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Some questions of pedagogical activities organization are discussed in the article. The importance of self-government under conditions of information society is described. Different approaches to conflict study, its structure and stages are presented. Causes of pedagogical conflicts and rules of their successful solution are studied. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of stress control that may appear in the process of pedagogical activities.
W pracy rozpatrywane są niektóre problemy organizacji działalności pedagogicznej. Analizowane są zagadnienia niezbędności autonomii w warunkach społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Pokazane są różnorodne podejścia do badań konfliktu, jego struktury i etapy przebiegu. Rozpatrywane są przyczyny powstawania konfliktów pedagogicznych, a także reguły pozytywnego ich rozwiązywania oraz czynniki temu sprzyjające. Zwraca się uwagę na możliwości kierowania stresem, nieodmiennie powstającym w procesie działalności pedagogicznej.
Zarządzanie i Finanse
vol. 2
issue 6
This paper makes an historical evaluation of workers’ self-management which lasted for about 40 years in the former Yugoslavia. Directors’ power was reduced considerably especially in the regime of the 1974 Constitution. Banks lacked autonomy in this regime. Banks were given a status of financial institu-tions which ought to serve self-managed enterprises. The way of founding banks was changed in such a way that self-managed enterprises founded a bank by pooling funds. Self-managed enterprises owed banks a large amount of debt, and local political circles were interested in financing the local self-managed enterprises for the purpose of development of the regional economy. Banks were actually managed by big debtors. Due to these defects self-management in the former Yugoslavia proved inefficient.
Perceiving work competition as a strategic practice of a selected social system the author of the article examines the relationship between work competition and (public) holidays in the period of the first five-year economic plat of the Socialist Federal Rebublic of Yugoslavia (1947-1952). This relationship was mutual and similarly as in other socialist countries centrally planned as well as directed: holidays helped spreading the idea of competitive way of working as well as they helped structuring (working) time. On the other hand work competition helped rooting the new system of public holidays as well as it also structured and shaped holidays.
The aim of the article is to present the attempts of establishing institutions of a system of worker’s self-management in the selected countries of the so-called real socialism system in Eastern Europe. The analysis considers three of those countries, namely Yugoslavia, Poland and Hungary, whose experiences in participation of the employees’ implementation were the most significant. Particular attention was paid to the evolution of socialist regimes approach to workers’ self-management. The paper tries to answer the question whether workers’ self-management posed a threat to the socialist regimes persistence. The research method used in the study is an indepth survey and analysis of literature and legal acts.
The article examines the rise of informal spatial practices in the areas left in shadows of the socialist planning system, in Belgrade (Serbia, former Yugoslavia) in the 1970s and 1980s. By looking into the relation of spontaneous interventions with the constitutionally enacted system of territorial self-management, we explore both the enclaves of everyday life forming in parallel to the hegemonic and homogenous plan, and highly formalised, planned attempts at emulating spontaneous practices in large housing projects.
The article identifid activities in the fild of human resources management carried out in teal organizations, a concept developed by F. Laloux. The Polish company Brewa, from Kalisz, which for several years has been implementing the teal organization rules, was used as an example. Using the categorized interview method with one of the company’s owners, detailed functions which make up the human resources management in this organization were presented and analyzed. The fidings indicated that recruitment and selection were considered as belonging to the most important activities in this area, including the introduction of a new employee to work.
W artykule dokonano identyfiacji działań w zakresie zarządzania kadrami, realizowanych w organizacjach turkusowych opisanych przez F. Laloux, na przykładzie polskiej fimy Brewa s.c. z Kalisza, która od kilku lat wdraża w swojej działalności zasady organizacji turkusowych. Wykorzystując metodę wywiadu skategoryzowanego z jednym z właścicieli fimy, zaprezentowano i przeanalizowano szczegółowe funkcje, które składają się na zarządzanie kadrami w wyżej wymienionej organizacji. Za jedno z najważniejszych działań w tym obszarze uznano rekrutację i selekcję, w tym wprowadzenie nowego pracownika do pracy.
Objectives This study aims to evaluated the effectiveness of participatory action-oriented training (PAOT) intervention for hypertension management among intercity van drivers. Material and Methods This quasi-experimental study applied concept and process of participatory action-oriented training and self-management to guide the development of the intervention addressing improvement in hypertension management behaviors. A total of 104 intercity van drivers with uncontrolled hypertension in Thailand were recruited to participate in this program. The intervention group (N = 52) received PAOT program, while the control group (N = 52) received conventional program. Data on hypertension management behaviors, and blood pressure were measured at baseline, 1 month and 3 months after intervention. Results At 3 months after intervention, hypertension management behavior, and systolic blood pressure were significantly different between 2 groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions This PAOT was found to be feasible and could potentially improve hypertension management, and blood pressure level of intercity van drivers. The program should be applied in further studies with other workplaces in both formal and informal sectors with different characteristics and other health issues.
This study engages with the last stage of Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relations in the era of left-authoritarian regimes. Primarily on the basis of analyses of archival documents that were created through the activities of corresponding party and state institutions in both countries, it deals with transformations in the character of the bilateral contacts and their most important spheres. It demonstrates that already by the end of the first half of the 1980s any remaining distrust and ideologically-motivated suspicion that had been typical in these bilateral relations since the rift between Stalin and Tito, or more precisely, since the renewal of relations in 1954, had disappeared. Cooperation between the two countries had been further complicated to varying extents by problems of a secondary or rather tertiary degree of importance, such as the Czechoslovaks’ strongly negative balance in payments, the ongoing numerous emigration of citizens of the ČSSR to countries in the West through Yugoslav territory, and Belgrade’s dissatisfaction with the number of students of Yugoslav studies in Czechoslovak universities. As a consequence of Gorbachev’s reform, the Czechoslovak leadership was increasingly isolated from the rest of the world and feverishly sought a new political concept that would enable it to hold onto its political dominance; thus, it attempted to carry several aspects of Yugoslav socialist self-management into its governing bodies. Some of Czechoslovakia’s top political functionaries even began to look upon socialist Yugoslavia as a potential close ally, with which a more intense bilateral cooperation would replace relationship with states in the Soviet sphere of influence that were problematic or already petering out.
While entering adulthood, a person has to be aware that in the constantly and fast changing world whether they will “win” their life depends largely on themselves. Lowney, seeking something what separetes winners from losers, appeals to a Jesuit way of thinking. He shows that the basis of the successful life is a simple rule: one needs to learn “selfmanagement” – become a “manager of yourself.” The goal of the publication is to show the individual potential with which an every student enters adulthood as well as the way how it can help in becoming a “manager of yourself.” Among people aged 19 and 22, empirically have been checked a level of the students’ certain resources and their expectations with regard to studying.
The article presents a solution for one of the significant tasks in pedagogical science and practice, namely the development of regulatory skills in younger school pupils as a significant factor of their educational and cognitive competence development. The aim of our study was to conduct practical evaluation of the proposed program of the development of regulatory skills in younger school pupils. Scientific novelty consists in the created program of the development of regulatory skills in younger school pupils, which generally allow for increasing education and cognitive competence, which is the basis for pupils’ functional expertise, in accordance with the aims and tasks of the state-significance documentation. The study used logical and historical analysis of scientific literature on the topic, pedagogical observation, a survey, questionnaires, testing and a pedagogical experiment. Based on the obtained results, we developed educational and methodological recommendations for teachers on the topic of developing regulatory skills in young school pupils, as an elective class program for 2nd-grade pupils.
The article deals with the methodological foundations of the development of the adaptive management theory combining two aspects of being: logos and chaos. The general property is noted for all phenomena of being to appear a self-organization (the ordered structure emerges from chaos). It turns out, that two facing forces act in the process of self-organization and self-development particularly destructive and creative one. The continuous process of development causes the necessity of permanent control (monitoring) and current adjustment of the process to prevent the transformation of the creative force into a destructive one. It is noted that the described processes are explained by the theory of instability underlying the science of synergetics. The article covers four stages of directed self-organization as the adaptive actions underground of educational processes subjects, namely: destabilizing, orientational (includes dissipative and cooperative sub-stages), organizational and productive one. It is pointed out that the system development is optimal under the self-direction. Adaptive management is regarded as the interaction of a subject and object resulting in the interoperability of their behavior on a dialogical basis and efforts combination to self-directed actions towards a jointly defined actual result. It is argued that adaptive management syncretizes external management and self-management providing a natural way of its implementation. If rigid management is characterized by external influence, and self-management be instantiated by directed self-influence, then adaptive management is characterized by self-influence based on the cooperative actions of managers and performers. The algorithm-cycle of adaptive control, adaptation types of the actors and the mechanism combining actions of the head and executors are considered. The realistic objective of the activity and the process of making a managerial decision carrying out in four stages are separately distinguished. It is determined that the stated theoretical foundations of adaptive management will facilitate its introduction into the activity of the subjects of educational institutions management.
W artykule poruszono temat metodologicznych podstaw rozwoju teorii adaptacyjnego zarządzania, na który składają się dwa aspekty istnienia: logos i chaos. Ogół istnienia jest znany z procesu samoorganizacji (porządek powstaje z chaosu). Okazuje się, że dwie przeciwstawne siły biorą udział w procesie samoorganizacji i samorozwoju, łącząc destrukcję i tworzenie. Wciąż zachodzący proces Kultura – Przemiany – Edukacja, t. VI (2018) ISSN 2300-9888; ISSN online 2544-1205 http://kpe.ur.edu.pl DOI: 10.15584/kpe.2018.6.8 110 YelnYkova HalYna rozwoju powoduje potrzebę stałej kontroli (monitoringu) i dostosowywania się procesów, aby przeciwdziałać transformacji siły twórczej w destrukcyjną. Opisane procesy wyjaśnione zostały w teorii niestabilności podlegającej nauce synergii. W artykule zaprezentowano cztery stopnie samoorganizacji jako adaptacyjnego działania w procesie edukacyjnym: destabilizację, orientację (składającą się z fazy rozproszonej i kooperacyjnej), organizację i produktywność. Podkreślono, że system rozwoju jest optymalny w procesie samokierowania. Adaptacyjne zarządzanie jest postrzegane jako interakcja przedmiotu i podmiotu, skutkująca interoperacyjnością zachowania na bazie dialogu i połączeniem wysiłków z samodzielnymi działaniami w celu wspólnego zdefiniowania rezultatu. Postuluje się, że adaptacyjne zarządzanie łączy zarządzanie zewnętrzne i samozarządzanie, zapewniając naturalną drogę jego implementacji. Ścisłe zarządzanie można scharakteryzować jako wpływ zewnętrzny, a samozarządzanie opiera się na samokierowaniu. Wobec tego zarządzanie adaptacyjne stanowi samozarządzanie oparte na kooperatywnym działaniu nadzorujących i wykonawców. Wzięto pod uwagę cykl algorytmiczny kontroli adaptacyjnej, typy adaptacji oraz mechanizmy łączące działanie kierowników i wykonawców. Wyróżniono realistyczny cel działalności oraz czteroetapowy proces podejmowania decyzji zarządczej. Zdecydowanie można stwierdzić, że wyznaczone teoretyczne podstawy zarządzania adaptacyjnego ułatwią jego wprowadzenie w aktywność podmiotów zajmujących się zarządzaniem edukacyjnym.
Особенностью профессиональной деятельности человека в ХХІ веке стало то, что чело-век терпит не сколько от физических нагрузок, а, в большей мере, от психоэмоциональных. Особенно это касается людей, которые работают в системе «человек-человек», одним из представителей которых есть менеджер. Часто менеджер принимает не совсем рациональные решения. В процессе своей профессиональной деятельности менеджеру приходится делать конкретные выводы, сопоставлять. Но ожидания от принятых решений не всегда оправдыва-ются. Чрезмерные амбиции, ожидание поощрения труда, желание быстрого продвижения по карьерной лестнице возбуждают психоэмоциональную сферу человека. В результате, человек может преодолеть опасную черту, за которой наступает недостаток мотивации, удовольствия в работе, радости от достижений, одним словом, стресс, связанный с профессиональной деятельностью. Синдром, который развивается на фоне хронического стресса, ведет к истощению эмоционально-энергичных и личностных ресурсов работающего человека, провоцирует про-фессиональное выгорание. Профессиональное выгорание возникает в результате внутреннего накопления отрицательных эмоций без «разрядки» или «освобождения» от них.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad stresem. Rozważania naukowe rozszerzono o aspekt psychologiczny, co ma zainicjować rozumienie stresu jako kategorii psychologicznej. Zagadnienie to dotyczy w szczególności osób, które pracują w ramach systemu określanego jako „człowiek-człowiek”. Jednym z przedstawicieli tej grupy osób jest menedżer. Kierownik często podejmuje nie do końca racjonalne decyzje. W trakcie swojej pracy zawodowej menedżer zmuszony jest podejmować konkretne decyzje, wyciągać wnioski i przewidywać. Oczekiwania względem podjętych decyzji nie zawsze są jednak uzasadnione. Wypalenie zawodowe występuje powszechnie we współczesnych organizacjach, choć najczęściej nie jest rozpatrywane w miejscu pracy jako problem organizacyjny. W artykule opisano specyficzne uwarunkowania stresu zawo-dowego. Celem pracy było przeanalizowanie, w jaki sposób samokontrola, strategie radzenia sobie z wypaleniem zawodowym, stresem zawodowym i czynniki socjodemograficzne różnicują poziom samopoczucia psychofizycznego u realizujących działalność zawodową oraz co jest predyktorem samopoczucia psychofizycznego w tej grupie zawodowej.
The article presents the results of the study on stress which has definitely expanded scientific research on the psychological aspect that began a stage of understanding of stress as a psychological category. This is especially true for people working in the system "man-man", among which are the Manager. Often the Manager will take reasonable decisions. In the course of their profes-sional activities the Manager has to make specific findings, to compare. But the expectations from the decisions made are not always met. Burnout usually occurs in modern organizations, although often not considered as a problem of organization. Specific determinants of occupational stress have been described. The aim of this work was to analyze how self-monitoring, strategies to combat professional burnout, job stress and the sociodemographic factors differentiate the level of psychophysical well-being of the officers of the professional activity and what is a predictor of psychophysical well-being in a professional band.
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