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The aim of this article is to analyse the attitude towards the linguistic norm of the first-year students of Romance Philology in Warsaw through the auto-narration. By this tool, belonging to the qualitative methodology, the learner performs a retrospective introspection and thus ‘evaluates’ the learning, in our context – his learning of grammar. The stories of students-future philologists will be analysed according to the following aspects: the importance given to the linguistic norm (understood here as the need for grammatical correction), the perception of its ‘utility’ in relation to other competences and language subsystems, the relationship between awareness of the norm and the effectiveness / quality of communication in a foreign language.
Motivacija predstavlja psihološki proces ili stanje unutar pojedinca koje potiče, usmjerava i postojano održava dobrovoljno ponašanje i akcije usmjerene prema određenom cilju. Kao temeljna i cjeloživotna potreba kojom usvajamo navike, znanja, vještine i sposobnosti te razvijamo kreativne mogućnosti, zahtijeva određenu razinu ulaganja intelektualnog napora, koncentracije i upornost koji ukazuju na kvalitetu učenja, a kolika će ona biti ovisi o razini i vrsti motivacije, kao ključnog pokretača tog procesa. U ovom radu će se opisati intrinzična i ekstrinzična motivacija, koje su međusobno isprepliću i prožimaju i na različite načine potiču na promjene ponašanja i aktivnosti određujući smjer, intenzitet i trajanje motivacije. Intrinzična se motivacija temelji na individualnoj percepciji i psihološkim procesima koji se zbivaju unutar svakog pojedinca i predstavlja sve ono što nas iznutra potiče kako bi se zadovoljile brojne unutarnje potrebe kao što su fiziološke, psihološke i socijalne potrebe i postigao osjećaj unutarnjeg zadovoljstva. Ekstrinzična motivacija predstavlja sve one poticaje koji su rezultat vanjskih utjecaja i stimulansa koji dolaze iz socijalnog i često poslovnog okruženja, a koji se uvijek vežu uz neki oblik nagrade i pohvale. Motivacija kao jedan od afektivnih čimbenika ima veliku važnost za učenje stranog jezika koje znatno utječe na volju i spremnost studenata u prihvaćanju novih znanja. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 120 redovnih i izvanrednih studenata 1. godine Elektrotehničkog odjela Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od siječnja do svibnja 2018. godine. Cilj istraživanja je pokazati utjecaj ekstrinzične i intrinzične motivacije na učenje engleskog jezika. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom na temelju kojeg će se korelacijskom analizom, izračunom relativnih frekvencija i t-testom utvrditi veza između razloga učenja engleskog jezika i potrebe za znanjem istog.
Motivation represents a psychological process or condition within the individual that encourages, directs and continuously maintains a voluntary behavior and actions directed towards a specific goal. As a basic and lifelong need to acquire habits, knowledge, skills and abilities, and develop creative possibilities, it requires a certain level of investment of intellectual effort, concentration and perseverance. They determine the quality of learning and how much a person learns depends on the level and type of motivation, which is the key driver of this process. This paper will describe intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, which are mutually intertwined and pervasive, and in different ways encourage changes in behavior and activity by determining their direction, intensity and duration. Intrinsic motivation is based on individual perception and psychological processes and represents everything inside us encouraged to meet many internal needs, such as physiological, psychological and social, and achieve a sense of inner satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation represents all the incentives that are the result of external influences and stimuli that come from the social and often the business environment, and it is always associated with some form of awards and approvals. Motivation, as one of the affective factors, is of great importance in learning a foreign language, which significantly affects the willingness and readiness of students to accept new knowledge. In this paper, a survey was conducted on a sample of 120 full-time and part-time students of the first year at the Electrical Engineering Department at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, in the period from January to May 2018. The research aimed to show the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on English language learning. The study was conducted through a questionnaire, based on which the correlation analysis, the calculation of relative frequencies and the t-test determined the connection between the reasons for learning English and the need to know it.
W pracy opisane zostały lingwistyczne i kulturowo-lingwistyczne trudności, które trzeba pokonać w trakcie nauki języków obcych. Trudności te powstają nie tylko z powodu różnic w wymowie, gramatyce albo składni, ale także z powodu różnic w kulturze, historii i sposobie życia między uczącym się a nauczycielem. Niektóre różnice są oczywiste, inne nie. Jednakże podstawowym sposobem osiągniecia mistrzostwa w opanowaniu obcego języka jest dokładne i wymagające wiele wysiłku studiowanie nie tylko samego języka , ale także wszystkich aspektów kultury i historii ludzi mówiących w tym języku.
The paper describes linguistic and cultural-linguistic difficulties that one has to overcome when learning a foreign language. These difficulties arise not just from the differences in phonetics, grammar or syntax, but also from the differences in culture, history and the way of life between the native speakers and the student. Some difficulties are obvious, others are not. But the key to mastering a foreign language is diligent studying not just the language itself, but also all aspects of culture and history of the people speaking it on the basis of a good knowledge of one’s own language and culture.
Epidemija uzrokovana virusom Covid-19 aktualizirala je potrebu za otkrivanjem različitih metoda kao i procjenom uspješnosti poučavanja „na daljinu“. Nastavnici i studenti diljem svijeta su se suočili s možda i najvećim izazovom dosad, u kratkom vremenu se prilagoditi dostupnim platformama i jednako tako prihvatiti kako prednosti tako i mane virtualne nastave. Ova epidemija je zapravo i proširila jaz između onih koji mogu pristupiti mogućnostima digitalnog učenja i onih koji su isključeni jer se nisu svi jednako uspješno prilagodili. Isto tako se mora naglasiti da dobro iskustvo online učenja nije nužno vezano uz tehnologiju koju izabiremo, već uz način na koji se nastavnici i studenti posvete tom podučavanju, pogotovo kada je riječ o učenju stranog jezika. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 120 redovnih i izvanrednih studenata 2. godine Strojarskog odjela Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu, u travnju i svibnju 2020. godine. Ciljevi istraživanja su pokazati stupanj zadovoljstva, odnosno nezadovoljstva studenata Tehničkog veleučilišta kao i utvrditi stupanj težine savladavanja stranog jezika online nastavom. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom na temelju kojeg će se izračunom relativnih frekvencija utvrditi navedeni ciljevi.
The Covid-19 virus epidemic has highlighted the need to discover different methods as well as assess the success of distance learning. Teachers and students around the world have faced perhaps the greatest challenge so far, adapting to the available platforms in a short time and equally embracing both the advantages and disadvantages of virtual teaching. This epidemic has actually widened the gap between those who can access digital learning opportunities and those who are excluded because not everyone has adapted to the situation equally successfully. We must also emphasize that a good online learning experience is not necessarily related to the technology we choose, but to the way teachers and students dedicate themselves to that form of teaching and learning, especially when it comes to learning a foreign language. In this paper, a research was conducted on a sample of 120 full-time and part-time students of the 2nd year of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, in April and May 2020. The objectives of the research are to show the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the students at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences as well as to determine the degree of difficulty in mastering a foreign language by online teaching. The research was conducted with a survey questionnaire on the basis of which the calculation of relative frequencies will determine the stated goals.
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