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Town twinning in Europe is a unique example of civic activity for the fostering of links be­tween nations. Since the 1950s, the experience gained by the French, German and British com­munities has contributed to the rapid development of this form of international cooperation also in Poland, after its accession to the European Union (2004).The article shows, on the example of cooperation between the cities of Częstochowa and Pforzheim, how valuable and inspiring are the cultural activities undertaken by the city dwellers regardless of their age and profession. This co­operation demonstrates that the shared experience of culture by partner communities, especially by Poles and Germans, builds a lasting foundation for the close neighbourly relations.

The paper presents the concept of network systems competitiveness evaluations. The aim of the paper is to draw the attention on the necessity of deepening analysis of new factors which are dedicated to assess competitiveness of modern business systems. The paper presents the concept of the synthetic measure for global business networks – creation of value added in coopetition networks. It is the project of multidimensional assessment of network systems with international multilevel competitiveness structures. In the paper is presented the own concept of indicator – to take into account the qualitative dimension of building international competitiveness based on available quantitative data.
The cooperation of local self-government with social and private entities is dependent on existent institutional order. The incoherence of formal and informal institutions could be a barrier of joint activities in local societies. The aim of the article is to present the basic institutional conditions of cooperation of local self-government, as well as the relations between that institutions and their influence of taking up, course and results of cooperation.
This study examines the cooperation between high-technology firms and institutions aimed at supporting the development of enterprises, such as national agencies and public education institutions, in emerging markets. The research uses qualitative research methods—namely, multiple case studies. An empirical analysis was conducted in 26 high-tech enterprises from emerging market: Poland, including hyper-growth organizations. This study explores the support of the institutions as well as cooperation between firms and public institutions from a managerial perspective. The major problems and obstacles that these firms faced are identified, as are ways of coping with them. The research results extend existing studies by providing empirical insights from high-tech firms in one of the emerging markets in Central Europe.
A central question about coopetition is its impact on performance. Past researches on this question obtained mixed results. No past researches have attempted to evaluate the impact of coopetitive strategies on performance compared with other strategies vis-à-vis competitors: aggressive, cooperative or coexistence strategies. In addition, there have been few studies that attempt to establish a relationship between coopetitive strategy and market performance. In order to fill these gaps, this research studies the impact of coopetitive strategy on market performance, compared to the impact of aggressive, cooperative and coexistence strategies. An empirical study is conducted in the mobile telephony industry. The method is a structured content analysis that identifies the strategic movements of mobile operators from different countries and geographical regions. The results show, first, that only three strategies may be identified in the industry: aggressive, cooperative and coopetitive. The results show, second, that the market performance depends on the strategy adopted toward competitors. A coopetition strategy seems to perform better than either an aggressive or a cooperative strategy. An aggressive strategy is more effective than a cooperative strategy.(original abstract)
Globalisation on the tourism market causes that the competition is not formed only between stakeholders in a destination, but more and more it is created among destinations. Therefore tourism stakeholders in a destination have to act together and cooperate. The cooperative behaviour of destination stakeholders is seen as a main prerequisite of applying the cooperative destination management, which influences the competitiveness of destination on tourism market. The aim of the paper is to analyse and measure cooperation of stakeholders in the selected destinations in Slovakia and Switzerland and to show the contribution of the network analysis to the quantitative research in tourism destinations. The article presents the network analysis of cooperation in product development and integrated marketing communication in the High Tatras, Liptov, Davos - Klosters and Engadin St. Moritz. The measurement of the cooperative behaviour helps to better understand the problems of cooperative destination management and creates a tool for comparing the destinations.
This paper presents findings from a joint project supported by the British Academy and the Academies of Science of Hungary and Slovenia. The research aimed to identify similarities and differences between the ways in which teachers (of primary and secondary age children) in the three countries constructed and understood the terms ‘citizenship’, enterprise’, ‘cooperation’ and ‘competition’. Concepts associated by teachers with each of the four words have been analysed using the Associative Group Analysis technique (AGA), and this paper is based on our analysis of the responses given to the first two of these terms. AGA has normally been used to contrast two populations: this paper demonstrates a novel way to show a three-way relationship. There are significant differences between the different countries, and to a lesser extent between primary and secondary teachers within each country. ‘Citizenship’ in particular is clearly perceived very differently by the English teachers, who stress words that can be categorised as indicating pro-social behaviour, a sense of rights and duties, being part of a community and being linked to education. These categories were relatively infrequently mentioned by Hungarian or Slovene teachers, who tended instead to stress aspects referring to the specific nation, and legal or institutional terms (which were much less frequently mentioned by the English teachers). These results are analysed in terms of different histories, cultural patterns and trajectories, and there is a brief discussion on the implications for the practice and training of teachers.
Istotnym wskaźnikiem jakości statystyki jest jej porównywalność. Umożliwia ona prowadzenie analiz w Unii Europejskiej (UE), pomiędzy poszczególnymi krajami oraz regionami. Konieczne są zatem działania, we wszystkich państwach członkowskich UE, które zapewnią ujednolicenie stosowanych w badaniach rozwiązań metodologicznych oraz przyczynią się do harmonizacji danych. Realizacji wymienionych celów służy współpraca prowadzona w ramach Europejskiego Systemu Statystycznego (ESS), będącego łącznikiem pomiędzy Eurostatem a krajowymi urzędami statystycznymi odpowiedzialnymi za uzyskiwanie danych i ich rozpowszechnianie na potrzeby krajowe oraz Unii. (fragment tekstu)
The author discusses international cooperation of statisticians, experts in research methods and statistics from national and regional statistical offices and research communities, as well as other institutions conducting statistical surveys, forming a network of organizations grouped in the European Statistical System. (original abstract)
vol. 44
issue 4
At a time of growing globalization, we can observe the increasing role of cooperative strategies among companies, including alliances, joint ventures, and networks. Trust is one of the most important factors of success for any business activity. It relates especially to alliance networks because it can lower transaction costs, increase productivity and innovativeness, facilitate inter-organizational relationships and resolve conflicts. Therefore the article comprehensively discusses the problems of trust in alliance networks. The conclusion of the text is that trust building in alliance networks has an influence on the effectiveness of the whole network. The text is based on the latest world literature as well as the personal experience of the author in creating effective cooperative network agreements.
Transfer technologii staje się ważnym dynamicznym ruchem stymulującym rozwój gospodarczy. Wraz z rozpoczęciem międzynarodowego transferu technologii tempo postępu technologicznego przyspieszyło w wielu krajach lub regionach. Postęp techniczny stymuluje podział pracy w przemyśle, co pomaga wielu branżom poprawić ich produktywność i zwiększyć konkurencyjność. W konsekwencji prowadzi to do zmiany przewagi komparatywnej kraju i zmienia możliwości międzynarodowej konkurencji. Transfer technologii powoduje zmiany w strukturze przemysłowej i wpływa bezpośrednio lub pośrednio na strukturę przemysłową zarówno pod względem produkcji, jak i popytu. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych charakterystyk kształtowania się usług świadczonych przez sieć Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
Technology transfer becomes an important dynamic movement that stimulates economic development. With the start of international technology transfer, the pace of technological progress has accelerated in many countries or regions. Technical progress stimulates the division of labour in industry, which helps many industries to improve their productivity and increase their competitiveness. Consequently, this leads to a change in the comparative advantage of the country and changes the possibilities of international competition. Technology transfer will cause changes in the industrial structure and affect directly or indirectly the industrial structure both in terms of production and demand. The aim of the article is to present selected characteristics of shaping the services provided by the Enterprise Europe Network.
Współpraca pomiędzy uczelniami wyższymi a przedsiębiorstwami odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę zarówno w rozwoju podmiotów sektora publicznego i prywatnego, jak i rozwoju regionalnego. Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu było przedstawienie korzyści i barier oraz form współpracy uczelni z firmami w Polsce. Analiza wykazała, że kooperacja pomiędzy tymi podmiotami jest wciąż na zbyt niskim poziomie.
Cooperation between universities and enterprises plays a very important role in the development of both public and private sector entities as well as regional development. The purpose of this article was to present the conditions, benefits and barriers along with forms of cooperation between universities and companies in Poland. The analysis showed that the cooperation between these entities is still on too low level.
W warunkach globalizacji i dużej konkurencji zarządzający organizacjami dostrzegają konieczność współpracy z innymi podmiotami na różnych płaszczyznach. Jedną z tych płaszczyzn jest działalność badawczo-rozwojowa. Bazowanie wyłącznie na własnych badaniach często okazuje się niewystarczające, dlatego też podmioty muszą w znacznie większej mierze śledzić rozwój wiedzy na świecie (powstającej w nowych firmach zaawansowanych technologii, uniwersytetach i laboratoriach rządowych), nabywać patenty lub licencje albo kupować firmy. Relacje na tym polu są wzajemne, gdyż często okazuje się, że firmom opłaca się udostępniać swoje niewykorzystywane wynalazki innym przedsiębiorstwom na zasadzie sprzedaży patentów, udzielania licencji, tworzenia konsorcjów lub firm odpryskowych. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi rozwinięcie wybranych wątków z zakresu współpracy podmiotów w obszarze badań i rozwoju.
In the context of globalization and high competition managers of organization recognize the need for cooperation with other market participants at different areas. One of these area is the research and development activities. Relying on our own research often proves to be insufficient, and therefore have a much greater extent follow the development of knowledge in the world (resulting in the new high-tech companies, universities and government labs), acquire patents or licenses, or to buy the company. Relationships in this field are mutual, as it often turns out that companies pay to share their unused inventions to other companies on the basis of the sale of patents, licensing, creating consortia or spin-offs. This article builds on selected topics in the field of business cooperation in research and development.
Zadanie zacieśnienia współpracy pracowników służb statystycznych (statystyków praktyków) z pracownikami teorii statystyki i dyscyplin pokrewnych od wielu lat jest przedmiotem stałej troski służb statystyki oficjalnej. Statystycy praktycy w nawiązaniu ściślejszej współpracy z nauką widzą przede wszystkim możliwość: opracowania i wdrożenia naukowo uzasadnionych metod badań statystycznych, zapewniających lepszą jakość wyników, wzbogacenia metod analiz statystycznych i dzięki temu zwiększenie akceptacji społecznej i zaufania do przedstawionych przez statystyków opracowań i analiz. Z drugiej strony, pracownicy nauki statystycznej, dzięki współpracy ze służbami statystycznymi mogą znacznie szerzej wykorzystywać wyniki badań statystycznych do wzbogacenia swojej działalności zarówno w dziedzinie badań naukowych, jak i w pracy dydaktycznej. (fragment tekstu)
Wśród wielu form współpracy przedsiębiorstw z podmiotami zewnętrznymi na uwagę zasługuje współpraca w zakresie innowacyjności. Tę formę współpracy powinny podejmować w szczególności małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, które w gospodarce polskiej odznaczają się niskim potencjałem innowacyjnym. W opracowaniu omówiono zakres oraz bariery współpracy małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw z podmiotami zewnętrznymi, w szczególności z instytucjami naukowymi.
The paper presents the role of innovation cooperation of small- and mediumsized enterprises. The author pay attention of the field and barriers of innovations cooperation of small- and medium-sized enterprises with scientific institutions. The paper was prepared based on empirical research including 505 managers from small- and mediumsized firms in Poland.
Artykuł przedstawia rolę uwarunkowań zasobowych - dostępności infrastruktury technicznej i pasma elektromagnetycznego - w nawiązywaniu współpracy między operatorami telekomunikacji mobilnej w Polsce. Po skrótowym przeglądzie literatury przedmiotu zarysowano rozwój telefonii mobilnej w ujęciu historycznym. Opierając się na metodach studium przypadku i analizy dokumentów zastanych przeprowadzono badania form współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej, wśród których wskazano wymianę i udostępnianie infrastruktury technicznej, realizowanie wspólnych projektów infrastrukturalnych, tworzenie aliansów i grup kapitałowych oraz współpracę z operatorami wirtualnymi. W podsumowaniu wskazano na znaczenie współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej w sektorach nowoczesnych technologii oraz podkreślono zmienność i dynamikę wzajemnych relacji.
The article presents the role of resource conditions - the availability of technical infrastructure and electromagnetic bandwidth - in establishing cooperation among mobile telecommunication operators in Poland. After a brief literature review the development of mobile telephony in historical perspective was outlined. Based on the case study and desk research methods the inter-organizational forms of cooperation were studied. There were indicated the following forms: the exchange and sharing of technical infrastructure, implementation of joint infrastructure projects, creating alliances and groups of companies and cooperation with virtual operators. In summary the importance of inter-organizational relation in high-tech industry was indicated and the variability and dynamics of the relationship were highlighted.
W dobie postępującej globalizacji, wprowadzania innowacji, złożonych zmian technologicznych i społecznych, warunkiem koniecznym do rozwoju, dla podmiotów z sektora rolno-spożywczego, jest podejmowanie wspólnych, zorganizowanych działań i tworzenie więzi organizacyjnych. Jedną z form współdziałania podmiotów w agrobiznesie są grupy producentów rolnych. Decyzja o utworzeniu grupy producenckiej, będącej dobrowolnym związkiem ludzi, jak i o jej późniejszym działaniu, zależy w dużej mierze od poziomu wzajemnego zaufania. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mających na celu identyfikację czynników, które w opinii liderów badanych grup producenckich wpływają na podjęcie decyzji o udzieleniu zaufania osobom tworzącym grupę, jak i interesariuszom zewnętrznym.
For agri-food sector in time of advancing globalization, implementation of innovation and complex changes in technology and society, taking joint organized activities and creating organizational ties are necessary conditions. One of the forms of cooperation between participants in agribusiness are groups of agricultural producers. The decision to set up a production group, which is a voluntary union of people, and its subsequent action depends largely on the level of mutual trust. This article presents the results of research aimed at identifying the factors that, in the opinion of leaders of the surveyed producer groups, affect the growth of confidence between the members of the group, as well as for external stakeholders.
Coopetition builds on the idea that firms - competitors cooperate to create values and to appropriate value. Despite extant research on this topic, our understanding about how firms are engaged in cooperative relationships with their rivals is still in its early stages. This paper explores the higher education sector in Poland from the perspective of cooperative and competitive relationships, and analyses its performance on three different levels, i.e. macro, meso, and micro using case-based insights to answer the question(s). We propose that cooperative relationships amongst a variety of different universities increase their competitiveness and enhance the diffusion of knowledge. In the long run this translates into benefits for all parties and into a rise in the efficiency of the entire education sector. (original abstract)
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Sharing knowledge is a concept that is developed within different fields: computer science, sociology, psychology, management, etc. It is however a new phenomenon in pedagogy: in educational research in educational theory and practice. Knowledge is shared in various school environments. It is the teachers who share knowledge as well as the pupils. Teachers may share knowledge with other teachers; pupils may share knowledge with each other. In schools, sharing is the mean of developing teacher competences and therefore a prerequisite to innovation. Sharing is also reflected in the quality of school. Prospective teachers learn to share knowledge from teacher educators. An important role in sharing knowledge between teacher students and teacher educators is played by the intertwining of educational theory and practice. Shared aims and cooperation form the basis of sharing. Subjects enter sharing with knowledge that is common as well as with knowledge that is specific to the particular subject, and thus common and individual aims are formulated and cooperation takes place.
Istotą public relations jest współpraca oraz dwustronna, rzetelna, uczciwa komunikacja. W public relations nie definiuje się przeciwnika. PR nie jest narzędziem walki i nie może być w żaden sposób wykorzystywany do niej. Jeżeli zespół ds. public relations określi jedną z grup docelowych, będących odbiorcą komunikacji jako przeciwnika, przestaje wówczas zajmować się public relations, a rozpoczyna walkę informacyjną.
The partner cooperation and bilateral reliable, honest communication is an essence of public relations. Public relations does not define the enemy, it is not a fighting tool and cannot be used for fighting by any means. In case PR team defined one of the target groups of its communication activity as an enemy it would not be public relations any more – it would be a start of an information warfare.
Recently, there have been in Poland and in Russia a lot of rumor about necessity of changes in Polish-Russian relations, overcoming the conflicts and conducting the systematic dialogue. In 2008, after a several year break, the Polish-Russian Group on Difficult Matters started its activities. In 2011 there was established Polish-Russian Centre for Dialogue. Both of these institutions focus among others on the development of scientific cooperation between Poland and Russia, publication of works on the history of both countries and Polish-Russian relations, popularization of cultural heritage of Poles and Russians as well as on making a young generation interested in the Polish-Russian matters. Support given to the idea of dialogue is supposed to ease the influence of negative stereotypes and prejudices in Polish-Russian relations. The author is skeptical about idea of dialogue in the international relations, even though she thinks such activities have significant meaning. This article discusses the strategies of historians’ debates as well as what Polish and Russian societies expect from the dialogue conducted by scientists and politicians. It shows how mass medias popularize the idea of dialogue and shape Polish-Russian relations. The author positively evaluates that no references are made to the idea of Slavic commonwealth in official documents and talks concerning the Centre for Dialogue. This idea has never been popular in Polish society, and on the other hand, in Russia the concept of Slavic commonwealth included (and still does) mainly Eastern Slavs.
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