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This article presents two memoirs from Teresa Mastalska-Chwiejczak titled‘Turul, Korkes – Rzeszow shops that irretrievably disappeared’ and ‘Mister Respect’that describe the pre-war Rzeszow’s commerce seen from the viewpoint of the customer.These memoirs tell of no longer existing shoe shops, bakeries, a confectionery,a shop with various articles manned by a Jew, a market with Jewish huckstersand a bookstore. We learn of what sorts of products were sold in the shops and aboutthe products’ quality and price. The author is a keen observer and despite her advancedage (94 years old) she easily uncovers many details from memory, such as theprofessional service of the clerks or the new practice of creating a shop window.The memoirs pertain to the years 1934–1938, an important period for Rzeszow dueto the investments in the city regarding the construction of the Central IndustrialRegion. The author describes changes, which she noticed during her regular visitsto Rzeszow.
Prezentowane w artykule dwa opowiadania wspomnieniowe Teresy Mastalskiej- Chwiejczak zatytułowane Turul, Korkes – rzeszowskie sklepy, które bezpowrotnie zaginęły i Pan Szacunek to opis rzeszowskiego przedwojennego handlu widzianego oczami klienta. Pojawiają się nieistniejące już sklepy obuwnicze, piekarnie, ciastkarnia, sklep z różnymi artykułami prowadzony przez Żyda, targowisko z żydowskimi przekupniami, księgarnia. Dowiadujemy się, jakie produkty były sprzedawane w danych sklepach, jaka była ich jakość i cena. Autorka jest bacznym obserwatorem i mimo zaawansowanego już wieku (94 lata) łatwo wydobywa z pamięci wiele szczegółów, na przykład fachową obsługę sprzedawców czy nowe zwyczaje tworzenia wystaw sklepowych. Wspomnienia dotyczą lat 1934–1938 i jest to ważny okres w dziejach Rzeszowa ze względu na inwestycje w mieście związane z budową Centralnego Okręgu Przemysłowego. Autorka opisuje zmiany, które dostrzegała podczas regularnych przyjazdów do Rzeszowa.
Theory of trade is a name dealing with trade as a scientific discipline, which is made up of a set of generalised knowledge of trade, of laws determining its essence and operation. This scientific discipline also includes the knowledge of the origin of the relations, operation of these relations, and their means and tools in trade. Theory of trade is a summary of numerous interrelated and partial theories of trade, which are based on the pillars of general economic theory and general trade theory. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of some of these theories with focus on their historical retrospective as well as to evaluate to what extent each of these theories is justified.
European Union is one of the United States of America’s most important economic partners. The article aims to analyze the causes, value and directions of the trade policy as well as direct foreign investments of the USA. The USA had several reasons to invest abroad that changed over time. These included: the strong appreciation of the high rate of growth of real wages, the Chinese trade surplus, which put pressure on foreign partners to reduce exports and undertake the production in their countries, the abundance of capital in the domestic market, the low level of real interest rates and finally the search for less expensive direct investment in the USA. The value of trade between these entities began to grow rapidly in 2007, and the trend continues today. The peak occurred in 2015, when the annual value of the stream exceeded 300 billion dollars.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The first objective of this paper is to evaluate countries’ position in the international trade network with regard to their two dimensions: their self-sufficiency and extent of their trade contacts. The second objective is to test the implications of the utilized criteria for the European Union member states. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: It was decided to classify countries using the data on foreign value added in trade and network characteristics (mainly – vertex centrality). Different categories of countries were identified and labelled according to that criteria. Later, correlation analysis was used to determine if the utilised criteria had any effect on countries’ welfare and shock resistance. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: In our opinion, countries that play an important role in international trade network should be important partners for numerous other countries. However, that criterion is not enough, as many less developed countries serve simply as assembly lines for value created elsewhere. Therefore we focused also on the share of imported value added to the total value of exported goods. We then tested if our notions translate to national welfare and export’s resistance to external shocks, such as the Great Trade Collapse of 2008/2009. RESEARCH RESULTS: The classification concept was applied to a sample of EU member states displaying differences between Old and New member states. The analysis proved differences in welfare and stability of export performance during the Great Trade Collapse among countries with different levels of export and import contacts and intensity of relying on imported inputs for their own export production. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is vital to diversify export and import contacts due to possible impact of those characteristics on welfare level and stability of trade flows. At the same time, the effects of engagement in international production networks creates a tradeoff: higher dependence on foreign inputs may stabilize trade dynamics at the expense of lowering GDP level.
Human and Social Studies
vol. 5
issue 1
Human activities have become more and more internationalized in the course of recent decades and globalization is a major fact of our time. Latest changes in economics, politics and technology are not always well understood and well accepted. Many people consider globalization as detrimental since it is assumed that it destroys jobs in developed countries because of the alleged competition from low-wage countries, and that it could lead to a “standardization” of lifestyles and even cultures. Some wrongly believe that given these dangers, the economic globalization should be accompanied by globalized economic policies, that actually curb freedom of trade. Our article clarifies the meaning of freedom of trade and competition, underlines the fact that there are two radically opposed approaches to integration and discusses, finally, accomplishments or projects concerning taxation, regulations, monetary integration and banking union.
The article is an analysis of the new European Union’s approach to the essence of development. Its central element is the emphasis on the role of trade as a key engine of economic development and growth, enabling many developing countries out of poverty. The paper was presented to the evolution of the EU’s approach to development cooperation and the analysis of trading tools introduced by the EU in relation to developing countries.
This study presents and evaluates Trieste’s relationship to the House of Habsburg, or the Habsburg Monarchy, from its beginnings in the 14th century to the mid-19th century. The authors evaluate the port’s longstanding rivalry with the Republic of Venice, notes the Habsburgs’ initial only marginal interest, and their change in approach from the 17th century. The first peak in Trieste’s development occurred in the 18th century, when the city’s population grew, extensive construction work was undertaken, privileged societies were founded for trading overseas, and there were even attempts made at acquiring colonies. The wars with revolutionary and Napoleonic France had highly negative consequences, with the port occupied three times. The subsequent section provides an overview of developments from 1815 until the mid-19th century. Here an evaluation is made of trade in Trieste, its structure and trading connections. Attention is paid to the beginnings of steam navigation, in particular regarding the establishment of Austrian Lloyd’s second section. In the final section, the study framework is focused on the transformative events following the mid-19th century, with the essential inclusion of the defeats in the wars in 1859 and 1866, the February Patent of 1861 which brought a restoration of constitutional life and a new status for Trieste, the importance of the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 including the involvement of Austrians in designing and funding its construction, with the eruption of the economic crisis in 1873 the final milestone.
The paper discusses the study of the evolution of trade and economic relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union in the period of 1990–1992, in the process of breakup and after the breakup of the bipolar international system. The relations between the USSR and Czechoslovakia held a prominent place in the foreign policy and foreign economic strategy of the Soviet Union. The breakup of the social community marked the end of the active cooperation of the two countries. This paper discusses the analysis of the state of mutual trade and cooperation in the areas of science and technology, reasons for a significant decrease of the trade economic relations of the USSR and Czech and Slovak Federal Republic in the period of 1990–1992, as well as the consequences for the both countries. Moreover, the objective of author was to familiarize contemporary Russian readers with a recent history of relations between the two countries, with a subjective estimation of the importance of mutual collaboration, and the generalization of both Czech and English-language materials discussing the relations of the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.
Artykuł zawiera oryginalną propozycję metody oceny nasilenia asymetrii rozkładów obserwacji statystycznych. Opiera się ona bezpośrednio na definicji centralnej symetrii względem punktu. Jej główną zaletą jest precyzja rezultatów — w przeciwieństwie do popularnie stosowanych wskaźników rozstrzyga ona jednoznacznie, czy zachodzi symetria rozkładu, czy też nie. Ponadto daje się ona łatwo uogólnić na przypadek wielowymiarowy (w którym zbiór danych postrzegany jest jako integralna całość), umożliwiając także wyznaczenie kierunku ewentualnej asymetrii w tej skomplikowanej sytuacji. Rozważania zilustrowano empiryczną analizą skośności zestawu cech opisujących sytuację transportu i łączności w województwach polskich w 2004 r. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The author presents the changes that have taken place in the period of 2001-2005 in the network of shops in Poland. Using data of the Central Statistical Office, she carried out an analysis of changes in the number of shops (including growth in the number of large trade outlets) as well as in the branch structure of shops. The results of research of the Institute of Home Market and Consumption, carried out in mid - 2006 amongst representatives of retailing enterprises, served for presentation of the changes under way in organisation of retail trade having in mind entry of integration processes in retailing into a new, higher stage of development. (original abstract)
Jedną ze strategii budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej jest model biznesu oparty o wartość dla klienta. Do atrybutów, które kształtują postrzeganą przez klienta placówki handlowej wartość, zalicza się: lokalizację, poziom cen, jakość i wybór produktów, standardy i poziom obsługi klienta, godziny otwarcia i formy płatności. Są one jednocześnie czynnikami budującymi przewagę konkurencyjną. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja oraz ocena atrybutów przewagi konkurencyjnej formatów handlu detalicznego. Wyniki wskazują, iż hipermarkety mają przewagę nad pozostałymi formatami pod względem ilości, jak i jakości oferowanych produktów oraz godzin otwarcia. Lokalizacja jest głównym czynnikiem przewagi konkurencyjnej sklepów osiedlowych, poziom cen – sklepów dyskontowych, a poziom obsługi – sklepów specjalistycznych.
Retail (regardless of format) take a lot of activities whose purpose is to achieve a competitive advantage. One of strategies to build competitive advantage is a customer value model. Attributes that shape perceived customer value include: location, price level, quality and choice of products, standards and customer service levels, opening hours and payment. These attributes are also factors in building of competitive advantage. The aim of the article is to identify and evaluation the competitive advantages of retail formats. The analysis was based on primary and secondary sources of information. The analysis results indicate that supermarkets have an advantage over other retail formats in terms of quantity and quality of our products, and opening hours. The locationis the main competitive advantage of local shops, the price level – discount stores, and the level of service – specialist shops. The different formats of retail are evaluated by the same clients, regardless of class town in which they are located.
The trade in the early modern England represented a crucial element of the state economy and the Crown had to make a particular effort to support it. Therefore, the main point of the article is to describe several ways which the English state used to promote the trade in the era of Tudor and Stuart monarchs. Also, the significance of trade in general is discussed as well as its impact on economy of the state. Key points in the international relations are pointed out and so is the activity of the Crown in the encouragement of navigation and colonial activity. Also, the role of trade companies, the trade laws which were imposed, and the growing importance of the Navy are highlighted. Therefore, the article concludes all the fundamental moments of the 16th and 17th centuries which impacted further development of the English trade.
This article refers to the economic diplomacy of Türkiye and illustrates some changes during the history of the country's political and economic diplomacy. The background of the economic diplomacy process has been clarified and detailed information has been included. Bipolar and unipolar periods are analysed within the framework of economic and political diplomacies in their natural state. The development process of the Turkish economic diplomacy strategy is identified during particular periods in Turkish history. The structural transformation of Türkiye as regards its inward-oriented to outward-oriented economic policies has been evaluated. The mechanisms of Türkiye's multi-directional foreign policy, bilateral trade, and diplomatic relations between Türkiye, the EU and other countries are examined. The role of dependence and interdependence in economics are given in the context of economic globalisation. For this research, the historical methodology has been used. It is suggested that collaborative problem solving with all the institutions involved in economic and political decisions could lead to better outcomes for the country in the international arena.
The impact of the presence of e-commerce in the business of traditional retailers on their customer value is studied. The methodology of studies is described. Distributions of customer values for multichannel and traditional retailers were obtained. The obtained results clearly prove the positive impact of e-commerce presence in the business of tradition retailers. Managerial implications of this conclusion are provided.(original abstract)
The expectations of Indian masses have skyrocketed since the new election results. There is excitement and anticipation in the air from all factions of society and industry. Will it be resurgent India taking giant strides towards a vibrating economy or will there be strategic moves on consolidation and then acceleration? The New Prime Minister has a proven record of doing things differently and has results to show that it worked for him at the state level. Will it work for the nation as a whole? What can Central Europe expect in terms of bilateral trade with India? This paper takes a look at some crucial factors.
After Japan was forced to open its ports to the western powers, by the threat of western navies, it was further compelled to sign unequal treaties with the Great Powers. This triggered a sonnō jōi movement led by young samurai, who criticized the ruling Tokugawa regime for its concessions to the foreigners. They therefore sought to expel the Westerners and close the country to their trade. Their second task was to bring the downfall of the shogunate and the restoration of the Imperial rule. In order to achieve this, many radical samurai mounted murderous attacks against the foreigners. One of the most serious of these incidents occurred in September 1862, when British merchant Charles Lennox Richardson was murdered by samurai from the Satsuma domain. Apart from the previous attacks this time the culprits could be identified. British minister to Japan Colonel Neale therefore demanded the punishment of the assailants and an indemnity from the bakufu for its inability to secure lives and safety of British nationals. The Tokugawa government tried to resist and resorted to delaying tactics because of its fear of internal impact, if it yielded. It was only after the British representatives demonstrated, that they are willing to use the naval forces at their disposal, that bakufu submitted.
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Počiatky krupinského práva

Krupina law in the Middle Ages was a derivative of Saxon-Magdeburg law. However, there is no more comprehensive answer to the question of what initial influences influenced the creation of the legal system of Krupina. Therefore, the aim of this work is to provide a more comprehensive answer to questions about the origins of Krupina law. In the first part we deal with the legal situation before the arrival of the guests. In the second, we deal with the situation from the arrival of the guests to the granting of the first privileges. In the last third part we analyze and interpret the privileges of 1244. The thesis brings a more comprehensive view of the initial formation of Krupina law.
The article describes the organization and practice of the Russian‑Chinese trade exchange in Kyakhta and May‑ma‑chen in 1727–1861, state regimentation of the trade in Russia and China, the commodity structure of the Russian and Chinese export. Some fundamental problems of logistics that considerably impacted the character of the trade in Kyakhta are described, too. The Russian‑Chinese trade in Kyakhta was profitable for both sides. It yielded important goods for both sides and especially for Russia, which would have not been possible to get otherwise. The core of Russian export was created by hides, furs, pelts and from 1820s also woollen and cotton fabrics, the Chinese export consisted especially in tea, silk and cotton fabrics and rhubarb. Bilateral trade, however, hinted at a number of obstacles. It was considerable geographic distance to cover for both sides and especially on the Russian side, insufficient transport infrastructure. Another set of problems consisted in ineffective state regulation of all sorts on both sides. While bureaucratic restrictions on the Russian side was partially removed in the 1760s, when the trade was overtaken by the private capital, on the Chinese side ideologically conditioned regulation would be still carried over. The Chinese government was primarily concentrated on its military‑strategic targets in Amur Region, which was the trade in Kyakhta subjected to. It used the trade regulation as a tool to press the Russian authorities in other questions. Therefore the trade in Kyakhta had never reached the extent that could have had, and fell into rapid decline as soon as another alternative and cheaper way to the trade exchange between Russia and China appeared.
The article is metha-theoretical consideration of the economics interference in the field of culture, and particularly focuses on religion and the interference consequences. The problem of the boundaries of economics is presented in the context of a dispute about Sunday The thesis which the author tries to justify are as follows. Economics became a science that has no boundaries. The model based on which decision-making is done by homo economicus is no more an area for creative problem discussion and resolution but be¬came schematic, an analytical structure, based on which economics manages the annexation of those areas of human life which so far has not been the subject of her interest. One such area is the celebration of Sunday. In this example, the author tries to: first, demonstrate that the ossified analytical structure changes the meaning of the stu-died phenomenon, and as such conclusions drawn from it are a false basis for economic policy, secondly, he indicates the causes of this ossification of the analytical structure and thirdly, propose a different approach to the studied phenomenon, called personalist economics.
The Habsburg Monarchy was quite active in Egypt at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Although it had only slight political interest in this area it maintained here several consulates and monitored local events very carefully. It was because a lot of Austro‑Hungarian trading houses established their presence in Egypt and the land on the Nile became an important economic partner of the Habsburg Monarchy. Vienna therefore tried to support this development and to promote good Austro‑Egyptian relations. The interest of citizens of Austria‑Hungary in Egypt was also demonstrated by a considerable number of Austrian residents and travellers in this country. On the other hand the Egyptians travelled to the Habsburg Monarchy (especially students) in order to learn European customs and science. The mutual relations had therefore importance for both countries.
Suburbanizacja może być postrzegana w wielu aspektach. Zjawisko to prowadzi do przeobrażania struktury fizycznej, społecznej oraz zmian funkcji w sąsiedztwie miasta, ale także przyczynia się do decentralizacji przestrzennej ludności i podmiotów gospodarczych. Przykładem intensywnego procesu urbanizacji w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat mogą być południowe dzielnice Katowic. Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie warunków dostępności handlu w wybranych dzielnicach południowych Katowic (Podlesie, Kostuchna i Zarzecze), na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań bezpośrednich wśród mieszkańców i inwentaryzacji placówek handlowych. Deficyty ilościowe oraz branżowe w zakresie oferty handlowo-usługowej stanowią niedogodność dla badanych mieszkańców i w przyszłości należałoby je uzupełnić. Należy rozważyć podjęcie działań w celu zaspokojenia lokalnych potrzeb, aby utrzymać atrakcyjność tych obszarów dla potencjalnych przyszłych mieszkańców oraz inwestorów.
The transformation of the economic and social changes in Katowice resulted in a number of functional and spatial changes, including the transfer of the residents of the districts of downtown to the neighborhoods of detached houses in the peripheral districts. The greatest interest in this regard concerns the districts Podlesie, Kostuchna and Zarzecze. The aim of the paper is to identify the conditions for the availability of trade in some southern districts of Katowice (Podlesie, Kostuchna and Zarzecze). Especially important it seems to be the range of commercial services for inhabitants of these areas in terms of assortment.
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