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Organizing principles of the mental lexicon are a long studied and discussed research area in linguistics. On the one hand, the paper intends to analyse and to compare traditional methods used by psycholinguists and cognitive linguists for describing the mental lexicon. In this section the approaches using the analogue of a network for the organisation of the mental lexicon are mentioned in detail. On the other hand, present paper also shows, how new methods borrowed from the now emerging field of network research can be used for a better understanding of the mental lexicon.
I have discussed cognitive aspects of translation and have attempted to pay particularattention to the cognitive conditions guaranteeing the correct process of translation. Translating from one language into another is, in my opinion, possible thanks to reference to the conceptual ground and information processing outside language. The division of a single mental lexicon common to two languages into two separate mental lexicons influences the quality of translation. The condition of a successful translation is the correct identification of the conceptual structure and this, in turn, is possible only after the division of the mental lexicons so that the lexical units have direct access to concepts beyond language and are able to activate them.
Network science is an emerging discipline drawing from sociology, computer science, physics and a number of other fields to examine complex systems in economical, biological, social, and technological domains. To examine these complex systems, nodes are used to represent individual entities, and links are used to represent relationships between entities, forming a web-like structure, or network, of the entire system. The structure that emerges in these complex networks influences the dynamics of that system. We provide a short review of how this mathematical approach has been used to examine the structure found in the phonological lexicon, and of how subsequent psycholinguistic investigations demonstrate that several of the structural characteristics of the phonological network influence various language-related processes, including word retrieval during the recognition and production of spoken words, recovery from instances of failed lexical retrieval, and the acquisition of word-forms. This approach allows researchers to examine the lexicon at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, holding much promise for increasing our understanding of language-related processes and representations.    
The paper discusses the role of the superordination relation in the semantic organization of the mental lexicon. The method of three consecutive free association tests (reactions from the previous test are stimuli in the next one, so lists of stimuli are prepared for each respondent separately) was used to determine the role of different kinds of semantic relations in building some fragments of the lexicon. A detailed semantic analysis made in 1200 recurrent (symmetrical) and non-recurrent "chains" built with associations given by 50 secondary school students (Polish language users) revealed the relative importance of the superordination relation as a factor connecting elements of the mental lexicon: the hyponymy/hyperonymy relation occurs more regularly in various lexicon parts than other paradigmatic relations.
This article analyzes the lexical associations within the available lexicon produced by a sample of 120 Polish students of Spanish as a Foreign Language. In the studied corpus we observe certain categorical groupings or associative sets that show that the available words are organized in the form of semantic networks (typical of a connectionist paradigm).These associations of different types (phonetic, orthographic, semantic, categorical, etc.) show that the units of semantic memory are organized into associative networks, as stated by the theory of semantic networks (Collins, Quiliam, 1969; Collins, Loftus, 1975).
I have discussed cognitive aspects of translation and I have attempted to pay a particular attention to cognitive conditions guaranteeing the correct process of translation. Translating from one language into the other is, in my opinion, possible thanks to the reference to the notional ground and information processing regardless of a language. The division of one mental lexicon common for the two languages into two separate mental lexicons influences the quality of translation. The condition of a successful translation is a correct identification of the notional structure and this, in turn, is possible only after the division of the mental lexicons so that the lexical units have a direct access to beyond language notion and can activate them.
This paper examines possible psycholinguistic mechanisms governing stem vowel changes of irregular verbs in intermediate English learners of German as a foreign language (GFL). In Experiment 1, nonce-infinitives embedded in an authentic fictional text had to be inflected for German preterite, thus testing possible analogy driven pattern associations. Experiment 2 explored the psycholinguistic reality of the so-called apophonic path by prompting two inflections for one given nonce-word. Data were analyzed using generalized mixed effects models accounting for within-subject as well as within-item variance. The results of Experiment 1 and 2 support the notion of a pattern associator and yield only scarce evidence for the psycholinguistic reality of a universal apophonic path. Therefore, the organization of irregular verb morphology in the mental lexicon of intermediate GFL learners might best be captured by the linguistic notion of structured lexical entries as well as the psycholinguistic mechanism of an analogy-based pattern associator.
The subject of the article is an attempt to describe the structure of a proprial mental lexicon as exemplified by naming disorders of neurological origin occurring in aphasia. Various means are discussed here of compensating for deficiencies of the naming process (so-called anomia) that allow illustrating the construction of a mental dictionary of proper names. The architecture of this lexicon is structured in a superior-subordinate manner with the help of various types of relations: whole — part, general — detailed, native — foreign, real — fictional, also taking into account commonly known categories: persons, places, representatives of various professions, and persons of similar interests (musicians, sportsmen, journalists, politicians, authorities).
This paper concerns the role of hierarchical semantic relations: class inclusion and partwhole relations as factors organising the mental lexicon, and the dependence of their importance on visual perception and visual memories, as demonstrated by the results of a free association task. 58 blind and 58 sighted language users were instructed to give associations for a list of 75 Polish nouns. Semantic analysis showed that more than 40% of the whole corpus of answers was related to stimuli through the part-whole or class inclusion relations. The results of the analysis indicated many similarities, concerning both types of relations, in the feedback obtained from the blind and sighted respondents. However, the blind participants showed a significantly stronger tendency to respond with inclusive terms (hyperonyms of the stimuli) than the sighted respondents. Th e results were interpreted in terms of the specificity of the compensation processes.
The present study concentrates on the organization of the mental lexicon with regard to semantic transparency in the representation of Polish compounds. Its aim was to test current approaches to the processing of morphologically complex words in a lexical decision experiment with the use of visually presented Polish compound and simple words. The existing psycholinguistic approaches centre around the same question: are complex words parsed into their constituent parts or are they stored as full-word representations in the human mental lexicon? I referred to five widely acknowledged models of morphological processing to account for the outcomes of the present study. The data reveal that: (i) transparent compounds primed by words semantically related to the heads of these transparent compounds elicited faster response times than opaque compounds within the same condition; and (ii) priming speeds up the processing for both transparent and opaque compounds. The results indicate that the processing of Polish compound words is influenced by semantic transparency and that both transparent and opaque compounds are decomposed into their constituents prior to lexical access.
In this article I will concentrate on various techniques for learning and teaching vocabulary that support the memorizing of new words, and I will present the results of a survey conducted among students of applied linguistics on this topic. The main aim of this article is to verify the hypothesis that students haven’t yet been exposed to different techniques for effective vocabulary learning. First, I will show what the mental lexicon is and how it is organised. How mnemonists learn will also be discussed. Then I will briefly explain the terms ‘vocabulary’ and ‘lexical competence’ and show the important principles of vocabulary training. At the end, I will present the most important results of my survey (opinion poll).
In spontaneous speech the problem of lexical access can occur as the use of incorrect lexemes. The various types of incorrect lexemes can be based on semantic and phonetic similarity, caused by grammatical reasons, mixed idioms or compression report. They can also occur in telling the poems learnt by heart. The incorrect lexemes occurring in these situations have common elements and differences, but the question is to what extent. A series of experiments was carried out with the participation of secondary-school children. Their improved and unimproved incorrect words selected from their spontaneous speech patterns, and their poems learnt by heart were analysed in quantitative and qualitative terms (frequency, types, word orders) both by Praat program and by statistics. The results have confirmed the preliminary assumption and they can offer new input into serving teenagers whose development of typical language mental lexicons may serve for comparison testing of atypical language development.
W mowie spontanicznej problem dostępu leksykalnego może wystąpić w formie użycia niewłaściwych leksemów. Różne ich typy mogą być związane z podobieństwem semantycznym i fonetycznym, spowodowanym względami gramatycznymi, pomieszaniem idiomów lub zjawiskiem kompresji. Mogą również wystąpić w recytowaniu wierszy uczonych na pamięć. Niepoprawne leksemy występujące w tych sytuacjach mają wspólne elementy i różnice, ale pytanie brzmi, w jakim stopniu one występują. Przeprowadzono serię eksperymentów z udziałem uczniów szkół średnich. Poprawiane i niepoprawiane błędne słowa wybrane z ich spontanicznych wzorców mowy i ich wyuczonych na pamięć wierszy analizowano pod względem ilościowym i jakościowym (częstotliwość, rodzaje, szyk) z użyciem programu Praat i narzędzi statystycznych. Wyniki badania potwierdziły nasze wstępne założenia i mogą wnieść nowy wkład w pomaganie nastolatkom, a także użycie badań typowego rozwoju mentalnego leksykonu w badaniach z nietypowego rozwoju języka.
The aim of this paper is to justify the assumption that understanding is the essence of learning. From the constructivist viewpoint understanding is a complex mental and social process that involves decoding the symbolic message received from others and then interpreting and assigning a personal meaning to that message. Since personal background largely determines how the message will be understood it is important that the development of the learning environment encourages understanding from multiple perspective. Therefore the learning process should be based on techniques drawn from the constructivist’s epistemological assumptions, e.g., construction of intersubjective perspective, situated cognition in authentic life contexts and collaborative learning environment.
Artykuł stanowi przyczynek do badań nad integracją poprzez sugestię uzupełnienia ich o badania psychosemantyczne, których przedmiotem są mentalne reprezentacje kategorii osób niepełnosprawnych. Proponuje się tu badanie struktury kategorii odnoszących się do podgrup osób niepełnosprawnych, podlegających tzw. wielokrotnej opresji. Kategorie takie należy rozpatrywać jako złożone, stanowiące subkategorie więcej niż jednej kategorii nadrzędnej/prostej, a strukturę kategorii złożonej można ujmować w terminach stopnia podobieństwa do każdej z kategorii nadrzędnych. W artykule przedstawiono przykład badania psychosemantycznego dotyczącego kategorii kobiet niepełnosprawnych. Niepowtarzalna specyfika opresji, charakterystyczna dla tej podgrupy, wyznaczająca budowę kategorii złożonej i jej związek z kategoriami nadrzędnymi (kategorią kobiety i osoby niepełnosprawnej), wynika z postrzegania dysfunkcji jako czynnika oddalającego kobiety niepełnosprawne od prototypowej kobiecości, utrudniającego pełnienie tradycyjnych ról kobiecych. Wyniki badania testem skojarzeń i testem skal potwierdzają duże różnice między kategorią kobiet z niepełnosprawnością i ogólną kategorią kobiety, a jednocześnie znacznie silniejszą i dominującą rolę czynnika niepełnosprawności w budowie tej kategorii złożonej.
The paper makes a contribution to the problem of integration by suggesting the possibility of including into the spectrum of research on issues related to integration psychosemantic analyses - the study of mental representations of categories related with disability. A method of analysing the structure of categories of subgroups of disabled people (which are subject to the so called “multiple oppression”) is proposed. Such type of categories should be analysed as compound categories subordinate to two or more superordinate/simple categories, and the structure of the compound category should be examined in terms of the degree of its similarity to each superordinate category. The example of psychosemantic research on the category of disabled women is presented. The unique specifics of oppression typical for this subgroup of disabled people, determining the structure of the compound category and its relations with superordinate categories (a woman and a disabled person), can be seen as the result of treating dysfunction as a factor creating a gap between disabled women and prototypical femininity by hindering the effective fulfilment of traditional female roles. The results of the presented study – test of associations and test of scales – confirm a very large difference between the narrower category of disabled woman and the more general category of woman as well as the much stronger and dominant role of the disability factor in the process of building the representation of the compound category.
Pandemia Covid-19 wywarła znaczący wpływ na różne aspekty życia społecznego, w tym na język i procesy poznawcze. W badaniu tym zbadano, jak pandemia wpłynęła na skojarzenia związane ze słowami związanymi ze zdrowiem wśród 1454 rodzimych użytkowników języka estońskiego. Dane zebrane między styczniem a marcem 2023 r. porównano ze zbiorem danych sprzed pandemii, słownikiem pt. „Dictionary of Estonian Word Associations” (DEWA), opracowanym w latach 2016–2018. W badaniu skupiono się na piętnastu słowach związanych ze zdrowiem. Wyniki wykazały, że, w związku z kryzysem związanym z Covid-19, pięć z tych słów doznało znaczących zmian w swoich ścieżkach skojarzeń. Warto zauważyć, że spośród badanych 15 słów trzy wyróżniają się jako najbardziej znaczące przypadki, gdzie nastąpiła zmiana w podstawowych reakcjach na nie; te zazwyczaj wykazują najsilniejsze i najtrwalsze powiązania skojarzeniowe, co czyni je mniej podatnymi na zmiany. Ten proces ujawnia zmiany w reprezentacjach leksykonu mentalnego oraz ewoluujące postrzeganie określonych słów i pojęć w kontekście pandemii. Wyniki te ilustrują, jak nieprzewidziane zakłócenia zewnętrzne, takie jak kryzys związany z Covid-19, mogą zmienić konfigurację znaczeń niektórych pojęć w obrębie języka i poznania. Niniejsze badanie przyczynia się do zrozumienia skutków językowych i procesów adaptacji języka wywołanych kryzysem zdrowotnym. Wzbogaca także stosunkowo słabo zbadaną dziedzinę badań nad skojarzeniami słów, szczególnie w językach spoza obszaru anglojęzycznego.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including language and cognitive processes. This research investigates how the pandemic has influenced associations related to health-related words among 1,454 Estonian native speakers. Data collected between January and March 2023 were compared with a pre-pandemic dataset, the Dictionary of Estonian Word Associations (DEWA), compiled from 2016 to 2018. The study focuses on fifteen health-related cue words. The results revealed that five terms experienced significant changes in their association sequences concerning the COVID-19 crisis. Notably, among these 15 words, three stand out as the most significant cases where a change occurred in their primary responses: these typically exhibit the most robust and enduring associative links, making them less susceptible to change. This unveils shifts in the mental lexicon's representations and the evolving perceptions of specific words and concepts amidst the pandemic backdrop. These findings illustrate how unforeseen external disruptions, such as the COVID-19 crisis, can reconfigure the salience of certain concepts within language and cognition. This research contributes to our comprehension of the linguistic repercussions and potential language adaptations triggered by a health crisis. It also enriches the relatively understudied field of word association research, particularly in languages beyond the dominion of English.
This descriptive review presents proper names from the perspective of brain science. It contains the characteristics of individual groups of proper nouns (and common nouns for comparison) and takes account of their neurobiological background. This makes it possible to confirm many opinions on the status of proper names reported by linguists. The baker and baker paradox and the so-called double dissociation in the search of proper names and common names are discussed in order to confirm (at least in part) the thesis that proper names and common nouns are searched for in the mental lexicon independently of each other. The author also presents the characteristics of proper names to make a thesis about the uniqueness of this class of lexemes. It becomes clear that they are more difficult to learn, especially in patients with neurological deficits, and it takes healthy individuals longer to recall them than to search for common names. Moreover, the recollection of names is associated with more phonological mistakes and is often accompanied by the tip-of-the-tongue syndrome (TOT syndrome), which becomes most evident in elderly patients. The article also presents individual adaptive compensation techniques in impaired naming of objects and faces (e.g. aphasia), which facilitate the recreation of categories within the mental proper name lexicon.
Bibliografia stanowi wykaz dorobku naukowego z zakresu językoznawstwa stosowanego i porównawczego Marceliny Grabskiej. Zebrano 61 pozycji w układzie rzeczowym.
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