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The relationship to Romani people is characterised by deeply rooted negative stereotypes and significant distance between them and the Polish people. Comparative research on representative groups of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian people showed that Poles declare relatively better attitude towards the Romani than other nations. The article presents the results of research conducted in 2013 among students of Higher School of Business National-Louis University in Nowy Sącz, Poland. The place was selected due to the fact that in Nowy Sącz and its vicinity there is a large number of people from the group that is considered to be the poorest among the Romani – Bergitka Roma. Although nearly 60% of the respondents have contacts with Romani people, their opinions reveal negative stereotypes, declared distance and the view that the Romani people should be excluded from political elections, which is held by 20% of the respondents.
The aim of the study was to determine the importance of education in the formation of social distance of Polish emigrants towards peoples of other nationalities such as: Jews, Russians, English, Pakistani, Arabs, and Japanese. The study involved 262 people, including 137 Polish immigrants in England and 125 citizens of England as the host country. An adapted version of the E. Bogardus scale was used to measure social distance. The analyses performed show that the attitude of Polish emigrants towards people of other nationalities differed according to the level of education of the Poles surveyed. Only in the respondents’ attitude to Jews the level of education was not a differentiating factor. In all other cases, statistically significant differences were observed. British respondents generally declared a positive attitude towards people of other nationalities. Their level of distancing was rather homogeneous and more favorable, not dependent on their level of education.
This study investigated the use of politeness strategies in a corpus of English business letters written by Iranian non-native speakers in comparison with business letters written by English native speakers. The positive and negative politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson’s (1978) theory were employed. A corpus of 46 business letters written by non-native employees of four companies and 46 letters written by native speakers who were in correspondence with these companies were analyzed to examine their use of politeness strategies. Th e results collected from the analysis of letters written by nonnative parties as senders were compared to those written by native speakers as receivers in response. Th e findings showed that although both parties used both types of politeness strategies in their letters, non-native participants employed both types (negative and positive politeness strategies) more than native speakers, especially positive politeness strategies, which were found to be used more frequently than negative ones. Additionally, the results demonstrated that social distance plays an important role in the employment of different strategies, particularly in choosing the type of salutation, which is an act requiring the positive politeness strategy to reduce face threatening act. Th us, more frequent use of positive politeness strategies by non-native speakers could be an effect of this factor.
Children from dysfunctional families are a permanent element of social life. It arouses anxiety. It makes us think about the essence of humanity . It is also an object of research in many fields of knowledge. They show its causes and effects. This article presents the results of own research on the basis of the problem and on the attitudes of female students of pedagogy towards orphaned children. Their knowledge is piecemeal and derived from the mass media. According to the female students consider an orphaned child and their biological parents have features that are valued in a negative way, not promising development and life of high-quality.
Expansive body posture is the most commonly studied and widely described in psychological literature. For many years, expansive posture was universally identified as a pose of power, but more recent research has revealed that the link between expansive posture and power may be moderated by gender, culture or even contextual cues. Our findings show that with little variation added to expansive posture it does not necessarily lead to the sense of power, and may actually trigger the opposite effect: a feeling of submissiveness. In three studies, persons assuming their body in a standing-at-attention posture were perceived as being more obedient (Experiment 1), thus participants who expanded their body in a standing-at-attention manner (although actually doing a non-obedient unrelated task) displayed greater compliance to requests (Experiment 2) and declared greater submissiveness toward social norms (Experiment 3). We discuss how the cultural and interpersonal context imprinted in specific body posture can modify the feedback of innate and universal body states.
The article presents a part of research on the students’ attitude towards foreigners, in particular Ukrainian citizens. In Poland it is currently the largest group of foreigners, as well as the largest group of foreign students studying at Polish universities. The text contains references to the sociological concept of „foreign”, especially to G. Simmel’s, and also to the category of „stereotype”, which is usually associated with the perception of different nationalities. The presented fragment of research compares the attitude of students to the stereotype of a Ukrainian, which has been acknowledged and consolidated in Poland over the years of common history. Respondents also rated functioning of Ukrainian acquaintances at the university and in the dorm. Respondents in their opinion claim that the group of Ukrainians is large, but it is almost invisible at the university. This is due to the low access of foreigners to student life and isolation among „their own”. The attitude of Polish youth is certainly significant for this type of behavior. Polish students, despite declarations, do not make enough effort to get to know and maintain closer contacts with colleagues from Ukraine.
The article presents a part of research on the students’ attitude towards foreigners, in particular Ukrainian citizens. In Poland it is currently the largest group of foreigners, as well as the largest group of foreign students studying at Polish universities. The text contains references to the sociological concept of “foreign”, especially to G. Simmel’s, and also to the category of “stereotype”, which is usually associated with the perception of different nationalities. The presented fragment of research compares the attitude of students to the stereotype of a Ukrainian, which has been acknowledged and consolidated in Poland over the years of common history. Respondents also rated functioning of Ukrainian acquaintances at the university and in the dorm. Respondents in their opinion claim that the group of Ukrainians is large, but it is almost invisible at the university. This is due to the low access of foreigners to student life and isolation among “their own”. The attitude of Polish youth is certainly significant for this type of behavior. Polish students, despite declarations, do not make enough effort to get to know and maintain closer contacts with colleagues from Ukraine.
The article analyzes certain results of a nationwide survey-Poles and Others-30 years on-conducted in June 2018. Focusing on how the English are envisioned in contemporary Polish society, we aim to prove that the conceptual category of “stereotype” should be replaced by a more complex one-“image” or “ethnic image.” A striking feature is the rich and diverse description that the image of the English encompasses, hence interpretation of its complexity comprises the bulk of our considerations. Specific components of this ethnic image are seen as an outcome of direct and indirect interethnic contact: a consequence of migrations as well as progressively modernized, technological possibilities for interpersonal interactions. Interestingly, despite the image changing, the social distance towards Britons has not changed: the English continue to be perceived by Poles as one of the “closest” European peoples.
The purpose of this study was a diagnosis of the attitudes of students of Warsaw universities towards people with disabilities and the variables which impacted on these attitudes. Additionally, we examined the relationship between the need for social approval and explicit attitudes towards people with disabilities. The study focused on two components of attitudes: behavioural (measured by preferable social distance – SDSB) and cognitive (tested with a semantic differential scale – SDSO). 318 students completed a survey including a demographic sheet, a social desirability scale, the SDSB and SDSO. The results indicate that students expressed positive attitudes towards people with disabilities. The impact of such variables as gender, the type of disability and the need for social approval was registered and were differentiated in regard to components of attitudes. The results are discussed with reference to earlier research and cues for further studies are suggested.
The article is a discussion of various, mainly sociological conceptions of human solidarity, with special focus on those that question the traditional dichotomous understanding of the motives underlying pro-social behavior. It also constitutes an attempt to broaden the debate by focusing on the conditions of human benevolence. Most up-to-date (social) research points to the crucial role of social distance: the closer the potential benefactor to the potential beneficiary, the more likely the act of helping; the more unconditional (or altruistic) the help offered, the more generous the offering. Here a question arises as to what determines the social distance between individuals (and groups) and how (group) boundaries are formed or defined. While social distance can be conceived in objective terms, e.g. as physical or geographical distance or as a degree of (e.g. socio-economic) dissimilarity that exists between the benefactor and the beneficiary, it is the subjective social distance that seems to have most bearing on the human motivation to help. Of paramount importance here, is the perception of the beneficiary, and in particular, the construction of their otherness, which might be (partly) determined by (a) dominant social norm(s).
Artykuł jest próbą opisu sytuacji współżycia społecznego w jednym miejscu osób odmiennych wyznaniowo. Podjęte rozważania dotyczą znaczenia wyznania z perspektywy jednostki i grupy oraz funkcjonowania zróżnicowanych wyznaniowo wspólnot lokalnych. Miejscem, przestrzenią społeczną opisaną w artykule są wspólnoty lokalne północno-wschodniego pogranicza Polski. Są to wspólnoty konstruowane wokół tradycyjnych wartości, które ani w przeszłości jak też w teraźniejszości nie były i nie są monolitem kulturowym i religijnym. Szczególną uwagę poświęcam wyznawcom religii chrześcijańskiej – najsilniej reprezentowaną przez wyznawców katolicyzmu i prawosławia.
The author attempts to describe the situation of the social coexistence of people of different faiths in one place. The significance of religious convictions, from the perspective of an individual and a group, are discussed as well as the functioning of individuals in religiously diverse local communities. The place and the social space, described in the article comprises of the local communities from the north-eastern border of Poland. These are communities built around traditional values, which have never been a cultural and religious monolith. The analysis is devoted, in particular to Christians, represented by Catholics and members of the Orthodox Church.
The article focuses on an analysis of the structure and dynamics of the Chinaman stereotype in Polish society. It is based on nationwide surveys by Ewa Nowicka’s team (1988 and 2018) and on the few findings of quantitative and qualitative research by others. We found the image of the Chinese particularly interesting in research on social distance as a classic stereotype of the “unknown stranger” community, built on indirect information (mainly media) and not on knowledge deriving from personal interaction (the number of Chinese citizens residing in Poland in 2020 was just above 20,000). The low level of knowledge about China means that sometimes the Chinese are generally perceived in Polish society as Asians. In such a social situation, the stereotype of a foreign group is built around the key values for the culture of the society creating the stereotype. The Polish stereotype of the Chinese is dominated by the trait of “industriousness” (and its derivatives), valued very highly in Polish culture. It is associated with the third most frequent feature-“submissiveness to authority” (no pursuit of individual or collective freedom), as well as the second most frequently indicated group of traits related to courtesy, calmness, and politeness. According to other nationwide surveys the Chinese rank low on the fondness scale; they are one of the few least-liked peoples and ethnic groups. In recent years, there has been an increase in the positive image of the Chinese, which is clearly related to the growing economic importance of China in the world. In the respondents’ comments this is expressed not only in terms of admiration, but also unease. A survey conducted in mid-2018 shows the image of the Chinese in Polish society shortly before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Artykuł jest poświęcony analizie kształtu i historycznej dynamice stereotypu Chińczyka w społeczeństwie polskim. Oparty jest na badaniach sondażowych zespołu Ewy Nowickiej (1988 i 2018) oraz na nielicznych wynikach badań ilościowych i jakościowych innych autorów. Wizerunek Chińczyka uznaliśmy za szczególnie interesujący w badaniach nad społecznym dystansem jako klasyczny stereotyp zbiorowości „obcego nieznanego”, zbudowany na informacjach pośrednich (głównie medialnych) a nie na wiedzy płynącej z kontaktów osobistych, gdyż są one bardzo ubogie (liczba przebywających na terenie Polski obywateli Chin w r. 2020 niewiele przekraczała 20 tys.). Mała wiedza o Chinach i sąsiadach tego kraju powoduje, że czasami Chińczycy są w społeczeństwie polskim pojmowani w sposób uogólniony, jako Azjaci. W takiej sytuacji społecznej stereotyp obcej grupy skonstruowany jest wokół wartości kluczowych dla kultury społeczeństwa stereotyp tworzącego. W polskim stereotypie Chińczyka dominuje bardzo pozytywnie w kulturze polskiej ceniona cecha „pracowitość” (i jej pochodne). Jest ona związana z trzecią co do częstości cechą – „uległością wobec władzy” (brakiem dążenia do wolności indywidualnej i zbiorowej), a także z drugą co do częstości wskazań grupą cech związanych z uprzejmością, spokojem i ugrzecznieniem. Na skali sympatii Chińczycy lokują się nisko – należą do kilku najmniej lubianych narodów i grup etnicznych. W ostatnich latach następuje wzrost pozytywnego wizerunku Chińczyka, co posiada ewidentny związek ze wzrostem ekonomicznego znaczenia Chin na świecie. To ostatnie zjawisko w odpowiedziach respondentów wyraża się nie tylko w kategoriach podziwu, ale też niepokoju. Badanie przeprowadzone w połowie roku 2018 ukazuje wizerunek Chińczyka w społeczeństwie polskim tak jak on wyglądał niedługo przed wybuchem pandemii COVID-19.
The aim of the article is to analyze selected results of the 2018 survey “Poles and Others after Thirty Years” on attitudes to the arrival of foreigners in Poland and to compare them with the results of analogous studies from 1988 and 1998. The authors suggest that the notion of “foreign” is becoming increasingly definite in the consciousness of Polish society. There is a noticeable decline in openness in regard to more foreigners coming to Poland and an increase in the number of people who are clearly opposed to foreigners. The authors argue that the current attitudes of the respondents could have been influenced, on the one hand, by their personal experiences, which in the last few years have begun to take the form of real (non-abstract) contact with foreigners (immigrants), and on the other hand, by the media discourse related to the migration crisis of 2015. In light of the research, open (inclusive) attitudes toward foreigners can not be reduced to simple yes or no answers but remain related to wider world-outlook complexes reflecting the shape of Polish society, which in recent years has experienced the effects of immigration.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zróżnicowaniem postaw młodzieży wobec wybranych grup narodowo-etnicznych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone na próbie 690 uczniów (w tym 378 dziewcząt i 312 chłopców) w wieku 14–19 lat. Do diagnozy stosunku nastolatków wobec „obcych” użyto zmodyfikowanej wersji Skali Dystansu Społecznego Bogardusa. W zakresie deklarowanych postaw wobec „innych” ustalono, że: (1) największy dystans społeczny badana młodzież wyraża w stosunku do Romów, Arabów i Żydów; (2) największy stopień otwartości i zbliżenia młodzież deklaruje wobec Hiszpanów, Włochów i Francuzów; (3) dziewczęta wyrażają bardziej otwarte postawy niż chłopcy. Wyniki te komentowane są w kulturowym i społecznym kontekście wychowania.
The article presents the findings of research on the diversity of adolescents’ attitudes toward selected ethnic groups. Research participants were 690 students (including 378 girls and 312 boys) aged 14 through 19. A modified version of the Bogardus social distance scale was used to assess the adolescents’ attitudes toward “outsiders.” As far as the declared attitudes toward “others” are concerned, it has been established that: (1) the adolescents report the greatest social distance between themselves and Romani people, Arabs and Jews; (2) they declare the highest degree of openness and closeness toward Spaniards, Italians and Frenchmen; (3) girls express more open attitudes than boys. These findings are analyzed in the cultural and social context of education.
Zagrożenie tożsamości płci uruchamia mechanizmy kompensacyjne oraz motywację do jej odbudowania i potwierdzenia. Celem prezentowanych badań było sprawdzenie, czy zagrożenie tożsamości płci wpłynie na dystans społeczny wobec osób homoseksualnych, uchodźców i osób niepełnosprawnych. Przewidywano, że mężczyźni w warunku zagrożenia męskości, w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną zwiększą dystans społeczny wobec uwzględnionych w badaniu grup. Z racji na eksploracyjny charakter badań, nie formułowano hipotez w odniesieniu do kobiet. W badaniu eksperymentalnym wzięło udział 66 osób (30 mężczyzn i 36 kobiet) w wieku od 18 do 24 lat. Po uzupełnieniu Skali Męskości i Kobiecości, osoby w warunku zagrożenia tożsamości płci otrzymywały informację, że posiadają wysokie natężenie cech kobiecych (mężczyźni) lub wysokie natężenie cech męskich (kobiety). Osoby z grupy kontrolnej nie otrzymywały informacji zwrotnej o natężeniu swojej kobiecości i męskości. Analizy wykazały, że zarówno mężczyźni, jak i kobiety po otrzymaniu informacji o płci psychologicznej niezgodnej z ich płcią biologiczną, deklarowali silniejszy dystans społeczny i chłodniejsze uczucia wobec większości z badanych grup, w tym wobec osób niepełnosprawnych. Równocześnie kobiety, niezależnie od warunku badawczego deklarowały cieplejsze uczucia wobec tych grup niż mężczyźni. Wyniki badania wskazują, że zagrożenie tożsamości płci może być potencjalnym mechanizmem wyjaśniającym uprzedzenia wobec innych grup, przy czym efekty uzyskane w grupie kobiet wymagają replikacji w kolejnych badaniach.
Gender threat triggers compensatory mechanisms and motivation to restore and reaffirm gender identity. The aim of the present research is to verify whether gender threat will influence social distance toward homosexual people, refugees, and disabled people. It was predicted that men in gender threat conditions would manifest higher social distance toward groups when compared with the control condition. Due to the exploratory nature of the study, no hypotheses were formulated for women. Sixty-six individuals (30 men and 36 women) aged from 18 to 24 years old participated in the experiment. After completing the Masculinity and Femininity Scale, participants in the gender threat condition found out that they possess high levels of feminine attributes (men) or high levels of masculine traits (women). Participants in the control group did not receive feedback about the levels of their femininity and masculinity. The analyses showed that both men and women, after receiving the information that their psychological gender was incompatible with their biological sex, declared stronger social distance and colder feelings toward the majority of the groups, including people with disabilities. At the same time, women, regardless of the study condition, declared warmer feelings toward these groups than men. The results of the study indicate that gender threat may be a potential mechanism which explains prejudices toward other groups. However, the results obtained among females require replication in future studies.
Acknowledging that the composition and structure of personal networks is affected by meeting opportunities, social distance, and national origin similarity, we aim to disentangle their association with triadic closure in the core of personal networks. We use data (collected 2009) on the core networks of three groups of Swedes (all born in 1990): native Swedes, and first- and second-generation immigrants from Iran and former Yugoslavia, where the respondent (ego) mentions up to five core network members (alters) and whether each pair of alters (dyad) know each other (triadic closure). A three-level multiple membership logistic regression model is performed, which allows the testing of dyadic alter-alter effects, ego effects, and their interaction (i.e., ‘triadic’ effects) on triadic closure. We show that social distance, national origin similarity, and the sharing of social contexts are all associated with triadic closure in the expected direction, and that the effects of social distance and national origin similarity become smaller if shared social contexts are taken into account. The effects of the sharing of social contexts are the largest and are robust, indicating that shared social contexts are a dominant and more important condition for triadic closure than are similarity on relevant socio-demographic characteristics.
This article presents the results of a study whose aim was the assessment of social distance in relation to symptoms of discrimination in the first and second years of Physical Education (bachelor’s degree) students’ declarations. To realize this aim, the authors used the Polish version of Questionnaire “Social Distance – DS,” worked out on the basis of the original Bogardus social distance scale. Results showed that students declared the smallest social distance in relation to Catholics (M  = 2,03, SD  = 1,76 – “adherents of religions” category) and the biggest in relation to Roma people (Gypsies) (M  = 5,36, SD  = 1,99 – “persons from definite ethnic and regional group” category). The difference between mean ratings of social distance declared by male and female students in relation to gay men turned out to be statistically significant on level p  < 0,05. The mean rating declared by male students turned out higher from the mean rating declared by female students.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki z badania, którego celem była ocena dystansu społecznego wobec przejawów dyskryminacji w deklaracjach studentów I i II roku kierunku Wychowania Fizycznego (studia licencjackie). Do realizacji tego celu wykorzystano polską wersję kwestionariusza „Dystans społeczny – DS”, opracowanego na podstawie oryginalnej skali dystansu społecznego Bogardusa. Okazało się, że badani studenci najmniejszy dystans społeczny deklarowali wobec katolików (M = 2,03, SD = 1,76 – kategoria „wyznawcy religii”), a największy wobec Romów (Cyganów) (M = 5,36, SD = 1,99 – kategoria „osoby z określonej grupy etnicznej i regionalnej”). Różnica pomiędzy średnimi ocen dystansu społecznego deklarowanymi wobec gejów przez badanych zróżnicowanych ze względu na płeć okazała się istotna statystycznie na poziomie p < 0,05. Średnia ocena dystansu społecznego w deklaracjach studentów okazała się wyższa od średniej oceny dystansu społecznego deklarowanego przez studentki.
Many polish people perceive differences between the cultures and societies of the Western and Eastern Europe. For years Ukrainians were described in entirely pejorative terms, because of difficult relationships between Poland and Ukrainian Insurgent Army during the Second World War. The purpose of this article is to describe the basic terms of sociology such as nation, collective consciousness, national stereotypes, national identity, and the role and influence of the negative stereotypes on the image of Ukrainians in polish society. Polish people believe that their social values are in sharp contrast to the Ukrainians ones, but this negative perspective was abandoned after Orange revolution and revolution in 2014. The reports and analysis of the attitudes of public opinion emphasize that the Polish public have changed their opinion towards Ukrainians.
Die im Klinischen Krankenhaus Dr. J. Babiński in Krakau-Kobierzyn durchgeführte Studie hatte zum Ziel, zu untersuchen, wie das psychiatrische Krankenhaus von den Bewohnern der Stadt wahrgenommen wird. In dieser Studie ging es um die Frage, welche Grenzen von den Teilnehmern wahrgenommen wurden. Analysiert wurden die Sinnstiftung sowie die Art und Weise, wie man über die Grenzen spricht. Der Forschungsprozess bestand aus einem Fragebogen, einem Spaziergang durch die Grünanlage des Krankenhauses mit anschließendem Besuch der Ausstellung und einem Gruppeninterview sowie einer separaten Sitzung, bei der die Wahrnehmungen der Befragten auf einer Karte des Krankenhauses abgebildet wurden. Das so strukturierte Forschungsprojekt sollte die aus der soziologischen Forschung bekannten Fragen zur sozialen Distanz gegenüber psychisch kranken Menschen mit Hilfe von qualitativen und handlungsorientierten Methoden vertiefen. Es war auch innovativ, die Teilnehmer in den öffentlichen Park des psychiatrischen Krankenhauses einzuladen und den Großteil der Forschung dort durchzuführen. Dies beeinflusste die Art und Weise, wie sie über Grenzen und das Vertrautmachen von Raum sprachen. Die Grenzen zwischen der Stadt und dem Krankenhaus, die Grenzen und Grenzlinien des Krankenhauses als solches, das Problem der Ununterscheidbarkeit der Grenze zwischen dem Krankenhaus und anderen Orten und zwischen Kranken und Gesunden, die internen Grenzen des Krankenhauses und die Grenze der Krankheit tauchten in den Aussagen der Teilnehmer auf. Diese Grenzen waren sowohl greifbar als auch nicht greifbar; auch diese physischen Barrieren wurden mit einer metaphorischen Bedeutung versehen. Am schwierigsten zu überwinden waren nach Ansicht der Befragten die Grenzen der Vorstellungen und der Krankheit. Die Überwindung der physischen Grenzen, d.h. der Besuch des Park-Krankenhaus-Komplexes und der Ausstellung über den Krankheits- und Genesungsprozess, führte ihrer Meinung nach zum Vertrautmachen des Raums des psychiatrischen Krankenhauses.
The research, conducted at the Dr. J. Babinski Clinical Hospital in Krakow - Kobierzyn, investigates how the psychiatric hospital is perceived by city residents. In this paper, the research question is which borders were spotted by the participants. The way of talking about them, creating meanings, was analyzed. The research process consisted of a questionnaire and a walk through the hospital's green area, visiting an exhibition and a group interview, as well as a separate session which included the mapping of the respondents' feelings on the hospital's plan. The implementation of qualitative and action methods served to explore issues familiar from sociological research on social distance toward people with mental illness. Another innovation was to invite the participants to the public park space of the psychiatric hospital and conduct most of the research there. This influenced the way they talked about boundaries and domesticating space. The statements by the participants described the boundaries between the city and the hospital, the frontiers and the borderlands of the hospital as such, the problem of the indistinguishability of the boundary between the hospital and other places and between the sick and the healthy, the internal boundaries of the hospital and the boundary of the disease. These boundaries were both tangible and intangible. Even physical barriers were given metaphorical meaning. The most difficult to overcome were the limits of imagination and illness, according to the respondents. Overcoming the physical boundaries, i.e., visiting the park and the hospital complex, and the exhibition about the process of illness and recovery, in their opinion, resulted in taming the space of the psychiatric hospital.
Badania prowadzone w Szpitalu Klinicznym im. dr J. Babińskiego w Krakowie – Kobierzynie miały na celu zbadanie jak szpital psychiatryczny jest postrzegany przez mieszkańców miasta. W tej pracy pytanie badawcze to jakie granice zostały zauważone przez uczestników. Analizie poddany został sposób mówienia o nich, tworzenia sensów. Na proces badawczy składały się: ankieta, spacer po terenie zielonym szpitala zakończony zwiedzaniem wystawy i wywiadem grupowym, a także osobne spotkanie z mapowaniem odczuć badanych na planie szpitala. Tak skonstruowane przedsięwzięcie badawcze miało na celu pogłębienie zagadnień znanych z socjologicznych badań nad dystansem społecznym wobec osób chorujących psychicznie poprzez zastosowanie metod jakościowych i działaniowych. Nowatorskie było także zaproszenie uczestników do ogólnodostępnej przestrzeni parku szpitala psychiatrycznego i tam prowadzenie większości badań. Wpływało to na sposób w jaki mówili oni o granicach i oswajaniu przestrzeni. W wypowiedziach osób badanych pojawiły się granice między miastem a szpitalem, granice i pogranicza szpitala jako takiego, problem nierozróżnialności granicy między szpitalem a innymi miejscami oraz między chorymi a zdrowymi, wewnętrzne granice szpitala oraz granica choroby. Granice te miały charakter materialny i niematerialny; również tym fizycznym barierom nadawano znaczenie metaforyczne. Najtrudniejszymi do pokonania wg opinii badanych były granice wyobrażeń i choroby. Pokonanie granic fizycznych, tj. zwiedzenie kompleksu parkowo-szpitalnego oraz wystawy o procesie chorowania i zdrowienia, skutkowało w ich opinii oswojeniem przestrzeni szpitala psychiatrycznego.
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