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The article presents research into borrowings from German to the Polish language. That research was initiated in the 19th century. German lexical borrowings were linked to other linguistic issues, such as morphology, syntax, phonology or semantic field theory. The most important researcher of German borrowings in Polish were Aleksander Bruckner, Leszek Moszyński, Ludwik Zabrocki, Wilhelm Kästner, Alicja Karszniewicz-Mazur etc. The article is a critical analysis of the most significant publications on this subject.
The work conducted for over ten months at IPI PAN has resulted in the creation of a working (and still further developed) corpus of the 20th-century Polish parliamentarisms. The corpus was created using parliamentary transcripts from the years 1918–2018 and as for now it contains nearly 200 million segments. On this basis, a preliminary analytical work on the language of the Polish parliamentarism of the twentieth century is being conducted. One of the first issues is the preliminary lexicographical and lexicological analysis of the assembled corpus. In order to show the extent of the corpus and its chronological complexity, a lexical and semantic analysis will be subjected to, for example, such lexemes as historia (history) and społeczeństwo (society). The analysis of the usage of these items in the Polish parliamentary discourse has shown that they are high frequency words, and that their meanings are subject to “specific pressures of parliamentarism” and slightly differ (depending on a particular period in history) from the meanings traditionally assigned to them in Polish lexicography.
Despite their increasing use, little is known about the purpose of word blends, e.g. chillax, which have near-synonymous composite words (relax and chill). Potential explanations for their existence and persistence include: use in different sentence constructions, to provide unique meaning, and to create interest/identity. Th e current study used a vignette methodology with two-hundred and forty-one students to explore the relevance of such hypotheses for ‘guesstimate’, ‘chillax’, ‘ginormous’, and ‘confuzzled’. Our inconsistent results suggest that the semantics of the word blends may diff er from their composites in very subtle ways. However further work is needed to acknowledge and determine the impact of context upon the use and consequences of these word blends.
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The article aims to outline the presence of a metaphysical perspective in Stanisław Barańczak’s poems which is already present in the poet’s earliest works. Barańczak outlines this process in his debut collection. His translation achievements support the presence of a metaphysical perspective in his original poems, and the mutual dependence of his poetry writing and translation can already be clearly felt in his initial works. The article compares the views of poets from generations younger than Barańczak’s and their reactions to the work of the author of A Postcard from the Other World (Widokówka z tego świata).
Nathalie Sarraute (1900-1999) urodziła się w Rosji, lecz mieszkała we Francji. Była pisarką, kobietą o ogromnej erudycji i poliglotką, której dzieła ukazują doświadczenia tragicznego „Ja”, walczącego przeciwko „Innemu”. Dzieciństwo spędzone za granicą, z dala od ukochanych dziadków, wakacje w Rosji, nadzieja na obiecane spotkanie z matką, bycie bezsilną wobec macochy, wreszcie świadomość, że jej obce otoczenie jest zagrożeniem – wszystkie te czynniki sprawiły, że stała się własnym cenzorem i zrozumiała, jak istotny jest kontakt z „Innym”. Bolesne doświadczenia z dzieciństwa i życie na skrzyżowaniu kultur stały się bardzo bogatą i interesującą materią literacką, wyrażoną w tzw. tropizmach. Od pierwszego do ostatniego dzieła nadrzędny cel autorki to analiza mechanizmów generujących konkretne stwierdzenia, tego, co niewypowiedziane. Sarraute interesuje też wszelka aktywność refleksyjna, spowodowana lękiem przed niechcianą reakcją na to, co mówimy.
Nathalie Sarraute (1900-1999) was born in Russia but she lived in France. She was a writer, a woman of immense erudition, and a polyglot whose works show the experience of a tragic ‘Me’ fighting against ‘the Other’. The consequences of the childhood spent abroad, far from her grandparents whom she loved very much; the holidays spent in Russia; her expectation of the promised meeting with her mother; her being defenceless against her stepmother; finally, the awareness that her strange surroundings was a threat: all these factors made her censor her own words and understand the importance of contact with the Other. This painful experience of childhood and living at the crossing of cultures, became a very rich and interesting literary substance expressed through so-called tropisms. From her first work to the last one, the author’s most important aim is to deal with the mechanisms that generate concrete statements, like pre-dialogue or under-conversation; she is interested with all kinds of reflective activity caused by the fear of an unwanted reaction to what we say.
The subject of the article is a peculiar book by the Spanish philosopher Manuel Sánchez Cuesta, which is a new and original attempt to analyze human life. The author proposes us a journey into the depths of human consciousness, and therefore the problems that are touching upon are not new – the meaning of human life, death, immortality, God. But the attempts to solve them are new. These solutions go beyond the framework of all the most important previous philosophical discourses.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest szczególna książka hiszpańskiego filozofa Manuela Sáncheza Cuesta, która stanowi nową i oryginalną próbę analizy ludzkiego życia. Autor proponuje nam wędrówkę w głąb ludzkiej świadomości i dlatego problemy, które porusza, nie są nowe – sens ludzkiego życia, śmierć, nieśmiertelność, Bóg. Nowe są natomiast próby ich rozwiązania. Wykraczają one poza ramy wszystkich dotychczasowych najważniejszych dyskursów filozoficznych.
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Noetický princip slova v poetice Věry Linhartové

This article deals with prose written by Věra Linhartová and published between 1964 and 1968. The focus of the article is on the noetic and philosophical dimension of words as one of the main features of Linhartová’s poetics – Linhartová is trying to reflect immediate subjective ideas in her texts. The word “idea” (představa) in Linhartová’s texts refers to the intentions of the characters – i.e. what they intend to communicate in the particular moment. The trio of the speaking subject, words and ideas forms the basis for the noetic and philosophical reflections in Linhartová’s texts, with the form of the texts as the practical counterpart to these reflective passages.
The ritual „Gramada” is a typical tradition of the  Bulgarian ethnic territories that appeared between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It represents a symbolic way of „escorting” (a sort of symbolic funeral) of a dead man, who committed an act unacceptable for the community, upon the world of the dead. The „Gramada” ceremony is observed as piling up some stones on a sacral place so  they can form (create) a barrier between the  sinner  and  the  righteous.  During  the ritual,  symbolic  words  and  acts are  performed  as a verbal and nonverbal act of magic. It reveals thebelief of the traditional Bulgarian people in the magical power of words.
The ritual „Gramada” is a typical tradition of the  Bulgarian ethnic territories that appeared between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It represents a symbolic way of „escorting” (a sort of symbolic funeral) of a dead man, who committed an act unacceptable for the community, upon the world of the dead. The „Gramada” ceremony is observed as piling up some stones on a sacral place so  they can form (create) a barrier between the  sinner  and  the  righteous.  During  the ritual,  symbolic  words  and  acts are  performed  as a verbal and nonverbal act of magic. It reveals thebelief of the traditional Bulgarian people in the magical power of words. 
The paper describes the basis of the Rule of Benedict of Nursia (d. 547) datascape environment present in the community of monks living in the monastery and the ways of acquiring information. The primary source of information for them was another man, especially a monk, and contact with the laity much they confine.Important information for them was verbal, which is transmitted by word and non-verbal information, transmitted gesture and posture. They used the word only in exceptional circumstances and with dignity. Also conveyed his command charged with words, but Cenobites were obliged to listen to him in silence. If you need anything, it’s more likely to be expressed by the movements of the body. Information plays an important role in the educational process, which is facilitated by the introduction of the discipline in the monastery. Abbots used the information for teaching and imparting knowledge, but the monks did not take an active role, but rather passively absorb everything supervisor told them. In exceptional cases, they can express their views, such as the common meeting. Monks depend primarily on the spiritual peace, hence they try to create the environment around them organized. Disinformation in them did not exist, because often they read the Rule and thus keep gaining knowledge about behavior. They knew so well their duties and rights and follow the top-down schedule.
Images performed by words in Howard Jacobson’s novel “Kalooki Nights”. Remarks about intersemiotic relations among words and picturesThe article titled Images performed by words in Howard Jacobson’n novel Kalooki Nights. Remarks about intersemiotic relations among words and pictures concerns the intersemiotic tensions among words and pictures. The theoretical model is supported by the interpretation of Howard Jacobson’s novel titled Kalooki Nights. This novel redefines the limits of representation and reception of the Holocaust in the context of identity and contemporary world. Exploring the forms of “reading” (“looking at”) of the linguistic codes as the visual codes, such terms like “transframing” and “performing” refer to the patterns of creation the fictional worlds (constructed by the words which are treated as the images). The being of words still means looking through them, through their semantic flaws. This intersemiotic translations are rooted in the will of creation (Eros) and the will of destruction (Thanatos). The history of interpretations of these two sources of semiosphere touches the limits of questions: what can be shown in written wor(l).
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Analiza Rzeczy-pospolitej

The text provides a deep and critical review of Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth. In his criticism Harvey focuses primarily on the perspective of class struggle, underestimated by the authors, as well as on the lack of developed analysis of fictitious capital and contemporary finanscialization of the economy. According to the geographer, in the Commonwealth too much emphasis is placed on consideration of Spinozian categories (such as singularity) and the issue of immateriality, which may result in drawing away Hardt and Negri’s attention from the formulation of a concrete proposals of political activities of the multitude.
Tekst stanowi pogłębioną, krytyczną recenzję Rzeczy-pospolitej Michaela Hardta i Antonia Negriego. W swojej krytyce Harvey skupia się nade wszystko na niedowartościowaniu przez autorów perspektywy walki klasowej oraz braku rozwiniętej analizy kapitału fikcyjnego i współczesnej finansjeryzacji gospodarki. Zdaniem geografa w Rzeczy-pospolitej zbyt duży nacisk położono na rozważanie Spinozjańskich kategorii (takich jak pojedynczość) oraz problem niematerialności, co mogło odciągnąć uwagę Hardta i Negriego od sformułowania propozycji konkretnych działań politycznych wielości.
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