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The paper argues that narrative functions as a valuable resource for thought and also for developing human cognition and mental work. More specifically, the paper outlines an approach to studying narratives as basic cognitive tools for thinking, and thus my contribution will continue to explore several cognitive processes that allow readers to comprehend narrative texts.
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Imagologia a konstruktywizm

The author considers the problem of creating images, namely its psychological and ontological aspects. Based on the assumption that mental representation is not a mimetic reproduction of objective reality, but a reference to mutually imputed collective knowledge, the author discusses various factors of this situation. The concept proposed by the author is based on presumption that the measure of the compatibility of the image and its designate is the content dispersion occurring in society, i.e. the number of different points of view. In the constructivist model, imaging is based on communication as a modus of the social system, in this case there is a diversification of viewpoints, and the compatibility of the image with its designate is close to 0.
Evidence from Art (History), perceptual psychology, and (psycho-)linguistics support the claim that in Western culture (or rather within left-to-right writing languages), people depict or visualize more important or salient figures to the left. However, linguistics studies investigating this topic almost exclusively use active sentences with standard Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) syntax as stimuli, where the subject takes the role of an agent. However natural language exhibits much more syntactical variation. To determine if this pattern is also present when the less common syntax is used, we asked native German, Spanish, and Czech speakers (N=300) to draw situations representing ten sentences varying in syntactic structure. These drawings, simplified versions of the mental representation of the situation, provide a glimpse into the conceptualization of the scenes. The spatial placement of the agent figures in the sentences was coded. Results show that although the asymmetrical effect is strong in prototypical SVO sentences, where the subject has the function of an agent and the object a function of a patient, the effect is weaker or disappears in passive sentences, where the subject at the first position is a patient and object on the second position is an agent, as well as in topicalized (OVS) sentences. Furthermore, we found cross-linguistic differences, which suggests that the character of the bias is language-specific. We postulate that placing the agent to the left is only one of the factors influencing spatial placement. The other factor playing an important role is the naming order.
The notion of “intentionality” is much invoked in various foundational theories of meaning, being very often equated with “meaning”, “content” and “reference”. In this paper, I propose and develop a basic distinction between two concepts and, more fundamentally, properties of intentionality: intentionality-T (the fact that a state is directed to some object) and intentionality-C (the fact that a state is contentful). Representationalism is then defined as the position according to which intentionality-T can be reduced to intentionality-C, in the form of representational (i.e. contentful) states. Nonrepresentationalism is rejecting this reduction, and argues that intentionality-T is more fundamental than intentionality-C. Non-representationalism allows for a new layered view of the relations between cognitive intentionality and linguistic intentionality; this view is presented at the end of the paper.
The concept of narrow content is still under discussion in the debate over mental representation. In the paper, one-factor dimensional accounts of representation are analyzed, particularly the case of Fodor's methodological solipsism. In methodological solipsism, semantic properties of content are arguably eliminated in favor of syntactic ones. If “narrow content” means content properties independent of external factors to a system (as in Segal's view), the concept of content becomes elusive. Moreover, important conceptual problems with one-factor dimensional account are pointed out as a result of analysis arguments presented by J. Searle, S. Harnad and T. Burge. Furthermore, these problems are illustrated with psychological and ethological examples. Although understanding content as partially independent from contextual factors allows theorists to preserve content properties, it seems that understanding content in total abstraction from external factors of these properties is implausible. As a result, internalism is rejected in favor of externalism.
Predictive Processing (PP) framework construes perception and action (and perhaps other cognitive phenomena) as a matter of minimizing prediction error, i.e. the mismatch between the sensory input and sensory predictions generated by a hierarchically organized statistical model. There is a question of how PP fits into the debate between traditional, neurocentric and representation-heavy approaches in cognitive science and those approaches that see cognition as embodied, environmentally embedded, extended and (largely) representation-free. In the present paper, I aim to investigate and clarify the cognitivist or ‘conservative’ reading of PP. I argue that the conservative commitments of PP can be divided into three distinct categories: (1) representationalism, (2) inferentialism, and (3) internalism. I show how these commitments and their relations should be understood and argue for an interpretation of each that is both non-trivial and largely ecumenical towards the 4E literature. Conservative PP is as progressive as conservatism gets
Despite the fact that the notion of internal representation has - at least according to some - a fundamental role to play in the sciences of the mind, not only has its explanatory utility been under attack for a while now, but it also remains unclear what criteria should an explanation of a given cognitive phenomenon meet to count as a (truly, genuinely, nontrivially, etc.) representational explanation in the first place. The aim of this article is to propose a solution to this latter problem. I will assume that representational explanations should be construed as a form of mechanistic explanations and proceed by proposing a general sketch of a functional architecture of a representational cognitive mechanism. According to the view on offer here, representational mechanisms are mechanisms that meet four conditions: the structural resemblance condition, the action-guidance condition, the decouplability condition, and the error-detection condition.
In the proposed paper, we deal with the opportunities of structuring the curriculum. On the theoretical level, we discuss the content of education, the process of knowledge selection and organization, suggestions for increasing the quality of textbooks.
L’articolo prende in esame le “serie traduttive” polacche di due idilli di Leopardi: L’infinito e Alla luna, concentrandosi su alcuni fattori linguistici e culturali che condizionano i traduttori, indirizzando le loro scelte. In particolare, nell’Infinito si nota una difficoltà a rendere l’alternanza dei dimostrativi “questo” e “quello” e la metafora chiave del “naufragare”: in entrambi i casi la lingua polacca pone ostacoli in termini di rappresentazione mentale suggerita dai presunti equivalenti lessicali, con la conseguenza che la scena costruita dai traduttori fatica a porsi come equivalente rispetto alla scena costruita dall’autore. Nelle versioni polacche di Alla luna colpisce invece la tradizione interpretativa riguardante l’ultimo verso: il secondo “che” di “ancor che triste e che l’affanno duri” è infatti inteso da tutti i traduttori in senso ottativo – come un auspicio. Dopo aver mostrato, tramite la variantistica, che l’intentio auctoris prevede inequivocabilmente una frase concessiva e che l’intentio operis non ammette lo stereotipo del masochismo (degenerazione del topos di Leopardi cantore del Weltschmerz), l’articolo si concentra sulla intentio interpretis (forma specifica di intentio lectoris), ipotizzando che all’origine di tale tradizione di tradimento traduttivo vi sia non solo la probabile dipendenza di ogni versione da una o più di quelle che la precedono (come è il caso di quelli che la filologia testuale chiama “errori congiuntivi”), ma anche – a fronte dell’assenza di tale tradizione interpretativa in altre lingue e culture – un’inconscia predisposizione mentale dei traduttori polacchi ad accettare un simile travisamento; predisposizione le cui radici sono da cercare nella storia della cultura polacca quale si è andata formando – e deformando – a partire dall’Ottocento, soprattutto in riferimento al ruolo che in essa occupa da allora il culto della sofferenza.
The article examines the Polish ‘translation series’ of two idylls by Giacomo Leopardi: L’infinito and Alla luna, focusing on selected linguistic and cultural factors behind the translators’ choices. In L’Infinito, one notices a recurrent difficulty in effectively rendering the alternation of the demonstratives questo and quello and the key metaphor of naufragare. In both cases, the purported Polish lexical counterparts fail to produce an adequate mental representation, and as a result the scene constructed by the translators hardly conveys the scene constructed by the author. For their part, the Polish versions of Alla luna display a striking interpretative tradition of the last verse, with the second che in ‘ancor che triste e che l’affanno duri’ understood by all translators in an optative sense (as a wish), rather than in a concessive sense. Having used the variantist approach to show that the intentio auctoris unequivocally provides a concessive phrase and that the intentio operis does not admit the stereotype of masochism (a degeneration of the topos of Leopardi as a Weltschmerz poet), I focus on the intentio interpretis (a specific form of intentio lectoris) and argue that this tradition of translatory infidelity stems not only from the probable reliance of each version on its predecessor(s) (typical of what textual philology calls ‘conjunctive errors’), but also – given the absence of such an interpretative tradition in other languages and cultures – from the Polish translators’s unconscious mental predisposition to accept such a misrepresentation. The roots of this predisposition are to be found in the history of Polish culture as it has been formed – and deformed – since the 19th century, when the cult of suffering became central to it.
vol. 3
issue T
The works published in this section address the question of embodied cognition in an inspiring manner. In her article written ten years ago, Natika Newton deals with the notion of the relation between mental representation and embodiment. Frederique de Vignemont in his text written five years prior begins a strictly philosophical debate regarding the sense of ownership of one’s own body. Claire Petitmengin’s article is a kind of counterpoint to the previous texts. She attempts to explain and demonstrate the profound dimension of experience which she characterizes as affective, transmodal and gestural.
Artykuł stanowi przyczynek do badań nad integracją poprzez sugestię uzupełnienia ich o badania psychosemantyczne, których przedmiotem są mentalne reprezentacje kategorii osób niepełnosprawnych. Proponuje się tu badanie struktury kategorii odnoszących się do podgrup osób niepełnosprawnych, podlegających tzw. wielokrotnej opresji. Kategorie takie należy rozpatrywać jako złożone, stanowiące subkategorie więcej niż jednej kategorii nadrzędnej/prostej, a strukturę kategorii złożonej można ujmować w terminach stopnia podobieństwa do każdej z kategorii nadrzędnych. W artykule przedstawiono przykład badania psychosemantycznego dotyczącego kategorii kobiet niepełnosprawnych. Niepowtarzalna specyfika opresji, charakterystyczna dla tej podgrupy, wyznaczająca budowę kategorii złożonej i jej związek z kategoriami nadrzędnymi (kategorią kobiety i osoby niepełnosprawnej), wynika z postrzegania dysfunkcji jako czynnika oddalającego kobiety niepełnosprawne od prototypowej kobiecości, utrudniającego pełnienie tradycyjnych ról kobiecych. Wyniki badania testem skojarzeń i testem skal potwierdzają duże różnice między kategorią kobiet z niepełnosprawnością i ogólną kategorią kobiety, a jednocześnie znacznie silniejszą i dominującą rolę czynnika niepełnosprawności w budowie tej kategorii złożonej.
The paper makes a contribution to the problem of integration by suggesting the possibility of including into the spectrum of research on issues related to integration psychosemantic analyses - the study of mental representations of categories related with disability. A method of analysing the structure of categories of subgroups of disabled people (which are subject to the so called “multiple oppression”) is proposed. Such type of categories should be analysed as compound categories subordinate to two or more superordinate/simple categories, and the structure of the compound category should be examined in terms of the degree of its similarity to each superordinate category. The example of psychosemantic research on the category of disabled women is presented. The unique specifics of oppression typical for this subgroup of disabled people, determining the structure of the compound category and its relations with superordinate categories (a woman and a disabled person), can be seen as the result of treating dysfunction as a factor creating a gap between disabled women and prototypical femininity by hindering the effective fulfilment of traditional female roles. The results of the presented study – test of associations and test of scales – confirm a very large difference between the narrower category of disabled woman and the more general category of woman as well as the much stronger and dominant role of the disability factor in the process of building the representation of the compound category.
The aim of the article is to construct a theoretical model of mental representation of terminology as well as to formulate a set of guidelines for teachers of languages for specific purposes. The consecutive parts of the article are devoted to characteristics of languages used for specific purposes, terminology, the relation between a term and its mental representation (concept, domain, domain matrix, knowledge systems).
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest stworzenie modelu reprezentacji umysłowej terminu oraz sformułowanie implikowanych przezeń wskazówek dla nauczycieli języków specjalistycznych. W kolejnych częściach artykułu dokonano charakterystyki języków specjalistycznych, przytoczono definicje terminu, podjęto próbę ustalenia związku między terminem, znakiem językowym a przywoływaną przez niego reprezentacją mentalną (pojęcie, domena, matryca domen, system wiedzy).
W książce Representation Reconsidered, William Ramsey argumentuje przeciwko tezie, że naukowe (tj. kognitywistyczne) pojęcie reprezentacji mentalnych powinno zostać oparte na pojęciu reprezentacji zaczerpniętym z psychologii potocznej (tj. pojęciu reprezentacji mentalnych jako postaw propozycjonalnych, takich jak przekonania i pragnienia). Przedstawiony wywód ma za zadanie wykazać, że – wbrew temu, co twierdzi sam Ramsey – nawet jeśli potoczne pojęcie reprezentacji najprawdopodobniej nie stanie się częścią repozytorium pojęciowego kognitywistyki, to nie implikuje to, że przekonania, pragnienia czy racjonalność ludzkiego myślenia mogą zostać wyeliminowane z naturalistycznego rozumienia umysłu (systemu poznawczego) i procesów poznawczych. Kluczem do zrozumienia tego faktu jest ujęcie systemów poznawczych jako hierarchicznych, wielopoziomowych mechanizmów.
In his book Representation Reconsidered, William Ramsey argues against the view that the concept of mental representation employed by cognitive scientists should be based on the folk-psychological concept of mental representation as propositional attitudes. The author of the present article will attempt to show that, contrary to what Ramsey himself claims, the fact that the folk concept of mental representation will most likely not be a part of the conceptual repository of cognitive science does not imply that beliefs, desires or the rationality of human cognition should be eliminated from the naturalistic outlook on the nature of mind (construed as a cognitive system) and cognitive processes. The key to see that this is the case lies in understanding cognitive systems as multi-level, hierarchically organized mechanisms.
In dit artikel wordt een deel van een onderzoek beschreven dat gericht is op de evaluatie van tekstoptimaliserende technieken. De respondenten kregen zowel de originele teksten als verschillende gemanipuleerde versies ervan te lezen. De hier beschreven teksttypen waren een handleiding voor een digitale camera en geschreven instructies over het invullen van het jaarlijkse belastingformulier. De originele teksten kwamen in twee talenvarianten, Slowaaks en Nederlands. Ze werden zowel getoetst door moedertaalsprekers van beide talen als door studenten Nederlands. Tot de taken na het lezen voor de respondenten behoorde dat zij werden gevraagd vrij te reageren op de tekst die ze net hadden gelezen. Er is een interessant detail opgenomen bij de opmerkingen over de Nederlandse versie van de teksten die het belastingformulier vergezellen: namelijk, er waren relatief veel opmerkingen over de vraag of deze teksten de canon vervullen van een “echte” administratieve tekst. Aan de andere kant werden dit soort vragen niet gesteld in de opmerkingen over de Slowaakse teksten. Daarbij werden de Slowaakse teksten zwaarder gemanipuleerd dan de Nederlandse, omdat de originele Nederlandse teksten geschikter waren voor de eindontvanger. Een ander opvallend feit is dat de manipulatie van de Nederlandse teksten niet leidde tot statistisch significante veranderingen in de mogelijkheid van de respondenten om beter te scoren bij vragen over de feiten in de teksten, terwijl de Slowaakse respondenten beter scoren.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia część badań mających na celu ocenę technik optymalizacji tekstu. Respondenci otrzymali tekst oryginalny wraz z różnymi jego wariantami. Tekstami, które zostały poddane analizie, były instrukcja obsługi kamery cyfrowej oraz pisemne instrukcje dotyczące sposobu wypełnienia formularza rocznej deklaracji podatkowej w języku słowackim oraz niderlandzkim. Teksty te zostały przetestowane na rodzimych użytkownikach wymienionych języków oraz na uczących się języka niderlandzkiego. Oprócz innych zadań następujących po przeczytaniu tekstów, respondenci zostali poproszeni, aby luźno wypowiedzieć się na temat tego, co przed chwilą przeczytali. Jeden ciekawy szczegół pojawił się podczas komentowania niderlandzkiej wersji tekstów, które towarzyszyły formularzowi podatkowemu. Ponadto wyłoniło się względnie dużo komentarzy podważających fakt, że teksty te wpisują się w kanon ,,prawdziwego” administracyjnego tekstu. Z drugiej strony, tego typu komentarze nie zostały odnotowane w wersji tekstów słowackich. Co ciekawe, wersje tekstów słowackich były bardziej zmanipulowane niż te niderlandzkie, ponieważ oryginalne teksty holenderskie okazały się nawet bardziej dogodne dla końcowego odbiorcy. Innym uderzającym faktem jest to, że zmanipulowanie tekstów niderlandzkich nie spowodowało statystycznie znaczących zmian w przypadku zdolności respondentów do tego, aby lepiej odpowiadać na pytania dotyczące faktów znajdujących się w tekstach. Słowaccy respondenci wypadli w tym wypadku lepiej.
This article describes a part of a research aimed at evaluating text-optimizing techniques. The respondents were presented with original texts and with differently manipulated versions of them. The text types studied here were an instruction manual to a digital camera and written instructions on how to fill in the annual tax declaration form. The original texts came in two language variants, namely Slovak and Dutch. They were tested on native speakers of both languages and learners of Dutch. Among other post-reading tasks, the respondents were asked to freely comment on the text they just had read. One interesting detail came up among the comments on the Dutch version of the texts that accompany the tax form: namely, there were relatively many comments questioning if these texts fulfill the canon of a “real” administrative text. On the other hand, no such questioning comments were recorded for the Slovak texts. More interestingly, the Slovak texts were more heavily manipulated than the Dutch ones, because the original Dutch texts were more suitable for the end recipient. Another striking fact is that the manipulation of the Dutch texts did not lead to statistically significant changes in the ability of the respondents to score better in questions about the facts in the texts, whereas the Slovak respondents did score better.
Code-Switching ist ein Sprachkontaktphänomen und besteht in einem Wechsel zwischen zwei oder mehreren Sprachen bzw. Sprachvarietäten innerhalb einer Äußerung und kann entweder unbewusst oder bewusst ablaufen. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Artikels ist es, ausgewählte syntaktische Beschränkungen des Code-Switching, so wie sie in der Fachliteratur diskutiert werden, zur Debatte zu stellen und anhand einer Transkription eines Interviews mit dem berühmten Neurobiologen Eric Kandel (2011) empirisch zu überprüfen. Einer empirischen Überprüfung wird ebenfalls die Triggering-Hypothese (M. Clyne, 1967) unterzogen.
Code-switching appears among multilingual speakers and means switching fluently from one language to another. Since the 70s some research have been carried out on code-switching from the syntactic point of view. Its main purpose is to determine in which parts of a sentence code-switching cannot appear. The aim of the present study is to verify empirically the selected grammatical constraints on code-switching as well the Triggering-Hypothesis (Clyne 1967) on the basis of an interview transcript with a famous neurobiologist Eric Kandel.
Le numéro contient uniquement des résumés en anglais et en allemand.
Том не содержит аннотаций на русском языке.
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