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The purpose of the article is to disclose the state of formation of methodological culture of future primary school teachers during their training. Experimental study of our research work was aimed at checking the effectiveness of formation of methodological culture of future primary school teachers during their training. For this purpose, we developed a test program, which was based on the complex of reliable, tested, modified and our own developed methods for determining the levels of formation of the components of methodological culture. Motivational component of the methodological culture of future primary school teachers, the overall structure motifs were found by means of testing methods, ranking, observation, individual interviews and a number of techniques: “Values” (M. Rokicha); T. Ilyina adapted techniques to study the formation of methodological culture in order to motivate students to learning in higher education institutions; study of motivation to professional and methodological activities (adapted from C. Zamfir in modification of A. Rean). Representations of students about the essence of the concept of “methodological culture”, its importance for teachers, components, conditions that allow to raise the level of education of the future teacher’s methodology we determined using a questionnaire. Students were offered a few questions and their task was to choose a particular statement or specify your option. In order to determine the level of methodological training of future elementary school teachers we suggested the adapted technique “Education self-methodological preparation of students” by V. Zverev. Respondents were asked to assess themselves an 8-point scale for each of the proposed statement. Using diagnostic card “The most important methodological skills of the teacher” we attempted to identify the skills needed for students to carry out methodological activities, based on the specifics of an elementary school teacher. The level of formation of professional competence and teaching students that they possessed at workshops on pedagogy, different teaching methods in primary school teaching practice and we have determined by the method of “Letter assess professional and methodological competence of students. “Renzuli creativity questionnaire” was designed to determine the features of the student’s creative component of methodological culture. In order to determine the degree of reflection of students’ educational institutions we used the test questionnaire developed by N. Dudnikova. The prospect of further research is to develop a program of formation of methodological culture of primary school teachers in training.
The aim of the following paper is to introduce the aspect of teaching writing to very young pupils. The paper briefly presents the characteristics of young learners, together with their needs and requirements – mostly referring to the teachers of English. The paper was based on author’s own experiences as the former teacher of very young and young students and so, it points out some useful techniques as well as personal observations rooted in the theory of methodology, which were successful in teaching English to that particular age group.
The article is an attempt to look at the ludic terchniques of teaching grammar of the Polish language as a foreign language. On the basis of long practice and huge experience, the author fishes out some of the most interesting and helpful techniques when working with students. It consists of a set of clues of how to use materials accessible in the Internet, newspapers and textbooks in order to adjust them to one’s own teaching targets and also how to create unique teaching toolbox. The article encourages the Polish language lectors both to search for new and individual ways of teaching grammar to adjust them to the needs, expectations, language level and predisposition of students.
The article is devoted to the problem of education of the preschool children’s emotional attitude to natural phenomena. The aim of the article is to analyze and prove the value of the preschoolers’ emotions when reading the seasonal changes in nature for successful mastering of the educational material, shaping their environmental consciousness and culture. “The basic preshool education component” determines the emotional and value attitude to nature as a part of the personal competence. The modern educators in Ukraine offer start familiarizing children with objects of aesthetic perception and the positive attitude to it. Material for research was acquaintance with nature classes conducted by students in kindergartens. The methods of our study were the monitoring of children, the analysis of the methods, techniques and training aids used in the classroom. The great interest for the children caused the animal pictures – mothers with their calves; the stream sounds, the birds singing, the murmur of trees. The preschoolers made an imaginary trip to the forest. They presented themselves sitting on the grass, they was dripped by rain, the sun warmed. Then they developed a code of conduct in the woods. All these things have caused the emotional attitude towards nature in children. At the end of class it was found out that children had successfully learnt the material by using the funds which caused positive emotions. In the case of a simple transfer of the information preschoolers were disinterested, distracted and not all of them memorized the desired material. The educator’s unemotional attitude gave the signal to children that not necessarily follow the rules of behavior in nature, they can live as comfortably and do not take other living organisms. It can be argued that introducing children to natural phenomena requires the experience of positive emotions. It has been proved that software material is absorbed by all the children most effectively by using the methods, techniques and tools that evoke an emotional response of the pupils. And we must remember that environmental consciousness involves non-indifference, active relationship to nature conservation. It is necessary to pay attention to the students on the importance of forming an emotional component in the familiarization of the preschool children with nature.
Intensive migration of recent years is gradually transforming Polish schools into multicultural ones. This article presents and analyses the social and organizational consequences of new legal regulations on the residence and education of pupils with migratory experience who have insufficient knowledge of Polish to take advantage of education in Polish schools. It draws attention to the need for schools to make organizational adjustments, including the development of new curricular content and the necessity of training school employees in new (meta)competencies. These include intercultural and communicative competencies, with special regard to techniques for working with pupils that do not speak Polish (or speak it poorly) in class, and which support subject learning in Polish. The framework for discussion is the concept of inclusive schools that take into account this new type of pupil in Polish schools, as well as the need to equip teachers with new competencies and prepare the learning environment.
The following paper describes the results of a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews on 20 Vietnamese entrepreneurs operating in Poland. The aim of the study was to characterize the society of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in Poland. To achieve the goal, the Author used during the conversation a metaphor of the animal to deepen the discussion. The respondents were asked to compare the Vietnamese entrepreneurs to the animal and justify the features assigned to them. Some respondents noticed that the first and second generation of immigrants are different in terms of diligence, leisure time and approach to money. For some of the Vietnamese, the community was homogenous regardless of whether it was the first or the second generation. Despite presenting different animals, the features they describe are consistent. The study shows how Vietnamese entrepreneurs perceive their community.
Artykuł opisuje wyniki badania jakościowego polegającego na przeprowadzeniu wywiadów pogłębionych na 20 wietnamskich przedsiębiorcach funkcjonujących w Polsce. Celem badania było scharakteryzowanie środowiska przedsiębiorców wietnamskich w Polsce. Aby zrealizować cel i pogłębić dyskusję, podczas rozmowy posłużono się metaforą zwierzęcia. Badani proszeni byli o porównanie przedsiębiorców wietnamskich do zwierzęcia i uzasadnienie przypisanym im cech. Część badanych zauważyła, że pokolenie pierwsze i drugie imigrantów różni się od siebie pod względem pracowitości, czasu wolnego i podejścia do pieniędzy. Dla części Wietnamczyków społeczność była homogeniczna niezależnie od tego, czy to było pierwsze czy drugie pokolenie. Mimo przedstawiania różnych zwierząt, opisywane przez nich cechy są spójne. Badanie pokazuje w jaki sposób przedsiębiorcy wietnamscy postrzegają swoją społeczność.
The main goal of this paper is to indicate the significance of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching English conversation. The first issue presented in this article is to explain the essence of conversation. Afterward, there is a demonstration of major distinctive features assigned to the CLT approach, functions of language and four categories of communicative competence. The following point is dedicated to learner’s and teacher’s roles determined by the CLT approach and a brief mention concerning three types of materials which enhance communicative capacity. Furthermore, there is a presentation and description of principles used for designing techniques including a checklist of microskills. On top of that, various categories and types of oral production are put forward. The last part of the article contains examples of exercises.
Głównym celem tego artykułu jest wskazanie znaczenia podejścia komunikacyjnego CLT w nauczaniu konwersacji w języku angielskim. Pierwszą kwestią przedstawioną w tym artykule jest wyjaśnienie pojęcia konwersacji oraz ukazanie jej kwintesencji. Następnie zaprezentowano główne założenia przypisane podejściu komunikacyjnemu CLT, funkcje językowe i cztery kategorie kompetencji komunikacyjnej. Kolejny punkt stanowi opis ról przypisanych uczniom i nauczycielom w obrębie podejścia komunikacyjnego CLT oraz krótka wzmianka o trzech rodzajach materiałów, które zwiększają zdolności komunikacyjne. Ponadto, zaprezentowano i opisano zasady stosowane w projektowaniu technik, w tym listę mikro umiejętności. W dalszej części artykułu zaproponowane zostały różne kategorie i rodzaje aktywności werbalnej. Ostatnia część artykułu zawiera przykłady ćwiczeń
The article presents the issues related to the Russian salt excavation and processing from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Within these three centuries arose several strong salt production centers scattered in different parts of Russia. In the north, the important role was played by saltworks held by the Solovetsky monastery, supplying all the Pomor Coast (lands extending at the White Sea) with salt and production facilities operating in Sol’vychegodsk. In the region of central Russia, the most important one was located near Staraya Russa near Novgorod, which is one of the oldest centers of salt production in the Ruthenian lands and Sol’ Galitskaya with its shallow brine sources. In the mid-sixteenth century through the Stroganov family evaporated salt production developed in the basin of the Kama River, and the “salt company” created by one of its members-Grigoriy Stroganov – at the beginning of the eighteenth century supplied up to 60% of this product to the internal market. In the 1580s the exploitation of salt lakes near Astrakhan increased and the salt obtained there was used for salting fish delivered to many Russian cities. In the first half of the eighteenth century the tax authorities acceded to obtain salt from the Caspian waters of Lake Alton, which soon-due to the significantly lower production costs-was able to partly drive the salt coming from old salt production centers out of the market. Almost simultaneously with cheap Alton salt a small amount of salt mined in Sol’ilieck (the Orenburg Province) appeared in the sale. The salt delivered to the Russian recipient until the turn of the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries was acquired from three main sources: the sea, the salt lakes and underground sources of brine (later rock salt began to be operated on a larger scale). The salt evaporation technique, which developed in the fifteenth and the sixteenth centuries, survived almost unchanged until the end of the nineteenth century. In all Russian salt production centers one type of a saltery building operated and it could sometimes differ only by size (saltworks of the Stroganov family were usually larger). Also one form of chren was used-a large rectangular vessel to evaporate salt which was suspended over the furnace positioned in the middle of the saltery (in the White Sea salteries chrens were round). The course of evaporation was supervised by a “saltery master”, together with a group of apprentices. No less important role was played by the specialist knowledgeable in brine well digging technique, through which the brine got straight to the saltery. Salt production and trade in Russia from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries were profitable activities, although there were cases of bankruptcies of many manufacturers because they made bad investments. In 1705, Tsar Peter I, anxious to increase the income of the country introduced a monopoly on the salt trade. According to the decision of the ruler, the producers were required to provide the tax authorities with the product at a set price, and the authorities introduced it themselves to the market already with a reasonable profit. Despite later attempts to withdraw from such a policy or introduce other fiscal solutions, the state monopoly on salt sale survived in Russia until the nineteenth century.
Diablo III to trzecia część słynnego tytułu RPG akcji wydanego przez Blizzard Entertainment. Gra została w pełni zlokalizowana na język polski, wraz z podkładem głosowym, i stanowi przykład wysokiej jakości tłumaczenia. Kategoria mechaniki gry obejmuje różne teksty z wnętrza gry odnoszące się do rozgrywki w przeciwieństwie do świata gry i jej interfejsu. W domenie gier RPG są to teksty takie jak statystyki postaci, klasy, umiejętności, cechy przedmiotów, osiągnięcia oraz wskazówki i samouczki. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę przestudiowania wyzwań związanych z tymi tekstami poprzez zbadanie strategii, podejść i technik zastosowanych w ich tłumaczeniu.
Diablo III is the third installment of a renowned action RPG title developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The game has been fully localized into Polish, including the voice-over, and displays high-quality translation. The category of game mechanics covers a variety of in-game texts related to the gameplay as opposed to the game world or the game interface. In the domain of RPG games, these are texts such as character statistics, character classes, character skills, item properties, achievements as well as hints and tutorials. The present study seeks to investigate the challenges posed by these texts through an examination of strategies, approaches, and techniques that have been employed in their translation.
This paper displays the definition of feedback, its role in the learning process and presents different modes of how feedback may be organised in classroom conditions. The first issue presented in the article is related to types of mistakes and their sources. The following points are devoted to the matter of who makes corrections. To be more precise, three of them: teacher – student correction, student – student correction and self-correction are discussed and supported with appropriate techniques which lead to a successful accomplishment of feedback.
Poniższy artykuł ma za zadanie wyjaśnić co to jest informacja zwrotna, ukazać rolę jaką pełni w procesie nauczania oraz przedstawić różne sposoby jej wdrożenia w pracy z uczniami. Pierwszym aspektem poruszonym w tym artykule jest opis rodzajów błędów oraz wskazanie ich pochodzenia. Kolejne punkty dotyczą kwestii kto inicjuje i kto dokonuje poprawy błędów. Wymienione zostały trzy możliwości: nauczyciel – uczeń, uczeń – uczeń oraz autokorekta, które zostały dokładnie opisane oraz podparte odpowiednimi technikami będącymi kluczem do sukcesu w obrębie omawianego tematu.
Poland follows an integrative system when it comes to working with foreign pupils: the pupil attends classes without regard to his or her knowledge of Polish. This model is sometimes called inclusive education (inclusion). Knowledge of the language is a significant factor in social inclusion, as without it any contact with the culture and its representatives is only partial or is simply impossible. The lack of a common linguistic code creates a barrier in forming bonds and exchanging information between the native speakers of the language and foreigners who have not learned the language or have done so only partially. Finding techniques and ways to overcome these barriers by supporting language learning and facilitating understanding is crucial for the inclusion process. It is necessary to prepare teachers for working with pupils with limited or non-existent Polish skills. In Polish schools, the foreign pupil can count on modified requirements and individualized instruction, yet the goal of this is to allow the pupil to achieve autonomy in acquiring and presenting knowledge, as well as in communication with peers and others in both formal and informal situations. The teacher is the key to success here: when prepared, he or she is more comfortable, performs better and can take pride in his or her pupil’s progress. This paper presents and discusses some proposed techniques for working with students with language barriers during subject lessons in Polish schools.
W Polsce obowiązuje system integracyjny: uczeń cudzoziemski uczestniczy w zajęciach szkolnych niezależnie od znajomości polskiego. Ten model nazywany bywa edukacją włączającą (inkluzywną). Warunkiem inkluzji społecznej jest w znacznym stopniu znajomość języka, bez której kontakt z kulturą i jej reprezentantami jest niepełny albo wręcz niemożliwy. Brak wspólnego kodu językowego stanowi barierę, która uniemożliwia wytworzenie więzi i wymianę informacji między rodzimymi użytkownikami języka polskiego a cudzoziemcami, którzy jeszcze tego języka nie opanowali, lub opanowali w stopniu niewystarczającym. Z punktu widzenia procesu inkluzji ważne będzie znalezienie technik i sposobów pokonujących te bariery, wspierających uczenie się języka i prowadzących do porozumienia. przygotowanie nauczyciela do pracy z uczniem nieznającym języka polskiego lub znającym język słabo jest koniecznością. Uczeń cudzoziemski w szkole polskiej może liczyć na dostosowanie wymagań i indywidualizację procesu nauczania, jednak jego celem jest uzyskanie autonomii w zakresie zdobywania wiedzy i prezentowania jej, komunikacji z rówieśnikami i innymi osobami tak w sytuacjach formalnych, jak i nieformalnych. Kluczem do sukcesu jest nauczyciel – przygotowany czuje się lepiej, działa sprawniej i może cieszyć się postępami swojego ucznia. Artykuł przedstawia i omawia propozycje technik pracy z uczniem z barierą językową na zajęciach przedmiotowych w szkole polskiej.
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