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Gustav Mahler led the Vienna Philharmonic concerts during the three seasons, 1898/99, 1899/00, and 1900/01. During these years, three premieres of Antonín Dvofiák’s works took place. The premieres were received quite differently. Whilst the well-known Viennese music critic, Eduard Hanslick, wrote about them with high praise in the “Neue Freie Presse”, there were also negative comments in other newspapers. The contradictory views can be explained in two ways. The first is the strict non-acceptance of Dvořák and Mahler by the German-national and anti-semitic press, that rejected both the programmes and the popular (“Czech”) music. The second is a more aesthetic one. On the one hand, there were many people (among them Hanslick) who could not accept the “horrible” programmes of Dvořák’s symphonic poems. On the other hand, it seemed to be almost impossible to associate a well known composer who had been considered a close adherent to Brahms with the “New German School” of programme music.
Vojenská história
vol. 20
issue 3
29 - 47
The contribution is a follow-up to the author’s previous study, published in the Vojenská história magazine. It monitors the final stage of events of the largest military encounter of the Austrian Army in the 19th century – the battle at the Northern Italian town of Solferino. The study presents the politic situation at the time when the armed conflict culminated. The military actions of the Austrian Army in Northern Italy are presented clearly, accurately, at a very high professional level. The reader has a chance to get a plastic picture of the final stage of the military event, about which there was an adequate professional knowledge lacking in the current military historical literature.
The article shows the characteristic features of the Polish immigration to Austria. A description of the emigration to Austria as well as detailed statistical information concerning the number of foreigners, among them Poles, in the second half of the twentieth century are presented in the article. Moreover, it focuses on the results of the research which was conducted amongst the Poles staying in Austria. The research concerned the strategy which was adapted with reference to the departure and the time of stay of the Poles in Austria and the attitude taken towards the integration with the environment. There is a difference in the approach towards emigration life depending on the time of departure. People who left their countries in the 1970s were planning mainly a temporary stay, however, because of favourable currency rates they prolonged their stay. Seeing the advantages of living in Austria, they usually did not plan to return to their homelands. Those who had been persecuted in Poland or stayed abroad illegally, closed their way of return. Thus if they had not been planning to emigrate to more distant countries, they integrated quickly in the new environment. People who left their homelands in the 1990s live in two worlds, working in Austria while spending and investing back in Poland. People who have recently left their countries of origin, have been driven mainly by non-economic reasons, for instance they went to study. They are not attached to certain places but they choose the place of living so as to find better professional opportunities. Finally, some remarks are included concerning the efforts to acknowledge the Poles as the national minority in Austria.
Sociológia (Sociology)
vol. 53
issue 5
483 – 501
This paper investigates subject formation processes in Austrian live-in care. Proceeding from a Foucauldian understanding of subjectivity as a product of powerful discourses and techniques and based on an intersectional discourse analysis of interviews with different actors involved in this arrangement, it shows how the ideal live-in care worker combines professional and language skills with characteristics such as an intrinsic motivation, emotional competences, and adaptability. Ethnicity-related discourses play an important role in this context, be it with regard to highly valued qualities or as a justification for control and/or support, and thus serve as a means to reproduce power relations.
Many theoretical and empirical efforts have been made since Modigliani and Miller's infamous 'irrelevance theorem' to explain how firms choose their capital structure. Empirical tests can be performed by different methods, but attention must be paid to problems of a primarily methodological nature, which may distort results. The aim of the study is to apply a simple model to demonstrating the differences and similarities between capital-structure decisions by Austrian and Hungarian public listed companies. The findings show that the capital structure of listed firms in both countries can be explained by what can be called the standard explanatory variables used widely in the literature. The models have an acceptable adjusted coefficient of determination, ranging between 30 and 34 per cent. The leverage ratio of Hungarian firms is influenced most importantly by their profitability, whilst in the case of Austrian firms, it is the growth rate that has the strongest impact. Based on the results, the author argues that the pecking-order theory seems to have a somewhat better explanatory power for the capital structures of big firms in the two countries than the static trade-off model does. However, it looks as if the financing behaviour in the two countries is different. Further investigations would be needed to clarify the underlying causes of this difference.
Annales Scientia Politica
vol. 2
issue 1
31 – 37
The paper deals with Austrian position towards deepening of integration in energy security area within the European Union. It utilizes theoretical approach based on three challenges of energy security (external, intra-EU and business challenges) to explore support or opposition towards the integration. The paper is based on 15 semi-structured interviews with Austrian senior officials as well as energy experts from think-tanks. The results support the claim that the rather neutral position of Austria towards deepening of integration in energy security area at the EU level is caused by the ability of the country to successfully deal with all three energy security challenges.
Vojenská história
vol. 21
issue 2
37 - 61
The author deals with the history of warfare at the significant qualitative and formal stage of its development, when the principal issues of technical and tactical operational and strategic, mobilization and supply, dislocation and similar nature are largely reviewed and transformed due to the Napoleonic Wars. New elements in the warfare and tactical operations in Europe at the turn of the 18th and 19th century inevitably developed the need to reorganise the military forces in the Austrian Empire. These renewed elements included the home-defence established in 1808. The study is a connection of two relatively varied, even if interesting topics: the military, or more specific war propaganda in the Austrian and Czech regions at the turn of the 18th and 19th century and the origin of the new element of armed forces.
Mesto a dejiny
vol. 12
issue 1
46 – 63
The article focuses on the specific legal status of statutory towns in Austria from the restoration of constitutionalism in 1860 to the end of the monarchy and on the peculiarities of their administration. Special attention is paid to their method of selecting representatives since the mayors of the statutory towns were subject to the approval of the government and the emperor. The article examines the impact of the confirmation process on the selection of mayors, and to what extent and in what manner the government exercised its option to exclude certain elected individuals from the leadership of the statutory cities. It shows the changes in the approach of the government after the 1870s and concludes in stating the inefficiency of this tool.
Vojenská história
vol. 20
issue 1
53 - 69
Based on the literature both older and less available as well as newer and published sources, the author analyses the development of campaign of the 2nd Imperial-Royal Army in Northern Italy in 1859. Following the outline of development of the international politics following the revolution in 1848-1849 and operation of Austrian troops in the subjugated provinces of Veneto and Lombardy, the study sketches the causes and course of events leading to the alliance between France and Sardinia, which resulted, especially thanks to the diplomatic skills of the prime minister of Kingdom of Sardinia, Cavoura, to an agreement with the French Emperor Napoleon III. on the war on Austria and division of the Italian territory. The author also monitors the course of military operations, evaluates the lack of preparation and mistakes of the chief command lead by the Armourer Sergeant Gyulai, interventions of Vienna into strategic plans, differences in armament and equipment, utilisation of reserves, as well as in the battle tactics of French and Austrian troops. A special attention is paid to the comparison of different figures by different authors, concerning e.g. the participation in battle, casualties, etc. In detail, the author analyses the course of Battle of Montebello, Palestro, Melegnano, but especially of Magenta where the Austrian brigades, divisions and regiments met on the battlefield, with manpower approximately of 56,000, with troops of the French Emperor of approximately 44,000 men, suffering a defeat leading to total retreat of the 2nd Austrian Army. This battle gave an uncomplimentary testimony on the tactical immaturity or even incompetence of the Austrian chief command.
The present article is a processing of the finds of a La Tène period feature from Vienna III-Landstraße (Palais Rasumofsky). On the 8th August 2011, excavation work began in the inner courtyard of the Palais Rasumofsky (Vienna III, Landstraße) due to the planned construction of an underground car park. During the work on the following days, extensive remains of a cellar in the north-eastern part of the area came to light. In addition, a fragment of pottery from the La Tène period was recovered from the excavated material. The subsequently excavated object was a so-called ‘sunken hut’ disturbed by walls on the northwest and southwest sides. It was preserved in a dimension of 2.5 by 2.3 m and contained six post pits. The maximum depth of the pit was 0.8 m. The findings contain mainly of pottery, composed of broken pieces of vessels decorated with comb lines, undecorated pieces and a few painted pieces, mainly in the form of pots, bowls and individual pieces such as a lid and a tripod vessel. The finding of two spindle whorls made of pottery is worth mentioning. In addition to pottery, the find material from the pit house included animal bones and a small number of iron and non-ferrous metal objects. Among the pottery, pots with thickened club rims and those with bottom marks stand out. The material dates to the Late La Tène period (LTD2) and can be compared well with that from Bratislava-Castle.
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The entrance of Jörg Haider's populist FPÖ to the governing coalition at the beginning of 2000, triggered off the Europe-wide ostracism of Austria. These events shook the four pillars on which the Austrian national identity has rested since 1945, namely: the negative assessment of the 'Anschluss', neutrality, social partnership and ethnic homogeneity. When these identification points of reference started vanishing, it turned out that many of Austrian national myths are similarly ambiguous as, for instance, that one on 'small Austria' always harmed by its bullying neighbors. In this manner there was erased the memory of the eager participation of the Austrians in the Great German nation-state of the Third Reich, as well as of the division of their state between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies that lasted from 1945 to 1955. On top of that Austria's 1995 accession into the European Union has not become part of the Austrian popular mind yet. Is it not then a 'country without qualities'? A country where despite the official Anti-Fascism the FPÖ was allowed into the governing coalition just for the sake of perpetuating the hold on power, which the governing elites had enjoyed for the last 30 years? If so Haider's unprecedented entrance into the mainstream of Austria's politics speaks volumes on the weaknesses of Austrian democracy. Therefore it is high time to commence honest discussion on Austrian national myths so that to reconstruct the ideological foundations of this democracy. However, it is not only a problem of 'small Austria' but also of established democracies of Western Europe, where previously marginal populist parties with neo-Fascist, anti-immigration, xenophobic and ethnonationalist programs are increasingly allowed into the mainstream of politics.
The article presents an excerpt of empirical research conducted among a group of Poles who have emigrated to Austria within the last 40 years (since the 1970s until 2010). It shows the individual dimension of the emigrants' professional situation. It answers the questions of how did emigration influence the professional career of Poles in Austria? How did they manage in the Austrian labour market? What did they achieve in the professional sphere? Does the time of emigration diversify their professional situation or is it insignificant? It also answers the question about the way in which socio-demographic factors diversify the professional situation. In general, people taking part in the research improved their professional standing and, consequently, their financial situation improved considerably as well.
The study examines the peculiarities of populism in Slovakia, which distinguish it from populisms in Western European countries. To show the differences, Slovak populists are compared with those from Austria, with examples from the political discourses on the refugee crisis and on minorities being brought in. The similarities and differences are elaborated by looking at three central characteristics of populism: flexibility and variability of the content of populism, political relevance, and graduality and non-binarity. The comparative perspective shows that these universal features of populism are particularly pronounced in Slovakia. Although Slovakia and Austria have both very distinctive experiences with politically successful populists, the populisms in the two countries are not the same. The comparison brings to light the differences between the post-socialist political landscapes on the one hand and the Western ones on the other, which are reflected in the different manifestations of populism in Slovakia and in Austria.
Not only does pluricentric German display characteristic features of Standard Average European, but it also comprises several distinguishing features in various contact areas with Baltic, Finno-Ugrian and Slavic languages. Therefore, it seems justified to speak not only of one Central European language area, but of several varyingly distinct and overlapping language contact areas in Central Europe. Like isoglosses, which constitute certain dialect areas in dialectology, bundled language contact phenomena distinguish certain contact areas from others. A major language contact area in Central Europe - merely one out of several - is the contact zone which we can associate with the former centre of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with German, Hungarian, Czech and Slovak as its core languages as well as Polish and Slovene as its only partially involved peripheral languages. From this contact area, a micro-area emerged in Vienna and Eastern Austria that was particularly affected by the influence of Czech on German.
The paper focuses on the cross-border care circulation of Slovak care workers who work in Austria, with the care crisis and the pandemic in the background. Slovak care workers often work in short-term two-week work rotas, allowing them to balance work and private life. They remain primarily responsible for the social reproduction and care of their households. The pandemic and imposed measures have fundamentally affected this transnational circulation of care. Caregivers faced the challenge of mobilizing capacities and resources to cope with emerging situations, developing new strategies, and modifying existing ones. Based on interviews with care workers, employment agencies, and a non-governmental organization focusing on the rights of care workers, the study presents how care workers coped with the measures introduced during the pandemic period, describes selected strategies of care workers to ensure social reproduction in their families despite the pandemic, and also discuss selected changes in the individual life trajectories of women, to which the pandemic period contributed. The paper argues that although women contributed to addressing the emerging care deficit reinforced by the pandemic crisis, they had to rely on their capacities for the care needs of their families.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether policy reforms in Austria between 2003 and 2005 were successful in meeting redistributive objectives and in reducing poverty. The authors use the tax/benefit micro-simulation model EUROMOD for this analysis. In the period under review the 2004-2005 tax reform was introduced and contributions to health insurance were raised. On the benefit side no major changes took place, the main family benefits were not even indexed to inflation. The authors find that the measures had no significant impact on poverty and income distribution. However, in total they increased the disposable income of almost all groups of the population.
Mesto a dejiny
vol. 4
issue 2
24 – 36
This study analyses the status and activity of two significant Austrian burghers, Paltram from Freithof and Gozzo from Krems in service of Ottokar II, the King of Bohemia and Duke of Austria. They were the supreme clerks under Austrian administration, whereas their financial options as well as their organizing abilities allowed them to get among the elite of high society. They also, like the nobility, could support various clerical institutions particularly monasteries and in the case of Paltram significantly interfere into political events, too. We can see through the example of their different destinies the rise of town elites and general increase of the importance of towns in the middle European area.
Vojenská história
vol. 22
issue 3
127 - 141
The author of the study deals with the subsidiary district of Trenčín and allocation into the battalions of the 71st infantry regiment, which was a part of the Austrian Imperial Army in Veneto in 1860-1866. He states that a military and logistic background originated in Trenčín, used for supplementing the battalions with the crew from the county of Trenčín, Turiec and Orava. Within the Rothkirch Brigade, the battalions from Veneto were reassigned to the unit of Benedek’s Northern Army. The brigade was covering the retreat of the Austrian forces, with open battles bursting at Tovačov, where the Trenčín regiment recorded high losses. In the 1870’s, the regiment consisted of six battalions included in the so called line (Linien-Regiment) and reserve (Reserve-Regiment) regiment. The occupation of Bosna in 1878 was attended by the soldiers from the reserve regiment and the pacification of the Bosna resistance (1879-1882) was contributed significantly by the soldiers of the 71st infantry regiment.
Education policies are socio-spatially sensitive and, depending on the local situation, can be interpreted and understood differently. The concept of perceived learning support spaces (e.g. student cooperation, student-teacher relationships) refers to an understanding that students’ school experiences are situated within the school. Using the example of the introduction of a new type of school, the new middle school (NMS), in Austria, and based on the longitudinal data of a national evaluation project (NOESIS), this article aims to clarify the extent to which, and how, student learning support spaces are perceived as local social conditions inside and outside school, and how this can explain changes in students’ educational aspirations, which was the objective of the NMS reform. In this sense, the reform policy of introducing the new middle school is examined from the perspective of the students themselves. The results from the panel analyses demonstrate that the perceived learning support spaces are highly relevant in explaining students’ aspirations.
Studia Historica Nitriensia
vol. 24
issue 2
400 – 411
In the mid-1970s, the relationship between Czechoslovakia and Austria determined decisively the context of the Cold War. Some easing of tensions in international politics enabled the signing of a property settlement agreement in December 1974. The signing of that document started the beginning of gradual improvement to the bilateral relationship. Evidence of improvement of mutual relations was provided on 23–26 April 1975 by the first official stay of the Austrian Foreign Minister in the history of Czechoslovakia. While Erich Bielka emphasized human rights issues, Czechoslovak officials wanted to talk mainly about deepening trade cooperation. Meanwhile, the hosts anxiously avoided controversial topics to give the impression of the beginning of a new phase of relations with Austria. However, Vienna evaluated the sudden turn of the Czechoslovak communists with certain distrust. Erich Bielka strictly observed the department's competencies and therefore refused to make any binding promises. To this, his subordinate was probably instructed by the Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, who assessed the whole situation with cautious optimism. A long and often the winding process led to a further deepening of Czechoslovak-Austrian cooperation in the following years.
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