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Autorka dokonuje przeglądu literatury, dotyczącej języka młodzieżowego. Wybiera te informacje, które dotyczą dystynktywnych cech tej odmiany języka. Zastanawia się także nad różnymi funkcjami młodzieżowego slangu, które czynią go atrakcyjnym i użytecznym także dla współczesnych młodych ludzi. Wykorzystując przykłady żywego języka, zaczerpnięte z Internetu, pokazuje prawdziwość dokonanych wcześniej ustaleń.
This article discusses some words of foreign origin adopted into Polish and Russian from other languages. The lexical characteristic of borrowings has been selected for the analysis in order to show some similarities and differences in the scope of various lexical fields. For the purpose of this analysis two models of symmetric and asymmetric borrowing have been developed and tested. As a regular model have been classified those borrowings in which the quantity of meanings is equal, and those in which the quantity and scope of meanings are different in both languages under review as well as in relation to the source language. The most common problems and pitfalls of relevance to language learning have been identified, which mainly arise from the formal similarity of the adopted tokens.
The article presents the phenomenon of synonymy in psychological terminology exemplified with aseries of synonyms concerning buying disorders. The article contains astructural analy-sis dealing with fifteen terms that function in Polish literature such as: dysfunkcyjne zakupy [dysfunctional shopping], kompulsywna konsumpcja [compulsive consumption], kompulsywne kupowanie [compulsive buying],kompulsywne zakupy [compulsive shopping],kupnoholizm / zakupoholizm / shopoholizm / szopoholizm [shopaholism],kupowanie dysfunkcyjne [dysf u nc-tional buying],kupowanie nadmierne [excessive buying],mania kupowania [mania of buying], oniomania [Greek: ὤνιος + μανία], uzależnienie od kupowania [buying addiction], uzależnienie od zakupów [shopping addiction], zakupomania [mania of shopping]. The analysis indicates the origin of the terms and the causes of the synonymy among them.
W artykule omówione zostało zjawisko synonimii w terminologii psychologicznej na przykładzie szeregu synonimów nazywających zaburzenia związane z uzależnieniem od zakupów. Analizie poddano 15 terminów funkcjonujących w polskim piśmiennictwie naukowym, takich jak: dysfunkcyjne zakupy, kompulsywna konsumpcja, kompulsywne kupowanie, kompulsywne zakupy, kupnoholizm, kupowanie dysfunkcyjne, kupowanie nadmierne, mania kupowania, oniomania, shopoholizm/szopoholizm, uzależnienie od kupowania, uzależnienie od zakupów, zakupoholizm, zakupomania. Celem rozważań jest analiza strukturalna poszczególnych członów szeregu wraz z omówieniem ich genezy oraz wskazanie przyczyn synonimii.
Due to globalization professionals in different fields of knowledge, especially those who are highly-skilled, may easily find employment beyond the borders of their own countries. Poland is one of the countries, where the labor market is getting more and more attractive to foreigners. It is also the case for the IT sector that for years has attracted specialists from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, it seems to be interesting to compare the influence of English, which is the base of the specialist language in this sector, on the Polish and Russian languages. In this paper, the author answers the question whether English borrowings in the Polish and Russian language of information technology are the same. The author shows the degree of assimilation of exemplary loan words in both languages under discussion and presents the resulting implications for teaching Polish as a foreign language.
Dzięki powszechnej globalizacji specjaliści z różnych dziedzin, zwłaszcza wysoko wykwalifikowani, mogą bez problemu znaleźć zatrudnienie poza granicami swojego kraju. Polska znajduje się wśród państw, których rynek pracy jest coraz bardziej atrakcyjny dla wielu cudzoziemców. Dotyczy to także branży IT, od lat przyciągającej specjalistów z krajów byłego Związku Radzieckiego. Interesujące jest zatem – wydaje się – porównanie wpływu języka angielskiego, będącego podstawą języka specjalistycznego tej branży, na język polski i rosyjski. W artykule autorka podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy anglicyzmy występujące w polskim i rosyjskim języku informatycznym są takie same. Pragnie także pokazać stopień przyswojenia przykładowych zapożyczeń w obu omawianych językach i omówić wynikające z tych obserwacji implikacje dla glottodydaktyki polonistycznej.
The subject of the article are foreign names of grapevine from the second edition of the Polish version of P. Crescentius’ guide (1571) which were adopted by the Polish language. The material analyzed embraces 41 names, none of which appears in other texts. The aim of the work is to examine the appearance of foreign words in the Polish language and their possible incorporation into Polish. More than half of the words (58,5%) were taken from the Latin text with no alterations; the remaining words were submitted to adaptation, which was not always consistent. Only two words underwent the phonetic and inflectional assimilation (labruszki, arbusta), but only labruszki became common in this meaning in the 16th century Polish language. In the Old Polish language and in later periods there appeared the word muszkatela, which was submitted to communization. The names analyzed here are not common in Polish, which is probably due to their originality and their highly specific narrow meaning.
The aim of this article is to describe the generational characteristics of flour products in the speech of Poles of the former South‑Eastern borderlands on the example of several villages from the Lviv region. My analyses focus on the dynamics of changes in the functioning of food names. The presented material and its preliminary analyses allow to unambiguously assign many names of dishes to specific generational groups of people studied. Comparison of the discussed names of dishes with the content of SGP showed that many of them are common with Polish dialect in the Poland. Confrontation with the Dictionary of the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian dialectological works from the studied area showed that many words coexist in Ukrainian, for example: buchanka, paska, pampuch, bublik, kałacz, korowaj, zawiwańce, pierożek, blin, palanycia.
The subject matter of this paper is the stock exchange communication which is far from being a homogeneous area of analysis. Here, we make an attempt at providing an outline of characteristic features of the stock exchange communication from the perspective of official discourse level. As such, the ongoing analysis is based on a corpus taken from such Polish media as "Parkiet" and "Puls Biznesu". In the case of German texts, they come from online issues of daily newspapers, namely "Handelsblatt" and "Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung", as well as texts extracted from DPA-AFX and Reuters press agency websites and Dow Jones economic portal. The objective of this paper is not merely to explain the mechanisms which determine and give impetus to the stock exchange. First and foremost, I aim at presenting how the stock exchange operations are expressed in terms of linguistic means.
A dialect of the Podhale region is represented by three functional styles: the colloquial, artistic and literary style. They differ, among others frequency of use and type of loanwords. The literary style is dominated by Hungarian, Slovakian, Germanisms, Romanian, and in the artistic style (mainly in folksongs (przyśpiewki)) Anglicisms appear. Colloquial style in terms of loanwords is the least expressive, old loanwords belong to the recessive vocabulary, and Anglicisms do not have such a punching force as in joking and ironic folksongs.
Język Polski
vol. 103
issue 3
Autorzy przeanalizowali wyrazy obce (w obrębie litery M) wykorzystane jako odpowiedniki leksyki rosyjskiej w słowniku rosyjsko-polskim z 1877 roku. Zbadali 23 translaty wyposażone w opis znaczenia, zbędny w słowniku przekładowym, oraz 23 translaty pozbawione takiego opisu. Przeszukali zbiory zdigitalizowane, ustalając daty pojawienia się w obiegu badanych jednostek oraz daty i liczbę kolejnych wystąpień do roku 1877. Wykazali, że opisami na ogół opatrywano leksykę trudną, neologiczną, o ograniczonym zasięgu i słabym upowszechnieniu, zazwyczaj nieodzwierciedloną w słowniku Lindego. Badane jednostki prawdopodobnie nie należały też do aktywnego zasobu słownego samego redaktora, ponieważ pominął je w części polsko-rosyjskiej badanego słownika.
The authors analysed foreign words (starting with the letter M) used as equivalents of Russian lexis in an 1877 Russian-Polish dictionary. They examined 23 translations that included a description of the meaning, unnecessary in a translation dictionary, and 23 translations without such a description. They searched digitised collections, establishing the dates the surveyed items first appeared in use, as well as the dates and number of subsequent occurrences up to 1877. They showed that the descriptions were usually applied to difficult, neological lexis of limited range and poor dissemination, usually not reflected in Linde’s dictionary. The items under study probably did not belong to the editor’s active vocabulary either, as he omitted them from the Polish-Russian part of the dictionary under study.
Dzięki ustaleniom XIX-wiecznego językoznawstwa historyczno-porównawczego, pokrewieństwo języków romańskich i słowiańskich nie ulega dziś wątpliwości, choć z pewnością można uznać, że języki francuski i polski pozostają jednak kuzynami dość dalekimi. Długo można by się rozwodzić nad różnicami gramatycznymi, które je dzielą, od fonologicznych, przez morfologiczne, aż po składniowe. Wobec skomplikowanej gramatyki, słownictwo francuskie wydaje się jednak Polakowi z pewnością bardziej przystępne, co wynika ze specyficznych (choć dalece nieidentycznych) powiązań obu języków z łaciną, a także jest pochodną historycznych kontaktów Francji i Polski. Szczególnie one dawały przez wieki okazję do pojawiania się licznych zapożyczeń z francuszczyzny w języku polskim. Wobec faktu stałej ewolucji języków, los zapożyczenia nie jest nigdy z góry określony: z punktu widzenia semantycznego może ono pozostać wiernym ekwiwalentem wyrazu, od którego pochodzi, albo też zmienić znaczenie, czasem nawet w sposób radykalny. W niniejszym artykule poświęconym zjawisku faux amis, czyli zapożyczeń, których sens silnie uległ zmianie, badamy drogę i sposób asymilacji kilku wyrazów tego typu w polszczyźnie, wykazując, że w tak delikatnej materii jak pożyczki językowe konieczne jest niejako indywidualne studiowanie każdego przypadku.
Thanks to the arrangements of the 19th century historical linguistics, the consanguinity of the Romance and Slavic languages is nowadays unquestionable, although one can acknowledge that the French and Polish languages remain rather far cousins. It could be a long dispute when grammatical differences are considered – from phonologic, through morphologic, to syntactic. Due to its complicated grammar, French vocabulary seems to a Polish person much more intelligible, which results from specific (however far from being identical) connection of both languages to Latin, as well as from French and Polish historical contacts. Especially those, for centuries, gave an opportunity for many loanwords from French to appear in the Polish language. Due to the fact of permanent evolution of languages, the fate of a loanword is never predestinated: from the semantic perspective it may remain a faithful equivalent of the word from which it originates or it may change its meaning, sometimes even in a radical way. In my article, concerning the phenomenon of faux amis, that is loanwords, which meanings have strongly changed, I discern the route and the way of assimilation of some of these words in the Polish language, showing that in such a delicate matter as language borrowings it is needed to study each case, to some extent individually.
The Latin name for ‘giraffe’, nabus, belongs to words of unknown origin and unclear etymology. As giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis L.) represents an African ungulate mammal, living in savannas, grasslands and open woodlands south of Sahara, researchers suggested that the Latin term nabus must have been borrowed from an African source. However, there is no similar name for ‘giraffe’ in modern languages of North, West, Central or East Africa. Phonetically similar terms are attested only in the area of South Africa, namely in three different subgroups of the Central Khoisan family, e.g. Nama !nai-b; !nae-b ‘giraffe’, Korana (!Ora) !nai-b ‘id.’ (< Proto-Khoekhoe *ɳ!ai-b ‘giraffe’); Kxoe (Hukwe) ŋgábė ‘giraffe’, //Ani ɳ!ábè, Buga ŋgábè, G|anda ŋgábè, Naro ɳ!nábé; n!ábé, G|wi ɳ!ábè; ng!abe, G//ana ŋábì; ngabe, #Haba ɳ!ĩ̂bé ‘id.’ (< Proto-West-Tsu-Khwe *ɳ!ábè ‘giraffe’); |Xaise ŋgábè ‘giraffe’, Deti ŋábè, Cara ŋgábè, Ts’ixa ŋgábè, Danisi ŋgábé, Kua ŋgábè, Tsua gábè, Hietshware gabee, Sehura gnabe, Mohissa $aing (< Proto-East-Tsu-Khwe *ŋábè ‘giraffe’). The present authors believe that the ultimate source of borrowing seems to be the Central Khoisan languages spoken in South Africa. As no direct contact between the Romans and the Khoisan people was possible, it is probable that the loanword in question was transferred into Latin by medium of a North African language and/or Ancient Greek. Geographical works of Juba II (ca. 53 BC – 23 AD), the king of Numidia and Mauretania, written in Greek, could hardly be a possible literary source, though Pliny the Elder refers to him as an authority more than 60 times. The dating of the mosaic and epigraphical data from Praeneste (ca. 108 BC) documents an earlier existence of the word nabus (Ancient Greek ναβοῦς) in the Greek-Latin language world. The borrowing must have been adopted in Ancient Greek (and perhaps in Latin) not later than the half of the II century BC, probably by the mediation of the Ptolemaic court or some Greeks living in the Ptolemaic Egypt.
This article contains a stylistic-lexis analysis of German loan-words which appear in “Krzyżacy” by Henryk Sienkiewicz. Its aim was to decide about the function of this group of loan-words in creation of the presented world in the novel. Material basis, counting 235 lexical units, was grouped and described in several semantic categories concerned, among other things, with: 1. different branches of economy, 2. widely understood socio-political life, 3. daily life and customs. The main text is accompanied by a dictionary of all German loan-words, which included, apart from basic information such as: definition and frequency, also their location in different lexicographic sources.
The author of the paper analyses French borrowings which appeared in handwritten newspapers from 1671–1772 (are collected in the archive in Toruń). The French borrowings became common in Polish language of the XVII and XVIII centuries. The fashion for French culture, customs and style is reflected in described words which refer mostly to social life and military terms. Some of them are now old-fashioned, some have changed their meanings.
The subject of this paper are French-origin inflected words in the German language. It focuses on the semantic division of the words extracted from the publication by Rudolf Köster entitled: Eigennamen in deutschen Wortschatz. Ein Lexikon. The collected lexemes were assigned to 33 thematic subjects, including archeology, botany, chemistry, gastronomy, geology, physics, religion, etc.
I have identified at least three chronological layers of Germanisms in Poznań urban sub-dialects. The first one encompasses what is left in the Poznań sub-dialect from Polish literary language, or Polish (Wielkopolska) folk sub-dialects dating back to pre-Polish times. The second layer includes archaisms in Polish literary language. The third layer comprises words borrowed by the Poznań sub-dialect from German in the 19th and the early 20th centuries (the Partitions of Poland). Theoretically, another, even younger layer should be expected: the aftermath of the war period (1939-1945). However, further research is required in this respect.
Autor wyróżnia w gwarze miejskiej Poznania przynajmniej trzy warstwy chronologiczne germanizmów. Pierwsza obejmuje to, co z polskiego języka literackiego bądź z polskich (wielkopolskich) gwar ludowych pozostało w gwarze poznańskiej, a co swoim wiekiem sięga czasów przedpolskich. Druga warstwa, to archaizmy polskiego języka literackiego. Trzecia warstwa to wyrazy, które przenikały do gwary miejskiej Poznania z języka niemieckiego w XIX i na początku XX wieku (okres zaborów). Teoretycznie można by się spodziewać jeszcze jednej, najpóźniejszej warstwy – spadku po latach 1939–1945. Potrzebne są jednak w tym zakresie dalsze badania.
The aim of this article is to analyse phonetic and graphic mechanisms of the English borrowings adaptation to the Polish language at the turn of the 21st century. The lexemes taken into consideration are collected from Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych (ed. 2003) and Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego (ed. 2003). However, the author has chosen only those lexemes that are not found in Słownik wyrazów obcych (ed. 1995) and Słownik języka polskiego (ed. 1993). Additionaly, the material has been verifi ed with Trzaski, Everta, Michalskiego encyklopedyczny słownik wyrazów obcych (ed. 1939). In this way the linguistic base constitutes of 299 words. Moreover, the newest phonetic and graphic adaptations of the lexemes borrowed before the year 1995 has been gathered, so the final number of the lexemes is 324. For the sake of clarity, first vowels and then consonants are analysed as far as the phonetic adaptation is concerned. Next, the graphic and phonetic-graphic mechanisms are described in detail. The final stage is the analysis of the semantic fields in which the newest English borrowings appear the most frequently.
The purpose of this article is to present and discuss several dialect plant names from the „plant word” thematic field in the speech of the Poles of Lviv region. These are lexical units having no equivalents in other regions of the country or having them in an incomplete range of meaning. The lexis of the dialect in the studied Polish language is also subjected to various foreign influeces, which also must be taken into account when reconstructing the processes that shape the given form in Polish dialects. The generational breakdown shows that dialect plant names in their local meaning will cause significant difficulties for dialect users over time.
Studium niniejsze przynosi rozbudowaną i bardziej szczegółową prezentację moich argumentów przeciwko turkijskiej etymologii słowiańskiej nazwy barana, które po raz pierwszy ukazały się w artykule Stachowski 2005. Etymologia ta została w dwóch odmiennych postaciach stworzona w Rosji (Dmitriev 1958; Trubačev 1960) ‒ obie są błędne, ale każda w inny sposób. Choć żadna z nich nie zdominowała wszystkich słowiańskich słowników etymologicznych, pojawiają się one jednak naprzemiennie w opiniotwórczych publikacjach slawistycznych, toteż pokazanie ich słabości wydaje się być jak najbardziej pożądane.
In the article the author analyzed Italian borrowings in handwritten newspapers from 1671 to 1772 collected in the archive in Toruń. In most newspapers, mainly from the XVII century or the ones dealing with politics, diplomacy or religion, borrowings from other languages can be found. Although most of the borrowings came from Latin, Italian influences are also visible. While analyzing selected Italian words, the author of the text notices that some of them are nowadays treated as archaisms, others change their meanings, whereas some of them became naturalized in Polish language so strongly that are not noticed in the latest Polish dictionaries of borrowed foreign words.
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