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The article concerns the transfer of ownership of forest property, nationalized after World War II. It covers the subject matter of the process of property acquisition by way of nationalization decrees, in particular in the area of the so-called Regained Territories and dilemmas related to the issue of reprivatization. The work includes issues proposed over the years and existing statutory solutions, as well as case law affecting the interpretation of legal norms.
This article analyses the accuracy of the presentation of forests on Polish topographic maps. Four test polygons were selected, differing in forest coverage and spatial distribution of forest areas in order to improve the objectivity of the study. All the polygons were located in Roztocze. Four maps were tested: System 1965 (1:50 000), GUGIK80 (1:100 000), PUWG92 (1:10 000), and VMap L2 (1:50 000). The forest areas from the maps and aerial photographs were vectorised; then the photographs were converted into an orthophotomap that constituted the reference material. All materials were coherent in terms of content validity. After vectorising the range of the forests, sampling was conducted within the hexagonal fields. A comparison of the obtained values provided the basis for maps that presented the errors. The analysis permitted several conclusions to be drawn, generally stating that the credibility of maps within the scope of presenting forest areas depends on the scale and purpose of the map, and that any analyses based on these maps should assume that the results should have higher tolerance levels.
The development of settlement in Poland between the 10th and 20th centuries involved gradual decrease of woodland as a result of its being turned into pastures and meadows. Changes in agriculture, population growth, and development of commerce, crafts and industry were factors which contributed to growing demand for wood as fuel and building material. In the mid-19th century forests took up 29.3% of Sieradz district’s area (as of that time). As regards the ownership structure, 88% was privately owned, the rest being governmental or municipal property. In the mid-19th century Szadek was surrounded by several forests, including the municipal forest (808.6 ha), baron von Leszern’s forest (242 ha) and private forests in Wola Przatowska (71.5 ha), Rzepiszew (774,4 ha), Willamów (438.9 ha), Wola Krokocka (304.7 ha), Prusinowice (1606 ha) and the largest complex in Wojsławice (9163 ha).
The article initially and cross-sectionally discusses the phenomenon of non-formal exhibitions and visiting of tangible cultural heritage in forest areas in Poland. The publication also shows certain processes that authenticate cultural resources, which are outside the register of monuments, as well as processes that inscribe certain cultural assets in public space, especially tourist space. The text has an introductory character to the problematic and at the same time recognizes the phenomenon.
The aim of this study is to characterize waste management as seen in examples of municipal waste that is generated in national forests. This objective is closely accompanied by the research problem worded as follows: Does the legal system of waste management have a separate character?  What is criminal liability for dropping municipal waste in forests like? Are the values of prohibition of littering in forests, recognized by the legislator, shared in community life and in culture? The achievement of the research goal and the solving of the scientific problem served to formulate a research hypothesis that attempts to seal the municipal waste collection system do not suffice to eliminate “illegal dump sites” in forests. Three methods of investigating law are employed to achieve these scholarly effects, that is the method of analysis of the law in force and the methods of axiological and sociological investigation of law.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest charakterystyka gospodarki odpadami na przykładzie odpadów komunalnych powstających w lasach państwowych. Z celem pracy jest ściśle związany problem badawczy, ujęty w następujący sposób: Czy system prawny gospodarki odpadami w lasach ma charakter odrębny? Jak kształtuje się odpowiedzialność karna za odpady komunalne porzucone w lasach? Czy uznane przez ustawodawcę wartości niezaśmiecania lasów podzielane są w życiu społecznym i kulturze? Osiągnięcie celu badawczego oraz rozwiązanie problemu naukowego posłużyło do postawienia hipotezy badawczej, że dokonywane próby uszczelniania systemu odbioru odpadów komunalnych nie są wystarczające do tego, aby zlikwidować „dzikie wysypiska” w lasach. Do osiągnięcia wyżej wymienionych efektów naukowych zastosowano trzy metody badania prawa, tj. metodę dogmatyczno-prawną, metody aksjologicznego i socjologicznego badania prawa.
This paper analyses from an ecocritical standpoint the role of trees, woods and forests and their symbolism in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Richard II and The Tempest. The analysis begins with an outline of the representation of trees on stage to continue with a ‘close reading’ of the mentioned plays, clearly distinguishing individual trees from woods and forests. Individual types of trees may represent death, sadness, sorcery and premonitions, or serve as meeting places, while forests and woods are frequently portrayed as settings which create an atmosphere of confusion, false appearances, danger and magic. This reflects a long-standing historical connection between trees and forests and the supernatural in literature and culture. However, while individual trees largely reflect traditional symbology, conventional interpretations are often subverted in Shakespeare’s treatment of forests and woods. From all this we may infer that Shakespeare was not only familiar with the traditions associated to individual tree species and forests in general, but also that he made conscious and active use of these in order to enhance the meaning of an action, reinforce character traits, further the plot and create a specific atmosphere. More subtly, the collective arboreal environments can also be interpreted as spaces in which superstitions and older societal models are questioned in favour of a more rational and reasonable understanding of the world.
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Česká krajina ve středověké transformaci

The study deals with the influence of human activities on the landscape in the thirteenth century, hence at a time when the Přemyslid state was undergoing a wave of dramatic transformations, labelled today as the medieval transformation. Special attention is focused on the influence of mills and generally ‘water’ facilities (weirs, ponds etc.) on the environment and further on the role of the forest whose massive depletions settlement progress and colonisation contributed to.
The municipal forests of Szczecin are among the most extensive areas of this kind in Poland. Altogether they cover an area of 2780 ha. A significant part of this forest area is characterised by very attractive landscape features is easily accessible from the centre of the city. Now that active recreation is a popular form of leisure, inhabitants of Szczecin frequently visit the surrounding forests. It is therefore necessary to identify the resources and assess the state of the tourism and recreation infrastructure. The article presents the current state of tourist and recreational reclamation of the municipal forests of Szczecin and detailed results of an inventory of the existing infrastructure held in 2017; the author analyses the strengths and weaknesses and recommends directions for possible changes. The findings indicate the infrastructure is unevenly distributed and concentrated in just a few forest areas and is inadequately suited to meet the current needs of Szczecin residents.
The paper presents an analysis of the meanings and functions associated with trees and tree clumps in calendar books depicting nature in the period of the Polish People’s Republic. Trees were employed as a means of communication with young readers and there were several strategies for doing so. In the introductory “warm-up” sections, tree images helped to render a particular atmosphere, e.g., the character of an approaching season (1), in the description of specific natural phenomena they provided insight into them (2). They also encouraged young readers to reflect on the lasting and passing of life (3). The bounty that forests offer was shown in the calendar books as a substantial part of the food for both people and animals (4) and as an attractive object for children to play with (5). The authors of the depictions were eager to present trees and forests figuratively especially in case of the first three strategies. All the above-mentioned techniques of employing tree and forest images were used in three nature calendar books: in Głos przyrody [Voice of nature] by M. Kownacka and M. Kowalewska (vol. 1–2, 1963), and Razem ze słonkiem [Together with the Sun] by M. Kownacka (vol. 1–6, 1975–1978). The chronological scope of the study covers the years 1945–1989, because after the political system transformation, numerous similar publications on nature startedto appear, but they were published under foreign licences and were of an entirely differentcharacter.
Przedmiotem rozważań jest analiza znaczeń i funkcji przypisywanych drzewom i ich skupiskom w kalendarzach przyrodniczych dla dzieci z czasów PRL-u. W książkach tych zastosowano kilka strategii wykorzystywania drzew w komunikacji z młodym czytelnikiem. W opisach wstępnych, „zagajających”, ich obraz pomaga w ukazaniu atmosfery, na przykład klimatu nowej pory roku (1), w opisach konkretnych zjawisk / elementów przyrodniczych pozwala na jego uszczegółowienie (2). Jest też elementem budzącym refleksję historyczną – o trwaniu i przemijaniu (3). Dary lasu są przedstawiane w kalendarzach przyrody jako istotny element pożywienia ludzi i zwierząt (4) oraz jako ciekawy przedmiot dziecięcej zabawy (5). Zwłaszcza w trzech pierwszych zastosowaniach autorzy opisów chętnie przedstawiali drzewa i las w formie metaforycznej. Ukazane zostały wszystkie wyżej wymienione zastosowaniadrzew i lasu w trzech publikacjach o charakterze kalendarza przyrodniczego: w Głosie przyrody Marii Kownackiej i Marii Kowalewskiej (t. 1–2, 1963), Razem ze słonkiem Marii Kownackiej (t. 1–6, 1975–1978). Zasięg chronologiczny ograniczono do lat 1945–1989, gdyż po transformacji ustrojowej na rynku wydawniczym ukazało się wiele edycji podobnych książek przyrodniczych, jednak były one wydawane na licencjach zagranicznych i miały już całkiem inny charakter.
The paper deals with changes of land use structure in Toruń district in years 2003–2009. The analysis includes detailed description of land use forms, especially agricultural lands, forests and residential areas. The dominant form of land use are agricultural lands (especially arable lands) and forests but there are some zones in the district where residential areas are the dominant, especially close to city limits.
Wartykule zaprezentowano zmiany w zakresie struktury użytkowania ziemi w powiecie toruńskim w latach 2003–2009. Szczegółowej analizie poddano następujące podgrupy i rodzaje użytków: użytki rolne (grunty orne, użytki zielone), grunty leśne oraz tereny zabudowane i zurbanizowane. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono terenom mieszkaniowym, których areał koncentruje się w określonych częściach powiatu.
The article touches upon the controversies around the defi nition of a forest contained in the provision of Article 3 of the Act of 28 September 1991 on forests, present in the doctrine as well as in judicial decisions in administrative law. The interpretation of the above provision is analysed and the views presented in the doctrine and the judicial rulings, which sometimes include contradicting arguments, are examined. In the fi rst part of the article individual elements of the defi nition of a forest have been identifi ed and the diffi culties with their interpretation that have led to the emergence of a vast number of judicial decisions and rulings delivered by administrative courts as well as the Supreme Court have been presented. The second part contains deliberations on the importance of the data included in the land and buildings register and their potential use for the classifi cation of land as a forest on the grounds of concrete administrative proceedings, including these on tax matters. In this context the normative value of the provisions of the Act of 17 May 1989: Geodetic and Cartographic Law and individual tax laws making these data binding and applicable has been examined as well. Also this latter issue generates frequently diverging opinions expressed by administrative courts. The last part of the paper contains de lege lata and de lege ferenda postulates intended to reconcile the presented controversies connected with the classifi cation of individual land as forest. The authors hope that implementation of these postulates will contribute to the unifi cation of the judiciary opinions regarding the concept of a forest and consequently will help to eliminate the existing doubts.
This article describes the role of forests in climate change policy. It examines the inclusion of the forestry sector into the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, focusing mainly on two concepts currently being developed in international debates: LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) and REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). In addition to providing an overview and analysis of these concepts, the article also outlines their potential consequences for forests in Poland and reviews the EU actions to include the forestry sector into European climate policy. Finally, some issues related to forest use for carbon offsetting and energy generation are discussed as well.
The forests of Szadek commune are diversify with regard to habitat conditions and tree stand composition. Over a century of use of the forests as a result of the fragmentation of forests complexes, exploitation of the forest for timber, cultivation of Pinus sylvestris monocultures, introduction of alien wood species (Quercus rubra, Robinia pseudoaccacia) and a change of water regime and soil conditions, the natural forests have been changed and new anthropogenic communities have been developed. The present structure and species composition of tree stand are mainly a result of forest management and frequently they are incompatible with habitat conditions.
W artykule przedstawiono skalę zniszczeń w lasach skarbowych na obszarze Królestwa Polskiego oraz zachodnich guberni państwa rosyjskiego (wileńskiej, mińskiej, wołyńskiej, grodzieńskiej), które w okresie I wojny światowej znalazły się pod niemieckim zarządem okupacyjnym, a po jej zakończeniu stanowiły część odrodzonej Rzeczypospolitej. Spustoszenia w drzewostanach powstawały w wyniku bezpośrednich działań wojennych, dewastacji prowadzonych zarówno przez walczących żołnierzy, jak też ludność cywilną oraz eksploatacji gospodarczej. Na skalę zniszczeń wpływało wiele czynników, m.in. dostępność sieci transportowej (kolejowej, wodnej, drogowej), wielkość powierzchni leśnych, stopień zagospodarowania terenów zalesionych oraz przebieg linii frontu.
The article discusses the scale of destruction in the Treasury forests located in the Kingdom of Poland and the western governorates of the Russian state (Vilna, Minsk, Volhynia, Grodno) which came under German occupation during World War I and formed part of the reborn Polish state after the end of the armed conflict. Damage inflicted on forest stands resulted from direct military operations, destruction brought by both soldiers and civilians, as well as economic exploitation. The scale of destruction was dictated by various factors, including the availability of transportation network (rail, waterways, roads), the size of forests, the level of development in forested areas and the location of the front lines.
Forestry Law does not constitute an autonomous branch of law – it is in fact most commonly percieved as part of the environmental law. However, this does not mean, that it is impossible to extract general principles of the Forest Law. The Forest Act contains a catalogue of explicitly formulated general principles of forest management, which at the same time are the principles of forest law. Furthermore, it is possible to reconstruct some addi tional general principles from specific provisions of the Forest Act, as well as to indicate those of the principles of the environmental law, which may be extended to forestry regulations. The aim of this paper is therefore to formulate and analyse the general principles: (1) expressly articulated by the legislature; (2) possible to reconstruct from the detailed provisions of the Forest Act; (3) of the environmental law, which can be applied to forestry regulations. The result of the survey is a more extensive catalogue of general principles of forest law in directive-descriptive terms, which may contribute to the extension of the autonomy of the forest law.
Prawo leśne nie stanowi autonomicznej gałęzi prawa – jest bowiem najczęściej postrzegane jako część prawa ochrony środowiska. Nie oznacza to jednak, że nie da się wyodrębnić zasad ogólnych prawa leśnego. Ustawa o lasach zawiera katalog explicite sformułowanych zasad ogólnych gospodarki leśnej, będących jednocześnie zasadami prawa leśnego. Ponadto możliwe jest zrekonstruowanie kolejnych zasad ogólnych ze szczegółowych przepisów ustawy o lasach, a także wskazanie tych zasad prawa ochrony środowiska, które mogą zostać rozciągnięte na regulacje leśne. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest więc sformułowanie i analiza zasad ogólnych: (1) expressis verbis wyartykułowanych przez ustawodawcę; (2) możliwych do zrekonstruowania w oparciu o szczegółowe unormowania ustawy o lasach; (3) prawa ochrony środowiska, które mogą być aplikowane do regulacji leśnych. Efektem badania jest stworzenie bardziej rozbudowanego katalogu zasad ogólnych prawa leśnego w ujęciu dyrektywalno-opisowym, co może przyczyniać się do poszerzenia autonomii prawa leśnego.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki przeniesienia własności nieruchomości leśnych znacjonalizowanych po II wojnie światowej. Obejmuje tematykę nabywania majątku w drodze dekretów nacjonalizacyjnych oraz dylematy związane z kwestią reprywatyzacji. Nacjonalizacja lasów w całym kraju odbywała się głównie na podstawie dekretu PKWN z dnia 12 grudnia 1944 r. o przejęciu niektórych lasów na własność Skarbu Państwa. Dekret ten był uzupełnieniem dekretu o reformie rolnej, który zapoczątkował zmiany ustrojowe i właścicielskie po II wojnie światowej. W pewnym sensie ukoronował dzieło nacjonalizacji, obejmując lasy o mniejszej powierzchni, niepodlegające przejęciu na mocy dekretu o reformie rolnej. Różne podstawy prawne nacjonalizacji lasów determinowały procedury reprywatyzacyjne wszczęte po 1989 r. W artykule uwzględniono inicjatywy legislacyjne podejmowane na przestrzeni lat oraz istniejące rozwiązania ustawowe, a także orzecznictwo wpływające na wykładnię norm prawnych.
The article concerns the transfer of ownership of forest property, nationalized after World War II. It covers the process of property acquisition by way of nationalization decrees and dilemmas related to the issue of reprivatisation. Nationalization of forests throughout the country was mainly based on the Decree of the PKWN of December 12, 1944. on the takeover of some forests under the ownership of the Treasury. This decree was a supplement to the decree on agricultural reform, which initiated changes in the system and ownership after the Second World War. In a sense, it crowned the ‘task’ of nationalization, covering forests with a smaller area, not subject to the takeover under the agricultural reform decree. Different legal grounds for the nationalization of forests determined different re-privatization procedures initiated after 1989. The work includes issues proposed over the years and existing statutory solutions, as well as case law affecting the interpretation of legal norms.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań archeologicznych w lesie w Bagiczu (północno-zachodnia Polska), oparte w dużej mierze na metodach nieinwazyjnych oraz badaniach wykopaliskowych dwóch kurhanów kultury wielbarskiej.
The article presents results of the archaeological research in the Bagicz forest, NW Poland, based largely on non-invasive methods, with additional data obtained through excavation of two barrows of the Roman Iron Age Wielbark culture.
With the background of general characteristics of forests in Poland, the objective and scope of innovativeness has been discussed in economy, including forest economy, and in work safety management. Special attention has been paid to the specific nature of noxiousness of work in a highly varied work environment, which often times extremely unfavourably increases health risk, or even poses hazard to life of the employees in the forestry process. Implementing the issues of innovativeness in forestry should be related to the current achievements in science and to technical progress, with a view on the necessity of eliminating or effective reducing accidents in the works related to acquiring raw timber.
Na tle ogólnej charakterystyki lasów w Polsce omówione zostały cel i zakres innowacyjności w gospodarce, w tym w gospodarce leśnej i zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem pracy. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na specyfikę uciążliwości wykonywanych zajęć ze strony zróżnicowanego środowiska pracy, które niejednokrotnie w sposób szczególnie niekorzystny wpływają na wzrost zagrożenia zdrowia, a nawet życia pracowników w procesie użytkowania lasu. Wdrażanie problematyki innowacyjności w leśnictwie powinno nawiązywać do bieżących osiągnięć nauki i postępu technicznego, zwracając przy tym uwagę na konieczność eliminowania względnie znacznego ograniczania wypadkowości w pracach związanych z pozyskiwaniem surowca drzewnego.
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