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Orbis Linguarum
issue 50
The Sense of Reading: Ways in and out of the Textual Crossroad Considering the questions of encoding and decoding a text in the High Middle Ages, this paper deals with the political dimensions of poetical and literary matter. The central point of the article is the work of Rabanus Maurus.
In this article the essence of concept “pedagogical innovation” is found out and the main directions of exploration of this problem are defined. Also it is examined that innovative pedagogical technologies are directed at solving such pedagogical problems as: introduction into practice of the new methods, ways which take the whole studying process from defining it aim to waiting results. The new point of view to teach lectures and practice lessons in higher education institutions is exposed. The teachers in higher education institutions may introduce such innovative educational technologies as computer learning programs, electronic learning editions, audio and video learning materials, computer nets, internet, motivational and incentive methods (conversations, discussions), value and regulative methods (tests, doing individual research and creative tasks of different levels of difficulty, posters, photo and video presentations, catalogues). Major innovations in the learning process in the first place should relate to the structure of the education system; curricula and programs; learning technologies and educational equipment; organization of training using information systems, especially in specialized classrooms and laboratories using electronic didactic materials; evaluate the impact of training using the credit-modular system of training; interpersonal relations “teacher-student”. Also it is established that pedagogical institutions raise the level of learning interest of students, the level of knowledge and professional and research skills and improve all studying and scientific and methodological activities. Introduction of innovative technologies in the pedagogical institutions favors the creative development of students, gives an opportunity to reveal the gifted personality and helps them to conduct research work. It also gives an opportunity to use individual method to every student and take his abilities and interests and form readiness of the future specialist to innovative activity. Prospects for further research we see in a more detailed study of questions of introduction of innovative educational technologies by teachers in teaching psycho-pedagogical courses at the universities.
This paper deals with the historiography of the experience of higher education institutions in the Eastern region of Ukraine in the 50-60th of the last century, when higher education in the country became a mass phenomenon. Special attention is paid to the researching of scientific works which clarify the characteristics of the use of such form and method of the teaching process as alecture. The article determines the maincharacteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the lectures, which have been identified by the researchers in this period and region. It is cleared up that a lecture was the main form of teaching in the period which we research. According to the research lectures of that period had a number of characteristics, such as: 1) they holistically and logically covered the basic provisions of the course; 2) they armed students with study of a particular methodology of science; 3) they were better and more complete than other forms of training, compensated obsolescence or lack of modern textbooks and manuals; 4) they were the most operational in giving the latest data of science; 5) they combined organically teaching and education; 6) they targeted students for independent work and defined its main directions. Besides the article shows that this form of teaching had the following advantages: the most economical way of teaching; the most effective way for students to learn; one of the most effective means of shaping the worldview and beliefs; one of the most effective means of direct personal influence of a lecturer for a large audience at the same time. However the author has managed to discover that lectures of that period had some disadvantages. They are the following: 1) the lectures could not depart from the general basic works, textbooks, axioms and truths; 2) they provided only minimal feedback of lecturer and students; 3) they made an impact on particular student the weaker, the more numerous audience was present in a lecture halls. Among other shortcomings of lectures that we have noticed was politicization of lecture materials. Whileresearchingtheproblemthe author has found out that in Soviet higher educational institutions organization of educational process was clearly regulated by documents of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, so differences between lectures, which at that time were almost the only source of knowledge, were only in the level of teacher’s teaching skills. It is worth noticing that in the period which the paper studies higher educational institutions of East Ukrainian region during the educational process, on the one hand, the emphasis was placed on the intellectual development of future professionals, on the other hand – some teachers continued to use such methods of giving lectures, which were mandatory and were focused only on the transmission of information (especially in the 50’s).
The importance of formation of the mathematical modeling ability during the study of the theory of probability and stochastic processes by future engineers is substantiated. The notion of mathematical modeling when teaching the students of technical universities to the mathematical disciplines is examined. The paper reveals the difficulties met by students during the construction of models to the problems. The author notes that the universal formalization algorithm of real problems does not exist; therefore the most difficult for students are the first and the second stages of simulation when solving professionally oriented tasks. In order to solve a problem the techniques of heuristic activity are proposed to take advantage in the first stage of modeling. The study displays one of the ways of teaching students to the «art of modeling», namely the implementation of its development as the ability of students to «see different in the same and the same in differences». This article contains an example of building a model to a professionally oriented task during a lecture. It is shown how a teacher in the course of constructing a model can engage students into interactive debate. For this purpose the teacher’s notation on the blackboard should be accompanied by an appropriate dialogue with students. Methodological recommendations for the direction of educational and cognitive activities of students during the construction of models reflecting Markov random process of discrete state and continuous time are suggested. It is shown why such learning activities, which are to build and study models of stochastic process, contribute to the conscious assimilation of the topic by the students, as well as to the building of their understanding of the unity of some sections of higher mathematics, stochastic processes and connection with real engineering studies. The author emphasizes that the work with a mathematical model of a real engineering process enhances motivation to learn the discipline, so that the students actively master the skills necessary for their future careers. The issue of mathematical modeling training and research of other stochastic processes may become the subject of further survey in this area.
Tadeusz Zieliński was an outstanding scholar specialising in Greek and Roman literature as well as an accomplished orator, though nowadays he is not always appreciated. The best example of his vast knowledge and oratorical talent is undoubtedly the cycle of eight lectures on the broadly conceived Antiquity. In those lectures, Zieliński discussed the ancient world in terms of scientific research, its influence on modern culture and its role in educating the young generation. In order to ensure the effectiveness of his message, he first had to win favour with the audience. His prestige in the scientific community greatly facilitated it, while the numerous rhetorical and linguistic devices he used guaranteed that his persuasive message brought the expected results. Coherent and logical composition, clear and vivid language, topoi, expressions and phrases aimed at reducing the distance between the sender and the receiver, adjusting the style to the audience, numerous examples, references to authoritative figures, among other things, played a vital role here. Such devices were as important as the contents of the text itself as they ensured the effectiveness of the communication.
The article deals with issues of technology training students - social workers for social and legal activities during lectures. On the example of teaching «Principles of social and legal protection of the individual,» the author shows how to prepare the future professional to professional work. Lecture «Social-legal work in shelters for minors «is divided into four stages each of which the student learns a certain amount of information. In the course of teaching defined conceptual terms and key elements. The article presents experimental data. The analysis of problem situations faced by educators in social practice.
The article deals with the essence of the concept the «intellectual skills» and requirements to agrarian students are described. The author believes that with the rapid development of science and technology qualified employers of the agricultural branch should have a good basic training in mathematics and the certain level of intellectual skills formation. The success of the future student’s career will depend on it, when a specialist is able to solve arising problems as quickly, as possible. They should be able to foresee the consequences of those decisions. The studying of this discipline in agricultural universities promotes intellectual skills of students because mathematics develops logical thinking, deductive reasoning, the abstraction and generalization ability, the ability to think, analyze, criticize. It improves the complex systematic mental activity etc. Providing students with basic knowledge of higher mathematics may simultaneously pay attention to the intellectual skills development. Mathematics is a great opportunity for their mental development. Also deep knowledge of the science is the basis for studying many other professional subjects that are responsible for formation of their professional level. This article shows the necessity of mathematics knowledge in learning other professional braches. The author believes that the first block of the intellectual skills development of the program developed by V. F. Palamarchuck, can be implemented during lectures. Becaurse understanding and perception of information, selection of essential features and relations, known and unknown; understanding and explanation of the connections; synthesis; allocation of the object of thought; division of information into logical parts and comparing them; emphasizing the main and submitted ideas; finding the keywords and concepts; grouping of material etc should be done there. It is important to bring highly qualified specialists in the agricultural branch, who are competitive in the global business and science labor market and it is necessary to provide the appropriate level of mathematical and intellectual students skills formation.
Poszukiwania skutecznej formy organizacyjnej współczesnego wykładu akademickiego doprowadziły autora niniejszego artykułu do opracowania modułowej koncepcji wykładu akademickiego, w której twórczo wykorzystano założenia: technologii kształcenia, konstruowania obudowy dydaktycznej, problemowo-semiprogramowanej ekspozycji treści wykładu, przekazu prezentacji multimedialnej, procesu komunikowania informacji oraz teorii prezentacji multimedialnej. Strukturę organizacyjną wykładu oparto na pięciu modułach: pierwszy to moduł wprowadzający; drugi – kontrolny wartościujący stopień przygotowania studentów do wykładu; trzeci – autorski, prezentujący główne treści wykładu przez wykładowcę; czwarty – sprawdzający stopień przyswojenia i zrozumienia przez studentów treści wykładu; piąty – podsumowujący i ugruntowujący poznaną wiedzę oraz zachęcający studentów do dalszej aktywności na kolejnych wykładach. Założono, że powstała nowa koncepcja organizacji wykładu umożliwi: prezentację określonego kompendium wiedzy nie tylko przy aktywnej postawie wykładowcy, lecz również studenta; harmonijne włączenie tekstów konwencjonalnych z tekstami semiprogramowanymi; zmotywowanie studentów do recepcji treści wykładu poprzez wyzwalanie różnych rodzajów ich aktywności (intelektualnej, praktycznej, empirycznej, emocjonalnej); zapewnienie sprzężenia zwrotne (student – wykładowca), co w konsekwencji pozwoli na bieżącą obserwację i ewentualną korektę organizacji i przebiegu wykładu. Wartość opisanej koncepcji wykładu poddano porównawczym badaniom eksperymentalnym. Uzyskane wyniki (tabele 1 i 2) wykazały ponad wszelką wątpliwość, że nowa modułowa forma organizacji wykładu może przyczynić się do podniesienia skuteczności kształcenia przynajmniej w tym kluczowym elemencie, jakim jest wykład akademicki.
Search for an effective organizational form of the academic lecture; lead the author of this article to elaborate a modular conception of an academic lecture, in which he used creatively such assumptions as: education technology, construction of didactic case, problem-semi-programmed lecture content, multimedia presentation direct, information communication process and multimedia presentation theory. The organizational structure of an academic lecture based on five modules: first – introduction, second – a control module that shows how students are prepared, the third one that presents the main content of a lecture, the next is a control module that checks acquisition and understanding by students and the last – summary module that consolidate a fresh knowledge and encouraging students to continue their activity on subsequent lectures. It was assumed that a new concept for the organization of the lecture was created that would enable: firstly, the presentation of a specific compendium of knowledge not only with not the active attitude of the lecturer, but also the students; secondly, harmonious combination of conventional texts with semiprogrammed texts; third, the concept will motivate students to the reception of the lecture content that trigger various types of their activity (intellectual, practical, empirical, emotional); the last, feedback (student-lecturer) that in consequences cause present observation and eventual correction of the organization and course of the lecture. The value of the lecture concept described was subjected to comparative experimental research. The results (tables 1 and 2) showed beyond any doubt that the new modular form of the organization of the lecture can contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of education at least in this element, which is an academic lecture.
Orbis Linguarum
issue 50
Reading and Meaning in Pascal Quignard’s work Pascal Quignard makes reading the very core of his work, drawing on his erudition to feed its content. It is not, however, to be viewed as a scholarly process to legitimize the construction of a discourse. For he is always wary of any construction of meaning and consistently exposes the illusion of Logos and reason. On the contrary, his work is aimed at deconstructing their hold on them. In La Suite des chats et des ânes, Quignard recounts the lecture given to Mireille Calle-Gruber’s students at the Sorbonne, in which he comments on the writing of his novel Les Solidarités mystérieuses. What we mean to do is follow this lesson in order to trace the meaning of the readings at work in writing.
The demand for teachers of Ukrainian universities to create multimedia presentations of lectures and their use in the process of teaching the course “Methodology of teaching mathematics” has been formulated as the result of the experimental research. Taking into account the specificity of the discipline and the peculiarities of the perception, comprehension, and memorisation of educational information by students, what has been determined are the requirements for visual and audio content, for the text presented on presentation slides, and for the design and navigation, and their effectiveness has been experimentally proved. In particular, it has been established that, in order to facilitate students’ perception of educational information, presentation slides should not contain large text arrays. Text slices of presentations should be executed using a certain font, with a certain font size and dominant colours of the headings and main text. To facilitate understanding and memorisation of the content of teaching, the theoretical information should be structured and presented in the form of circuits, tables, diagrams, etc. To stimulate interest in learning, a positive emotional background should be created, and thus a presentation should contain bright colour objects, photographs, and video footage of real mathematics lessons. It is emphasised that, in order to create conditions for the perception, understanding, and memorisation of educational information, presentation design should provide a single style of design and identical compositions of components; for example, image of the same type of information should be in the form of identical elements of “SmartArt.”
Istniejący na ukraińskich uniwersytetach wymóg tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych wy-kładów oraz ich użycia w procesie nauczania kursu „Metodologia nauczania matematyki” zostałsformułowany na podstawie wyników badań eksperymentalnych. W oparciu o cechy szczególne dyscypliny i specyficzne prawa rządzące postrzeganiem, zrozumieniem oraz zapamiętywaniem in-formacji edukacyjnej przez uczniów, zostały określone wymagania dotyczące wizualnej i dźwiękowej zawartości, a także tekstu zamieszczonego na slajdach prezentacji oraz projektu i sposobu poruszania się po prezentacji. Efektywność zastosowania tych praw została dowiedziona eksperymentalnie. Ustalono, że aby ułatwić postrzeganie informacji przez studentów, slajdy prezentacji nie powinny zawierać dużego obszaru tekstu, tekst powinien być napisany odpowiednią czcionką, odpowiedniej wielkości, nagłówki oraz tekst główny powinny być w kolorach podstawowych. Aby ułatwić zrozu-mienie i zapamiętywanie tekstu, prezentowanej informacji teoretycznej powinno nadać się strukturęschematów kołowych, tabel, diagramów, itd.. Aby pobudzić zainteresowanie uczeniem się, należy wywołać pozytywne emocje poprzez wykorzystanie rysunków obiektów wykonanych w jasnych kolorach, fotografii oraz filmów wspierających lekcje matematyki. Podkreślono, że w celu stworzenia sprzyjających warunków do postrzegania, zrozumienia i zapamiętywania informacji, projekt prezen-tacji powinien wykorzystać jeden styl oraz identyczne kompozycje elementów, na przykład przed-stawienie tego samego typu informacji za pomocą identycznych elementów schematów „SmartArt”.
Praca przedstawia zarys historii działalności Komisji Architektury i Urbanistyki od chwili jej utworzenia w 1974 roku do końca roku 2015. Zaprezentowano składy osobowe władz Komisji w poszczególnych kadencjach oraz podano główne zakresy tematyczne prac badawczych prowadzonych w omawianych okresach. Przedstawiono tematy najważniejszych konferencji, sympozjów, seminariów oraz warsztatów naukowych zorganizowanych przez Komisję oraz podano listę wykładowców wraz z tematami wykładów wygłoszonych przede wszystkim w ostatniej dekadzie.
Paper presents outline of history of scientific activity of the Committee for Architecture and Town Planning of the Wroclaw Branch of Polish Academy of Sciences since the time of its forming in 1974 until the end of 2015. There are presented the compositions of Committee’s authorities in particular terms and there are described the main ranges of research works carried out in the spoken periods. There are also given themes of the most important scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars and workshops organized by the Committee together with list of lectures given by lecturers particularly in the last decade.
This paper investigates engagement and active learning in university mass education. It presents the results of an empirical study on the level of interest and the academic emotions that were experienced during an engaging lecture course, and how such variables were related to flow experience, self-study time, and study success.The participants (n=107) were Finnish first-year teacher students in an educational psychology lecture course. The data were collected by using a questionnaire that measured interest, academic emotions, sense of competence, challenge experienced, and self-study time five days before the final examination. Correlations among variables were measured, a step-wise cluster analysis and two ANOVA tests conducted.The participants were highly engaged and interested during the course. Interest, enthusiasm, sense of competence, and self-study time correlated positively with the grade awarded for the course. Three clusters (emotional profiles) were identified: engaged (36 %), unstressed (25 %), and anxious (39 %) student groups. Engaged students spent the most hours in self-study and received the best grades. Unstressed students were the least active in self-study and also achieved the lowest grades.Interest and sense of competence were decisive variables in successful studying during an engaging lecture course. Opportunities to develop blended learning environments that foster active learning in lectures were further discussed.
Polish Romantic poets, as Konrad Górski reminded us, used punctuation in the intonation function. Norwid’s creative work coincides with the time when attempts to standardize punctuation and to introduce new syntactic rules are made. For this reason the issue of the function of Norwid’s punctuation cannot be decided as easily as in case of the three great national poets of Poland. In the original version of poems by the author of Vade-mecum some disturbing places can be found, where the use of a punctuation mark cannot be explained in terms of syntax. On the other hand, punctuation marks are justified when they are treated as tools that form the sound layer of the text. This role of the marks is especially important in the poem Rzecz o wolnos´ci słowa (On Freedom of Speech), which Norwid prepared to be read in a public lecture. By means of punctuation marks the poet included in the text indications about how to read it. This is exactly why modifications and cases of modernization of punctuation made by publishers and editors are not indifferent for the artistic form of Norwid’s works.
The article presents the selected aspects of the image of an academic teacher in the declarations of a group of Polish and foreign students. In connection with the growing share of foreign students in the Polish educational market, the author sought for the answers to the expectations of students related to the role of an academic teacher. The aim of the article is to present selected aspects of the teacher’s role in the eyes of foreign and Polish students. The survey of students’ opinions was carried out in May and June 2019 at the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza, where students from Poland, Ukraine and many other countries were learning. The author assumed that due to cultural differences, the image of an academic teacher in the eyes of individual groups of students may differ. Although the research shows that students prefer different forms of classes, regardless of the country they come from, they still expect active and energetic teachers, who transform transferring knowledge in a clear and understandable way and are professionals in their work.
Artykuł przybliża czytelnikowi wybrane aspekty obrazu nauczyciela akademickiego w deklaracji grupy studentów polskich i zagranicznych. W związku z zwiększającym się udziałem studentów z zagranicy w polskim rynku edukacyjnym autorka poszukiwała odpowiedzi na temat oczekiwań studentów związanych z rolą nauczyciela akademickiego. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wybranych aspektów roli nauczyciela w opinii studentów zagranicznych oraz polskich. Badanie opinii studentów zostało przeprowadzone w maju i czerwcu 2019 roku w Akademii WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej, gdzie uczą się studenci z Polski, Ukrainy i wielu innych krajów świata. Autorka zakładała, że z powodu różnic kulturowych obraz nauczyciela akademickiego w oczach poszczególnych grup studentów może się różnić. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika jednak, że studenci, co prawda, preferują różne formy zajęć, ale niezależnie od kraju, z którego pochodzą, oczekują aktywnego i energicznego nauczyciela, przekazującego wiedzę w sposób jasny i zrozumiały, będącego profesjonalistą w swojej pracy.
The author presents the jurisprudence in social insurance cases concerning the legal qualification of a lecture as the subject of a contract for specific work on the basis of the jurisprudence of common courts and the Supreme Court, as well as in health insurance cases, examined by administrative courts.
Autorka przedstawia poglądy orzecznicze w sprawach z zakresu ubezpieczeń społecznych dotyczących prawnej kwalifikacji wykładu jako przedmiotu umowy o dzieło na przykładzie orzecznictwa sądów powszechnych i Sądu Najwyższego oraz z zakresu ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego rozpatrywanych przez sądy administracyjne
The problem of improving the form of future teachers’ preparation of higher education within master’s degree studies in the context of principles of Bologna Convention is analyzed through the prism of the modular and self-organizational approach. Conditions for the design of modern kinds of lectures (lecture with planned mistakes, lecture-dispute, and problem lecture), practical classes, independent study, conferences, and business games are considered.
Problem poprawy form przygotowania przyszłych licealistów w warunkach magisterium w kontekście zasad Deklaracji Bolońskiej jest w artykule analizowany przez pryzmat modularnego i samoorganizującego się podejścia. Uwzględniono warunki projektowania współczesnych rodzajów wykładów (wykład z planowanymi błędami, wykład-spór, wykład problemowy), zajęć praktycznych, pracy niezależnej, konferencji, gier biznesowych.
W niniejszych badaniach naukowych przedstawiono doświadczenie zdobyte na wydziale filologicznym Donbaskiego Państwowego Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego (Słowiańsk, Ukraina) w zakresie urozmaicania wykładów z historii literatury obcej na materiale twórczości najoryginalniejszego twórcy polskiej kultury Brunona Schulza. Autorka artykułu zaproponowała i scharakteryzowała następujące formy urozmaicenia wykładów z literatury obcej w szkołach wyższych: prospektywne i antycypacyjne zadania poznawcze do wykładu, wśród których wyróżniają się zadania o kierunku biograficznym lub literackim; wieloaspektowe samodzielne wypracowania przedwykładowe w domu, w szczególności o charakterze twórczym; rejestracja paszportu wykładowego; innowacyjne wystawy wykładowo-książkowe; „laboratorium tłumaczeniowe” jako element konstrukcyjny wykładu; organizery graficzne; wycieczki online jako fragmenty wykładu; wystąpienia absolwentów szkół wyższych jako wykładowców; technika „lustrzanej sali”; akompaniament muzyczny do poszczególnych części wykładu itp. Wszystkie te (i nie tylko) formy, techniki/metody organizacji wykładów uniwersyteckich zostały szczegółowo scharakteryzowane w aspekcie rzeczywistego zastosowania: wprowadzono liczne urozmaicenia wykładów z historii literatury obcej na podstawie eksploracji biografii i oryginalnego dziedzictwa twórczego Brunona Schulza, fenomenalnego, utalentowanego i tajemniczego pisarza galicyjskiego pierwszej połowy XX wieku. Tworzenie własnego systemu nauczania przez każdego nauczyciela to ciągły proces, który nigdy się nie kończy. Nauczyciel musi słuchać siebie, kierować się swoją intuicją i nastrojem, które podpowiadają mu skuteczność określonych form, technik/metod organizowania zajęć wykładowych. Powinien odpowiednio się nastawić na szkolenie specjalistów nowej generacji, zdolnych do aktywnego życia zawodowego w warunkach innowacyjnego rozwoju nowoczesnego społeczeństwa ukraińskiego.
In this scientific study, the experience acquired at the Philological Faculty of Donbas State Pedagogical University (Sloviansk, Ukraine) in the diversification of lectures on History of Foreign Literature based on the material of the creative work of one of the most original Polish writers of the 20th century, Bruno Schulz, is discussed. The author of the paper has proposed and characterized the following forms of diversification of lectures on Foreign Literature in institutions of higher education: prospective and anticipatory cognitive tasks of the lecture, among which tasks of a biographical or literary nature are distinguished; multifaceted independent home pre-lecture studies, in particular of a creative nature; registration and organization of the lecture passport; innovative book lecture exhibitions; “translation laboratory” as a structural component of the lecture; graphic organizers; online tours as fragments of a lecture; speeches of higher education applicants in the role of a lecturer; reception of “mirror audience”; musical accompaniment of individual parts of the lecture, etc. All these (and not only) forms, techniques / methods of organizing university lectures are characterized in detail in the applied aspect: numerous options for diversifying lectures on History of Foreign Literature on the basis of the study of the biography and creative heritage of the original and extraordinary Bruno Schulz, a talented and mysterious Galician writer of the first half of the 20th century. Each lecturer’s creation of his/her teaching system is a continuous process that never ends. The lecturer must listen to himself/herself, his/her intuition and mood, which tells him/her about the effectiveness of certain forms, techniques/methods of organizing lecture classes, because he/she has an orientation towards training specialists of the new generation, capable of active professional life under the conditions of innovative development of modern Ukrainian society.
Polish Romantic poets, as Konrad Górski reminded us, used punctuation in the intonation function. Norwid’s creative work coincides with the time when attempts to standardize punctuation and to introduce new syntactic rules are made. For this reason the issue of the function of Norwid’s punctuation cannot be decided as easily as in case of the three great national poets of Poland. In the original version of poems by the author of “Vade-mecum” some disturbing places can be found, where the use of a punctuation mark cannot be explained in terms of syntax. On the other hand, punctuation marks are justified when they are treated as tools that form the sound layer of the text. This role of the marks is especially important in the poem “Rzecz o wolności słowa” (On Freedom of Speech), which Norwid prepared to be read in a public lecture. By means of punctuation marks the poet included in the text indications about how to read it. This is exactly why modifications and cases of modernization of punctuation made by publishers and editors are not indifferent for the artistic form of Norwid’s works.
On May 24th, 2014 the University of Rzeszów hosted the conference “Stefan Chwin – Spaces of Imagination” whose honoured guests were Stefan Chwin, novelist and literary historian, and Krystyna Chwin, poet and publisher. The first part of the conference was the lecture by Professor Chwin, entitled “Great Central European deportations of the 20th century from the axiological perspective. Challenges for Literature”, whereas the second part included the meeting with the literary couple. The event was organized by the Literary Studies Section of the Academic Association of Scholars of Polish Studies and by the editorial board of the literary and artistic quarterly “Fraza”.
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