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The management theories of no practical value are known as management fads. One of those management fads - which is the focus of this research – is learning organization. There is sufficient evidence in English literature to conclude that learning organization is a management fad. The aim of this paper is to present the ample evidence that learning organization is a management fad. The maximum number of the research paper with the subject of learning organization was made in the late 1995 and the typical bell-shaped curve of the management fad is evident. In contrast to the world trend, a content analysis of Serbian journals discovered that a typical pick of a bell-shaped curve of papers covering the topic of learning organization was 17 years later. It is argued in this paper that the learning organization phenomenon, as a normative or prescriptive theory, should be abandoned in the academic world altogether. The learning organization fad is a phenomenon with low practical applicability, a phenomenon of a little value for further development in the management research.
Modern school, depending of its function, is consider as institution, social system or organisation. Its widespread criticism gives us space for discussion about school of the future. The author presents home education as an alternative to prevailing education system. Theoretical considerations about the school of the future are connected with the idea of a learning school taken from the concept of the learning organization. The article leaves space for discussion by asking questions and encouraging to deepen scientific research on the state of education in Poland, the home education and the vision of the school of the future.
The paper explores the authentic leadership in learning organization in Slovenian business environment. The purpose of the paper is to present relationship between authentic leadership and learning organization. Main research thesis is focused on characteristics of authentic leadership in company HERMES SoftLab. The main thesis of this paper is that authentic leadership in learning organization enables the growth of leaders in organizational surroundings through a constant dedication to authenticity and organizational learning that will be explored through the qualitative research method of case study research approach. Key research finding is that authentic leaders can be identified in company HERMES SoftLab and that there is a mutual influence between learning organization and authentic leadership. Therefore, the main research finding is that the learning organization leverages the authentic leadership, which in turn leverages the learning organization.
vol. 46
issue 4
The concepts of learning organization and organizational learning have made a significant contribution to the development of some major global companies such as Nokia, Oracle, Microsoft and others. This article explores whether the learning organization concept has proved successful in sports, specifically in ski jumping. The study was conducted among ski jumpers who compete in the World Cup. The questionnaire was distributed to 130 ski jumpers, and 54 correctly completed questionnaires were returned. The study has indicated that ski jumping is a sport of distinct individualists. Individual talent is an extremely important factor for success in this sport. We can say with absolute certainty that all surveyed ski jumpers are able to take 16th to 50th place in a World Cup race. The differences between competitors are very minor, even in the biggest races. Therefore, when it comes to success, every single detail matters. We have identified a weak correlation between the best sporting achievement and collaboration in the testing of new equipment. In the past, some of the best results were achieved on the basis of experimentation, but contemporary coaches do not dare to over-experiment with the technique. Too frequent progress measurements place a burden on competitors. There is a positive correlation between the frequency of individual analysis and the success of a competitor, while the best achievement and variables from “team work” group are negatively correlated. The relationships within a team are obviously very complex.
Trying to find the definition the author of the article reviewed the literature and then the analysis of meaning of notions connected with organizational learning and learning organization. Next he diagnosed the relations between them and summarized the work with the qualitative analysis of the research findings.
The purpose of this article is to present ideas on the management of non-governmental organizations as learning organizations. NGOs are achieving social goals on an increasing scale, but effective and successful actions require from board members to use management methods and techniques. A learning organization style is adequate for many non-governmental organizations. The author describes the main management areas for non-governmental organizations to become learning organizations.
The feedback is a form of interpersonal communication, conditioning both the agreement between members of the organization, and the type of social relation between them. The article presents theoretical assumptions of the concept, which tries to explain how the feedback available in the organization builds up the given type of relation and the organizational practices, and as a result how it affects the general effectiveness of the enterprise. The basis of the presented approach includes the idea of rationality, cybernetic concept of learning process, as well as the learning organization. The available feedback is a crucial notion of the approach. It is defined as the feedback which gives the recipient a chance to modify his or her action and to improve effectiveness. The feedback is determined by three factors: the level of the white noise (disturbances in the communication channel), the attitude towards changes and the ability to adopt the perspective of the other person.
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a survey of PIORiN service recipients in the context of a learning organization. Respondents identified categories related to staff subject matter expertise as strengths of the inspection. As possible areas of research they indicated a possible too slow pace of work. Further research is indicated to examine the impact of stereotypes affecting customer perceptions of officials. The study is the first comprehensive survey of PIORiN based on a nationwide sample.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badania ankietowego usługobiorców PIORiN w kontekście organizacji uczącej się. Za silną stronę inspekcji respondenci uznali kategorie związane z kompetencjami merytorycznymi pracowników. Jako możliwe obszary badawcze wskazywali na zbyt wolne tempo prac. W dalszych badaniach wskazane jest zbadanie wpływu stereotypów wpływających na postrzeganie urzędników przez klientów. Badanie jest pierwszym całościowym badaniem PIORiN opartym na próbie ogólnopolskiej.
Theoretical background: An efficient public administration is a prerequisite for a harmonious development of business, and for the security and prosperity of society. Its rapidity and quality are particularly important in the situation of dynamic economic, political and social changes. However, the model upon which administration is built and functions fails to meet the requirements of the present day. The subject of dysfunctional bureaucracy has been thoroughly analyzed and described in detail. Blind adherence to regulations, reluctance to introduce changes and lack of motivation to help clients are well-known vices of bureaucratic organizations throughout the world. Although countless attempts have been made to change the way these organizations function, the design and implementation of such improvements is hindered by a variety of obstacles. In this article, we shall describe barriers to the process of implementing the concept of a learning organization in a large bureaucratic organization. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to discuss a number of barriers to the process of implementing the concept of a learning organization within a specific bureaucratic organization, namely the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection Service (Państwowa Inspekcja Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa, PIORiN). The barriers discussed were identified in the course of research. Thus, the article adds to the existing body of knowledge about the functioning of bureaucratic organizations, their specificity and processes that take place within them. By identifying potential and actual barriers to the process of change, we can better understand organizational behavior. It also provides practical knowledge about the critical elements of the process of change. Research methods: Research was conducted within a large public institution in charge of phytosanitary controls. Three types of triangulation were used in the study: methodological, theoretical and investigator triangulation. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of a total of 51 interviews, of which 31 were conducted within the organization and 20 with external partners (clients). The basic tool used for collecting data was an open interview, always conducted by two researchers at a time. Interviews were transcribed and read on an ongoing basis with a view to carrying out a preliminary selection and category coding. Four team members participated in the coding process. Codes were subsequently analyzed and grouped into categories that served for drawing conclusions. Main findings: A number of barriers of great consequence for the process of implementing the concept of learning organization in administration have been identified; the most important are: excessive formalization, limited use of clients’ knowledge, insufficient financing, inadequate IT support, and limited cooperation with other public institutions.
Background: Smart buildings are one of the major application areas of technologies bound to embedded systems and the Internet of things. Such systems have to be adaptable and flexible in order to provide better services to its residents. Modelling such systems is an open research question. Herein, the question is approached using an organizational modelling methodology bound to the principles of the learning organization. Objectives: Providing a higher level of abstraction for understanding, developing and maintaining smart residential buildings in a more human understandable form. Methods/Approach: Organization theory provides us with the necessary concepts and methodology to approach complex organizational systems. Results: A set of principles for building learning agent organizations, a formalization of learning processes for agents, a framework for modelling knowledge transfer between agents and the environment, and a tailored organizational structure for smart residential buildings based on Nonaka’s hypertext organizational form. Conclusions: Organization theory is a promising field of research when dealing with complex engineering systems
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu i wyników adaptacji kulturowej oraz analizy statystycznej narzędzia diagnozującego organizacje uczące się – Dimensions of a Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ). W wyniku adaptacji kulturowej narzędzia oraz weryfikacji rzetelności i własności psychometrycznych jego polskiej wersji językowej stwierdzono, że może być on stosowany do diagnozowania organizacji w Polsce pod kątem uczenia się. Artykuł pokazuje jedno z praktycznych zastosowań koncepcji organizacji uczącej się oraz wskazuje na korzyści wynikające z zastosowania rozpoznawalnego na szeroką skalę tego narzędzia.
The purpose of the article is to present the process and the results of cross–cultural adaptation and statistical analysis of a learning organization diagnostic tool—Dimensions of a Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ). As a result of the tool’s cross–cultural adaption as well as statistical analysis, the reliability, validity, and psychometric properties of the Polish language version of the DLOQ have been confirmed. Therefore, the Polish DLOQ can serve to diagnose the learning processes in organizations in Poland. The article shows a practical application of the concept of a learning organization and indicates the benefits stemming from application of this widely recognizable tool.
Zmiany, jakie zachodzą współcześnie zmuszają przedsiębiorstwa do postawienia sobie pytania o jakość przywództwa w organizacji i o to, czy dotychczasowe działania w tej dziedzinie wspierają ich rozwój i osiąganie celów, które sobie wyznaczyły. Organizacje, aby miały szansę na odniesienie sukcesu w szybko zmieniającym się otoczeniu konkurencyjnym, zmuszone są do wprowadzenia nowych paradygmatów przywódczych. W nowym środowisku znaczna część sukcesu przedsiębiorstwa zależeć będzie od zaangażowania jej pracowników, a co za tym idzie od wartości dodanej jaką wytworzą. Zaangażowanie pracowników jest jednym z mierników oceny skuteczności działań przywódców. Niniejszy artykuł składa się z dwóch części: teoretycznej i praktycznej. W części teoretycznej na podstawie przeglądu literatury, została omówiona koncepcja organizacji uczącej się, znaczenie zaangażowania oraz rola przywództwa w tego typu organizacji. W części badawczej została podjęta próba weryfikacji empirycznej przywództwa w organizacji uczącej się i jego wpływu na zaangażowanie pracowników, na przykładzie podmiotu gospodarczego funkcjonującego w branży IT.
The changes that are taking place today force companies to ask themselves about the quality of leadership in the organization and whether their current activities in this field support their success and development. Organizations, in order to have the chance to succeed in a rapidly changing competitive environment, are forced to introduce new leadership paradigms. In the new environment, a significant part of the company’s success will depend on the commitment of its employees, and hence on the added value they create. Employee engagement is one of the measures to assess the effectiveness of leaders’ actions. In this article, based on a literature review, the concept of learning organization, the essence of engagement and the role of leadership in this type of organization were discussed. In the research part, an attempt was made to verify the empirical leadership in the learning organization and its impact on employee involvement based on economic entity operating in the IT industry.
The aim of the publication is to present new models of education appropriate to the twenty-first century and the needs of modern network society. The article presents a comprehensive substantiation for necessity changes in education, resulting from technological development, as well socio-cultural changes. The article characterizes selected models of education of the future: a new culture of learning, the school as a learning organization, so-called turquoise education, and education for wisdom and spirituality. It is emphasized that essential for the new models are new interpersonal relationships and basing on humanistic values rather than on new technologies.
The functioning of modern healthcare organization is determined by the increasing demands of the beneficiaries of health services, budgetary constraints and the need for political consensus. These problems generate increased spending on public health needs and force policy makers to seek effective management instruments. Pro-efficiency solutions for public sector lead healthcare managers to build flexible strategies which mean the necessity of preparation and often redefining the strategic goals and ways to achieve them as a response for stakeholder’s needs. That makes knowledge and learning process about stakeholders an important part of a new public management paradigm. This paper consists of theoretical part, where on the basis of literature studies problems of organizational learning are presented, as well as practical part which presents some research results being a part of three projects carried out by the Department of Public Management and Social Sciences – Stakeholder analysis in the management of the public organization carried out in 2009-2011, Learning Organizations Survey in public health care units carried out in 2010 and the Organizational culture of public organizations carried out in 2012-2014
The article presents the main elements and models of coordination of public policies. The author described the internal and external aspects of cross-sectoral coordination of public policies. The key element of efficiency coordination of public policies is the paradigm of a learning organization. In this article the basic factors of implementation of this paradigm in the management of the public sphere are described.
Celem tego artykułu jest ocena oddziaływania modeli pozaformalnego uczenia się na wzrost wiedzy w organizacjach. Aby go zrealizować, autor najpierw przedstawia swoją pracę, a następnie przechodzi do analizy koncepcji pozaformalnego i nieformalnego uczenia się, koncepcji formalnej edukacji oraz różnic między nimi. Następna część artykułu dotyczy zapobiegania kryzysowi, którego obecnie doświadcza społeczeństwo w obszarze wiedzy i edukacyjnych oddziaływań, oceniając kulturę organizacji uczenia się. Są one najważniejszym czynnikiem, który należy wziąć pod uwagę, aby zrozumieć odpowiedzialność przypisaną do uczenia się. Przed omówieniem i ostatecznym zamknięciem przeprowadzonej oceny w artykule znajduje się rozdział poświęcony omówieniu stosunków istniejących pomiędzy modelami uczenia się i uczącymi się organizacjami. Ważne jest podkreślenie, że celem tej analizy jest właśnie ten rozdział. Analiza przeprowadzona jest w oparciu o prace P. Senge oraz E. Schein, jak również dokumenty UNESCO.
This paper seeks to assess the impact of non-formal learning models in the increment of knowledge within organizations. In order to achieve this, it introduces the work which is presented herein and proceeds to analyze the concepts non-formal and informal learning, formal education as well as the differences that exist among all of them. The next part of the paper preempts the crisis society is experiencing today in terms of knowledge and educational influences by assessing the culture of organizations of learning being the most useful factor to consider in order to understand the responsibility assigned to learning. Before discussing and ultimately concluding the assessment conducted, there is a section of the paper dedicated to discussing the relationship existing between models of learning and learning organizations. It is prudent to note that the purpose of this analysis is this particular section. The analysis elements are based on P. Senge’s literary work as well as E. Schein’s. There is also reliance on papers from UNESCO.
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Szkoła inkluzyjna jako organizacja ucząca się

W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono możliwość doskonalenia się nauczycieli edukacji inkluzyjnej z wykorzystaniem koncepcji organizacji uczącej się Petera Senge. Realizacja zadań edukacji inkluzyjnej wyznacza nowy kierunek postrzegania szkoły, która według założeń inkluzji powinna być przygotowana na przyjęcie i kształcenie każdego ucznia. Aby realizacja tych zadań przebiegała prawidłowo, niezbędne jest odpowiednie przygotowanie zarówno szkoły, jak i jej kadry – nauczycieli. Toteż od współczesnego nauczyciela oczekuje się ciągłego doskonalenia się, podnoszenia swoich kwalifikacji oraz umiejętności zastosowania nabytej wiedzy w praktyce w celu przygotowania uczniów, szczególnie niepełnosprawnych, do życia w dynamicznie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości. Lepszemu przygotowaniu może sprzyjać nie tylko osobisty rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli, ale także wspólna wizja szkoły realizowana przez wszystkich jej pracowników. Pomocne w osiągnięciu tych celów może być wykorzystanie zaproponowanej przez Petera Senge koncepcji organizacji uczącej się, tak by szkoła i jej nauczyciele mogli stać się szkołą uczącą się.
This article presents the opportunity to improve the inclusive education teachers using the concept of a learning organization of Peter Senge. Implementation of tasks of inclusive education determines a new direction for the perception of a school, which according to the principles of inclusion should be prepared to accept and educate each student. To implement these tasks work properly it is necessary to the proper preparation of both the school and its stuff – teachers. Thus, the modern teacher is expected to continuous improvement of their qualifications and ability to apply the acquired knowledge into practice in order to specifically prepare students with disabilities for life in a rapidly changing reality. Favourable for better preparation can be not only the personal professional development of teachers, but also a common vision of the school implemented by all its employees. Helpful in achieving these objectives can be use of the concept of a learning organization as proposed by Peter Senge, so that the school and its teachers become learning school.
This article describes and analyses an intervention and training program created by a group of French researchers, the “violence analysis diagrams” (Fr. courbes de deconstruction de la violence). This analysis is based on an experiment implemented during a course held in the Master’s program in Social Work at the Faculty of Pedagogy (University of Lower Silesia). Drawing on the theorization of this approach relying on institutional analysis, semiotics and pragmatist philosophy, the article describes how a team of professionals can avoid the pitfalls of relationship to favour cooperative and deliberative modalities inspired by Dewey’s theory of inquiry. By becoming a “community of inquiry”, such a team can put aside common interpretations in order to build, through semiosis, a new perspective on critical situations, allowing a better understanding of these situations and, eventually, a more peacefulaction.
Niniejszy tekst przedstawia doświadczenia, wyniesione z wykorzystania, w pracy dydaktycznej, programu stworzonego przez grupę francuskich badaczy „Schemat Analizy Przemocy” (Courbes de Deconstruction de la Violence/ Krzywe dekonstrukcji przemocy). Zastosowanie programu miało charakter swego rodzaju eksperymentu, przeprowadzonego podczas zajęć dydaktycznych, realizowanych w programie studiów magisterskich z zakresu pracy socjalnej na Wydziale Nauk Pedagogicznych Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej we Wrocławiu. Korzystając z teoretyzacji wspomnianego podejścia, opartej na metodologii badań instytucjonalnych, semiotyce i filozofii pragmatycznej, w artykule przedstawiono, w jaki sposób zespół specjalistów może uwolnić się od „pułapek” relacji i wypracować nowe sposoby wyrażania myśli, dzięki współpracy i debacie inspirowanej teorią Deweya. Stając się „wspólnotą dociekań”, zespoły studentów starały się zbudować wspólne interpretacje, aby przez odejście od zazwyczaj znanych sposobów odczytywania znaków, stworzyć nową perspektywę oceny sytuacji krytycznych, pozwalającą na lepsze zrozumienie tych sytuacji i w rezultacie zaplanowanie bardziej przemyślanych działań.
The article describes the school as an institution, a social system and a learning organization. Regardless of whether we analyze school as an institution, a system, an organization, an arrangement, most important are the functions it performs. Taking into account the tasks it has to perform it is possible to distinguish its basic, regulatory and auxiliary functions. In the scientific literature and in practice, the primary school functions include education, upbringing and care. School is considered a very important element of the social system. It influences all young people and performs specific functions. It is understood as one of the basic elements of society, being an important component of the community, and the life activity of children and youth. School is an institution that enters into everyone's life. It is a social institution shaping values, attitudes and life orientations. The school as a learning organization is one of the visions of schools of the future.
Problematyka prowadzonych tu rozważań skupia się wokół analiz komunikacji w organizacji i jej roli w kształtowaniu innowacyjnych organizacji. Przyjęto, że nowe podejście do organizacji opartej na innowacyjności wymaga nowego rozumienia zagadnień przepływu informacji i komunikacji. W analizach odwołano się do koncepcji organizacji uczącej się P. Sengego oraz koncepcji systemów informacyjnych Karla Weicka.
Considerations of this analysis focus on the issues of the communication and its role in creating innovative organization. It was assumed that, leaning on innovation the new kind of organization requires a new approach to the flow of information and the organizational communication. To analyze used Peter Senge's vision of the learning organization and Karl Weick's information system theory.
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