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Quality measurement is the first step in improving overall quality. Servqual has been identified as one of the most important methods frequently used in assessing the quality of healthcare services. This study aims to systematically review and conduct meta- analysis of conducted studies in this regard in which Servqual tools were used to assess and measure the quality of services. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the required data were collected using several keywords (and their Persian equivalents): services quality, Servqual, quality, gap, primary health cares, health services, Iran. The databases searched were as follows: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, SID, Magiran, and Iranmedex. The comprehensive meta-analysis (CMA) software, Version 2 was used for data analysis. Based on the random effect model, the total mean score of Service Consumers’ perception, Service Consumers’ expectation and the gap between them were estimated as being 3.81 (95% CI: 3.56–4.06), 4.49 (95% CI: 4.31–4.67) and -0.83 (95% CI: -065 – -1.01), respectively. The lowest score of consumers’ perception of services quality, was related to the empathy dimension (3.57) and the highest score of consumers’ expectation of services quality was related to the reliability dimension (4.60). Furthermore, there was a quality gap in all dimensions. In order to achieve desired quality and meet service receivers’ needs, attention should be always given to their views, so that proper planning can be done to address existing problems through assessing views. Should such be undertaken, we would be able to witness services quality improvement.
The article is devoted to the role of a priori information on the basis of a meta- -analysis in the evaluation of the fit and accuracy of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This type of model is particularly used to analyze the attitudes and behavior towards new technologies (Moodle platform). In model construction three approaches are compared: structural model with the latent variables (SEM), Bayesian SEM with informative priors based on metanalysis. The aim of the paper is to assess the role of information a priori (subjective knowledge of the researcher and the results of past studies) to assess the stability of the model parameters and fit of the model. Use of information about the prior distributions of parameters and values of point estimates allows to determine the starting points of estimation process and is an essential condition for building a model in bayesian approach. In the process of modeling two models are compared: one built solely on the basis of data (without prior information) and the other that use subjective knowledge of the researcher.
The aim of the article is to examine the inuflence of institutional investor ownership on real earnings' management (REM) practices through a meta-regression analysis (MRA) based on a sample of 225 estimations from 19 articles. Some of the available research suggests a mitigating role for institutional investors who can serve as external monitors and thus reduce earnings' management activities which could have a negative impact on the company's value. eTh results obtained from the basic model conrfimed neither the hypothesis about the inuflence of institutional ownership on REM, nor the hypothesis about the existence of a signicfiant publication bias. Using an augmented MRA model conclusions in diefrent areas associated with structural and methodological heterogeneity were drawn. Diefrences in the impact of institu tional ownership on real earnings' management in diefrent regions of the world, a de pendence of the results on diefrent data characteristics and diefrences in the results depending on whether the article was published in a top journal or not were found.
The purpose of the article was to point out the possibilities of applying metaanalysis in economic science and particularly in econometrics. So far, in Poland meta-analyses were applied in behavioral sciences, medicine and some in economic studies and management, whereas this method has been used used elsewhere since the 1970s for solving a wide spectrum of problems in many fields of study. The present article shows meta-analysis as the method using statistical tools the most, from amongst all the methods of the literature review, and it shows the procedure of carrying it out step by step and its advantages and disadvantages.
Artykuł zawiera obszerny przegląd i analizę modeli stosowanych w ocenie kondycji finansowej przedsiębiorstw pod kątem widzenia prawdopodobieństwa ich bankructwa. W celu usystematyzowania wiedzy na temat determinant bankructwa firm dokonano metaanalizy modeli predykcyjnych stosowanych w badaniach empirycznych z tego zakresu. Wyróżniono główne grupy czynników uwzględnianych w badaniach upadłości przedsiębiorstw: płynność finansowa, rentowność, produktywność aktywów, zabezpieczenie spłaty długu, dźwignia finansowa, wiek i wielkość firmy. Z dostępnej literatury wybrano 26 studiów poświęconych tej problematyce i zbudowano bazę danych zawierającą informacje o oszacowanych modelach. Stosując współczynnik rang i współczynnik korelacji, analizę wariancji, nieparametryczny test Kruskala-Wallisa oraz regresję tobitową, dokonano oceny wpływu zmiennych objaśniających w poszczególnych badaniach na trafność predykcji opartych na danym modelu. W ocenie porównawczej uwzględniono liczbę zmiennych zawartych w modelu, rodzaj zmiennych objaśniających, metodę estymacji oraz liczebność próby. Na podstawie analizy statystyczno-ekonometrycznej stwierdzono, że rozważane charakterystyki poszczególnych modeli były nieistotne dla dokładności wyprowadzanych z nich prognoz bankructwa.
The paper includes a comprehensive review of the literature and comparative analysis of models used in assessing financial condition of an enterprise from the point of view of bankruptcy prediction. In order to systematize the knowledge of factors underlying firm’s bankruptcy, the authors have carried out a meta-analysis of bankruptcy prediction models applied in empirical research. The main groups of factors considered in bankruptcy research include the following indicators: cash-flow, profitability, asset productivity, debt repayment ability, financial leverage, firm’s age and size. Based on the available stock of studies, the authors have selected 26 papers and constructed a database including information on the estimated models. Using rank correlation, correlation coefficient, variance analysis, non-parametric Kuskal-Wallis test, and tobit regression, they assessed the impact of the explanatory variables considered in individual models on the accuracy of predictions rendered by a given model. In a comparative assessment consideration was given to the number and type of explanatory variables included in the model, estimation method and the sample size. The results of the statistical and econometric analysis suggest that the investigated characteristics of the individual models are not significant for their prediction precision as regards bankruptcy.
В статье содержится обширный обзор и анализ моделей, применяемых при оценке фи- нансового состояния предприятий с точки зрения вероятности их банкротства. С це- лью систематизации знаний на тему детерминант банкротства авторами был проведен мета-анализ моделей прогнозирования, применяемых в эмпирических исследованиях этой проблемы. Были выделены главные группы факторов, появляющихся в исследо- ваниях банкротств предприятий: финансовая рентабельность, эффективность активов, обеспечение погашения кредитов, финансовый рычаг, возраст и величина фирмы. Из доступной литературы было выбрано 26 разработок, посвященных этой проблематике; была построена база данных, содержащая информацию о примененных в них моделях. Авторы использовали коэффициент рангов и коэффициент корреляции, анализ вариа- ции, непараметрический тест Краскала-Уоллиса и регрессию Тобина для анализа влия- ния объясняющих переменных на точность прогноза, рассчитанного по данной модели. В сравнительной оценке было учтено количество переменных, содержащихся в модели, вид объясняющих переменных, метод эстимации и величина пробы. На основе стати- стико-эконометрического анализа было отмечено, что рассматриваемые характеристики отдельных моделей не являются существенными с точки зрения точности сделанных на их основании прогнозов банкротства.
Exploring language learners’ anxiety is not a neglected area of inquiry in applied linguistics research, which can primarily be attributed to the publication of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS), an influential instrument developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) to measure language anxiety. An ever-growing array of studies has employed the FLCAS and analyzed the underlying relationship between the focal construct and foreign language achievement, various individual difference variables and a variety of demographic variables, such as learning experiences, age, and gender. Despite the considerable number of publications, studies focusing on biographical variables and language anxiety have not been conclusive. The aim of the present meta-analysis is to analyze 48 studies that employed the FLCAS to look at the potential gender differences with respect to language anxiety. Although there is great variation in the methodological and reporting practices in the studies included, and findings show a tendency for females to experience higher foreign language anxiety, gender-related differences are not statistically significant. The results of moderator analyses showed that neither age nor target language, regional context, or, in the case of university students, their majors, influence this relationship.
Objectives: In the general population, cadmium seems to be responsible for hypertension, atherosclerosis and an increase in acute coronary events. Therefore, the purpose of this meta-analysis was to analyze controlled studies conducted on cadmium and arterial pressure in occupationally-exposed workers. Materials and Methods: After analyzing all the relevant articles found in the literature, 6 publications were selected. Results: A higher prevalence of hypertension and higher values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were recorded in the exposed subjects. Conclusions: Cadmium in occupationallyexposed individuals appears to induce an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and an increase in the prevalence of hypertension.
A study that would otherwise be eligible is commonly excluded from a meta-analysis when the standard error of its treatment-effect estimator, or the estimate of the variance of the outcomes, is not reported and cannot be recovered from the available information. This is wasteful when the estimate of the treatment effect is reported. We assess the loss of information caused by this practice and explore methods of imputation for the missing variance. The methods are illustrated on two sets of examples, one constructed specifically for illustration and another based on a published systematic review.
In this study bibliometric mapping method was employed to visualise the current research trends and the impact of the two most influential models of working memory, namely: A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch’s (1974) multicomponent working memory model and N. Cowan’s (1988) embedded-processes model of working memory. Using VOSviewer software two maps were generated based on the index-term words extracted from the research papers citing Baddeley (2000) and Cowan (2001), respectively. The maps represent networks of co-occurrences of index terms and can be interpreted as an indication of the main research fields related to the examined models of WM. The results of the analysis revealed that the spheres of influence of the two main conceptualisations of WM are rather different than similar. Although the first two clusters, i.e. “brain mapping” and “higher-level cognition and development” are present in both maps, their relative importance varies. The remaining clusters are unique to each map. Baddeley’s theory seems to have a greater influence on “neuropsychology”, while Cowan’s theory - on basic research on “biological systems”, including the nervous system in humans and animals. The second difference between these theories concerns their relations to functions and dysfunctions associated with particular sensory modalities: in Baddelay’s theory with the “auditory modality” cluster, and in Cowan’s - with the “visual modality” one.
Over the last two decades, facial symmetry has been intensively researched. The present article aims to summarize empirical research concerning relations between facial symmetry and health and facial symmetry and personality. A systematic review of the literature shows that facial symmetry is one of the most influential visual markers of attractiveness and health, important for mate selection, while asymmetry can be considered a consequence of an individual’s inability to resist environmental and genetic stressors during development of the organism. However, in spite of evidence suggesting that preferences for facial symmetry are deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, a strong connection between facial symmetry and health is demonstrated only in studies measuring perceived health, while there is only scarce evidence corroborating the link between symmetry and actual health. The interconnections between facial symmetry and personality have not yet been extensively researched. Less than a dozen studies have addressed that issue and they have reached different conclusions. Some evidence suggests that facial symmetry signals personality attributes that indicate good psychological health, while other findings imply that pro-social personality traits negatively correlate with facial symmetry.
In recent years there has been a growing interest to incorporate hypertext glosses into L2 reading materials and accordingly, it has provoked researchers to uncover to what extent and under which moderator variables a specific type of gloss yields more effective outcomes than other types of glossing. The present meta-analysis attempts to examine the magnitude of the effect of different gloss types (single vs. multiple glosses) on L2 vocabulary acquisition along with identification of the contextual factors that influence between-study variation through synthetizing 34 primary articles which satisfy the inclusion criteria. The overall effect size is found to be + 0.83 (p<0.05), indicating that multiple glosses (text+visual) has a large, positive effect on learners’ vocabulary acquisition than single mode of glossing (text-only). Moderator analyses further suggest that intensity of the program and L2 proficiency level are potential moderators influencing the heterogeneity between effect sizes, whereas the learning context, sample size and research design do not have such impact.
Objectives. Poverty has been premised as one of the main causes of various forms of non-productive behaviour such as the unwillingness to delay gratification. The paper aims to examine the relationship between income, as an objective economic indicator, and poor delay of gratification. It puts a particular focus on different poverty thresholds and also after taking cognitive load into account. Sample and settings. A total of 697 participants (out of which 233 also completed the retest) were recruited in two data collections. The participants provided information about their household income, frequency in experiencing negative affect and stress (together forming cognitive load) as well as their tendency to delay gratification. Statistical analysis. The effect sizes for each subsample and poverty threshold were synthesized in a multilevel meta-analysis. Additional Bayesian estimations served as a sensitivity analysis. In order to test whether the average effect sizes differed from Hedges, g = 0.2 (our smallest effect size of interest), equivalence testing was used. Results. The results indicated very small effects of poverty thresholds on the willingness to delay gratification. Hedges, g varied from -0.01 to 0.20 for all the performed analyses. Study limitations. The potential limitations/explanations of the results have been identified. In particular, the core sociodemographic aspects of the sample, the possible social desirability in responding, the general over-reliance on objective poverty thresholds when explaining psychological concepts as well as the rather low verisimilitude of existing theories.
Cieľ. Chudoba je jednou z hlavných príčin neproduktívneho správania, akým je napríklad neochota odďaľovať odmenu. Článok sa zameriava na preskúmanie vzťahu medzi príjmom (ako objektívnym indikátorom chudoby) a neochotou odďaľovať odmenu. Špeciálne sa zameriava na efekt rôzne stanovených hraníc chudoby, berúc do úvahy taktiež kognitívnu záťaž osôb. Výskumný súbor. Výskum bol realizovaný v 2 vlnách a zúčastnilo sa ho spolu 697 participantov (233 z nich absolvovalo retest). Participanti odpovedali na otázky týkajúce sa príjmu domácnosti, frekvencie zažívania negatívneho afektu a stresu (dokopy tvoriacich kognitívnu záťaž) a tiež na ich ochotu odďaľovať odmenu. Štatistická analýza. Vyextrahované veľkosti efektov pre všetky podskupiny a rôzne stanovené hranice chudoby boli syntetizované v rámci viacúrovňovej meta-analýzy. Analýza sensitivity bola realizovaná za použitia Bayesiánskych odhadov. Na posúdenie toho, či sa pozorovaná priemerná veľkosť efektu líšila od Hedgesovho g = 0.2 (najmenšia relevantná veľkosť efektu; SESOI) bolo použité testovanie ekvivalencie. Výsledky. Rôzne stanovené hranice chudoby mali len malý efekt na (ne)ochotu odďaľovať odmenu – Hedgesovo g variovalo v rozmedzí -0.01 až 0.20 pre všetky realizované analýzy. Obmedzenia štúdie. Medzi limity štúdie je možné zaradiť jadrové sociodemografické charakteristiky výskumného súboru, potenciál výskytu sociálne žiaducich odpovedí, prehnanú dôveru v rôzne objektívne hranice chudoby pri snahe o vysvetlenie psychologických fenoménov, či relatívne nízku vierohodnosť existujúcich teórií.
Celem rozważań jest identyfikacja dotychczasowych ustaleń na temat współtworzenia wartości z klientami oraz potencjalnie występujących luk w tej dziedzinie. Cel ten został zrealizowany dzięki przeprowadzeniu systematycznej analizy jakościowej i ilościowej literatury przedmiotu metodą lejka paradygmatu. Na jej podstawie można wnioskować, że obszar badawczy mimo początkowego wzrostu zainteresowania przeżywa swego rodzaju kryzys. Koncepcja współtworzenia wartości nie doczekała się wielu prac empirycznych prowadzonych na dużych próbach, czy też metodycznych wprowadzających zupełnie nowe metody analiz. Wiele z prac teoretycznych to próby stworzenia modeli, które nie były później weryfikowane empirycznie. Autorzy wskazują na najistotniejsze publikacje w analizowanym obszarze oraz możliwe dalsze kierunki badań. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy, jest również przeglądem literatury.
An aim of this article was a critical analysis of the current state of knowledge of value co-creation and identification of prospective research gaps, using the funnel paradigm approach. The research results suggest that after the initial growth of interest and intensive debate, the concept of value co-creation is somehow in crisis, with the lack of viable empirical research and limited development in theoretical propositions.
Цель рассуждений – выявить прежние выводы о совместном создании ценностей с клиентами и потенциально выступающие бреши в этой области. Эта цель была достигнута благодаря проведению систематического качественного и количественного анализа литературы предмета по методу воронки парадигмы. На ее основе можно сделать вывод, что исследовательская сфера, несмотря на первичный рост интереса, претерпевает своеобразный кризис. Концепция совместного создания ценностей не дождалась многих эмпирических работ, проводимых на больших выборках, или же методических, вводящих совершенно новые методы анализов. Многие из теоретических разработок – попытки создания моделей, которые не были позже эмпирически проверены. Авторы указывают самые существенные публикации в анализируемой области и возможные дальнейшие направления исследований. Статья имеет иссле- довательский характер; она тоже представляет собой обзор литературы.
The aim of the present article is to provide a systematic review of qualitative studies in the leading journals of our field focusing on their distributional properties in the various journals as well as topic choice and selected quality control issues. In order to achieve this aim, we carried out a systematic review of research articles published in leading journals in our field, namely, Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, Language Teaching Research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition and Modern Language Journal between 2016 and 2020. Our sample contains 93 articles in which researchers employed qualitative research methods or mixed methods including a qualitative component. Our main results indicate that there is great variation among journals in terms of the number of qualitative studies. As for topic considerations, some traditional individual difference variables seem to have a dominant role, with cognitive processes involved in language acquisition gaining some ground as well. Concerning quality control issues, there could be room for improvement with regard to reporting the quality control measures, including the tools employed in the studies. Based on our results, we can conclude that a more systematic understanding of acceptable processes in the field of applied linguistics could increase not only the number of qualitative articles published but also their topical importance.
The aim of the study is to assess the cognitive value of research results presented in the articles concerning HRM in which the grounded theory methodology was used. The article puts forward the meta-analysis as a tool for comparing the results of previous empirical research published during the period of the last five years (2010–2014) on the ISI Master Journal List. I hope that my research will add to debates on issues of HRM within the private and public sector.
Celem opracowania jest określenie wartości poznawczej wyników badań prezentowanych w artykułach poświęconych zagadnieniom ZZL, w których posłużono się metodologią teorii ugruntowanej. Dzięki wykorzystaniu metaanalizy możliwe będzie porównanie wyników badań empirycznych, publikowanych na przestrzeni ostatnich pięciu lat (2010–2014) w periodykach z tzw. listy filadelfijskiej, poświęconych zagadnieniom zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w organizacjach działających zarówno w sektorze prywatnym, jak i publicznym.
vol. 45
issue 2
Since the start of the new millennium, research into intercultural communication and intercultural competence has embarked on an open debate on normative orientations for action in situations of intercultural contact. The contribution at hand presents the preliminary results and impressions from a thematic qualitative content analysis of central academic publications on intercultural communication from the past six decades. Earlier utilitarian paradigms on the one side and a growing outreach towards interpretative paradigms from ethnographic research have, of late, steered intercultural communication research into a moral vacuum. Since then, the discipline can be characterized as undergoing a moral turn. As a consequence, future research may face an opportunity of reflecting on its own moral paradigms in order to produce even more precise orientations for action in intercultural contacts
In empirical research significant diversity of corporate cash holdings speed of adjustment (SOA) estimates can be observed. It is possible that some of the results are affected by publication selection bias. Articles whose results are clearly in line with economic theories may be preferred by authors and reviewers and, consequently, conclusions from this area can be published more frequently. The aim of this article is to verify whether there is a publication selection bias with respect to studies related to corporate cash holdings adjustments and to investigate the sources of heterogeneity in cash holdings SOA estimates. The statistical method used in the study was meta-analysis, which allows a combined analysis of the results from independent research. Meta- -analysis enables to verify the occurrence of the publication selection bias and to explain the heterogeneity of the results presented in articles. The study was based on data collected as a result of a review of the literature published between 2003 and 2017. On the basis of information on 402 estimates from 58 different studies it has been shown that the publication selection bias does not occur. The Bayesian Model Averaging was used for modelling. It was identified that the characteristics associated with the data set used in the study, model specification and the estimation method significantly affect the heterogeneity of corporate cash holdings SOA estimates. This diversity is determined, among others, by the choice of estimation method, length of the period covered by the analysis and characteristics of the market environment of the concerned entities.
W literaturze dotyczącej transakcyjnej rezerwy płynności przedsiębiorstw można zaobserwować istotne zróżnicowanie oszacowań parametru odzwierciedlającego dynamikę dostosowań badanej wielkości do jej optymalnego poziomu. Część wyników może być obarczona efektem selekcji publikacji. Prace, których rezultaty wpisują się wyraźnie w nurt teorii ekonomicznych, mogą być preferowane przez autorów i recenzentów, a w konsekwencji wyniki z tego obszaru - częściej publikowane. Celem artykułu jest zweryfikowanie występowania efektu selekcji publikacji w opracowaniach dotyczących transakcyjnej rezerwy płynności przedsiębiorstw oraz zbadanie źródeł heterogeniczności oszacowań parametru mówiącego o dynamice dostosowań zasobów gotówkowych. W opracowaniu wykorzystano metaanalizę, pozwalającą na zbiorczą analizę rezultatów pochodzących z niezależnych badań. Umożliwia ona weryfikację występowania efektu selekcji publikacji oraz objaśnienie niejednorodności wyników prezentowanych w artykułach naukowych. Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych wtórnych (informacje o oszacowaniach 402 regresji) pochodzących z 58 opracowań opublikowanych w latach 2003-2017. Do modelowania użyto metody Bayesian Model Averaging. Wykazano, że w przypadku rozpatrywanego zagadnienia efekt selekcji publikacji nie występuje. Na zróżnicowanie oszacowań odzwierciedlających dynamikę procesu dostosowań zasobów gotówkowych istotnie wpływają charakterystyki związane ze zbiorem danych wykorzystanym w badaniu, specyfikacją oraz estymacją modelu. Determinujący jest m.in. dobór metody estymacji, długość okresu objętego analizą oraz charakterystyki otoczenia rynkowego badanych podmiotów
Though much evidence indicates that work stress increases the risk of incident of coronary heart disease (CHD), little is known about the role of work stress in the development of recurrent CHD events. The objective of this study was to review and synthesize the existing epidemiological evidence on whether work stress increases the risk of recurrent CHD events in patients with the first CHD. A systematic literature search in the PubMed database (January 1990 – December 2013) for prospective studies was performed. Inclusion criteria included: peer-reviewed English papers with original data, studies with substantial follow-up (> 3 years), end points defined as cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction, as well as work stress assessed with reliable and valid instruments. Meta-analysis using random-effects modeling was conducted in order to synthesize the observed effects across the studies. Five papers derived from 4 prospective studies conducted in Sweden and Canada were included in this systematic review. The measurement of work stress was based on the Demand- Control model (4 papers) or the Effort-Reward Imbalance model (1 paper). According to the estimation by meta-analysis based on 4 papers, a significant effect of work stress on the risk of recurrent CHD events (hazard ratio: 1.65, 95% confidence interval: 1.23–2.22) was observed. Our findings suggest that, in patients with the first CHD, work stress is associated with an increased relative risk of recurrent CHD events by 65%. Due to the limited literature, more well-designed prospective research is needed to examine this association, in particular, from other than western regions of the world.
Objectives Objectives: Cigarette smoking is the major risk factor of bladder cancer via exposure to chemical carcinogens. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+): quinine oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) and sulfotransferase 1A1 (SULT1A1) have been reported to involve in the metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and aromatic amines. Therefore, the risk of bladder cancer (BC) may be influenced by polymorphisms in the genes that modulate metabolic detoxification in particular by interacting with cigarette smoking. Considering the limited power by the individual studies with a relatively small sample size, especially when analyzing the combined effect of polymorphisms in NQO1 and SULT1A1 genes and smoking, these 2 meta-analyses have aimed to clarify the combined effects of them on BC risk by integrating related studies. Material and Methods Two meta-analyses included 1341 cases and 1346 controls concerning NQO1 Pro187Ser and smoking, and 1921 cases and 1882 controls on SULT1A1 Arg213His and smoking were performed. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used for assessing the strength of the association. Results The result has demonstrated that smokers with NQO1 Pro/Ser or Ser/Ser genotypes have a prominent association with the risk of BC as compared with non-smokers with NQO1 Pro/Pro genotype, with OR equal to 3.71 (95% CI: 2.87–4.78, $ \text{p}_\text{heterogeneity} $ = 0.376). Besides, smokers carrying SULT1A1 Arg/Arg genotypes were observed to confer 2.38 fold increased risk of BC (95% CI: 1.44–3.93, $ \text{p}_\text{heterogeneity} $ = 0.001) when compared with non-smokers with SULT1A1 Arg/Arg or His/His genotypes. Conclusions These findings have suggested that the NQO1 Pro187Ser or SULT1A1 Arg213His polymorphism combination with smoking significantly confer susceptibility to BC. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(5):791–802
The role of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is not clear. Our purpose has been to evaluate the influence of GSTM1 genotypes on 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) adducts, and micronucleus frequency in both occupational and non-occupational populations of null and active GSTM1 carriers. We conducted a meta-analysis on 25 articles that met our strict inclusion criteria (11 studies on 1-OHP, 9 on DNA adducts, and 5 on the micronucleus frequency). In the case of occupationally exposed workers, micronucleus frequency was only significantly higher in the null GSTM1 carriers than in the active GSTM1 carriers. In the non-occupationally exposed general population, 1-OHP and micronucleus frequency were significantly higher in the null GSTM1 carriers. The results of Egger’s test and funnel plot analysis indicated no significant publication bias. In conclusion, GSTM1 genotypes may affect the urinary 1-OHP in the non-occupationally exposed general population, and micronucleus frequency in both occupational workers and non-occupational population. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(2):177–201
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