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2016 | 13 | 5-20

Article title

Social conflicts in postmodern society. The case of Polish tensions in the 21st century


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A conflict is a natural element of social life. Such a thesis has been developed for many years by numerous thinkers. Nevertheless, there have been several social phenomena that oblige us to analyse social conflicts in more depth in the twenty-first century. The article tries to explore new – what means different than in the past - types of conflicts, which however having old roots, at present seem to have different impact on individuals’ and global security. The main research questions the article tries to answer are connected with the relation between various conflicts and characteristics of postmodern society. To understand what kinds of conflicts are signs of postmodern society, Polish conflicts have been considered as cases taking into consideration the results of the Polish opinion polls on issues directly connected with the main characteristics of postmodern society.






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  • University of Economics in Katowice, Poland


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