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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
vol. 25
issue 2
Artykuł przedstawia implikacje mandatu misyjnego w aspekcie prawno-kanonicznym. To znaczy, iż prawodawca kościelny umieścił w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. kilka znaczących kanonów regulujących sprawy misyjne. Ewangelizacja w świecie współczesnym jest ciągle aktualna. Zwrócono uwagę na podmioty odpowiedzialne za rozwój dzieła misyjnego w Kościele powszechnym. Są to papież, biskupi, kapłani, zakonnice, zakonnicy i wierni świeccy. Twórcą misji i ewangelizacji w świecie jest Duch Święty, który ożywia i jednoczy wspólnotę wiary, jaką jest Kościół. Wnikanie prawdy ewangelicznej w głąb kultur to inkulturacja, która dokonuje się w przepowiadaniu Dobrej Nowiny. Na strukturę opracowania składają się następujące części: 1) Wstęp; 2) Kanoniczne ujęcie nakazu misyjnego; 3) Misyjna natura Kościoła; 4) Podmioty głoszonej Kerygmy; 5) Odbiorcy i kontekst kulturowy misyjnego przepowiadania Słowa Bożego; 6) Świat współczesny a aktualność prowadzenia misji; 7) Podsumowanie. Szczegółowo omówiono kanony Kodeksu Jana Pawła II, które dotyczą bezpośrednio działalności misyjnej Kościoła wobec współczesnego świata. Wskazano, w jakim kierunku rozwija się nowy horyzont misji ad gentes.
The article presents the implications of the missionary mandate in legal and canonical terms. This means that the legislator has placed in the 1983 Code of Canon Law several significant Church canons governing the matter missionary. Evangelization in the Modern World is still valid. Attention is paid to those responsible for the development of missionary work in the universal Church. These are the pope, bishops, priests, nuns, religious and laity drilling. The creator of mission and evangelization in the world is the Holy Spirit who inspires and unites a community of faith, which is the Church. The penetration of the truth of the Gospel into the cultures that inculturation which takes place in the preaching of Good News. The structure of the development consists of the following sections: 1) Introduction; 2) The canonical recognition of the missionary mandate; 3) The missionary nature of the Church; 4) Entities proclaimed the kerygma; 5) Audience and cultural context of the mission of preaching the Word of God; 6) The contemporary world and topicality of the mission; 7) Summary. We described a details of the canons into the Code of Pope John Paul II, which relate directly to the missionary activity of the Church to the contemporary world. They have indicated in which direction is developing new horizon of the mission ad gentes.
Following the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church notices the need for the existence in particular dioceses of an institutional way of Christian initiation for adults who wish to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. At the same time, there is a universal recognition of the need to organize in local churches and relatively big parishes special places where it would be possible for adults to gradually experience post-baptismal initiation. Zbigniew Kiernikowski, the Bishop of Legnica, offers us a comprehensive proposition of Christian initiation for adults, which can be experienced both prior to and after the celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation. He updates the way of initiation in a very specific manner, which the Church recommends in the Rite of Christian initiation of adults adjusted to Polish customs. His proposition is firmly set in the biblical, liturgical, ecclesial and existential contexts. Its great asset is the author’s pastoral practice. The outline of the catechumenate and proposed catecheses were not created by him while sitting at a desk, but rather as a result of his ministry, the long-term programmes implemented personally in the dioceses of Siedlce and Legnica, the catecheses delivered, the scrutinies carried out and the sacraments celebrated. Yet, it needs to be stressed that the presented catecheses do not deal with all the essential dimensions of a Christian’s new life. Neither are they a systematic theological lecture on the sacraments of initiation. His numerous texts contain very interesting intuitions related to the existence of a new man, the Son of God, who is born thanks to being immersed in the waters of baptism. His proposition of experiencing initiation is incredibly valuable and unique against the backdrop of the Polish contemporary thought and sacramental practice.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 14
issue 1
Any attempt to reduce or disintegrate the Christological dogma is not without an impact on the basic message of the good news, the Kerygma, as well as on its soteriological implications. The theological challenge is to make every effort to proclaim the first message as the announcement of the fullness of the revealed truth, but also to indicate the dangers arising from incomplete or unorthodox proclamation. The article presents negative consequences of heterodox Christological tendencies for the reality of the Kerygma in theology of Father Raniero Cantalamessa. These dogmatic threats and their consequences focus on the person of Jesus Christ and the mysteries of His death and resurrection.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 45
issue 1
On the basis of Peter’s Speech at Pentecost the author is seeking to reach the scheme of the primary prophecy. The two stages of argumentation contained in it deal with the resurrection and exaltation. Both events, being the climax of Jesus’ mission, prove His Messianic character and Divinity. The success of the Christian doctrine depended on the proof of these two truths. No wonder then, that they are found in te centre of prophecy, which can be summed up as the proclamation of the resurrected and exalted Christ, who is seated on the right of the Father and gives us the Holy Spirit.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 31
issue 2
W artykule zostaje podjęta refleksja nad „aktualnym aspektem”, czyli „rzeczywistym teraz”, „godziną zbawienia”, tak, jak jest to ujęte przez św. Pawła, który postrzega paruzję jako nowy sposób rozumienia eschatologii zakorzenionej w zwyczajnym „dziś” życia chrześcijan. Zmartwychwstanie Jezusa jest wydarzeniem par excellence zależnym wyłącznie od działania mocy Boga w historii. Stąd koniec czasów, który jest końcem czasu, jest czymś już obecnym wewnątrz historii i wewnątrz upływającego czasu. Artykuł przybliża i pogłębia także jedną z intuicji biblisty Ugo Vaniego SJ, która dotyczy tzw. „eschatologii jakościowej”, „wertykalnej”. Odnosi się ona do zmiany perspektywy, jakiej dokonuje wydarzenie śmierci i zmartwychwstania Chrystusa, które uwydatnia właściwe dla chrześcijanin doświadczenie „bycia zbawionym”. Doświadczenie to charakteryzuje „napięcie eschatologiczne” jako napięcie między „jeszcze nie” i „już” bycia zbawionym. W niniejszym artykule zostaje przeprowadzona wreszcie analiza fragmentu 1 Tes 5, 1-11. Jej celem jest odkrycie wartości kerygmatycznej ewangelii Pawła i ontologii ochrzczonego zawartej w stwierdzeniu: „jesteśmy dziećmi światła i dziećmi dnia” (1 Tes 5, 5).
The article reflects on the “actual aspect”, that is, the “real now”, the “hour of salvation”, as described by St. Paul, who sees parousia as a new way of understanding the eschatology rooted in the ordinary “now” life of the Christians. Jesus’ resurrection is an event par excellence dependent solely on the action of God’s power in history. Hence the end of the times, which is the end of time, is something already present within history and within the passage of time. The article also introduces and deepens one of the intuitions of the biblical scholar Ugo Vani SJ, which concerns the so-called “qualitative”, “vertical” eschatology. It refers to the change of perspective brought about by the event of Christ’s death and resurrection, which highlights the Christian experience of “being saved”. This experience characterizes “eschatological tension” as the tension between the “not yet” and “already” being saved. Finally, the article examines 1 Thess. 5: 1-11. Its aim is to discover the kerygmatic value of the Gospel of Paul and the ontology of the baptized contained in the statement “we are children of light and children of the day” (1 Thess 5: 5).
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Narrativity and Evangelization

To evangelise is to proclaim Jesus Christ, that is, to tell people the story of the eternal word of the Father, which became flesh and has since permeated the history of humanity. Christians preach the Gospel with the help of stories, because the ultimate word that God addresses to humanity is the story of Jesus, the Son of God. There is great performative power in novels: although they do not demand or command anything, they prompt their addressees to reflect on themselves and their attitudes, and then to open themselves up to the action of God and change their lives. The Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ, told to the world will move its audience when the stories told to people are true and provide a respond to the deepest human need. Evangelisers must tell the story of God's saving God's saving love in a clear and interesting way, respecting human freedom in deciding for or against Christ. for or against Christ. Such a proclamation of the Gospel guarantees that the Christian message will be listened to and accepted by people with all their souls (cf. EN 23).
Under can. 770, “At certain times, according to the regulations of the diocesan Bishop, parish priests are to arrange for sermons in the form of retreats and missions, as they are called, or in other forms adapted to requirements.” First, this paper presents the concept and purpose of the parish popular missions. Next, the question of the subject and addressees of the mission is presented. Much space has been devoted to the missionary teaching.The final part is dedicated to the missionary services falling in the sacramental scope and popular piety.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
Człowiek jest drogą Kościoła. Jakich więc sposobów powinien szukać dzisiaj Kościół, aby dotrzeć do człowieka, by ten nie bał się spotkać Chrystusa, poznać prawdę o Nim i przyjąć Go do swojego życia? To jedna z głównych idei adhortacji Evangelii gaudium papieża Franciszka. Papież wskazuje na dwie podstawowe, nierozerwalnie złączone zagadnienia: kerygmat i mistagogię. Dynamizm kerygmy winien kształtować celebrację misteriów wiary, aby dokonywał się proces zmiany życia w kierunku chrystoformizacji, czyli kształtowania postaw na wzór Jezusa Chrystusa.
Man is the way of the Church. So what ways should the Church seek today in order to reach man who will not be afraid to encounter Christ, to attain the truth about Him and to accept Him into his life? It is one of main ideas of Pope Francis’ exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. The Pope points to two fundamental and inextricably linked issues: kerygma and mystagogy. The dynamism of kerygma ought to shape the celebration of the mysteries of faith and thus the process of the transformation of life will lead to a formation in Christlikeness, which means shaping the attitudes in imitation of Christ.
Te aim of the article is to distinguish elements from the Collects of votive mass about the Holy Spirit, which convergate with the kerygma concerning the Third Divine Person. Te results of this research may find their application in homilies, within the so-called kerygmatic actualization. At first, the study analyzes the anamnetic element of particular orations in terms of the Holy Spirit’s activity. Ten, the expressions referring to the Divine dynamics are juxtaposed with readings of the Lectionary. Finally, the article presents the effects suggested in the reviewed orations. Te homilist’s task is to create willingness to accept the gifs which are mentioned in the chosen orations among the participants of the liturgy. Among the postulates are, among others: more frequent use of presidential prayers in preaching and the pedagogy of listening to presidential prayers.
This article aims to provide the basic elements for a theology of communication. To exhaustively deal with a biblical and theological vision of communication is a daunting task, since, in a certain sense, all Scripture and all theological work is an event of communication. In this contribution, the author seeks to derive fundamental elements from particularly significant biblical passages in this regard. In the first place, he highlights characteristics of the Word of God, through which God creates the world and communicates himself to humankind. Next, he clarifies the sense in which Christ, the incarnate Word of God, reveals himself as the “perfect communicator” and he studies the narrative mechanisms and the theological value of parables and Johannine irony and misunderstanding. Then he considers the difficulty of human communication relying on the biblical episode of the Tower of Babel, and connects this to the proclamation of the evangelical kerygma, to which the figure of the Apostle Paul bears particular witness. At the conclusion of the article, the author proposes some general considerations on communication. The author formulates these as “brief theses”, which not only summarize the itinerary undertaken but also intend to open space for further reflection.
The term to kerygma in Ciemens of Alexandria's writings means both an action performed in time and the contents, substance, subject of the Good News the contents of the Gospel. The conveyor of the kerygmat is a word, which can be said or written. On the basis of this assumption Clemens talks about two kinds of kerygma: oral and written. In the times of persecution the written transmission accomplished the principle of kerygmat universality in a fuller way, as it reached ail environments, also the circles that were unfavorable or hostile towards Christianity.
The term 'to kerygma' in Clemens of Alexandria's writings means both an action performed in time and the contents, substance, subject of the Good News the contents of the Gospel. The conveyor of the kerygmat is a word, which can be said or written. On the basis of this assumption Clemens talks about two kinds of kerygma: oral and written. In the times of persecution the written transmission accomplished the principle of kerygmat universality in a fuller way, as it reached ail environments, also the circles that were unfavorable or hostile towards Christianity.
II nome di araldo di Cristo portano tutti quelli che rendono pubblico ii Suo insegnamento (cioe il Vangelo), lo difendono in estremita fino la morte come araldi eroici. Possiamo dire che gia in IV secolo il ministero di araldo funziona come la tromba pubblica. Gregorio Nazianzeno voleva che i cristiani prendessero i propri impegni.
The aim of the article is to determine the way of renewing human dignity according to Christmas liturgy. The term „renewing” can be found in the euchology of „Mass during the day”. Thanks to the actualization of the celebrated Mystery, the participants of this liturgy have a chance to experience the grace of renewal. Therefore, the study contains indications for the homily, whose function is: to reveal the celebrated Mystery, to show its actualization at the time of celebration and to present the practical application of the grace. In the homily of „Mass during the day” a preacher should reveal the Mystery of the Incarnation. The born Son of God distinguishes a man with a vocation to a redemptive dialogue. The person who accepts the Incarnate Word experiences the dignity of Divine filiation. As a result, the grace of renewed dignity strengthens believers in their trust in God and His word, makes them able to experience everyday life in union with their Savior, promotes the renewal of brotherhood relationships, leads to the affirmation of the material side of reality: namely to care for the body and natural environment.
The new evangelization is a concrete task, precisely described in the documents and teaching of the Church. Its characteristic features include: a new context in which the Gospel is proclaimed, a new recipient of this message, a new enthusiasm, new methods, new means of expression, as well as a new keryx and a new content, which is the kerygma sensu stricto. The new evangelization is one of the three types of evangelization in addition to the mission ad gentes and the ordinary evangelization.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
Man is the way of the Church. So what ways should the Church seek today in order to reach man who will not be afraid to encounter Christ, to attain the truth about Him and to accept Him into his life? It is one of main ideas of Pope Francis’ exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. The Pope points to two fundamental and inextricably linked issues: kerygma and mystagogy. The dynamism of kerygma ought to shape the celebration of the mysteries of faith and thus the process of the transformation of life will lead to a formation in Christlikeness, which means shaping the attitudes in imitation of Christ.
Człowiek jest drogą Kościoła. Jakich więc sposobów powinien szukać dzisiaj Kościół, aby dotrzeć do człowieka, by ten nie bał się spotkać Chrystusa, poznać prawdę o Nim i przyjąć Go do swojego życia? To jedna z głównych idei adhortacji Evangelii gaudium papieża Franciszka. Papież wskazuje na dwie podstawowe, nierozerwalnie złączone zagadnienia: kerygmat i mistagogię. Dynamizm kerygmy winien kształtować celebrację misteriów wiary, aby dokonywał się proces zmiany życia w kierunku chrystoformizacji, czyli kształtowania postaw na wzór Jezusa Chrystusa.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 22
issue 1(50)
Przepowiadanie słowa Bożego w zakładach penitencjarnych to wejście na teren misyjny. Charakteryzuje się on nie tylko wysokim poziomem dechrystianizacji i ateizmu, ale również magicznego myślenia. Więźniowie poddani są  wielopłaszczyznowej presji: muszą się zmierzyć z osądem ludzkim, własnym poczuciem winy, jak również z podkulturą przestępczą. Wobec drastycznie ograniczonych możliwości zaspokojenia potrzeb społecznych i komunikacyjnych, pojawia się u więźniów postawa nieufności, pozorów radzenia sobie, skrywanego lęku. Głoszenie słowa Bożego w tym specyficznym kontekście stawia przed kaznodzieją wysokie wymagania. Musi być on zdolny do głoszenia ewangelizacyjnego, którego sercem jest kerygma. Jego nastawienie wobec osadzonych nie może być potępiające, gdyż jego główną misją jest zaproszenie słuchaczy do nawiązania osobistej relacji z Bogiem. Centralnym tematem przepowiadania w więzieniu jest Boże miłosierdzie, które odsłania prawdziwą twarz Boga. Język przepowiadania ma  być konkretny i prosty, który uczyni Go bliskim. Kaznodzieja powinien umieć budować w ramach przepowiadania doświadczenie symboliczne, które pozwoli odbiorcy odnowić więź ze źródłem życia, poczucie wolności i sensu, którym jest Bóg i Jego słowo.
Preaching the Word of God in penitential institutions constitutes an entrance into a  missionary terrain. This milieu is  characterized with high degree of  dechristianization and atheism as  well as  magical thinking. The inmates are subject to multidimensional pressure: they must face human judgement, confront their own sense of guilt, and also the criminal subculture. In the light of drastically limited possibilities of satisfying both their social and communication needs, the prisoners develop the attitude of lack of confidence, semblance of coping with their lives, and hidden fears. Preaching  the word of  God in  this particular context imposes high demands upon the preacher. He must be capable of evangelic preaching with its heart located in kerygma. His attitude towards the inmates must be devoid of condemnation as his main mission is to invite the listeners to create a personal relationship with God. The central subject of preaching in prison should be the Divine mercy (Misericordia) which reveals the true face of God. The language used should be both concrete and simple, which is meant to make Him a close Person. Within the preaching the priest should be  able to  build a  symbolic experience, which shall enable the listeners to rebuild their bond with the source of life, and the sense of freedom and meaning being God and His Word himself.
Father Raniero Cardinal Cantalamessa presents four periods of evangelization that have taken place in the history of the Church. He refers to them as „waves of evangelization”, indicating that these extraordinary periods of evangelization are reminiscences of the beginnings of the Church. Their appearance is related to the emergence of a new group of recipients unfamiliar with the message of the Gospel. Cantalamessa’s analysis indicates that the actual content conveyed to them is the kerygma. Appropriate pastoral reflection is also required by the choice of a keryx who is to effectively reach the recipients with the message of salvation. The four „waves of evangelization” are, according to the Italian theologian, a return to kerygmatic evangelization.
Ojciec kardynał Raniero Cantalamessa przedstawia cztery okresy ewangelizacji, które miały miejsce w historii Kościoła. Nazywa je „falami ewangelizacji”, wskazując, że te niezwykłe okresy ewangelizacji są przypomnieniem początków Kościoła. Ich pojawienie się wiąże się z pojawieniem się nowej grupy odbiorców niezaznajomionych z przesłaniem Ewangelii. Analiza Cantalamessy wskazuje, że faktyczną przekazywaną im treścią jest kerygmat. Odpowiedniej refleksji duszpasterskiej wymaga także wybór keryksu, który ma skutecznie docierać do odbiorców z orędziem zbawienia. Cztery „fale ewangelizacji” są zdaniem włoskiego teologa powrotem do ewangelizacji kerygmatycznej.
In the article I introduced selected concepts of fate expressed in the dramatic works by authors of different cultural backgrounds, at various stages of the development of civilisation. By analysing the selected literary works, I presented a multidimensional man’s attitude toward metaphysics, the consciousness of the aim of his life and death, based on the works of great artists who are both sensitive observers revealing the spirit of their own times and educators promoting their courageous outlook on the stage. The works of chosen artists showed that there is certain connection between the way of understanding the human fate and formation of the mentality model and the degree of moral and social activity of man, thus the condition of the entire community, and consequently the nation.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 22
issue 1(50)
Cała działalność Kościoła powinna być podporządkowana ewangelizacji (EN 14). Współczesny kontekst społeczny i  kulturowy przynagla wspólnotę Kościoła do ciągłego poszukiwania nowych sposobów dotarcia z Ewangelią do współczesnego człowieka. Papież Franciszek podkreśla ukierunkowanie misyjne Kościoła wraz ze wszystkimi jego strukturami (EG 27). W misyjną opcję papieską wpisują się misje miasta jako jedna z najnowszych form misji ludowych. Stosują one rozmaitość metod głoszenia Ewangelii w celu dotarcia do jak najszerszego grona. W sposób szczególny chcą objąć swoim zasięgiem ludzi zamieszkałych na peryferiach wielkich aglomeracji miejskich. Stąd też w programie misyjnym możemy odnaleźć wielość propozycji wydarzeń kulturalno-religijnych.
The whole Church activity should be subordinated to evangelization (EN 14). The contemporary social and cultural context urges Church community to continually seek new ways of reaching the gospel to the modern people. Pope Francis emphasizes the missionary orientation of the Church and all its structures (EG 27). The City Missions are part of  the papal missions and count as  one of  the newest forms of popular missions. They use a variety of methods of preaching the Gospel in order to reach the widest possible audience. In particular, they want to reach people living on the outskirts of large urban agglomerations. Hence, in the missionary program we can find a multitude of proposals for cultural and religious events.
W artykule próbowano zestawić analizę kerygmatyczną, jaką posługiwał się Marian Maciejewski, z badaniami nad relacją religii i literatury, którą stosowano dotąd w badaniach literaturoznawczych. KUL-owska szkoła, do której odwoływał się Badacz, reprezentowana przez naukowców tej miary, co Czesław Zgorzelski, Irena Sławińska, Maria Jasińska-Wojtkowska, Stefan Sawicki, wniosła bardzo ważny wkład w wypracowanie metodologii badań sacrum w literaturze. Na tym tle propozycja Maciejewskiego idzie dalej, wnika nie tylko w strukturę tekstu, w którym obecny jest badany element religijny, ale stara się go interpretować w konfrontacji z kerygmatem apostolskim, by odsłonić jego istotne cechy chrześcijańskie, bądź niechrześcijańskie (np. religijność naturalną). Analiza kerygmatyczna, nazwana tu „metodą Maciejewskiego”, polega na rzetelnej refleksji nad wszystkimi aspektami utworu literackiego i wpisaną weń koncepcją antropologiczną, w szczególności zaś nad „kondycją duchową” człowieka, będącego podmiotem utworu.
The article attempts to compare the kerygmatic analysis as it was used by Marian Maciejewski, with the studies of the relation between religion and literature that had been used in studies of literature earlier. The school developed at the Catholic University of Lublin, to which the Professor referred, represented by scholars of such a caliber as Czesław Zgorzelski, Irena Sławińska, Maria Jasińska-Wojtkowska or Stefan Sawicki, made a very important contribution to developing a methodology of research on the sacrum in literature. Against this background Maciejewski's suggestion goes further; it not only probes into the structure of the text, in which the studied religious element is present, but tries to interpret it as confronted with the apostolic kerygma, in order to reveal its important Christian, or non-Christian features (e.g. natural religiousness). The kerygmatic analysis, called here “Maciejewski's method”, consists in diligent reflection on all the aspects of a literary work and on the anthropological conception inscribed in it, especially on the “spiritual condition” of the man who is the subject of the work.
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