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The cognitive approach in teaching points out clearly to the necessity of integrating language skills in didactic process. Such skills in everyday situations usually appear together: we read in order to write down certain information, we listen to someone’s utterance in order to repeat it to someone else, we write something for someone else to read it etc. Such attitude in teaching imitates a real character of natural communication that combines different types of skills in one multidimensional entity. Methodological materials say nothing or very little on the necessity of integral teaching of the parts of language system that are connected even closer than language skills. No statement can be produced if we do not know the words that this statement should contain and we do not know the rules that must be followed to put these words together. We also need to be able to spell and write down the words correctly in order to make our statement understandable. The article discusses the idea of integrated teaching of the parts of language system along with highlighting its advantages. It is also going to be proved that due to such approach in teaching a learner has numerous and various contacts with language materials, which according to Craik and Lockhart (1971) enhances the process of remembering learnt material.
The topic of this paper is the situation of language skills and a determining factor of it in minority context: languages of instruction in Transylvania. Presenting the socio-demographic context and the status of languages as they are manifested in language skills. Language skills are presented referring to mother tongue skills, second and foreign language competence. The paper emphasizes that the connection between schooling, education, and language usage is evident in the case of minority languages since the instruction in minority languages is a key factor for the maintenance of the language. The empirical data used in the paper come from several sources, most important of them being a sociolinguistic survey in a representative sample of Hungarians in Transylvania carried out by The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (Cluj/Kolozsvár) in 2009.
The Author describes the main goals of the of the Students' Drama Club of the University of Oradea. The Club was founded in 2012 in Department of English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Letters. It is an amateur theatre group that performs plays in the English language. Students are involved in all the stages of the production of the play. Drama Club attention is paid to the acquiring of correct pronunciation and enunciation, to the understanding of new vocabulary and text comprehension. Besides the honing of the students skills with the English language, the aims of the Students' Drama Club is also to teach literature, oratory and teamwork, and to teach assertive communication and self-confidence. The activity of Drama Club is also a useful way to establish a relationship between the university and the surrounding community.
This article reviews the literature on the implementation of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in language learning, aiming at understanding how CMC environments have been implemented to foster language learning. The paper draws on 40 recent research articles selected from 10 peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters and one conference proceeding. It investigates the studies that have dealt with the CMC environments used for language learning, in particular the benefits of CMC in language learning; factors affecting the use of CMC in language learning, and current CMC environments used for language learning (such as emails, wikis, YouTube, Facebook). The review discusses the findings of these studies and suggests guidelines for future research studies in this area. It concludes that further studies are necessary to investigate how language teachers can integrate CMC environments and organize suitable tasks. Also, further studies are necessary to determine the principles that are required to implement CMC in language learning.
The aim of this article is an attempt to answer the question to what extent language skills improve the economic development of businesses operating in the EU internal market and the employability of the EU citizens. The results of research and analyses, as well as case studies indicate the growing economic importance of multilingualism. Language skills have a significant impact on the development of business activity / enterprise as well as obtaining satisfactory employment and developing one’s career in the internal market, and language barrier impede or preclude development of a business activity or career. The analyses also highlight a large gap between the awareness of the EU citizens about the importance of foreign languages and growing demand in the EU market for high linguistic competences and the actual indicators of language skills of the EU citizens. Appropriate actions aimed at full exploitation of the EU multilingualism should be undertaken mainly by the EU institutions and member states. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie w jakim stopniu umiejętności językowe wpływają na rozwój gospodarczy przedsiębiorstw działających na unijnym rynku wewnętrznym oraz na zatrudnialność obywateli Unii Europejskiej. Wyniki badań i analiz oraz studia przypadków wskazują na rosnącą rolę gospodarczego znaczenia wielojęzyczności. Umiejętności językowe mają duży wpływ na rozwijanie działalności gospodarczej/przedsiębiorstwa oraz uzyskanie zadowalającego zatrudnienia i rozwijanie kariery zawodowej, a bariery językowe utrudniają lub uniemożliwiają rozwijanie działalności lub kariery. Analizy wskazują także na duży rozdźwięk pomiędzy świadomością obywateli UE co do znaczenia znajomości języków obcych i rosnącym popytem rynku UE na wysokie kompetencje językowe a rzeczywistymi wskaźnikami umiejętności językowych obywateli UE. W związku z powyższym konieczne są działania uelastyczniające rynek pracy i umożliwiające pełne korzystanie z unijnej wielojęzyczności. Szczególną rolę w tym zakresie mają do odegrania instytucje unijne oraz państwa członkowskie.
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is one of the developing approaches that can assist to improve the language skills (reading, writing, listening) of students in English as a foreign language (EFL). CALL has been used to teach EFL learners through language drills or skills practice to stimulate discussion and interaction, or as a tool to improve writing and research. This study aims to point out the effects of DynEd on attitudes and language skills in EFL of middle school students in Turkey. The study contributes to the area of EFL learning and fosters students’ perceptions of EFL. The sample of this study, which utilized an ex-post facto design, recruited 136 middle school students as participants. According to the results, it can be said that, in addition to the conventional teaching environment, the use of DynEd significantly improved both the language skills and attitudes of the students in EFL. However, DynEd did not make any difference in students’ attitudes towards EFL according to grade level and gender. Moreover, students using DynEd have expressed positive views about DynEd.
This work presents the realisation of such principles of communicative-cognitive approach as the principle of integrated kinds of speech activity, the principle of systematicity, the principle of functionality in correlation with the principle of information transfer, the principle of unity of training, education and development, the principle of the cognitive gap, the principle of authenticity based on the samples of exercises of lexico-grammatical competence and authentic construction projects for future civil engineers. The English language lexico-grammatical competence model demonstrates the structure of its content on the level of knowledge and skills; preparatory, main, and advanced stages of linguistic competence formation in correlation with such levels of understanding of professionally-oriented texts as verbally-visual complex has been presented. The main peculiarities of the model’s content have been highlighted. The system of lexico-grammatical competence formation includes three complexes of exercises: actualisation of lexico-grammatical knowledge on the level of the lexical unit and sentence (reading, speaking); on the formation and improvement of lexico-grammatical skills on the level of the lexical unit, sentence (reading, speaking); the formation and improvement of lexico-grammatical skills on the level of minitexts in speaking and components of the verbal-visual complex (statistical tables, notes) in reading, on the formation and improvement of lexico-grammatical skills on the level of the sketch construction project as verbal-visual complex has been explained and demonstrated. The samples of exercises in lexico-grammatical competence formation within the communicative-cognitive approach have been presented. The explanation of the communicative- cognitive approach’s principles with the help of the system of exercises has been introduced. The pedagogical experiment verifies the effectiveness of lexico-grammatical competence formation in the framework of the communicative-cognitive approach for civil engineering students with the help of one factor disperse analysis. Twelve students from each group (CE21, TPD22, TBC23) have been chosen to compare their results before the experimental test, control test, and after the experimental test within this approach.
Motywacja uczniów bezpośrednio przekłada się na ich zaangażowanie oraz uzyskiwane efekty uczenia się. W procesie dydaktycznym można zorganizować działania tak, aby nie tylko wykorzystywać elementy motywacji zewnętrznej, ale też wzmacniać motywację wewnętrzną u uczniów, uwzględniając jednocześnie dynamiczny charakter motywacji. Przeprowadzone badanie pokazuje, jak kształtowała się motywacja uczniów do nauki języka angielskiego w czasie nauki zdalnej.
Students’ motivation directly influences their involvement in learning and the results they achieve. The teaching-learning process should include activities that address not only extrinsic factors, but also strengthen students’ intrinsic motivation, and reflect the dynamic character of the phenomenon. The research conducted illustrates students’ motivation to learn English in the period of distant education and their perception of learning particular aspect of the language.
The article is a reflection on working with a literary text during Polish as a foreign language lessons, where contact with the work is primarily used to learn the language. It is important to improve students’ writing and text-forming competencies. The author presents conceptualizations of childhood in selected texts, which were created as a result of creative transformational exercises based on the poem by Zbigniew Herbert. Finally, she presents considerations about students with migration experience and their educational needs. The author suggests the usefulness of the described method when working with such a target group, and the need to combine the experience of teaching Polish as a native language and a foreign language.
Artykuł stanowi refleksję na temat pracy z tekstem literackim na lekcjach języka polskiego jako obcego, na których kontakt z utworem służy przede wszystkim nauce języka. Ważne jest doskonalenie pisania, kompetencji tekstotwórczych. Przedstawiono konceptualizacje dzieciństwa w wybranych tekstach paraliterackich, które powstały jako wynik kreatywnych ćwiczeń transformacyjnych wiersza Zbigniewa Herberta. Na końcu ukazano rozważania dotyczące uczniów z kontekstem migracyjnym i ich potrzeb edukacyjnych. Zasugerowano przydatność opisanej metody również w przypadku pracy z taką grupą docelową, a także konieczność łączenia doświadczeń dydaktyki i glottodydaktyki polonistycznej.
The paper aims to present the correlation between developing L2 skills and the role of emotions, mnemonic techniques, and memory. The paper concerns the explanation of the concept of memory seen from different perspectives, definition of mnemonic techniques together with some vivid examples, and the notion of emotions. The present article presents also findings of the case study conducted between two primary school children during private classes of English. The author of the study wants to verify what sort of practical activities evoke particular emotions and which factors may have a significant influence on developing L2 skills such as listening and speaking. Final results are presented in the form of tables together with extended descriptions. This paper also includes some practical implications which can be used when working with children and which may help to cope with negative emotions.
Głównym celem artykułu jest ukazanie powiązania pomiędzy rozwijaniem zdolności językowych drugiego języka a rolą emocji, technik mnemonicznych oraz pamięci. Artykuł zawiera wyjaśnienie definicji pamięci, która jest rozpatrywana z różnych perspektyw, a także technik mnemonicznych oraz emocji. Oprócz części teoretycznej w artykule znajduje się analiza studium przypadku, która została przeprowadzona w ramach badań potrzebnych do artykułu. Studium przypadku dotyczy dwóch uczniów szkoły podstawowej. Głównym zadaniem autora artykułu było sprawdzenie, które ćwiczenia wywołują konkretne emocje i jakie inne czynniki wpływają na rozwój zdolności językowych w zakresie drugiego języka. W artykule znajdują się także praktyczne wskazówki, które mogą okazać się użyteczne podczas pracy w dziećmi.
The following article presents the results of the correlational study, conducted in 2014 on a sample of 110 participants (first and third graders of the secondary schools). The researcher has analyzed the nature and strength of the relationship between the cognitive style of field dependence / field independence (an independent variable of the study) and English writing test results (a dependent variable of the study). The choice of proper research instruments has enabled the researcher to evaluate whether and to what extent the relationship between the main variables of the study is modified by age and sex of the subjects. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of correlational diagrams and statistical analyses. The presented findings may confirm the importance of individualized foreign language teaching.
Der Artikel stellt die Ergebnisse der Korrelationsstudie dar, die 2014 in einer Gruppe von 110 Schülern der ersten und der dritten Klasse (Lyzeum) durchgefuhrt wude. Man untersuchte das Vorhandensein und die Beziehung zwischen kognitivem Stil, Abhängigkeit / Unabhängigkeit vom Datenfeld (unabhängige Variable) und der Testergebnisse der Schreibfertigkeit im Englischen (abhängige Variable). Die Auswahl der Struktur der Studie lässt bestimmen, ob und in welchem Grade Alter und Geschlecht der Teilnehmer die Abhängigkeitskraft zwischen den Hauptvariablen der Studien beeinflussen. Die Schlussfolgerungen hat man anhand der Auswertung der Korrelationsdiagramme und der Statistikanalysen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse bedürfen weiterer Analyse von Lernstilen und der Individualisierung des Fremdspracherwerbsprozesses im Englischen.
The article presents theoretical considerations pertaining to the use of translation in foreign language teaching and argues for the reinstatement of translation activities in language teaching to contribute to the development of intercultural sensitivity among language users. The authors build upon critical-ecological reflections in language education. They posit that a globalized world requires a departure from the monolingual language teaching paradigm, particularly in multicultural and multilingual contexts such as, for example, a united Europe. The argument touches upon the issues of neoliberal skills training, intercultural education, language pedagogy (glottodidactics), language acquisition and translation theories as well as observations of the practicalities imposed on L2 users by the postmodern reality and market forces. The authors present the incorporation of translation practices into foreign language teaching as a means of enhancing intercultural sensitivity and a way of fighting linguistic and cultural colonization. The ultimate goal – the new “paradigm shift” (Butzkamm and Caldwell, 2009) – is to contribute to social justice via foreign language education.
The new curriculum for Polish primary school emphasises strongly on rhetorical skills of pupils, along with their language skills. In the paper we confront those assumptions with the everyday practice in the classroom. We analysed the utterances of 7th-grade pupils, which required from them the argumentative skills as well as selecting literary examples, with the focus on the obligatory readings material. The subject of our analysis was the diversity in topics and examples provided by pupils in spontaneous utterances, analytical and deductive skills of pupils and their linguistic awareness. In result we point to the problematic areas and propose solutions.
W warunkach międzynarodowej współpracy i wszechobecnych procesów globalizacji trudno wyobrazić sobie rzeczywistość społeczną bez zjawiska wielojęzyczności, tak jak niegdyś nieuniknione było zaakceptowanie kultury i ponowoczesności. Jednakże podobnie jak freudowska kultura i baumanowska ponowoczesność, także wielojęzyczność stanowi pewne „źródło cierpień”. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki jakościowych badań socjolingwistycznych, których celem była analiza wartości wielojęzyczności poprzez określenie pozytywnych i negatywnych (w ocenie badanych osób wielojęzycznych) zjawisk towarzyszących szeroko rozbudowanym kompetencjom językowym, uwzględniając zarówno kwestie stricte językowe, jak i zjawiska natury społecznej. Wyniki badań wskazują na istnienie licznych problematycznych kwestii, wiążących się z umiejętnością posługiwania się wieloma językami obcymi (m.in. brak czasu na dalszy rozwój językowy, negatywne interferencje językowe, trudności w przełączaniu kodu i prawidłowym realizowaniu różnic fonetycznych). Pozytywy wielojęzyczności są jednak liczne i wielorakie. Można tu wymienić m.in. zwielokrotniony dostęp do informacji, pozytywne interferencje językowe wspomagające proces uczenia się kolejnych języków obcych, inny wymiar interakcji i więzi społecznej z interlokutorem, pozytywny wizerunek wielojęzycznej jednostki w społeczeństwie oraz posiadanie kompetencji będących źródłem prestiżu społecznego i osobistej satysfakcji.
In line with Freund’s considerations about civilization and Bauman’s study of postmodernity, the paper presents plurilingualism as another possible source of discontent. The objective of the study was to examine both positive and negative aspects of multiple language skills, including their sociological and linguistic dimension. By means of in-depth interview and qualitative analysis of the statements of multilingual interviewees the value of plurilingualism was measured and described. The research findings show the difficulties resulting from multiple language skills (time management, interferences, code switching) and evidence the social and linguistic benefits, such as prestige, positive features attributed to multilingual individuals, greater access to information, additive language acquisition effect, facilitated international relationships and communication and last, but not least, a source of personal satisfaction.
The paper describes the specific effects of language anxiety on foreign language learning. It concerns anxieties related to the four macro-skills (language-skill-specific anxieties), such as listening anxiety, speaking anxiety, writing anxiety, and reading anxiety. In addition, the impact of language anxiety on grammar study is presented. Research has shown that anxious language students suffer significantly during oral activities and that anxiety has a negative impact on students’ attitudes towards language study.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przybliżenie pojęcia lęku językowego, opisanie jego wpływu na proces przyswajania głównych kompetencji językowych, a mianowicie: słuchania, pisania, czytania i mówienia. Dodatkowo przedstawiony został wpływ lęku językowego na naukę gramatyki. Badania wykazały, że studenci języków obcych, którzy odczuwają wysoki poziom lęku, najbardziej cierpią podczas ustnych ćwiczeń językowych. Co więcej, lęk językowy wpływa u nich na negatywną postawę wobec nauki języka.
The aim of the article is to present the methodology of using case studies in teaching business English to upper-intermediate and advanced students. In the first part it gives a brief history of case studies, then it presents the structure and the basic parts of a mini-case. The last part deals with the methodology of using cases in a business English class. It stresses the significance of case studies in teaching the four language skills. It also recommends the case study method for teaching business and management skills such as analysing facts and figures, presenting the case, giving opinions, negotia- ting and chairing a discussion. The case study method can also be helpful when dealing with cross- cultural issues in a business English course. Case studies are valuable ESP materials with a great teaching potential. They may be challen- ging for both students and teachers. They are effective in teaching the productive language skills of speaking and writing. In addition, they practise content-and-language integrated learning (CLIL) and prepare students to perform successfully in their future business roles.
issue 57/1
The aim of this paper is to present the results of two questionnaires conducted among thirty-eight participants of a language course in medical Polish for people from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The first survey (conducted before the course started) covered the following issues: (1) the participants’ self-assessment of their knowledge of general as well as specialised (medical) Polish, (2) their expectations of the twenty-hour course they were to attend, (3) their linguistic awareness of the need to develop the four linguistic skills in specialised language classes. The second questionnaire focused on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the classes and participants’ own progress in learning Polish for professional purposes. The research was of a diagnostic and descriptive nature, and the findings signalled in this paper have given rise to broader reflections on the current state of research on the description of receptive and productive skills in teaching Polish as a foreign language for specific purposes.
Theatre/drama is an art form that conveys feelings and emotions, as well as thoughts and concerns from the history of human civilisations. Theatre and drama have been used and defined for educational purposes in many different ways. They can be effectively assimilated in language classes to achieve a communicative goal through the integration of four basic language skills (LSRW), and are a powerful tool for engaging students with content. Drama engages students in social contexts where they can think, imagine, talk, manipulate concrete materials and share their views on various social issues. This study uses a quantitative method to collect data from respondents and explores students' perspectives on the use of drama techniques for educational purposes. This paper aims to explore the main problems and challenges faced by teachers in real classroom situations. It also describes how educational drama activities can be assimilated into second-language classrooms, and highlights the strategies of role-play, visualisation and classification, as well as how they can be used in the classroom. It also aims to discuss how drama techniques can be effectively improvised and implemented in English language teaching in an EFL/ESL context.
This article presents an overview of the literature relating to the effects of the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach on the process of language and content acquisition. The overview is divided into five sections and the effects of CLIL on the students’ language system is described according to four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening, vocabulary and grammar). It is stated that while CLIL leads to a general improvement in relation to language proficiency, there are also some observations proving that certain language areas (e.g. syntax, pragmatics) are unaffected.
Artykuł zgłębia potencjał nauczania metodą CLIL i analizuje możliwe korzyści oferowane przez edukację dwujęzyczną. Prezentuje on przegląd literatury oraz gruntowną analizę badań w zakresie zastosowania metody CLIL w nauczaniu języków obcych. Literatura oceniająca programy CLIL, mimo ich ogólnego sukcesu, zwraca również uwagę na słabości uczniów w odniesieniu do sprawności produktywnych zarówno mówienia, jak i pisania oraz do kompetencji gramatycznych i socjolingwistycznych. Intencją autorki artykułu było przedstawienie dowodów świadczących o skuteczności nauczania metodą CLIL oraz zachęcenie przyszłych badaczy do dalszego zgłębiania tej tematyki.
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