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2020 | 776 | 7 | 7-20

Article title

Paratekstowe strategie zachęcania czytelnika do lektury tekstów popularnonaukowych


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The author of this paper begins with showing the role played by covers today (a cover as a marketing tool used by a publisher, as a paratext presenting a publication and encouraging people to read it, and as a “commercial interpretation” of a text) and demonstrates that they are a special place where the intentions of the author of a text, the needs of its publisher, and the expectations of readers clash. She chooses the following specific issue as the object of her investigation: book metaphors used in paratexts of popular scientific studies. It has not been examined from this angle before. By analysing the metaphors used by publishers, she shows that they are strategies of attracting readers. The author focuses on the aspects of metaphors that allow publishers to achieve the objectives of not only typical covers but also ones imposed on popularisation of science. Analyses indicate that metaphors are applied mainly to stimulate the readers’ minds, to engage them emotionally, and to open them to the cognitive values brought by scientific knowledge.








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