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Problem hybrydy

In the present paper I discuss the problem of a hybrid as a concept, which started functioning on the borderlines between various discourses – in particular legal, media and post-colonial studies. Hence the term itself was appropriated as a textual concept – from the borderline with philosophy – by the institutional discourse that Michel Foucault would include into the sphere of bio-politics. Here I can see the danger of transferring the textual creation into the domain of biological sciences (hence the term that was transplanted from biology returns to it, changing its status from a fictitious one into the real one), and what follows – a hybrid becomes a problem of civilization and societies within which various institutions of bio-politics operate.
The media environment is an extremely variable universe where every now and again we can observe the emergence of new phenomena. Many of those form through blending of often rather different and distant areas. As a result, there emerge hybrid forms, which are not entirely established or completely defined. This article is focussed on those kinds of mixed types based on media entertainment, e.g. infotainment, edutainment, politainment, politicotainment, docutainment etc., which can be observed in the means of mass communication. The goal of the study was to define their essence, their distinctive features, and to indicate the place of those hybrid forms within the media discourses being carried on today.
This paper shows the results of analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of a hybrid approach against a variety of optimization problems. An application with a serial-optimization structure, consisting of several methods with different characteristics, is presented. In order to evaluate the initial effectiveness of the hybrid optimization method, a number of test tasks, represented by complex functions with many variables, were examined. Additionally, a real-life case, determining an optimal product variety in a supermarket environment, regarding the highest rate of return for given conditions and limitations, is presented as an instance of the practical use of a hybrid algorithm. The research shows that the results achieved by the hybrid- -optimization method are highly satisfactory, both in terms of efficiency as well as effectiveness.
Published for the first time in 1940 the André Breton’s Anthology of black humor inaugurates the great season of surrealist anthologies, which will last until late 60s. The use of the traditional form of the modern anthology by the Surrealists, does not involve into a complete acceptance of its rules, already codified since the end of the 19th century, but rather a deformation of its textual structure and of its objectives, producing a literary genre with particular characteristics. The surrealist anthology, such as those realized by André Breton, Paul Éluard, Louis Aragon and Benjamin Péret, represent an hybrid literary object with structural elements in common with the dictionary, the glossary, the anthology and the catalogue. The surrealist literary collections represent both a different approach to the history of literature and an expression of surrealist poetics.
Automated Writing Evaluation programs have been used extensively to assist both L2 instructors and learners to get corrective feedback and to score students’ final product of writing. Research has found that the AWE programs help in optimizing the writing output. However, little is known about the hybrid mode; use of AWE involving the evaluation of both modes instructors and the AWE program. This paper studies the effects of both modes in developing the students’ writing outputs using a small case study of 6 EFL learners. The learners were exposed to both modes where in each mode they undertook two sessions using the program. In the first phase the learners wrote an essay via MY Access and then saved their input in the program. In the second session, they revised their essays based on the feedback given from the program. In the hybrid mode, the same students in the second session revised their input as per the instructor’s feedback and then continued submitting their essays via MY Access. Results found that under the hybrid condition students significantly outscored the learners with the AWE program.
Cris des cœurs by Jean-Victor Pellerin consists of the three parts, each of them corresponds to a different genre: melodrama, tragedy and misterium. Rejecting the reality, the writer resignes also from the scene’s materiality what leads him as a consequence to the deconstruction of the space-time’s categories. Traditional drama’s division on act and scenes is replaced by the loose images (tableaux) where the dreamy visions mingle with reality. Puting the pressure on oniric dimension of a play, the playwright prepares the area for a break of characters who moving in a hostile and an unspecified world without the laws of physics, get going in quest for the lost identity. Breaking the unity of action and psychological consistency of a character, Pellerin presents the crisis of a temporary human being, moreover by using heterogenic forms, he shows this crisis in ist best.
The paper scrutinises the university as a place for functioning within the community of student groups with relations and activities which are conducive or detrimental to the creation of the community. An attempt was made to achieve two goals. First of all, to indicate the potential of a theoretical and practical category of a hybrid, as well as a newly introduced, related category of hybrid community. Secondly, in relation to own research findings on dean’s student groups, the potential of their application when perceiving the groups through the category of hybrid community.
Berhard Waldenfels claimed that at the turn of 18th and 19th century “the alien explicitly and definitely penetrated the heart of the reason and the heart of the one’s own” in Western culture. Since then we no longer live in a world, where we could be fully ourselves. But the alien still haunts us and raises fear. A hundred years later, at the turn of 19th and 20th century, British literature presented two powerful images of confrontation with the alien, images that penetrated the imagination of the mass audience in 20th and 21st century: Martians from H.G. Wells’ famous novel and the iconic bloodthirsty count created by B. Stoker. Though they seemingly radically differ from humans at a close look they make us rethink our definition of humanity and of the alien.
Globalisation is a phenomenon which influences every aspect of contemporary life. Neo- liberal ideas lead to the multifunctional interdependence of geopolitics, the political economy, international relations, security, and defence issues. In the globalised world, many issues can be raised: Where are the roots of modern conflict? Who are the stakeholders in international relations? What are the dominant forms of contemporary conflicts? Do the forms of collective security fulfill the legitimacy of objectivity? What are the new challenges for modern defence science? Through the multidisciplinary approach, based on academic literature, as well scholars research papers, this work aims to contribute to the clarifying a rational approach to modern defence science in the contemporary, global security environment.
Human Affairs
vol. 23
issue 4
This paper provides a sketch of a fresh conception of the “metaphysics” of culture and a sense of its conceptual power and advantages, based on a post-Darwinian account of the artifactual, hybrid nature of a person, chiefly in terms of (what I treat as terms of art) Bildung (“external” and “internal”), Sittlichkeit (both descriptive and normative), and interpretation (diversely manifested in different sectors of inquiry). I consider the (“metaphysical”) relationship between membership in the species Homo sapiens sapiens and functioning as a person the generic distinction of human cultures (enlanguaged cultures), which I call Intentionality (that is, whatever is culturally significant or significative); and the bearing of the thesis on familiar philosophical quarrels and theory of the sciences.
The article contains reflections on the “speculative realism”, a direction in 21st century philosophy initiated by Graham Harman, whose books (The Quadruple Object, Object-Oriented Ontology. A New Theory of Everything) continue and process Martin Heidegger’s concept of “the quadruple” (das Geviert), and they also use the ideas of such thinkers as Edmund Husserl and Bruno Latour. The basic problem formulated in this text arises from the following questions: is speculative realism another turn in scientific research, or rather a return to those sources of thinking that take into account the complexity and the irreducibility of reality to any metaphysical instance? What is the role of the “speculative turn” in cultural studies, in various interpretative practices?
The influence of the Russian language on the vocabulary in the Polish dialect of the inhabitants of Vershina in SiberiaVershina is a Polish village in Siberia. It is situated 130 kilometres north of Irkutsk. The village was founded by the Polish settlers in 1910, and it was part of the planned voluntary colonisation of Siberia. The colonisers came from the territory that had formerly been annexed to Russia, namely Zagłębie and Małopolska. The inhabitants of Vershina are a bilingual community: they use the Polish dialect and the Russian language interchangeably, depending on the communicative context. The dialect in question is a unique insular dialect, as many inhabitants of Vershina are in contact with the Polish educated language, thanks to their visits to Poland. Some have even graduated from Polish universities. The interaction between the Polish dialect and the Russian language leads to the process of linguistic interference, which is noticeable especially in the sphere of vocabulary. The lexicon is the fastest-changing element of the language. With the appearance of new aspects of reality, there come into being new designations. The influence of the Russian language on the Polish dialect is equated with a variety of distinct phenomena. In the dialect studied there are a lot of borrowings, calques and hybrids. The words borrowed include mainly the vocabulary connected with health, jobs and professions, technical advancement, as well as the Siberian and Soviet reality. Влияние русского языка на лексику польского говора жителей деревни Вершина в СибириВершина – польское село в Сибири, расположенное в 130 км к северу от Иркутска. Деревня была основана польскими переселенцами в 1910 году в рамках добровольного и планированного заселения Сибири. Колонизаторами были крестьяне из Королества Польского, входившего в состав Российской империи – из Силезского угольного бассейна и Малой Польши. Жители Вершины являются билингвами и употребляют польский говор и русский язык попеременно, в зависимости от коммуникативной ситуации. Говор Вершины представляет собой особенный тип говора, так как многие жители этой деревни имеют контакт с польским литературным языком благодаря поездкам в Польшу и учёбе. (Некоторые даже получили в Польше высшее образование). При контакте польского говора с русским языком наблюдается интерференция, прежде всего в лексике. Лексика подвергается самым бы стрым изменениям. Недостающие в польском речевом обиходе слова жители Вершины компенсируют русскими. Это влияние представлено разнообразными языковыми явлениями (заимствованиями, калькированием, образованием, гибридов и т. п.). Заимствования чаще всего касаются сферы сибирской и советской действительности, техники, а также названий, связанных со здоровьем, и названий профессий.
Język Polski
vol. 96
issue 4
Celem artykułu jest omówienie kilku rodzajów formacji o charakterze hybrydalnym oraz z(re)definiowanie samego pojęcia hybryda, które, często obecne w badaniach nad kontaktem językowym, bywa różnie rozumiane w literaturze przedmiotu. Zgromadzony materiał badawczy jasno wskazuje na potrzebę wydzielenia następujących kategorii: półkalki, formacje hybrydalne, zaadaptowane zapożyczenia właściwe, derywaty. Podział ten jest o tyle zasadny dla badacza kontaktu językowego, że wyrażenia będące bezpośrednim wynikiem procesu zapożyczania z innego systemu językowego należy odróżnić od formacji, które nie posiadają obcego etymonu. Artykuł wyznacza jasną granicę między omawianymi kategoriami, obszernie je ilustrując angielsko-polskim materiałem językowym.
The article aims to discuss several types of hybrid formations and (re)define the very notion of hybrid, which often appears in studies on language contact but happens to be variously interpreted. The research material used in the study illustrates the need to differentiate between the following categories: loanblends, hybrid creations, adapted loanwords and derivatives. This division is justified by the need to set apart direct outcomes of language contact from formations that do not have direct foreign etymons. The article sets a clear borderline between the categories in question and amply illustrates them with English-Polish language material.
As a result of political changes that took place at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, one can notice some tendencies in the legislator's activities as to the creation of new public tasks. These tasks were not only a reaction to the systemic, economic or economic changes, but above all to the growing new social needs. Unfortunately, in public administration there did not function  (still are not functioning) relevant legal institutions and tools, as well as organs and entities of public administration, through which it is possible to implement new public tasks. Therefore, the legislator, seeking the optimal solution, began to create hybrid legal forms of public administration. This, in consequence, contributed to the fact that these legal forms are becoming an increasingly frequent form regulated in Polish law than legal forms typical of administrative law, i.e. administrative decisions.
W wyniku przemian ustrojowych, mających miejsce na przełomie lat 80. i 90. XX wieku, można zauważyć pewnego rodzaju tendencje w działaniach ustawodawcy co do tworzenia nowych zadań publicznych. Zadania te były nie tylko reakcją na zaistniałe zmiany ustrojowe, gospodarcze czy ekonomiczne, ale przede wszystkim na rosnące nowe zapotrzebowania społeczne. Niestety, w administracji publicznej nie funkcjonowały (nadal nie funkcjonują) odpowiednie instytucje i narzędzia prawne czy też organy i podmioty administracji publicznej, za pomocą których jest możliwa realizacja nowych zadań publicznych. Dlatego prawodawca, poszukując optymalnego rozwiązania, zaczął tworzyć hybrydowe prawne formy działania administracji publicznej. To w konsekwencji przyczyniło się do tego, że właśnie te prawne formy stają się coraz częstszą formą regulowaną w polskim prawie aniżeli prawne formy typowe dla prawa administracyjnego, tj. decyzje administracyjne.
Język Polski
vol. 99
issue 4
Celem artykułu jest opis i analiza angielskich półkalk i konstrukcji hybrydalnych w potocznej polszczyźnie użytkowników komputerów. Podstawą badań jest samodzielnie zbudowany (przez autora artykułu) korpus złożony z krótkich wpisów pochodzących z wybranych 32 forów internetowych. Artykuł przedstawia półkalki słowotwórcze i frazeologiczne (dokładne i niedokładne), oparte na prawdopodobnych modelach angielskich, a także formacje hybrydalne, które zostały utworzone już na gruncie polszczyzny, bez istniejącego bezpośredniego modelu angielskiego. Artykuł omawia także różnego rodzaju kwestie problematyczne, takie jak trudności związane z odróżnianiem półkalk od kalk czy półkalk dokładnych od półkalk niedokładnych, wraz z propozycjami możliwych rozwiązań.
The aim of the present paper is to describe and analyse English semi-calques and hybrid formations in informal Polish of computer users. The study is based on the corpus collected by the author; it consists of short informal texts taken from 32 selected Internet forums. The paper discusses single-word and phrasal semi-calques (exact and inexact), based on probable English models, as well as hybrid formations, created already in Polish, without the existence of direct English models. In addition, the paper focuses on various theoretical problems, such as those connected with distinguishing between semi-calques and calques or between exact and inexact semi-calques; some possible solutions are also offered.
First I discuss the rights as unavoidable part of the human dignity. There are four possible relations: dignity has a wider extension, the volume of both is equivalent, dig-nity includes in itself a bundle of rights, or it is just a simple right. There are good rea-sons to support the last two, even the last position. Then I evaluate some of the chal-lenging innovations in the medical technology, if they are acceptable in front of this close connection. The focus falls on three topics: PGD, cloning, and fusion of human-animal cells. Using moral principles such as non discrimination and non instrumentali-zation I look for some normative framing.
Local internet television has not only enriched the media landscape, but also be-come an opportunity for local communities to have wider and more interesting access to information. Despite the fact that over a decade has passed since the appearance of the first local internet television, this phenomenon is extremely difficult to grasp in a rigid theoretical framework. The local Internet TVs, which differ in format, frequency, or type of ownership and distribution channel, are an interesting subject of research, especially if we choose the aspect of civil society as a perspective, and specifically the role of local internet televisions in this respect. In the context of convergence, meaning the coexist-ence of new and old media, local internet television should be considered in terms of species hybridity. For research on the convergence medium which is local Internet televi-sion, there is also, importantly, a change in receiving practices, not only in the way of consumption of content transmitted through the national media, but also in the local media. Consumers, accustomed to the richness of content and the form of popular ser-vices, began to insist on the same quality from local broadcasters. Dominated by the press, the local media market had to respond to this need. Local media editors choose to create multimedia content to enrich their offerings. However, video material is a tool for discussion on socially important topics, which in turn is important in the context of civil society at the local level.
Lokalne telewizje internetowe nie tylko wzbogaciły polski krajobraz medialny, ale stały się szansą dla małych społeczności na szerszy i ciekawszy dostęp do informa-cji. Mimo że od pojawienia się pierwszych lokalnych telewizji internetowych minęła dekada, zjawisko to niezmiernie trudno ująć w sztywne ramy teoretyczne. Różniące się od siebie pod względem formatu, częstości pojawiania się czy też rodzaju własności i kanału dystrybucji lokalne telewizje internetowe są tym bardziej interesującym obiektem badań, szczególnie gdy jako perspektywę wybierzemy aspekt społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, a konkretnie rolę, jaką w tym względzie pełnią lokalne telewizje internetowe. W kontekście konwergencji, a więc współistnienia nowych i starych mediów lokalną telewizję internetową należy rozpatrywać w kategoriach hybrydy gatunkowej. Dla badań nad konwergentnym medium, jakim jest lokalna telewizja internetowa, istotna jest również zmiana praktyk odbiorczych, która przejawia się w sposobie konsumowania treści przekazywanych za pośrednictwem nie tylko mediów ogólnopolskich, lecz także mediów lokalnych. Odbiorcy, przyzwyczajeni do bogactwa treści i formy popularnych serwisów, takiej samej jakości zaczęli domagać się od wydawców lokalnych. Zdominowany przez prasę drukowaną rynek lokalnych mediów musiał na tę potrzebę odpowiedzieć. Stąd też można przypuszczać, że redakcje lokal-nych mediów decydują się na tworzenie zawartości multimedialnych, aby wzbogacić swoją ofertę. Jednocześnie przygotowywane materiały wideo pobudzają dyskusję na ważne społecznie tematy, co z kolei ma znaczenie w kontekście społeczeństwa obywa-telskiego na poziomie lokalnym.
The aim of the article is to describe loan blends (also called hybrids or hybrid creations) in the Danish language with English components. First, some definitions of the hybrids are presented and discussed; next, some new definitions are proposed. Finally, an attempt at an analysis of examples existing in the Danish language is made.
Perspektywy Kultury
vol. 42
issue 3
This text is the first essay on human cyborgization in the context of contemporary theories and original research on this phenomenon. Depending on one’s chosen definition, which have evolved over the years, a cyborg can be called a person whose body has been permanently joined with a machine or any technological creation or a person who uses the achievements of technology but whose body is not permanently connected with a machine, computer, or any other artificial technological product. Thus, the first category includes, for example, people living with a pacemaker implant or those with artificial limbs. The second category includes people whose daily activity is supported by technology, but artificial technological elements have not been permanently fixed to their bodies. In today’s technological culture, in the information society, practically all of us meet these criteria. According to the extended theory, each of us is a cyborg. This article presents the genesis of the term cyborg and issues related to cyborgs of the first type functioning in the modern world. Cases of people-machines are presented and ethical and legal problems connected with such people functioning in society are discussed.
Niniejszy tekst stanowi pierwszą część rozważań na temat cyborgizacji człowieka w kontekście zarówno teorii współczesnych, jak i pierwotnych badań nad tym zjawiskiem. W zależności od przyjętej, ewoluującej na przestrzeni lat definicji, w kontekście cyborgizacji człowieka cyborgiem można nazwać osobę, której ciało zostało na stałe zintegrowane z maszyną lub dowolnym tworem technologicznym, lub osobę, która korzysta z osiągnięć technologii, ale jej ciało nie jest połączone na stałe z maszyną, komputerem lub każdym innym sztucznym wytworem technicznym. Do pierwszej kategorii zalicza się więc np. ludzi funkcjonujących z wszczepionym rozrusznikiem serca czy tych posiadających sztuczne protezy kończyn. W drugą kategorię wpisują się osoby, których codzienna aktywność wspierana jest technologią, ale nie zostały wprowadzone na stałe do ich organizmów sztuczne, technologiczne elementy. W dzisiejszych czasach stechnicyzowanej kultury, w społeczeństwie informacyjnym, praktycznie każdy z nas spełnia te kryteria. Zgodnie z teorią rozszerzoną każdy z nas jest więc cyborgiem. W tym artykule zostanie przedstawiona geneza pojęcia cyborga oraz tematyka związana z funkcjonowaniem we współczesnym świecie cyborga wpisującego się w pierwszą kategorię. Przedstawione zostaną przypadki ludzi-maszyn i zasygnalizowane problemy etyczno-prawne związane z funkcjonowaniem takich osób w społeczeństwie.
vol. 25
The analysis covered interesting, in terms of kind, fiction, language, and above all narration, prose texts of Sylvia Chutnik and the last novel by Krzysztof Varga. The winner of the “Polityka Passport” combines the high with the low – what is full of acute seriousness and authenticity with what is gaudy, vulgar, cheap and sensational. From the collision of contradictions arise portraits of women, people of Warsaw streets, daily and festive situations, sketched with humor and seriousness, distance and irony. Whereas “Massacre” by Varga in a satirically-ironic form, feature as to its spirit and marked with distance, diagnoses contemporary Polish afflictions focused as in a lens in the Warsaw area. The main context are poetic issues of the literary work, which is why the centre of gravity was placed on the most interesting, in the case of these novels, way of telling the story and presenting the main characters. It is clearly visible, on the one hand, that they are rooted in traditional storytelling techniques, mainly Bakhtin’s dialogism, but on the other hand, the novels, within the meaning of the author, set new trails, new possibilities of organising the narrator’s and characters’ utterances. Technical measures, involving the combination of “voices”, their partial merger, mutual influence and other trans- formations result, paradoxically, in a breakup. The predominant effect, resulting from the application of these measures, related to the use of “someone else’s speech”, is even greater stratification of consciousness and languages, their atomisation and separation, without the possibility of participating in the real, not illusory dialogue. In effect, an image is created of a socio-linguistic magma with separated, although apparently linked consciousnesses – a cacophony of voices.
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