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Aim. The aim of the article is to identify and describe internet-consumption behavioral patterns that have been common after the Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. Concept. In July 2022, we conducted a quantitative research based on an online survey in which 800 members for the Slovak Generation Z participated. Results. The results indicate a notable decrease in the quantity of time the Slovak Generation Z members spend daily online, when compared to the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the average daily time spent online never returned to the numbers typical for the pre-Covid times. Conclusion. Our data are an asset to the general knowledge base about the Slovak Generation Z internet-consumption behavioral patterns, but they are also specifically relevant for the disciplines of marketing, and mass-media communication, that view the Generation Z cohort as a part of  the global audience. Cognitive value. The article contributes to the growing knowledge-base about the internet-consumption behavioral patterns of the (Slovak) Generation Z, and as such could be  valuable for building theories about this part of the audience between the years 2020 and 2030, which will be a pivotal time for the development of marketing, internet and mass-media communication and the changes that will occur along with the change of the dominant position from the Generation Y to Generation Z, when it comes to the influence on the world’s mass-media markets, but also in other segments.
The main aim of the article is to present the research on axiological attitudes among high school students in Poland, referring to their interest in ecological issues and the desire to be a conscious, active participant in the ongoing discussion. The article describes four attitudes among students representing generation Z – distinguished on the basis of k-means cluster analysis. These attitudes were identified as the expression of a specific evaluation of each of nine ecological issues, elaborated within the Planetary Boundaries model. The evaluative statements clustered into attitudes (apathetic, uninterested, interested, engaged) were discussed in the context of the knowledge about climate challenges declared by young people, opinions about responsibility for solving climate problems and willingness to take pro-climate actions. Finally, educational recommendations were formulated.
The oldest representatives of generation Z have already entered the labor market, which sets a lot of new challenges for human resource managers, associated with their adoption into companies. It becomes necessary to learn values, needs and motivations in order to apply adequate human resource management methods. According to the authors the situation gets complicated by the fact that generation Z demonstrates contradictory qualities, which undoubtedly makes it difficult to fully understand its representatives. Hence they can be described as the “generation of paradoxes”. This article aims to identify and generally chartacterise the paradoxes typical of the representatives of this generation. The article also attempts to answer the question: How to manage the workforce from generation full of paradoxes? The article is based on domestic and foreign literature as well as on research conducted by the authors.
Labor market instability entails a deterioration in the living and working conditions of contemporary youth. The main aim of this article is to present the views of young people belonging to generation Z on the assessment of situation in which they are entering the labor market and their own chances in the context of the possibility of fulfilling their goals and personal plans. The article consists of three parts. The first one is an attempt to discuss the causes and consequences of phenomena occurring on the contemporary Polish labor market. The second part presents the characteristics of the representatives of generation Z. The article ends with the presentation of the results of pilot studies conducted among the students of Częstochowa University of Technology, whose task was to present their own reflections on the situation on the national labor market in terms of their expectations and requirements of the market.
Generations Y and Z are constantly associated with new technologies, so it causes them to think and process information in a different way than their predecessors.. It is extremely hard to state clearly how many benefits and how many problems modern technology brings to the process of learning. On the other hand, technological development cannot be stopped. Therefore, it is necessary to learn about technology and to accept it without negating other factors influencing modern education, like psychosocial and cultural factors. A good academic lecturer should be aware of this close relationship between new technologies and the way in which modern students are learning. The main goal of this article is to try to build a model of an individual style of academic lecturer teaching at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. In version 2.0, the individual lecturer workshop consists of a) the personality of the lecturer and his/her adaptive skills, b) motivation and attitude, c) knowledge and skills in social competences, d) the quality of interpersonal communication (face-to-face, indirect communication), e) the image of an ideal lecturer, f) tangible and virtual elements of the image, and g) technology used in teaching. The contemporary lecturer creates his/her own style of teaching during classes. Firstly, he/she should adjust the tools for transferring knowledge to the students and their perceptive abilities. Secondly, he/she ought to help them in the final settlement of truth and the reliability of sources of knowledge.
Objectives. The present study aimed to investi-gate the generational and gender differences in narcissism score, and value orientation among Slovakian generations Y and Z.Sample and settings. The sample of the research consisted of 955 participants, 192 men and 763 women. Generation Y consisted of 501 respon-dents and generation Z consisted of 454 respon-dents. The 16-Item Narcissistic Personality In-ventory and Portrait Values Questionnaire were administered.Hypotheses. The score of narcissism is higher in generation Z compared to generation Y and there are no differences in the value preference between these generations. There is a positive relationship between the narcissism score and individualistic values and negative relationship between narcissism score and collectivist va-lues.Statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics: per-centage, averages and standard deviations. In-ferential statistics: ANOVA, Pearson corelation analysis, Z-test for independent samples, mul-tiple linear regression. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS.Results. The results revealed higher narcissi-sm scores among generation Y in comparison to generation Z, with men having a higher rate of narcissism. The results indicated differen-ces between the generations and gender in the preference for the values of power, hedonism, stimulation, benevolence, universalism and se-curity. The data supported significant positive relationship between narcissism and individu-alistic values; negative relationship between narcissism and collectivist values, regardless of gender and generation. The preference for indi-vidualistic values was predicted by the narcissi-sm and generation; within collectivism, only the narcissism proved to be a significant predictor.Limitations. The limitations result from data collection, research design, the nature of the re-search group and the methods used. The results are valid for the researched group only.
There is several generations of employees, functioning on Polish labour market. They have different attitude to work, professional development, varied expectations and aspirations, which stem from changing demographic, historical and economic circumstances, which particular generations function in. That variety poses a large challenge both members of intergenerational teams and managers, requires of a manager a skilful exploitation of different generations’ potential. The aim of the article is reporting conditions shaping the present-day labour market. At first, authors suggest a definition of a generation on the labour market, then authors describe the phenomena shaping the Polish labour market and talk over demographic, historical and economic circumstances of the passage of generations in Poland in the space of seventy years. In further part of the article authors conduct the critical analysis of the typology of labours generations, functioning in subject literature. Finally, authors characterize particular generations present on the Polish labour market both demographical and personal features.
Grzesiak Emilia, Eudajmonizm w dobie pokolenia Z. Rozważania aksjologiczne [Eudaimonism in the Era of Generation Z. Axiological Considerations]. Studia Edukacyjne nr 56, 2020, Poznań 2020, pp. 267-296. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 1233-6688. DOI: 10.14746/se.2020.56.15 This article deals with the category of happiness and its importance and role for the young people in the 21st century. Happiness in this dimension, however, is not understood as a state of satisfaction (in the individual dimension), but as a goal to which we aspire in our life. The text presents an axiological presentation of the issue, and the considerations cited in the article were referred to one of the ethical positions, which is the idea of eudaimonism.
Hase and Kenyon (2001) explored the learning theory of heutagogy along the continuum of learning theories. Heutagogy provides a framework for self-determined learning and follows the continuum created through the theories of pedagogy and andragogy. However, the practice of heutagogy allows students to remain in control of their learning through the application of self-determined learning. This approach is significant when used in relation to mobile learning devices. This theory is highly relevant in considering how to best provide learning for Gen Z students, born between 1995 and 2012. This paper suggests there are benefits in exploring Gen Z student learning through a heutagogical application.
Objectives: The subject of the article are reflections on the issue of addiction in the XXIst century on the example of e-drugs. This is a relatively new type of threat. It affects young people who often use the Internet and are permanently online. E-drugs gained particular popularity in 2008-2010. The people who are currently in the 20-30 age range could be exposed to these resources at that time. Therefore, it was decided to determine what is the level of knowledge about e-drugs among young people in Poland, what are the experiences of the respondents regarding the use of psychoactive substances. Material and methods: The research was carried out using the author’s survey, which was made available through an interactive Google survey. The responses of 102 respondents were included in the final analysis, including 54 men and 48 women (M = 22,3) living in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Results: More than half (53%) visited websites where can use e-drugs, 43% have used them, including 20% more than once. E-drugs are considered the least dangerous in terms of the possibility of addiction, compared to other. The average value given to e-drugs is 7.3 out of 12. On the other hand, alcohol (9), heroin (8.3), gambling (8.3) and computer games (8.3) were considered the most dangerous measures. Conclusions: This work has a theoretical and practical dimension, because in addition to theories own research and practical implications will be presented.
We are witnessing a generational change in the labor market. The baby boomer generation is replaced by the representatives of the Z generation. The different environment in which they grew up, especially the technology advancing over several decades, has resulted in these generations having completely different characteristics. The conditions of a given generation influence the needs and expectations in private and professional life. This becomes a challenge for employers who have to adjust workplaces to their needs. Moreover, the working atmosphere can be an important factor in the employer's competitiveness in the labor market. Literature studies have shown that although there are many studies on Generation Y (preceding), there are few studies describing Generation Z in the labor market, thus creating a research gap. The purpose of this study was to analyze companies operating in Poland in terms of adapting their workplaces to the Z generation. The main focus of the study are issues related to a friendly atmosphere in the office, the latest technology, ambassador programs, internships and apprenticeships, benefit packages, onboarding and CSR. According to research enterprises make changes in order to adapt to generation Z, however, they do not manifest them excessively. Firms and organizations should consider development report on adjustments to generational change in the labor market.
Discourse, understood as language practices, sets the boundaries of perceiving the world and plays a critical role in organizing cultural and social practices. Individualism discourse seems to dominate and reveal itself in many areas of life. Love and relationships are examples of such a field, as it depends greatly on social agreements and products of culture. This article will present the results of a research conducted in 2019 and 2020, which was an outcome of the observation of seemingly independent communication discourses: individualism discourse and love discourses. The former is heavily supported by the rapid development of new media and may bring potential changes in the ways of perceiving love and the behavioral patterns connected to romantic relationships. The research of a qualitative nature was conducted on a sample of 10 members of Generation Z. Individual in-depth interviews and meaningfocused discourse analysis allowed to explore how individualism discourse manifests itself in the communication of the given generation regarding love and relationships. As the research shows, individualism discourse reveals itself in Generation Z’s perception of love and relationship, especially in terms of expectations and lack of universal rules, although its effect is not always predictable.
In the second half of 2021, a new phenomenon called Quiet Quitting has emerged in the US regarding attitudes toward work. The phenomenon is a kind of trend that has gained a lot of popularity thanks to social media, especially among people from Generation Z, due to their relatively high activity in the virtual world. Quiet Quitting refers to renouncing the 'cult of work' and performing one's work duties to the bare minimum, in order to maintain work-life balance and also to avoid professional burnout. The purpose of this article is to present the attitudes toward work of Generation Z people, in terms of their tendency's characteristic of the Quiet Quitting phenomenon, as well as to identify the key aspects of work for this group that motivate them to perform their professional duties. It was deemed important to survey this age group, as the people who mainly contributed to the prevalence of the phenomenon. The survey found that 57% of respondents had not heard of the phenomenon of Quiet Quitting, and 80% of respondents said they were engaged in their work tasks. The analysis of the results of the survey made it possible to determine that the approach to work of people from generation Z, does not coincide with the assumptions of the phenomenon of Quiet Quitting employees from this generation strive to maintain a balance between work and private life, but they continue to engage in professional duties, and work is an important part of life for them. In their work life, they value, above all, a good atmosphere and integration with the team, which is also what motivates them the most to work.
W drugiej połowie 2021 roku w USA powstało nowe zjawisko zwane Quiet Quitting (QQ) dotyczące nastawienia do pracy. Zjawisko jest swego rodzaju trendem, który za sprawą mediów społecznościowych zyskał dużą popularność, zwłaszcza wśród osób z pokolenia Z ze względu na ich stosunkowo dużą aktywność w świecie wirtualnym. QQ dotyczy wyrzeczenia się tzw. kultu pracy oraz wykonywania swoich obowiązków służbowych na poziomie absolutnego minimum w celu zachowania work-life balance, a także uniknięcia wypalenia zawodowego. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie nastawienia do pracy osób z pokolenia Z pod kątem występowania w nim tendencji charakterystycznych dla zjawiska QQ, a także określenie kluczowych dla tej grupy aspektów pracy, które motywują ich do wykonywania obowiązków zawodowych. Można założyć, że wśród pracowników pokolenia Z zachowania charakterystyczne dla zjawiska QQ występują w większym stopniu niż wśród ogółu polskich pracowników, ponieważ to oni, za pomocą mediów społecznościowych, w największej ilości wpłynęli na rozprzestrzenienie się tego trendu, zatem można zadać pytanie: czy pracownicy pokolenia Z podchodzą do pracy zgodnie z założeniami QQ? Wyniki pokazały, że podejście do pracy osób z pokolenia Z nie pokrywa się z założeniami zjawiska QQ. Pracownicy pokolenia Z dążą do zachowania balansu pomiędzy pracą a życiem prywatnym, jednak w dalszym ciągu angażują się w obowiązki zawodowe, a praca jest dla nich istotnym elementem życia. W życiu zawodowym cenią sobie przede wszystkim dobrą atmosferę i integrację z zespołem, co też stanowi najważniejszą składową ich motywacji do pracy.
Celem artykułu było rozpoznanie wybranych aspektów oczekiwań zawodowych przedstawicieli dwóch najmłodszych pokoleń obecnych na rynku pracy, czyli Y i Z. Przedstawiony przegląd literatury przedmiotu oraz wyniki zaprezentowanych badań pozwalają na sformułowanie hipotezy, że pokolenia te, dorastające w specyficznych warunkach rewolucji informatycznej i informacyjnej, postrzegają inaczej niż urodzeni wcześniej swoje miejsce na współczesnym rynku pracy, mają odmienne oczekiwania w kwestiach dotyczących warunków zatrudnienia. Pierwsza część opracowania została oparta na wybranych pozycjach z literatury przedmiotu. Dokonano porównania cech charakterystycznych dla obu grup pokoleniowych. Następnie zaprezentowano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w listopadzie 2018 roku wśród studentów, którzy potrafili określić i zdiagnozować swoje oczekiwania wobec pracy zawodowej i pracodawców. Ustalenia wynikające z tego badania pokazują, jakie potrzeby artykułują oba pokolenia wobec pracodawców i jakie są ich oczekiwania odnośnie do ofert pracy. Warto podkreślić, że część z respondentów, poza studiowaniem, była już aktywna zawodowo, czyli posiadała pewne doświadczenia związane ze środowiskiem pracy. Autorka ma świadomość fragmentaryczności przedstawionych wyników, które należy traktować jako przyczynek do kontynuacji dalszych poszukiwań badawczych wśród reprezentatywnej grupy osób.
The aim of the article is to identify selected aspects of professional expectations among representatives of the two youngest generations present on the labor market—i.e. generation Y and generation Z. The presented review of topical literature as well as the results of the presented research allow the formulation of the hypothesis that these generations—which grew up subject to the specific conditions of the information and IT revolution—perceive their place on the modern labor market differently than did previous generations and have different expectations with respect to employment conditions. The first part of the study was based on an analysis of selected items from topical literature. It compares the characteristics of the two generations. The next section presents research carried out in November of 2018 among college students who were capable of defining and diagnosing their expectations with respect to professional work and employers. The findings of this study show needs articulated by both generations with respect to employers and what their expectations are regarding job offers. Worth stressing is that some of the respondents were already professionally active in addition to their studies. Thus, they already had experience regarding the work environment. The author is aware of the fragmentary nature of the presented results, which should be treated as a contribution leading to a continuation of research among a representative group of people.
The representatives of Generation Z are entering the organization now with the specific expectations, skills and competences. They determine the manner of behavior and building relationships between them and other employees, as well as superiors in each organization. Hence, the aim of the considerations is to analyze and classify communication barriers with the Generation Z. At the beginning, as a result of a critical analysis of the literature, the context of generation differences was presented and communication barriers were described. Then, the author presents the division of communication barriers with the Generation Z and describes its most important elements. Finally, there were presented the recommendations for managers of different levels and training companies in the field of management training regarding communication with Generation Z in organizations. The knowing of communication barriers with Generation Z allows to take strategic and corrective actions in order to improve communication processes at all levels of the organization's functioning.
Przedstawiciele pokolenia Z wchodzą obecnie do organizacji z określonymi oczekiwaniami, umiejętnościami oraz kompetencjami. Warunkują one sposób zachowania i budowania relacji między nimi a innymi pracownikami, a także przełożonymi w każdej organizacji. Stąd celem rozważań jest analiza i klasyfikacja barier komunikacyjnych z pokoleniem Z. Na początku w wyniku krytycznej analizy literatury przedstawiono kontekst różnic pokoleniowych oraz opisano bariery komunikacyjne. Następnie ukazano autorski podział barier komunikacyjnych z pokoleniem Z oraz opisano jego najważniejsze elementy. Na koniec przedstawiono rekomendacje dotyczące komunikacji z pokoleniem Z w organizacjach dla menedżerów różnego szczebla oraz firm szkoleniowych w zakresie szkolenia kadry menedżerskiej. Posiadanie wiedzy z zakresu barier w komunikacji z pokoleniem Z pozwala na podejmowanie strategicznych i naprawczych działań w celu usprawnienia procesów komunikacyjnych na wszystkich poziomach funkcjonowania organizacji.
The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of the development of startups perceived by representatives of generation Z in Poland. It is important to obtain an answer to the research question: what determines the development of startups to the greatest extent? The goal was achieved through a review of the literature, conducting a survey on a group of 500 members of generation Z, i.e. people entering the labour market, who are most prone to setting up startups, and analysing the results obtained.Based on the analysis of the literature on the subject, an attempt was made to identify the determinants of startup success. Based on this, a questionnaire was created, which was used in to gather data. The survey was conducted in May–December 2021 via the Internet. The respondents indicated that new technologies and the method of financing determine the development of a startup to the greatest extent. It is also important that the respondents noticed that competences are the key to being able to develop a startup, perceiving intellectual capital as an important determinant of its success. In addition, they identified a large impact of cooperation with corporations on the dynamic development of a startup.The startup is part of the 4.0 era by providing an innovative product to the market. Nevertheless, its success depends on the competencies of the organisation, determining the development of a scalable business model. Startups develop in a dynamically changing environment, so they must be able to effectively use emerging opportunities and avoid threats.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja determinant rozwoju startupów postrzeganych przez przedstawicieli pokolenia Z w Polsce. Ważne jest uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytanie badawcze: jakie czynniki w największym stopniu determinują rozwój startupów. Realizacja obranego celu była możliwa dzięki dokonaniu przeglądu literatury, przeprowadzeniu badania z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety na grupie 500 osób pokolenia Z, czyli osób wchodzących na rynek pracy, które cechuje największa skłonność do zakładania startupów i analizie uzyskanych odpowiedzi. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu podjęto próbę wskazania determinant sukcesu startupów. Następnie powstał kwestionariusz ankiety, który znalazł zastosowanie w procesie zbierania informacji. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało w okresie maj–grudzień 2021 roku za pośrednictwem Internetu. Badani wskazali, że rozwój startupu w największym stopniu determinują nowe technologie i sposób finansowania. Ważne jest również, że dostrzegają, iż kompetencje stanowią klucz do tego, aby móc rozwijać startup, postrzegając kapitał intelektualny jako ważną determinantę jego sukcesu. Ponadto identyfikują duży wpływ współpracy z korporacjami na dynamiczny rozwój startupu. Startup wpisuje się w erę 4.0, dostarczając na rynek innowacyjny produkt. Niemniej jego sukces uzależniony jest od kompetencji organizacji warunkujących wypracowanie skalowalnego modelu biznesowego. Startupy rozwijają się w zmiennym otoczeniu, zatem muszą umieć skutecznie wykorzystać pojawiające się okazje i uniknąć zagrożeń.
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Pokolenie przełomu w WEB 2.0

Przedstawicielami generacji Y są osoby urodzone w latach 1977–1997. Inaczej zwani „okablowanym pokoleniem”, są wprawni w wykorzystaniu narzędzi internetowych. Ich umiejętności w wykorzystaniu tego medium stają w konfrontacji z wyzwaniem dla społeczeństwa informacyjnego, jakim jest upowszechnienie serwisów Web 2.0. Natomiast przedstawiciele generacji Z, tzw. „milenijczycy”, to osoby urodzone po roku 2000, dla których często wirtualna rzeczywistość jest tożsama z prawdziwą i dla których Internet „istniał od zawsze”. W literaturze występują pewne rozbieżności w zakresach dat podawanych jako graniczne dla każdej generacji. Z tego powodu pokolenie osób młodych, dwudziestokilkulatków, bywa zaliczane zarówno do generacji Y, jak i Z – pokolenie przełomu. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie sposobów wykorzystania narzędzi Web 2.0 przez przedstawicieli pokolenia, będącego na granicy generacji Y i Z wraz z towarzyszącymi temu procesowi szansami oraz zagrożeniami. W tym celu, wykorzystując aktualną literaturę tematu, wykonaliśmy porównanie generacji internautów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pokolenia przełomu. W dalszej części opisano wyniki badania ankietowego, przeprowadzonego wśród przedstawicieli tej generacji, diagnozującego sposoby wykorzystania Internetu oraz płynące z tego potencjalne szanse i zagrożenia.
The representatives of generation Y are those born in the years 1977–1997. Otherwise known as “wired generation”, they are fluent in the Internet usage. Their skills in using this medium are confronted with the challenge of the information society, namely the spread of WEB 2.0 services. The representatives of Generation Z, though, the so-called “Millenials” are born after 2000 and perceive virtual reality as it was the same as a ‘real’ one. For them the Internet ‘always existed’. In the literature, there are some differences in the date ranges given for each generation. For this reason, generation of young people in their twenties, is sometimes included in both – the generation Y and Z – and called the breakthrough generation. The aim of the paper is to present ways WEB 2.0 services usage by representatives of the breakthrough generation together with the opportunities and threats. For this purpose, basing on the current literature of the subject, a comparison of the Internet tools usage by different generations of web surfers with particular emphasis on the generation breakthrough was made. In the next part of the paper, there were presented results of the survey that was carried out among representatives of breakthrough generation. The purpose of research was to detect ways of the Internet usage and emerging from this potential opportunities and threats.
The article presents the results of own research on the perception and understanding of “authorities” by Generation Z, with a focus on the importance of social media in this field. Are authorities timeless? Despite the peculiarities of the time, are we still impressed by the same values? Questions of rank and authority are crucial when trying to understand and create a general characterological characteristic of the representatives of a generation. The results of these considerations are crucial for the design of human resources management strategies and the adaptation of techniques and tools, as well as for the creation and selection of communication channels, especially with employees born in a digitalised world. In addition, this problem has gained importance with the development and popularization of social media, hence the main question: What role do social media play in the formation of authorities?
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych w zakresie postrzegania i rozumienia “autorytetów” przez przedstawicieli pokolenia Z, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem znaczenia w tym obszarze mediów społecznościowych. Czy autorytety są ponadczasowe? Czy niezależnie od specyfiki czasów wciąż imponują nam te same wartości? Pytania dotyczące hierarchii wartości czy autorytetów są kluczowe podczas próby zrozumienia i wykreowania generalnego rysu charakterologicznego przedstawicieli danego pokolenia. Wyniki tych rozważań są kluczowe przy kształtowaniu strategii zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi i dostosowywaniu technik i narzędzi, a także konstruowaniu i wyborze kanałów komunikacji, w szczególności z pracownikami urodzonymi w scyfryzowanym świecie. Co więcej, problem ten zyskał na znaczeniu wraz z rozwojem i popularyzacją mediów społecznościowych, stąd wiodące pytanie: jaką rolę odgrywają media społecznościowe w procesie kształtowania się autorytetów?
The main aim of this article is to provide an insight into the situation on the labour market and professional perspectives related to the education and qualifications of young Poles, representatives of the so-called Z generation (people born after 1995). I review the situation on the basis of an analysis of the existing data and an analysis of the labour market and youth employment. The aim of the analysis is to answer questions about the value of work for young people, its place in the hierarchy of values, attitude to work, how it is described and evaluated by them, what conditions it should meet. The second objective is to describe the reality of work and employment of the youngest generation. The analysis is carried out using political ecology theory and the category of generation, but only at the level of the generation location. In the article I try to reconstruct the way of structural shaping of young people’s lives and choices, assuming that it is the social context that mainly influences young people’s attitudes and views, creating specific structural opportunities and providing them with specific resources.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest wgląd w sytuację na rynku pracy oraz perspektywy zawodowe związane z wykształceniem i kwalifikacjami młodych Polaków, przedstawicieli tzw. pokolenia Z, czyli osób urodzonych po 1995 r. Przeglądu sytuacji dokonuję w oparciu o analizę danych zastanych oraz analizę rynku pracy i zatrudnienia osób młodych. Analiza ma na celu udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytania o to, jaką wartość dla młodych osób stanowi praca, jakie miejsce zajmuje w hierarchii wartości, jaki stosunek do pracy mają osoby młode, jak jest przez nie opisywana i ewaluowana, jakie warunki powinna spełniać. Drugim celem jest opis realiów pracy i zatrudnienia najmłodszego pokolenia. Analiza prowadzona jest przy zastosowaniu teorii ekologii politycznej oraz kategorii pokolenia, ale wyłącznie na poziomie wspólnoty położenia. W artykule staram się dokonać rekonstrukcji sposobu strukturalnego kształtowania życia i wyborów młodych ludzi, zakładając, że to kontekst społeczny w głównej mierze wpływa na postawy i poglądy młodych ludzi, stwarzając im określone możliwości strukturalne oraz wyposażając w konkretne zasoby.
The main purpose of the article is presenting the role of social media in the process of shaping the behaviours of young consumers in the context of utilization of chosen social media in the process of making purchasing decisions. The conducted research has shown that social media constitute an inseparable part of almost every decision-making process. The contents published in social media not only generate needs among young consumers, encouraging them to make unplanned purchases, but also constitute an important source of inspiration at the stage of looking for alternatives for satisfying their needs. Additionally, social media constitute a precious source of information about products and a place for expressing opinions and sharing purchasing experiences. The article presents a definition and classification of social media, as well as current data concerning young consumers as a market segment. In further part of the article the results of research concerning the influence of chosen social media portals on the behaviours of young consumers are presented on the basis of the example of fashion market.
Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie roli mediów społecznościowych w kształtowaniu zachowań młodych konsumentów w kontekście wykorzystania w procesie podejmowania decyzji zakupowych wybranych serwisów społecznościowych. Przeprowadzone badania dowiodły, że media społecznościowe stanowią nieodłączną część niemalże każdego etapu procesu decyzyjnego. Treści publikowane w mediach społecznościowych nie tylko generują potrzeby u młodych konsumentów, skłaniając ich do zakupów nieplanowanych, ale także stanowią ważne źródło inspiracji na etapie poszukiwania alternatyw zaspokojenia potrzeb. Dodatkowo media społecznościowe stanowią cenne źródło informacji o produktach oraz miejsce wyrażania opinii i dzielenia się doświadczeniami zakupowymi. W artykule przedstawiono definicję oraz klasyfikację mediów społecznościowych oraz aktualne dane dotyczące młodych konsumentów jako segmentu runku. W dalszej części zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczących wpływu wybranych portali społecznościowych na zachowania młodych konsumentów na przykładzie rynku odzieżowego.
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