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The article discusses the process of shaping the media image of Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski (1930 – 2004). The author argues that the feature film Jack Strong (directed by W. Pasikowski, Poland 2014) had importance in the public debate concerning this tragic figure in post-war Polish history. The article presents a series of journalistic materials from the press, in which the memory of R. Kuklinski is presented in dichotomous extremes between heroism and betrayal. A mixed media image of a soldier of Polish People’s Army cooperating with a hostile intelligence, fosters the myth of the new incarnation of Konrad Wallenrod.
Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu obecności mowy nienawiści w polskim dyskursie publicznym, związanym z tzw. kulturą obrażania oraz przejawami antysemityzmu. Jednym ze sposobów uświadamiania negatywnego charakteru zjawiska może być edukacja międzykulturowa. Przyjętą metodą badawczą jest case study, oparte na analizie dwóch wpisów umieszczonych w mediach społecznościowych. W 2018 roku Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN w Warszawie zorganizowało wystawę „Obcy w domu”, poświęconą wydarzeniom Marca 68 roku. Obok pamiątek związanych z wyjazdami z kraju Polaków pochodzenia żydowskiego znalazły się także zapisy współczesnych przejawów hejtu i mowy nienawiści, zestawione z przykładami pochodzącymi z 1968 roku. Wśród nich znalazły się internetowe wpisy dziennikarki Magdaleny Ogórek oraz publicysty Rafała Ziemkiewicza mające charakter współczesnego przejawu antysemityzmu.
This article is devoted to the issue of the hate speech in Polish public discourse. One of the ways to become aware of the negative nature of hate speech can be intercultural education. In 2018, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw organized an exhibition “Strangers at Home”, dedicated to the events of March ’68. In addition to the memorabilia related to Jewish-rooted people’s leaving Poland, there were also records of contemporary hate and hate speech, juxtaposed with some examples from 1968. Among them, there were the entries of journalists Magdalena Ogórek and Rafał Ziemkiewicz, which have the character of contemporary anti-Semitism.
The article recalls the role played by the Olsztyn Mime Ensamble in the culture of the region of Warmia and Mazury and Poland. The Ensamble gained their artistic rank thanks to the theater director, professor Bohdan Głuszczak (1936-2016).
The aim of the article is the issue of the media image of two priests, created for the needs of popular culture in biographical feature films. The first of them is the American priest Stuart Ignatius Long, portrayed in the film Father Stu. The second is the Polish priest Jan Kaczkowski, shown in the film Johnny. The films, due to the fact that they present people called to the priesthood, priests of the Catholic Church who devote themselves to religious activities, meet the criteria of religious cinema. The research issue was to determine whether the film productions about the mentioned priests are film hagiographies of clergy, confessional religious cinema or only loosely refer to the true biographies of priests. Priests, who struggled with their own handicap and illness for most of their lives, which they never hid from their faithful, did not hinder their pastoral ministry.
The article is a case study describing Ania’s Broda music CD project “Thousand Lakes”. The album consists of twenty songs, contains traditional music from Warmia &Mazury. The creation of the album was possible thanks to the modern way of acquiring funds in the form of crowdfunding. This implements that it is based on a new type of culture called the culture of co-creation. With the help of modern social media and by engaging many people, the artist gathered the necessary financial recourses needed to make a CD.
Artykuł stanowi  studium przypadku (case study) opisujące projekt powstania płyty muzycznej „Thousand Lakes” autorstwa Ani Brody. Płyta składająca się z dwudziestu utworów zawiera muzykę tradycyjną z Warmii i Mazur. Powstanie płyty było możliwe dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnego sposobu pozyskiwania funduszy, jakim jest crowdfunding, oparty na zasadzie kultury współtworzenia. Dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych mediów społecznościowych i zaangażowaniu wielu ludzi artystka zgromadziła niezbędne środki finansowe potrzebne do nagrania płyty.
The paper offers a review of Polish discussions on the educational aspects of film. While initially many authors were quite sceptical of film, then viewed primarily as a form of cheap entertainment for the masses, they subsequently started exploring the possibilities for using film in education. The paper discusses the views of early pioneers, such as Matuszewski and Irzykowski, up until more recent developments (such as the New Horizons Association), emphasizing the Polish contribution to the history of film and media education.
The authors of this article hopes to show the essential meaning of the Japanese perspective on law, order and security. Since 50’s in the USA and European countries we are witnessing the global expansion and popularity of Budō (the Far East martial arts). Those martial arts positively influence the improvement of security culture. The authors want to show that it is worthwhile to study Japanese culture’s achievements, not only because of their different characteristics, but mainly because they emphasize the honor and tradition, which are the specificities of uniformed and public services. The purpose of the creation of “The Seventeen-Article Constitution” was the implementation of ethical principles, which can ensure the security of the state and its residents. This document was based not only on Buddhism, already firmly rooted in Japan, but also on the Confucianism. In this work we can read, that “the Constitution” included the principle stating that each person is part of a particular group, and should live in harmony with other members. Besides that, each person should worship the Buddha. Thus it means to show the respect toward all people and to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and actions. In “The Seventeen-Article Constitution” are also included the foundations of central management. It is also considered to be the initial Constitution of Japan.
The paper shows the crucial elements of the Japanese spirit of law and security culture. Since the 1950s, the USA and European countries have witnessed global expansion and huge popularity of the phenomenon of Budō (Far-Eastern martial arts). The rules and traditions of martial arts favorably influence the field of security culture. For instance, The Seventeen-Article Constitution proposed ethical principles whose purpose was to ensure the security of the state and its residents. This document, coined by prince Shōtoku in 604, was based on both Confucianist and Buddhist teachings, which by that time were well rooted in Japan. The Constitution included a principle stating that each person was part of a group, and should live in harmony with other members of the society. Most importantly, the documents instructed that morality should precede law. This notion is very close to the idea of natural law that should be the basis for statutory law. The Articles are also considered to be the first Japanese constitution.
Introduction. Progressing medicalization of social life more and more influences maternity. As a result, pregnant women are not enough aware of the role of their health-related behaviour which influences the course of pregnancy and the infant’s health condition. Mothers’ lifestyle is particularly essential in the process of shaping health opinions and behaviour in the offspring. Objective. The objective of the research was to evaluate selected health-related behaviour in pregnant women in relation to the prematurely born infant’s health condition as well as to family upbringing concerning health care. Material and method. Test group consisted of 65 women in confinement and 65 prematurely born infants. The authors used a questionnaire which concerned retrospective evaluation of health-related behaviour in pregnant women as well as an analysis of medical documentation related to infants’ health condition. Results. In the lifestyle of tested women both advantageous and isadvantageous healthrelated behaviour was observed. The majority of tested women avoided harmful substances during pregnancy, however, it is highly alarming that they engaged in a very little amount of physical exercise and were exposed to a number of stressful situations. Participation in antenatal classes was not very popular among tested women. Conclusions. The promotion of procreation health care should be directed at shaping responsibility in future mothers concerning their own and their offspring’s health as well as at preparing women to the social role of mothers. Actions should still be taken concerning elimination of risk factors that are responsible for premature birth as well as actions focused on educating future mothers about family planning and proper approach to pregnancy and motherhood.
Wprowadzenie. Postępująca medykalizacja życia społecznego w coraz większym stopniu obejmuje macierzyństwo. W efekcie kobiety w ciąży nie zawsze w dostatecznym stopniu dostrzegają rolę swoich zachowań zdrowotnych, które wpływają na przebieg ciąży i stan zdrowia noworodka. Styl życia matek jest ważny także w procesie kształtowania u potomstwa poglądów i zachowań w zakresie zdrowia. Cel. Celem pracy była ocena wybranych zachowań zdrowotnych kobiet w ciąży, w kontekście stanu zdrowia i rozwoju noworodka przedwcześnie urodzonego oraz rodzinnej socjalizacji w zakresie zdrowia. Materiał i metoda. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 65 położnic oraz 65 noworodków urodzonych przedwcześnie. Zastosowano technikę ankiety dotycząca retrospektywnej oceny zachowań zdrowotnych w czasie ciąży oraz analizę dokumentacji medycznej w zakresie stanu zdrowia noworodków. Wyniki. W stylu życia badanych kobiet w ciąży dostrzega się zarówno korzystne, jak i niekorzystne zachowania związane ze zdrowiem. Większość badanych kobiet w ciąży unika zażywania używek, natomiast zdecydowanie niepokojąca jest bardzo niska aktywność fizyczna wśród respondentek oraz duże narażenie na czynniki stresowe. Udział w zajęciach w szkole rodzenia jest mało rozpowszechniony wśród badanych kobiet. Wnioski. Promocja zdrowia prokreacyjnego powinna dotyczyć kształtowania odpowiedzialności przyszłych matek za zdrowie własne i potomstwa oraz socjalizacji kobiet do roli matki. Należy w dalszym ciągu rozszerzać działania na rzecz eliminacji czynników ryzyka porodów przedwczesnych oraz uświadamiać przyszłe matki w zakresie planowania rodziny i właściwego podejścia do ciąży i macierzyństwa.
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