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The article covers an extremely actual problem of perspective development of psychological service where being a special kind of assessing activity the vector of carrying out psychological expert opinion attracts special attention. This assessing activity has spread over all spheres of social practice. The author analyses the essence of the notions «education», «humanitarization of education», «humanitarian system» and «humanistic education system». The author treats them from the point of perspectives of putting an expert opinion into psychological and pedagogical practice and foreseeing its results for the society. The last one is mentioned to cause the necessity of carrying out expert investigation of psychological and pedagogical reality, working out the principles, methodology and methods of humanitarian examination of education. Humanistic approach towards education and the concept of psychical health serve as the theoretical basis. It is pointed out that an expert opinion is paid more and more attention as one of the main tools of realization of the changes in education. The author defines the expert opinion to be a method of investigating and solving problem situations by the experts who master special knowledge, the ways of choosing the most reasoned decisions. All the above named approaches to the interpretation of the notion of expertise help to isolate something in common that unites them, and can be considered as complementary components of the notion: mandatory encourage complete information about an object or phenomenon; its study and analysis; evaluation; formulate proposals on possible ways of further functioning of the studied object or phenomenon in the form of a reasoned opinion provided special knowledge involved the expert. It should be noted that for expert information received in foreign science, there are several points of view concerning information and expert interaction in the terms of expertise. The supporters of one of them believe that the resultant expert information is incomplete, fragmented in relation to the whole process and the selected part of it, and the results of analysis do not occur simultaneously and tend to the development and evolution. The scientists who advocate another, believe that the information obtained expert in the study, for it is neutral, which defines the independence of its research positions and objectivity of expert opinions. Further investigations can presuppose grounding new targets of practical psychologist training toward carrying expert activity and theoretical and methodological aspects of its providing.
The article analyzes the legal basis for conducting "confrontation of experts" in the Polish criminal trial. By authorizing this possibility, the author indicates that art. 201 of the Code of Criminal Procedure admittedly does not use such a concept, but the procedure of verifying expert opinions regulated in this provision provides for the possibility of "re-calling the same experts" in order to issue a supplementary opinion, which makes it possible to carry out the confrontation act referred to in the first sentences of art. 172 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. From art. 201 of the Code of Criminal Procedure results the procedure of the procedural body, in the case of "Contradictions between different opinions on the same matter" and within it it is possible to confront experts. It does not follow from this provision that after "re-calling the same experts", it is only possible to hear them separately, and thus excludes the possibility of confrontation. The procedural act does not specify in art. 201 of the Code of Criminal Procedure what actions can be taken after "summoning experts", which means that the rules on interrogation, and therefore also the provision on confrontation, apply.
Artykuł analizuje podstawy prawne przeprowadzenia „konfrontacji biegłych” w polskim procesie karnym. Autor – dopuszczając taką możliwość – wskazuje, że art. 201 Kodeksu postępowania karnego wprawdzie nie posługuje się takim pojęciem, ale uregulowany w tym przepisie tryb weryfikacji opinii biegłych przewiduje możliwość „ponownego wezwania tych samych biegłych” w celu wydania opinii uzupełniającej, co stwarza możliwość przeprowadzenia czynności konfrontacji, o której mowa w art. 172 zd. pierwsze K.p.k. Z art. 201 K.p.k. wynika tryb postępowania organu procesowego w przypadku stwierdzenia m.in. „sprzeczności między różnymi opiniami w tej samej sprawie” i w jego ramach możliwe jest przesłuchanie konfrontacyjne biegłych. Z przepisu tego nie wynika bowiem, że po „ponownym wezwaniu tych samych biegłych” możliwe jest jedynie ich osobne przesłuchanie, a tym samym wyklucza możliwość przeprowadzenia konfrontacji. Ustawa procesowa nie określa w art. 201 K.p.k. enumeratywnie, jakie czynności mogą być podjęte po „wezwaniu biegłych”, co oznacza, że zastosowanie znajdują tu przepisy dotyczące przesłuchania, a więc także przepis o konfrontacji.
This paper approaches the position of expert witnesses and written expert opinions from a comparative perspective by considering such aspects as: qualifications required to become an expert witness, the way in which experts are appointed, the role and importance of expert opinion in court proceedings. The paper discusses the impact of legal provisions on the way(s) in which the opinions are expressed, especially the extent to which law imposes a fixe organizational format. It turns out that some fundamental differences between the position of expert opinions and their opinions result from the radically different legal systems and cultures. While the Russian legal system appears to codify nearly each aspect of the expert witness work and their opinion, experts in Anglo-American systems have much more leeway in shaping the conventions of the genre, as long as they take account of the general standards contained in the relevant legislation and case law.
Objectives Undertaking to determine scientifically substantiated conditions for the functioning of destabilising forces and methods for countering them in contemporary operations fits in the broad scope of security. Methods This paper reports the results of the study that employed survey methodology to investigate the matter of destabilising forces in order to provide the contribution to the current body of literature in the field. Results Recently published scientific and non-scientific studies in Polish and English on destabilising forces, despite the semantic differences, refer to a large extent to the problem of acting and combating such groups. The paper puts forward a series of conclusions and proposals with the intention of inspiring the critical evaluation and to encourage substantive polemics in the pages of specialist scientific periodicals. Conclusions This material may serve as the basis for further detailed research into destabilising forces – the subject that is not only a pressing current issue, but above all a prospective area for research as part of the security sciences.
The study “Determination of liability based on evidence provided by a polygraph testing expert opinion” addresses a very serious and at the same time controversial problem of evidence (its value) provided by a polygraph testing expert opinion. The author familiarizes the reader with a general background of the issue, presenting a concept and importance of liability as well as the essence and nature of polygraph testing. The text contains a number of arguments both supporting and discrediting the diagnostic value of the polygraph testing and a number of doubts arising in connection with this subject.
The paper considers issues referring to the institution of private expert opinion in criminal proceedings in the context of the possibility of its evidentiary use in it. The author paid attention to the objectively negligible value of the analyzed evidence, which is closely related with its kind of detachment from the source from which it comes, including limited possibilities to verify such evidence. Authors of private expert opinions do not formally participate in the proceedings. For these reasons, the article presents the institution of the technical consultant of the party functioning on the basis of the Italian criminal procedure, arguing that the introduction of such an entity to the category of participants of the Polish criminal process could be a remedy for problems and controversies related to the participation of experts supporting the parties. By this, parties and their representatives could have more realistic impact on the content of the findings in terms of circumstances, the settlement of which requires special knowledge.
In most cases “handwriting validation” is synonymous to “establishing the graphical structure’s author”. If this is absolutely true for the cases when handwriting samples have been created for the comparison purposes in the presence of the judicial organ, certain cases could come to the point where the presumed authors are deceased or missing, or the materi­als offered for judgment have been written on previous occasions ( also known as “free comparison samples”). Still, practice has proven the contrary to the perfect overlapping of the two expressions. In certain debates, the contradictorily phases of evidence admission comparison samples offered by one of the litigating parties are supposed to the accept accept­ance or rejection of the other part. Notary procedures though usually have no debate over the source of the comparison materials, as they generally are presented by the inheritors. Therefore, there will be no contradictorily debate upon. Romanian handwriting examina­tion practice has met certain situations when based on the uncontested initial origin of the comparison writing, experts have validated certain writing on documents in full honesty. After a certain time legal heirs have challenged in court those documents and the identi­fication reports based upon them, offering a wider and more trusted range of writing and signatures from the supposed author. One can assume that in such cases even though the validation was formally correct, the true author of the handwriting has not been identified and the wrong premise of handwriting paternity has led to a an erred legal appearance, being generated as such through mistaken comparison samples.
Interest in surrogacy in the world is growing, almost pushing out interest in adoptions. Due to the increasing interest in the procedure, the problems arising from non-regulation and the international dimension of the procedure – the Czech Republic is a very important destination for patients from all over the world for good access to assisted reproductive procedures – is necessary to legally anchor the surrogacy. This text is one of the key results of the three-year research project Surrogate motherhood in the Czech Republic: legal, psychosocial and ethical analysis, which aimed to identify and analyze problems related to surrogacy in Czech legislation.
Zájem o náhradní mateřství ve světě roste geometrickou řadou, téměř vytlačuje zájem o adopce. Vzhledem ke zvyšujícímu se zájmu o proceduru, k problémům vyplývajícím z neregulace a vzhledem k mezinárodní dimenzi procedury – ČR je velmi významnou destinací pro pacienty z celého světa pro dobrý přístup k procedurám asistované reprodukce s dárcovskými gametami – je nutné náhradní mateřství legislativně ukotvit. Předložený text je jedním z klíčových výsledků tříletého výzkumného projektu Náhradní mateřství v ČR: právní, psychosociální a etická analýza, jehož cílem bylo identifikovat problémy související s procedurou, analyzovat je a na základě analýz poskytnout nejlepší možné odborné podklady pro ukotvení nebo zamítnutí institutu „náhradního mateřství“ v české legislativě.
Progressing specialization which appears in all domains of life today causes judicial organs to be compelled – to a greater and greater extant – to use the assistance of persons possessing specialist knowledge – expert witnesses. Such a situation causes a continuous rise in the role and importance of means of evidence in the form of opinions rendered by such professionals, and at the same time – settles the question of a judicial body’s efforts to obtain true opinions in the guest for its securing reliability of findings in cases. Bearing in mind the above, the legislator penalizes – in the regulation of Article 233 § 4 Chapter XXX entitled “Przestępstwa przeciwko wymiarowi sprawiedliwości” [Crimes against the Judiciary] of the Penal Code – the act consisting in providing by an expert witness a false opinion which is to meant to constitute a piece of evidence in court proceedings of another type of proceeding conducted on the basis of a legal act. The aim of this paper id to present the principles of responsibility of an expert witness on the basis of Article 233 § 4 of the Penal Code. The authors to this using the legal state on force in the scope of conducted analyses. Furthermore, in their elaboration, they make use of views formulated in the science of criminal law.
The article concerns the issue of admitting evidence from the opinion of another expert in the light of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Criminal Procedure. In civil proceedings, there are no prerequisites for seeking the opinion of another expert, while in criminal proceedings it is clearly specified when such a decision is allowed. Despite this, the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court reasonably assumed that the court in civil proceedings is not free to appoint further experts, and that such decision should be based on rational arguments, such as ambiguity, incompleteness or contradictions appearing in opinions. Both under the Code of Civil Procedure and under the Code of Criminal Procedure, there is no doubt that admission of evidence from the opinion of another expert is not permissible only because the opinion does not convince the party or is detrimental to it. Admission of evidence from the opinion of another expert is in this case inadmissible, as it has no normative basis. According to the author, procedural provisions should regulate the issue of admitting evidence from the opinion of another expert in the same way, as there is no justification for other solutions to apply in civil proceedings and others in criminal proceedings. The provisions should clearly show when it is possible to admit evidence from the opinion of another expert, i.e. what are the conditions for making such a decision, as well as the procedure followed. In this matter, the solution adopted in the Code of Criminal Procedure is more precise, and the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure are too general.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki dopuszczenia dowodu z opinii innego biegłego w świetle kodeksu postępowania cywilnego i kodeksu postępowania karnego. W postępowaniu cywilnym nie określono przesłanek zasięgnięcia opinii innego biegłego, podczas gdy w postępowaniu karnym wyraźnie określono, kiedy dopuszczalne jest podjęcie takiej decyzji. Mimo tego, w orzecznictwie Sądu Najwyższego zasadnie przyjęto, że sąd w postępowaniu cywilnym nie ma dowolności w powoływaniu kolejnych biegłych, a u podstaw takiej decyzji leżeć powinny racjonalne argumenty, takie jak np.: niejasność, niezupełność czy sprzeczności występujące w opiniach. Zarówno na gruncie kodeksu postępowania cywilnego, jak i na gruncie kodeksu postępowania karnego, nie ulega wątpliwości, że dopuszczenie dowodu z opinii innego biegłego nie jest dopuszczalne tylko i wyłącznie dlatego, że opinia nie przekonuje strony czy też jest dla niej niekorzystna. Dopuszczenie dowodu z opinii kolejnego biegłego jest w takim przypadku niedopuszczalne, nie znajduje bowiem żadnej podstawy normatywnej. Zdaniem Autora, przepisy proceduralne w jednakowy sposób powinny regulować kwestię dopuszczenia dowodu z opinii innego biegłego, nie ma bowiem żadnego uzasadnienia, aby inne rozwiązania obowiązywały w postępowaniu cywilnym, a inne w postępowaniu karnym. Z przepisów powinno w sposób jednoznaczny wynikać, kiedy możliwe jest dopuszczenie dowodu z opinii innego biegłego, tj. jakie są przesłanki podjęcia takiej decyzji, jak również w jakim następuje to trybie. W tej materii rozwiązanie przyjęte w kodeksie postępowania karnego jest bardziej precyzyjne, zaś przepisy kodeksu postępowania cywilnego mają charakter zbyt ogólny.
The purpose of this paper is to present the process of devising and shaping the methods for handwriting research. The approach discussed in this presentation comprises various threads, as it covers the divisions based on different criteria which — in consequence — differ in their assumed aims, research process, and the obtained results. The type of the examined object is undoubtedly some sort of a parameter for the presented methods. Certain methods are aimed at examining short and long texts, while others are focused on examining signatures. One can also refer to a group of the so-called universal methods which are applied both to examine handwriting and signatures. This publication is addressed primarily to students, as it is a teaching aid during the forensic, criminal or civil procedure courses, but also to practitioners who — for professional purposes — appoint handwriting experts, and who require knowledge regarding handwriting research.
This paper attempts to describe expert opinions from a comparative and genre-based perspective. It addresses the central question of whether expert opinions follow any specific rhetorical and organizational patterns and the extent to which these may have been imposed by the respective judicial institutions in Russia, Bulgaria and the USA. After reviewing the institutional contexts and constraints imposed on experts and their opinions, the analysis focuses on exploring the status of generic structure in three sets of documents: US common law opinions, Russian and Bulgarian civil law opinions. The concept of ‘generic model’ has been approached from the perspective of Genre Analysis using the model of ‘rhetorical moves’ (Swales 1990; Tardy & Swales 2014). The analyses have revealed that expert witnesses can be described in terms of individual text segments, each with distinct rhetorical or communicative purpose(s). While most identified text segments are shared by all the opinions, irrespective of the legal system, the major difference is that the generic structures of Russian and Bulgarian opinions are strictly regulated by law, which results in increased levels of detail and conventionality. In contrast, the discourse community of American experts has much more leeway in shaping the conventions of the genre, as long as the experts take account of the general standards contained in the Federal Rules of Evidence. American opinions reflect not only the expertise of their authors but also their individual style.
Psychological and psychiatric examination is an extremely important means of evidence, especially in the kind of lawsuits that relate to human psyche. Thanks to their competence, an expert is able to determine not only the presence of some kind of mental illness or per- sonality disorder in a person, but also to describe the dynamics of the mental processes and their severity. In the context of ecclesiastical cases to declare the nullity of marriage it is extremely important, since only a serious psychological anomaly in the individual entering a marriage has the potentially destructive impact on the validity of consensus, making the person unable to express it. Expertise is not a judgment on the case and will not eventually determine whether the marriage is to be declared null. Its critical evaluation and determination of the value of evidence lies with the judge. The expert is only to assist the judge in reaching the truth in the process, and the judge issues a conclusion, assessing all the evidence, including the opinion given by the expert. The principle of free interpre- tation on the part of the judge remains fundamental, as it gives him the dominant role in the assessment of the value the expert opinion may have in creating a moral certainty necessary for a fair judgment. Although the judge does not have to be guided by the expert conclusions, due to their signi cant value in dealing with issues arising from mental in- capacity, it would be inadvisable, if that opinion has adequate factual and argumentative basis, and is not in contradiction with the Christian vision of an individual and marriage.
Opinia biegłego jest środkiem dowodowym niezwykle istotnym, szczególnie w tych rodzajach spraw, które dotyczą sfery psychicznej człowieka. Biegły, dzięki swojej kompetencji, jest w stanie określić nie tylko istnienie jakiejś choroby psychicznej czy też zaburzenia osobowości w danym podmiocie, ale również nakreślić dynamikę zachodzących procesów psychicznych oraz ich nasilenie. W kontekście prowadzonej sprawy o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa jest to bardzo istotne, gdyż tylko poważna anomalia psychiczna, istniejąca w podmiocie zawierającym małżeństwo, ma ewentualny destrukcyjny wpływ na ważność konsensu, czyniąc osobę niezdolną do jego wyrażenia. Jest rzeczą oczywistą, że ekspertyza nie jest wyrokiem w sprawie i nie ona decyduje o stwierdzeniu nieważności zawartego małżeństwa. Do sędziego przynależy jej krytyczna ocena oraz określenie wartości dowodowej. Funkcja biegłego ma jedynie pomóc sędziemu w dotarciu do prawdy procesowej, a sędzia wydaje wyrok na podstawie całości materiału dowodowego, w tym opinii przedstawionej przez biegłego. Fundamentalną pozostaje zasada wolnej interpretacji ze strony sędziego, która pozostawia mu dominującą rolę w ocenie wartości, jaką opinia biegłego może mieć w tworzeniu pewności moralnej koniecznej do wydania sprawiedliwego wyroku. Choć sędzia nie musi kierować się wnioskami eksperckimi, to jednak ze względu na istotną ich wartość w rozpatrywaniu spraw z tytułu niezdolności psychicznej, byłoby to niewskazane, o ile opinia ta posiada odpowiednie podstawy faktyczne i merytoryczno-argumentacyjne oraz nie pozostaje w sprzeczności z chrześcijańską wizją osoby i małżeństwa.
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Wyłączenie biegłego w postępowaniu arbitrażowym

The legislator has not provided any specific regulations stipulating the legal basis of a disqualification of an expert witness in an arbitration procedure in the Polish Civil Procedure Code. As a result, it is clear whether it is possible and, if so, under what conditions it could take place. The proceedings before the arbitration court are entirely distinct from litigation, and, therefore, there are different rules concerning the evidentiary procedure, especially obtaining an expert opinion. During the arbitration procedure, as opposed to litigation, there are two modes of obtaining said evidence. As a general rule, there is a possibility of appointing an expert witness by the arbitration court; however, it is more common for the parties to appoint an arbitration expert witness. This justifies the different approach to the matter of disqualification of an expert witness — on the basis of the source of their appointment. Regarding the event of appointing an expert witness by the arbitration court, it is important to note that pursuant to the provision of Article 1184 § 2 sentence 2 of the Civil Procedure Code, the arbitration court is not bound by the provisions regulating the litigation. Therefore, in the arbitration procedure on the grounds of the rule stipulated by the provision of Article 13 § 2 of the Civil Procedure Code there is no legal basis to apply the provisions of Article 281 of the Civil Procedure Code regarding the disqualification of an expert witness. However, it appears that in the analyzed matter it is possible to resort to the IBA Guidelines on conflict of interests in international commercial arbitration. The expert witness appointed by the party shall be attributed the status of a witness with special knowledge expert witness. With this approach there is no need to resort to disqualification of an expert witness — the evidence in question shall be evaluated based on rules on witness testimony.
Ius Matrimoniale
vol. 33
issue 2
The article discusses three aspects of the role of an expert in cases of nullity of marriage caused by mood disorders, and thus the issue of the trial judge-expert relationship, the issue of obligatory expert opinion and the scope of activities of a court expert, extrajudicial expert and private expert.
W artykule omówiono trzy aspekty roli biegłego w sprawach o nieważność małżeństwa spowodowanych zaburzeniami nastroju, a więc kwestię wzajemnej relacji procesowej sędzia-biegły, kwestię obligatoryjności opinii biegłego oraz zakres działań biegłego sądowego, pozasądowego i biegłego prywatnego.
Analyses of electronic biometric signatures constitute an innovation in forensics. The aim of the study described in this article was to determine whether it is possible to categorically confirm or exclude both the authenticity and the execution of handwritten biometric electronic signatures. Several-year-long research on various types of electronic signatures has made it possible to formulate categorical conclusions in this area. The article defines and determines the terminological scope of the biometric electronic signature concept within the widely understood electronic signatures. The analyses of biometric signatures were based on the graphical-comparative method commonly used in the traditional model of handwriting analysis. The only modification consisted in replacing the set of motoric features with biometric features, which turned out to be necessary for a categorical opinion on this matter. Study results described in the text allow for quantitative examination within analysis of manuscripts thus enabling issuing a categorical opinion. The biometric features of handwriting identified entirely by means of digital data ought to contribute to the elimination of any bias that might exist on the part of an expert.
Analizy elektronicznych podpisów biometrycznych są innowacją w ramach badań kryminalistycznych. Celem opisanych w artykule badań było ustalenie, czy możliwe jest kategoryczne potwierdzenie lub wykluczenie zarówno autentyczności, jak i wykonawstwa własnoręcznych biometrycznych podpisów elektronicznych. Kilkuletnie badania różnego typu podpisów elektronicznych pozwoliły na kategoryczne opiniowanie w tej dziedzinie. Artykuł definiuje i określa zakres terminologiczny pojęcia biometrycznego podpisu elektronicznego w ramach szeroko rozumianych podpisów elektronicznych. Analiza podpisów biometrycznych oparta została na metodzie graficzno-porównawczej wykorzystywanej powszechnie w tradycyjnym modelu analizy pismoznawczej. Jedyna zmiana polegała na rozszerzeniu zespołu cech motorycznych o cechy biometryczne, które okazały się niezbędne do kategorycznego opiniowania w tym zakresie. Opisane w materiale wyniki badań pozwalają na badania ilościowe w ramach analizy rękopisów umożliwiające kategoryczne opiniowanie. Biometryczne cechy pisma określane w całości za pomocą danych liczbowych powinny przyczynić się do wyeliminowania ewentualnej stronniczości biegłego.
Dowód opinii instytutu naukowego lub badawczego przeprowadza się w postępowaniu cywilnym, gdy zachodzi potrzeba uzyskania specjalistycznej wiedzy na najwyższym poziomie. Orzecznictwo sądowe wskazuje, że zlecenie instytutowi wydania opinii jest uzasadnione wówczas, jeżeli ekspertyzy biegłych sporządzone w tej sprawie są niewystarczające lub sprzeczne. Zgodnie z wyborem orzecznictwa powołanego w artykule opinia instytutu jest wydawana przez co najmniej dwóch pracowników instytutu, a wnioski zawarte w ekspertyzie powinny odzwierciedlać stanowisko dominujące w tym instytucie. W tym kontekście w praktyce sądowej szczególną uwagę zwraca się na potrzebę uzasadnienia opinii przez instytut naukowy w sposób przystępny i zrozumiały, tak aby mogła ona zostać oceniona przez osoby nieposiadające specjalistycznej wiedzy. W opracowaniu przedstawiono również poglądy orzecznictwa związane z mocą dowodową opinii instytutu.
Evidence of the scientific or research institute’s opinion shall be provided in civil proceedings when there is a need to obtain special knowledge of the highest standard. Judicial case-law indicates that it may be useful to instruct the institute to give an opinion if the expert opinions drawn up on the matter are inadequate or contradictory. According to the choice of the jurisprudence cited in the article, the opinion of the institute is issued by at least two staff members of this research institute, and the conclusions expressed in the report should reflect the dominant position of the institute. In this context, particular attention is paid in judicial practice to the need for the scientific institute to justify its opinion in an accessible and comprehensible manner so that it can be assessed by persons who do not have special knowledge. The study also presents the jurisprudence views related to the evidentiary force of the institute’s opinion.
Статтю присвячено дослідженню механізмів оскарження та способів перевірки висновку експерта в кримінальному провадженні. Доведено, що висновок експерта, як і інші зібрані докази, слід перевіряти на його відповідність вимогам законодавства та узгодженість з матеріалами справи, а в разі виявлення порушень такий висновок має підлягати оскарженню. Зазначено, що способи перевірки висновку експерта визначено статтями 332 і 356 Кримінального процесуального кодексу України. Проте особливість здійснення вказаної перевірки висновку експерта полягає в тому, що така перевірка можлива тільки на стадії судового розгляду, а механізму перевірки висновку експерта на стадії досудового розслідування чинний КПК України не передбачає. Звернено увагу на те, що, незважаючи на відсутність законодавчо визначеного механізму оскарження висновку експерта згідно з нормами КПК України, сторона кримінального провадження не позбавлена права оскаржити такий висновок в іншому порядку, а саме шляхом подання до Центральної експертно-кваліфікаційної комісії Міністерства юстиції України заяви про порушення дисциплінарного провадження щодо експерта, який порушив чинне законодавство в ході проведення відповідної експертизи. Підставами для подання зазначеної заяви про порушення дисциплінарного провадження є такі: невідповідність спеціальности експерта виду проведеної ним експертизи; невідповідність змісту питань, поставлених на вирішення експертові, вимогам Науково-методичних рекомендацій з питань підготовки та призначення судових експертиз та експертних досліджень; застосування експертом неправильної методики проведення судової експертизи; недотримання експертом правил оформлення (структури) відповідного висновку; проведення експертом дослідження для з’ясування питань права. Аргументовано, що в разі, якщо за наслідками розгляду питання щодо дисциплінарної відповідальности судового експерта буде встановлено порушення ним норм чинного законодавства, то такого експерта буде притягнуто до дисциплінарної відповідальности, а висновок експертизи, складений таким експертом, буде вважатись недопустимим доказом.
The article is devoted to the study mechanisms of appeal and methods of verification of the expert opinion in criminal proceedings. It is proved that the expert opinion, as well as other collected evidence, should be verified for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation and consistency with the case materials, and if violations are detected during its preparation, such an opinion should be subject to appeal. It is indicated that the methods of verifying the expert opinion are defined by articles 332 and 356 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. However, the peculiarity of carrying out this verification of the expert opinion is that such verification is possible only at the stage of judicial proceedings, while the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine does not provide for a mechanism for verifying the expert opinion at the stage of pre-trial investigation. Attention is drawn to the fact that despite the absence of a legally defined mechanism for appealing an expert opinion in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, a party to criminal proceedings is not deprived of the right to appeal against such an opinion in a different order, namely by submitting to the Central Expert Qualification Commission of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine an application for initiating disciplinary proceedings against an expert who violated the current legislation during the relevant expert examination. The grounds for submitting this application for initiation of disciplinary proceedings are: non-compliance of the expert’s specialty with the type of expert examination conducted by it; non-compliance of the content of questions put to the expert’s decision with the requirements of scientific and methodological recommendations; application by an expert of improper methodology of forensic examination; conducting expert research to clarify issues of law. It is argued that if, as a result of a review of the disciplinary responsibility of a forensic expert, it is found that he violates the norms of current law, then such an expert will be held disciplinarily liable, and the expert’s expert opinion drawn up by such an expert will be considered inadmissible evidence.
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