereas 27 graduates of the Main School in Warsaw only took jobs in teaching in secondary schools in the Kingdom of Poland after the education system reform of Aleksander Wielopolski. The article presents fields of studies of those teachers, their religious beliefs and social background, work experience as well as examples of their active involvement in social, political and cultural life of the Kingdom of Poland.
This paper outlines results from an online survey of recent distance graduates. The study, based in Dublin City University (DCU) addresses a gap in the research on this cohort of graduates. Findings indicate that distance graduates are primarily from lower socio economic backgrounds, a group largely under-represented in full-time university education. Significantly, 30% of survey respondents came from a skilled manual background. A large percentage (39% N = 61) of graduates had never accessed any form of higher education before. An equally large percentage (N = 62) had accessed full-time higher education previously, but at a lower level than the honours primary degree they obtained through distance learning. Implications regarding the role of distance education in improving access to university education and social mobility are discussed. Finally, this paper seeks to establish relevance between knowledge of distance graduates and doing things better for first time distance learners.
The main aim of the article is to analyse expectations of entrepreneurs in the recruitment process of vocational schools graduates representing three countries: Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Questionnaire survey conducted in 2016 is confirming that the most crucial elements to which employers are paying attention at seeking the employee are the experience of the candidate and the ability to constantly learn and improve. Moreover, the most desired skills in the view of employers are communicativeness, self-reliance, teamwork and organisational skills. One should emphasise there is a competence discrepancy between companies representing the analysed countries. An example can be the level of ICT skills and knowledge of foreign languages. Potential employers from Poland and Latvia agreed that the candidate for work does not have to be fluent in another language, for example, English. A communicative level in their point of view is sufficient.
The article will present the results of the research performed on chosen at random graduates of the Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences, University of Zielona Gora. It is important to say that the authors understand the concept of a graduate much broader than it is seen in the surveys run by GUS (Central Statistical Office) or employment offices. Research subjects are people who graduated from the University of Zielona Gora within the last five years. The choice of the interval is connected with the transformation of Higher School of Pedagogy (WSP) into the University of Zielona Gora, which supposedly has changed the importance of diplomas on the labour market. The presented research focused on the career path of the graduates, thus the answer to the following questions was searched: Whether and, if yes, where did the graduates of a chosen faculty obtain a job? What requirements from employers did they encounter while looking for a job and if they met them? The authors also asked the graduates for a retrospective evaluation of professional competencies they had acquired at the university. Analysing the non-scientific activities of graduates during their studies, the authors tried to establish to what extent a university is responsible for equipping students with competencies important on the job market, and how much this responsibility is determined by student activities. The dynamic development of higher education market in the recent years forces particular universities to become interested in learning outcomes. Kazimierz Denek (Pomiar efektywnosci ksztalcenia w szkole wyzszej, Warsaw 1980), speaking about the effectiveness of education, indicates the internal effectiveness (i.e. acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes enclosed in the university curriculum) and external effectiveness (i.e. implementing knowledge and skills at work). Internal effectiveness is constantly monitored by academic staff, while the other one is verified by the job market. However, due to the competitiveness of universities their authorities should also be concerned with the chances their graduates have on the job market and what position they occupy there. The knowledge about professional careers of graduates can be used in two ways: to improve the process of education and for marketing purposes when recruiting new students.
According to the official communist rhetoric, the assignment of higher education graduates to socialist enterprises and/or institutions was ‘an action with profound social-political meanings, which aims to ensure the production units and other areas which the specialists they need’. The closure of the top most populated 14 cities starting with 1981 combined with the economic crisis of the 1980s and with various measures of the regime perceived as absurd, and made the system more restrictive than ever before. This study focuses on the changes of the job supply for graduates of the University of Bucharest during the 1980s, and on the process of assigning graduates to their work-place.
A mismatch between qualifications and skills demanded and supplied is one of the main problems in the labor market. It concerns also higher education graduates. They have the theoretical background, however their abilities to apply knowledge in a work situation are insufficient. The main aim of this paper is to present the contribution of the internship program to the employability of graduates of University of Bielsko-Biala. The paper consists of three parts. The first describes changes in unemployment by educational background in the Bielsko-Biała labor market in 2010–2015. The second part includes employment prospects for graduates, with a special focus on the benefits of the internship program. The final part emphasizes the role of cooperation between the university and employers to ensure better preparation of graduates for the labor market. The paper was based on available statistical data on unemployment in the Bielsko-Biała labor market, and on the results of the surveys among employer representatives and students who participated in the internship programs within two European projects realized in University of Bielsko-Biala over 2010–2015. The research confirmed that a lack of experience reduces the chances of graduates to obtain suitable employment. Moreover, research findings proved that the internship program, developed and implemented in close cooperation with local companies, may increase employment opportunities after graduation. There is, therefore, a clear need for further cooperation between education and business in order to facilitate the transition of graduates from education to employment, as well as to satisfy labor market needs.
Niedopasowanie kwalifikacji i umiejętności osób poszukujących pracy do wymagań i oczekiwań pracodawców jest jednym z głównych problemów rynku pracy. W dużej mierze dotyczy on ludzi młodych oraz wykształconych, którym mimo posiadania akademickiej wiedzy brakuje doświadczenia zawodowego. Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wpływu programów stażowych na zwiększanie szans zatrudnienia absolwentów Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Białej. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej scharakteryzowano dynamikę zmian bezrobocia pod względem wykształcenia na bielskim rynku pracy w latach 2000–2015. W części drugiej przedstawiono szanse i zagrożenia związane z wejściem absolwentów na rynek pracy po zakończeniu studiów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem korzyści wynikających ze staży. W ostatniej części omówiono rolę współpracy między uczelnią a lokalnymi pracodawcami na rzecz lepszego dopasowania kształcenia do potrzeb rynku. Artykuł powstał na podstawie danych statystycznych o bezrobociu w regionie oraz wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród reprezentantów lokalnych pracodawców i studentów uczestniczących w programach stażowych w ramach projektów europejskich realizowanych przez ATH w Bielsku-Białej w latach 2010–2015. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, że brak doświadczenia jest czynnikiem, który obniża konkurencyjność absolwentów na rynku pracy. Ponadto pozwoliły stwierdzić, iż program stażowy, właściwie przygotowany i przeprowadzony we współpracy między uczelnią a pracodawcami, może znacząco przyczynić się do zwiększenia szans zatrudnienia absolwentów. Istnieje zatem potrzeba intensyfikowania działań podejmowanych przez uczelnie we współpracy z otoczeniem gospodarczym, które ułatwiałyby młodym ludziom przejście z etapu edukacji do zatrudnienia, a także lepiej zaspakajały potrzeby kadrowe przedsiębiorstw.
Rocznik Lubuski
vol. 37
issue 2
The aim of the article is to present the research results concerning, among the others, chosen identity elements, plans for life and value systems of secondary school students (general and technical secondary schools) in Dabrowa Gornicza and Tychy. It seemed interesting to learn the way young people, born in 1989 (the year when, according to Joanna Szczepkowska’s words "Communism ended in Poland") view the world around them. The sociological survey covered over 2000 graduates from Tychy and Dabrowa Gornicza, who took their Matura Examination in the spring of 2009. The survey results are important for at least a few reasons: • firstly, they are a diagnosis of personality condition of young people from Upper Silesia; • secondly, they may serve as a suggestion for ongoing discussion on education reform and further expectations in this area; • thirdly, they highlight (to some extent at least) who will shape the future of Poland and the Poles.
This paper investigates differences in salaries among 35 th. of graduates of 99 faculties (or equivalent units) in Poland specialized in the field of study “economic sciences” (economics, management, finance, etc.). The study, which is based on data from the Polish Graduates Tracking System (GTS), covers the entire population. First, the ranking of faculties was prepared. It proved that the noticeable differences exist in financial success at the early stage of career of graduates of different faculties. The hypothesis about poorer chances for financial success of graduates from private business schools was denied. Finally the hypothesis about advantage of graduates of faculties located in bigger cities was confirmed. The correlation between city size and salaries is moderately strong.
Assessing students' career paths after graduation have belong for few years to Polish universities’ statutory duties. At the same time, it can become a new, valuable source of information about the quality and effects of teaching, taking up the first job by the graduates and their career history. The graduates’ opinions on the presumptive gaps between their competencies and the ones needed by the companies as well as information about the scale and areas of their further training ought to point to the direction of modification of didactic and program offer as well as of teaching methods. The paper presents the results of monitoring the careers of the students who graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics, which was conducted in 2012 and 2013. The authors discuss the problems that have emerged, enumerate the key focus areas of the study, describe its methods and finally, analyze its results.
All research identifying the issue of occupational competence among university graduates in Poland should pay an important role in the process of planning the educational system. That demand is connected with the assumption that there is a direct connection between the educational offers of Polish universities and the main labour market indexes. Regardless of the commonly discussed strength of that connection, it should be claimed that the area of research practice is full of competitive methodology. The variety of research attitudes raises some vagueness in the interpretation of the results of generalization about the graduates’ population. Research presented herein is based on the graduates’ personal opinions about the possibility of acquisition of occupational competence (during their studies) in the context of employers’ actual expectations. The research sample consists of Polish employed graduates of private economic universities in Wrocław and its regions.
The aim of the current study is to examine the program of pronunciation training and its implementation from a new perspective, which is that of MA graduates. The data were obtained from 65 graduates of the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań by means of an online survey. The research questions posed in the study explore the matter of taught models and varieties of English, materials, teaching, and opinions regarding the accent the participants received. By providing a new perspective on the teaching and learning of pronunciation the study might help university teachers to enhance the pronunciation courses in their institutions.
The aim of this paper is to identify the main drivers of highly skilled migration between regions. We argue that the spatial mobility of individuals should not be considered in terms of one-off displacements, but rather as a sequence of migration decisions within a certain time period. The important context of the research is provided by the economic transformation of Poland, accompanied by the growing demand for education, and the lack of well-established patterns of graduate mobility. By applying multinomial logit modelling on a unique database of Polish graduates, we find that all the tested migration strategies can be explained in terms of structural factors, human capital characteristics or aspirations/capabilities related variables.
Studia Edukacyjne
issue 43
This article presents the contemporary challenges faced by universities. It focuses on the traditional and the modern approach to the University maintaining relations with their socio-economic environment. These relationships are described in the framework of the social network theory. The second part presented an innovative model of education ideAGORA, the concept of lifelong learning based of a lasting relationship between university and graduate. The results of evaluations carried out after the stage of testing the ideAGORA model demonstrated its high efficiency: it contributes to strengthening alumni’s ties with the University, the sincerity of their motivation to study and activity as well as the interest in additional training in the case of graduates and academic staff.
Artykuł przedstawia przekształcenia studiów politologicznych w Polsce w ostatnich dwudziestu latach z uwzględnieniem: zmian w zakresie sektora szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce, przyrostu ośrodków kształcenia politologicznego, liczby studentów, absolwentów oraz kandydatów na studia politologiczne. Dane na temat politologii są analizowane na tle innych, wybranych kierunków. Prezentowane informacje nie pozostawiają wątpliwości, że politologia, jako kierunek studiów, przeszła w ostatnich latach gwałtowne zmiany. Szybki przyrost studentów pod koniec lat 90. oraz ośrodków kształcenia na początku XXI wieku, uczynił z politologii jeden z najliczniejszych kierunków studiów w kraju. W ostatnich latach następuje jednak systematyczny spadek liczebności studentów, jednocześnie notuje się spadek zainteresowania kandydatów studiami politologicznymi. Zmiany te są na tyle duże, że nie pozostały bez wpływu na kondycję ośrodków kształcenia politologicznego, z których wiele przeżywa kłopoty z uruchomieniem studiów. Co ważne, zmiany te wydają się niezależne od tendencji dla studiów wyższych w Polsce w ogóle, jak i dla wybranych kierunków studiów.
The article discusses transformations of political science studies in Poland in the last two decades. The emphasis is put on the changes that took place in higher education system and in political science itself, as well as on the fact that the number of political science higher education institutions is increasing together with the number of candidates for the studies, political science students and graduates. The condition of political science studies is compared to the condition of other, selected faculties. Data presented in this article shows that political science, as a faculty, recently underwent rapid changes. Fast increase in the number of students in the 90’, as well as in the number of educational institutions at the beginning of the XXI century caused political science to become one of the most popular faculties in Poland. However, in the past few years the total number of students has been decreasing, political science students included. This change is significant enough to have an influence on the condition of educational institutions, many of which face difficulties maintain the faculty. What is important, these changes seem to be independent of the tendency observed in higher education in Poland in general, as well as other faculties.
This paper addresses the educational policy and employability of secondary schools and institutions of higher learning graduates on the labour market. It is emphasised by us that education, training, science, research and innovations, informatization and digitalisation are considered at present by us to be the main pillar of knowledge society and economy. We refer to the fact that the government policy is directed towards utilisation of knowledge and creative potential with increase of requirements on professional competency of the people, on linking the theory and practice and on dual education. On the basis of the statistical data we are providing an overview of employability of graduates on the labour market.
Nowadays the problem with the employment of the graduates of the higher education institutes is urgent in our society. The presence of degree does not guarantee demand in the labor market. A successful competent professional has the greatest chance of getting a job. Many leading countries maintain register of the graduates, which enables society to respond to changes in the labor market. Ukraine still has no single effective regulation mechanism of training and employment of the young professionals and database of the graduates that would make it possible to trace the problems and quickly respond to them. The authors have monitored employment of the graduates on the example of Physics specialty at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko in the period of time since the first graduation of 2006 to 2014. The results have been analyzed. The study has found that the majority of graduates (about 70 %) could use received education in their professional activities, while for others it was just a stepping stone in finding their place in the labor market. All graduates are employed. Although not all graduates were able to realize themselves as physics (there are objective reasons related to the situation in the country, with a low demand for researchers (physicists), with little funding, including education and science in general), but they were in addition to knowledge, skills, public education, and even a new look at education, erudition, individual creativity, desire for independent search for knowledge and the need for their improvement, high culture. The years of study formed an inner need for self-learning, the requirement of time and today is the condition for the realization of personal potential. Man’s ability to occur at a level adequate its claims, it depends on the involvement of an independent process of development of new knowledge. Thus, it can be argued that one of the factors improving the quality of education is its relationship to the labor market and its fast response to changes that can ensure the implementation of a systematic analysis of monitoring of employment of the graduates. It can be asserted that raising quality of education and assisting graduate in his self-realization as a professional require close interaction between education and the labor market.
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