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Theoretical background: Shopping cart abandonment is defined as a situation when the customer chooses products but does not complete the financial transaction. The vast majority of research articles on purchase abandonment concerns the online or mobile environment. The presented research model refers to the customer intention to resign from purchasing both in physical store and via mobile app caused by a multi-channel pricing strategy. By analogy to many definitions of online cart abandonment, the author defines cart abandonment in a multichannel environment as a decision about postponing purchase at all, both in a physical store and in a purchase mobile app. One of the possibilities of consumer behaviour as a reaction to the multi-channel pricing may be purchase abandonment. The impact of price differentiation across channels on purchase abandonment still deserves research attention due to the lack of the unequivocal confirmation. Purpose of the article: Setting prices in a multichannel environment creates a vital challenge for multi-channel retailers. This article attempts to explain one of the undesirable consequences of the channel-based price differentiation, which is the purchase abandonment. The purpose of this paper is to identify factors influencing the customer intention to abandon the purchase under channel-based price differentiation conditions (physical store and mobile purchase app). Research methods: This study is a quantitative one employing a scenario-based approach to obtain responses from 500 participants. This research used the structural equation modelling to test its hypotheses. Main findings: Findings reveal positive impact of perceived limited self-determination and perceived price unfairness on intention to cart abandonment, whereas consumer trust in a mobile app can reduce the intention to resign from purchase. Furthermore, the author finds the indirect impact of the mobile app familiarity as well as the retailer brand awareness. Research results can help managers to reduce the likelihood of losing customers in the multi-channel pricing environment.
Theoretical background: The idea of multichanneling gained popularity in the late 1990s mostly due to the development of the Internet. Distribution changed from using single to several channels and integrating them, which allowed consumers to access multiple channels at every stage of the buyer decision process. Using multiple channels is referred to as multi-, cross-, or omni-channelling, depending on the level of channel interaction and integration. Transforming distribution from multi-, to omni-channelling can require important and expensive changes in the organization. In Poland, most of the retailers do not meet the requirements of omnichanneling, which leaves the consumers mostly with the experience of multi-, and cross-channelling distribution.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to explore the consumer journey of Millennials in multichannel shopping by examining the usage of distribution channels by Generation Y and preferences about the delivery of products bought online. The factors that can encourage them to choose online channel and click-and-collect delivery more often are also investigated.Research methods: To test the hypotheses, literature research and quantitative study was implemented using an online survey (CASI). The study involved a group of 266 respondents from Generation Y and was conducted in January 2019. Research results were also compared to the prior research found in the literature.Main findings: Research results show that online channels are more popular for information seeking by Millennials but traditional stores are preferred by them for purchase decisions. There is also diversity in the channels used for purchasing researched group of products, which shows that integrating the channels in selected aspects may provide a more positive buying experience and create loyalty. Aspects differentiating multi- and cross-channels from omnichannels, such as lower prices and special offers in online stores, can increase the usage of online channels. The popularity of mobile devices is not well used in distribution channels – it is more popular to use a store’s website on a smartphone than a mobile application to purchase a product. Generation Y is also more likely to use the effect of ROPO (webrooming) than reversed-ROPO (showrooming). The aspects well known for omnichanneling can increase the popularity of click-and-collect among Millennials.
Theoretical background: Consumers today are presented with a myriad of opportunities through the purchase process can be realized (Yrjölä et al., 2018, p. 1133). Customer journey can be defined as a buyer’s behaviour in multi (omni) environment with the goal of finalizing purchase transactions and acquiring positive (seamless, holistic) customer experiences. Researchers look at a service buying process as the customer value-adding journey (Saghiri et al. 2017; Wilding, 2003) and its prime objective is to deliver positive customer experience at each of stages of buying process. According to media richness theory (MRT) voice-based communication is ranked higher than text-based communication along the media richness continuum (Daft & Lengel, 1984), however some additional findings have been also exposed. Taking into account the traditional continuum of media richness phone communications is perceived as rich in information, only face to face contact is seen as richer (Suh, 1999). As is stated in Rhee (2010), customer-initiated communications via phone channel is preferred when consumer faces an extended problem-solving (high perceived risk/low familiarity). Whereas, in case of routine problem-solving situation online channel is preferred. However, some relevant research on marketing channel richness have been proposed by Kwak (2012) as well as Lipowski and Bondos (2018). According to this research stream, the medium itself does not necessarily determine its perceived media richness. The key factor is user’s familiarity with a particular marketing channel and his/her ability to use its communicational potential.Purpose of the article: The present study attempts to provide evidence about the potential of the phone channel as the channel of contact with the service provider through the entire service buying process including four stages: pre-purchase, purchase, post-purchase and resignation from service. The main goal of the study is to identify the level of customers’ experience/knowledge of using phone channel by the three consumer generations (Baby Boomers, X and Y).Research methods: The survey study was conducted in September-November 2015 on a group of 1103 respondents (Polish adult consumers) including 357 (BB), 390 (X) and 356 (Y). The research sample was determined by quota-random method; CAPI (computer assisted personal interview) method was used with a standardized questionnaire. In order to verify research hypothesis MANOVA was used with data on three customer generations.Main findings: BB generation possesses the smallest experience in phone communication in the service buying process. The next one is the X generation with bigger phone communication experience than BB but lower than Y generation. At each stage in service purchasing process Y generation is the most knowledgeable in the area of phone communication. In general, there is a visible downward trend of the own experience level along with further stages in the service purchasing process. In terms of phone communication the most mysterious for customers is the last phase.
Theoretical background: Multichannel retailers can implement various migration strategies to induce consumers to use particular marketing channel. Some researchers indicated voluntary and forced customer E-channel migration strategies. Due to the negative consequences of a coercive strategy, a voluntary migration strategy is much more popular. Voluntary migration strategy provides multichannel shoppers a total freedom of their choice whereas the incentive-based migration strategy uses some stimulus in order to convince buyers to use specific marketing channel. Encouraging the buyer to behave in a particular way may cause him/her a negative self-determination perception. Limited self-determination means consumer conviction that a certain action was taken as a result of marketing initiatives, prompted by the seller, and is not the result of their free and independent decision. A self-determined customer is convinced of entering into a relationship with the provider on their own initiative. In the context of channel-based price differentiation, it is about the consumer's belief that a specific purchase channel has been selected as a result of a solicitation by the seller. According to researchers, limited self-determination can have potentially negative impact on the intention to buy. Purpose of the article: The presented research model refers to the customer intention to buy online (intention to stay there) in the multichannel context. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to contribute to existing literature on multichannel pricing and advance our understanding of factors influencing the customer intention to make a purchase in offline channel (to stay in a brick-and-mortar store) under the price pressure in mobile app. This study aims to investigate factors affecting the intention to purchase offline when m-channel migration strategy based on price incentives is implemented by the retailer. Special attention is devoted to the issue of limited self-determination in a channel-based price differentiation context. Research methods: The data comes from a questionnaire survey carried out in 2021. This study is a quantitative study employing a scenario-based approach. The total sample size is 500, cosmetics was the product category which the questionnaire was prepared for. For the purpose of the research, a SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) analysis using AMOS 26 was conducted. Main findings: This research extends the understanding of consumer limited self-determination and subjective knowledge and mobile app familiarity and its influence on the intention to buy offline when price incentives are provided in a mobile purchase app. Article adds to the existing literature on customer migration in a multichannel environment.
In this study author takes a customer-centric view of multichannel strategies and investigate customer responses toward e-channel migration strategies at the post-purchase stage for the delivery of telecommunications service. The study with scenario approach was conducted on a sample of 345 consumers (students of business studies). The goal of this paper is to answer for the following research question: How do customers respond to different e-channel migration strategies? Four strategies were included: voluntary migration, forced labor, based on punishment and rewards. The effect of answer this question was a kind of hierarchy of migration strategy in terms of consequences (customers’ emotions and behavioral intentions). In the final part of the article the practical implications and limitations of results have been formulated.
W badaniu uwzględniono perspektywę konsumenta w odniesieniu do obsługi wielokanałowej, analizowano reakcje konsumentów na strategie migracji na etapie obsługi pozakupowej usług telekomunikacyjnych. Wykorzystano podejście scenariuszowe, próba badawcza liczyła 345 konsumentów (studentów kierunków ekonomicznych. Celem artykułu była odpowiedź na pytanie badawcze: Jak konsumenci reagują na poszczególne strategie migracji do e-kanału. Uwzględnione zostały cztery strategie: migracja dobrowolna, przymusowa, oparta na karach i nagrodach. Efektem analizy była hierarchia strategii z uwzględnieniem konsekwencji w zachowaniu klientów (emocje oraz intencje behawioralne). W końcowej części artykułu sformułowano praktyczne implikacje oraz ograniczenia wyników.
The article presents differences in behaviors of representatives of Baby Boomers, and Generations X and Y in the selection of service channel distribution at the search and purchase stages. The data were conducted by computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI). The study confimed the oldest consumers’ preferences for the traditional contact in point of sales and increased use of on-line technology as consumer age declines.
W artykule zaprezentowano różnice w zachowaniach przedstawicieli pokoleń Baby Boomers, X oraz Y w wyborze kanałów dystrybucji usług na etapie poszukiwania informacji oraz zakupu. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły preferencje najstarszych konsumentów wobec tradycyjnego kontaktu w punkcie sprzedaży oraz wzrost wykorzystania technologii online w miarę obniżania się wieku konsumenta.
Artykuł dotyczy omnikanałowości – najwyższego obecnie zdefiniowanego etapu strategii dystrybucji. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwość zrealizowania w praktyce założeń takiej strategii dystrybucji. Koncentrując się na rynku usług, autorzy wskazali istotę omnikanałowości, zwrócili również uwagę na problem ograniczania konsumentom dostępu do kanałów w zależności od etapu procesu zakupowego oraz wynikające z tego zmiany w zachowaniu klientów. W ostatniej części artykułu wskazano przejawy rozbieżności pomiędzy teoretycznymi podstawami koncepcji omnikanałowościa praktyką rynkową.
The article concerns omnichanneling – the highest stage of distribution strategy, defined so far. This article attempts to answer the question about ability to realize in practice the assumptions of such a strategy. Focusing on the services market, the authors pointed out the essence of omnichanneling, they also drew attention to the problem of limiting consumer access to channels, depending on the stage of the purchasing process and the resulting changes in customer behavior. In the last part of the article symptoms of divergence between the theoretical foundations of the concept of omnichanneling and market practice were shown.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie związku między doświadczeniem rynkowym konsumenta a skłonnością do kupowania kolejnych usług u obecnego operatora w warunkach przymusowej i dobrowolnej migracji do kanału on-line. Podstawą analizy są wyniki badania opartego na podejściu scenariuszowym, zrealizowanego w 2016 roku na próbie 345 konsumentów. W badaniu wykazano pozytywne znaczenie doświadczenia rynkowego w zakresie przedłużania umowy świadczenia usługi dla skłonności klientów do kontynuowania współpracy z usługodawcą (przez intencję zakupu kolejnej usługi), natomiast negatywne znaczenie doświadczenia w zakresie zmiany operatora. W artykule wskazano implikacje praktyczne oraz ograniczenia wyników badania.
The purpose of the article is to examine the relationship between the customer market experience and the propensity to buy other services from the current operator under the conditions of forced and voluntary migration to the online channel. The analysis is based on the scenario approach – research implemented in 2016 on a sample of 345 consumers. The study has demonstrated the positive significance of market experience with regard to extending the term of service for customers’ willingness to continue cooperation with the service provider (customers’ intention to purchase another service), while negative importance of experience in changing the operator by the customer. In the article, the practical implications and limitations of research are indicated.
Цель статьи – изучить связь между рыночным опытом потребителя и склонностью к покупке очередных услуг у нынешнего оператора в условиях принудительной и добровольной миграции к каналу on-line. Основа анализа – результаты изучения, основанного на вопроснике, осуществленного в 2016 г. на выборке в 345 потребителей. В изучении указали положительное значение рыночного опыта в области продления договора о предоставлении услуг для склонности клиентов продолжить сотрудничество с услугодателем (путем намерения купить очередную услугу), негативное же значение опыта в области изменения оператора. В статье указали практические импликации и ограничения результатов изучения.
Celem publikacji jest próba odpowiedzi na pytania badawcze dotyczące zachowania konsumenta-seniora w środowisku multikanałowym, a w szczególności preferencji tego segmentu konsumentów co do wyboru kanałów marketingowych na rynku usług. W artykule wykorzystano część wyników badań ilościowych zrealizowanych metodą wywiadu osobistego wspomaganego elektronicznie (CAPI) na próbie ogólnopolskiej 1103 osób, spośród których 357 osób należy do pokolenia Baby Boomers (BB). Badania przeprowadzono w drugiej połowie 2015 roku, dobór próby miał charakter kwotowo-losowy. W badaniu uwzględniono czteroetapowy proces zakupowy oraz trzy kanały marketingowe (stacjonarny, telefoniczny, internetowy). Wyniki wskazują na tradycyjne podejście seniorów wyrażające się w preferencjach obsługi osobistej (szczególnie w momencie zakupu usługi, ale także na etapach obsługi przed i pozakupowej); mniejszej skali multikanałowości (rzadziej wykorzystują kilka kanałów w celu zakupu usług). Badania pokazują, że starsi konsumenci postrzegają kontakt telefoniczny, a szczególnie internetowy, jako mniej zasobny w informacje niż kontakt osobisty.
The purpose of the article is an attempt to answer the research questions concerning senior behaviour in the multichannel environment, namely the preferences of this segment about marketing channels selections. The article uses some of results of a quantitative research carried out by CAPI on a sample of 1,103 people nationwide (of which 357 people belong to the Baby Boomers generation). The study was conducted in the second half of 2015, quota-random sampling. The study included a four-phase purchasing process and the three marketing channels (offline, telephone, online). The results indicate the seniors’ traditional approach to multichanneling (a special offline preference at the purchase stage, but also at pre- and post-purchase stages); seniors are less likely to use several channels during one service-buying process. The research shows that elder consumers perceive the phone channel and especially online channel as less rich in information than personal contact.
Цель статьи – попытка ответить на исследовательские вопросы, касающиеся поведения пожилого потребителя в многоканальной среде, в особенности же предпочтений этого сегмента потребителей в отношении маркетинговых каналов на рынке услуг. В статье использовали часть результатов количественных исследований, осуществленных по методу личного интервью с помощью электронной техники (CAPI) на общепольской выборке в 1103 человека, в чи- сле которых 357 лиц относятся к поколению baby boomers (BB). Опросы провели во второй половине 2015 г., метод отбора выборки – квотно-случайный. В изучении учли 4-этапный закупочный процесс и три маркетинговых канала (стационарный, по телефону, онлайн). Результаты указывают традиционный подход пожилых людей, отражающийся в предпочтении личного обслуживания (особенно в момент покупки услуги, но и на этапах обслуживания до и после совершения покупки), в меньшем масштабе многоканальности (они реже используют несколько каналов для закупки услуг). Опросы показывают, что пожилые потребители воспринимают контакт по телефону, в особенности же онлайн, как менее богатый информацией, чем личный контакт.
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